Invasion of Her Heart (6 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio,Ana Lee Kennedy

BOOK: Invasion of Her Heart
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“How could I have forgotten…how good…foreplay feels?” Venus whispered to herself and grabbed onto the bed’s side. He didn’t need any help pleasuring her as far as she was concerned.

His warm breath was the only clue she had before he stuck out his unusually long tongue and wrapped it around her clit, rubbing and pulling on it.

“Jaxxon,” Venus moaned. Sweat dripped down her face, and her legs trembled when he released the pressure on her clit and just stroked it.

“You’re almost there,” Jaxxon murmured. He removed his fingers from her pussy and slowly pushed them into her ass the same time he slid his tongue into her.

Venus screamed, pushing her hips against his fingers, meeting his thrusts. Her body shook from the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced. It had been so long since she’d been with a man, years in fact. Now pinpoints of light burst behind her eyelids, her heart thundered until she thought it would burst from her chest, and arrows of electricity skewered every sensitive region of her form. She gasped and panted.

“Oh!” Venus vibrated with sensation. “Hell! Damn!” Another cry ripped from her lips as a smaller orgasm pulsed through her.

Jaxxon rose above her and kissed her lips, his
rubbing against her belly. He grabbed her legs and brought each one up to his corresponding shoulder, then pushed into her pussy. He rolled her nipples with his warm, strong fingers as he thrust slowly into her.

“Oh!” She stiffened. The man was so big; his cock stretched her. He moved forward inch by inch, the hot itch of widening tissues rendering her immobile. She lay quietly as she waited for the burning sensation to fade, and Jaxxon paused too, his breathing heavy in her ear. Once the half-painful, half-pleasurable feeling passed, the need to have Jaxxon stretch her further, to fill her up until she felt skewered, overwhelmed everything else. She pulled him down to her, kissing his lips. Venus tasted her juices on him the instant his tongue stroked hers.

He broke the kiss and moved down slightly, where he latched onto her nipple with his teeth, gently biting. “Hold onto something, Venus.” He barely gave her a chance to grab onto the bedsides again before he slipped out of her only to ram into her again.

Something tickled her insides as well as being slick and hard. The sensation was impossible for her to label, but it was delicious all the same. “What…is…that?” She tried to move her hips, but Jaxxon held her still. Her inner walls quivered against something fine, or velvety. “It feels so damn good!”

Smiling, Jaxxon moved his hips in circles and rubbed against her clit. “Our sapins are covered in
, which is like fine fuzz….” His voice trailed off as he pushed deep.

“And?” she breathed.

“And…they secrete…a chemical which aids a female’s fertility, and pleasure.

Give me your nectar, Venus, and squeeze me.”

A small upholstery nail snapped as she gripped tighter onto the bed.

Jaxxon thrust faster and faster. He threw his head back, his damp hair sticking to the sides of his face. He groaned, the sound low, passionate, ravenous. Warm fluid filled Venus’s pussy and triggered another much longer orgasm. Jaxxon gently lifted one of her legs off his shoulder, kissing the instep of her foot.

“You’re so beautiful when you come.” He pulled her other leg off his shoulder, giving it the same attention he’d given the first. Venus was sweaty and stiff, but Jaxxon lowered his body on top of hers, keeping their pelvises joined, and kissed a path from her breast to her neck, and then to her lips.

Venus never knew sex could be so powerful. Soft tremors still moved through her. Her body ached, but in a good way.

He rolled over onto the couch, pulling her on top of him, never breaking the kiss or sliding out of her. Venus drew back from the kiss and sighed as she laid her head on his wide, muscular chest.

“Thank you, Venus. You’ve humbled me. Rest now.” He kissed her forehead and stroked her back.

Venus closed her eyes. She would deal with Jaxxon tomorrow. Right now all she wanted to do was sleep. Exhaustion claimed her.




The sun’s rays filtered through the tall glass windows, and Venus grumbled, rolling over. Soreness riddled her body, and her dry mouth felt like sandpaper. Venus sat up and scanned the room. Jaxxon was gone.

“What the hell did I do?” She whimpered and flipped the blanket back.

Tonto approached her and whined. “I know, boy. It’s hunting day.” Venus patted his head and moved to the bathroom to splash water on her face. She quickly washed her body and dressed in her camouflage shorts and top, then brushed her long hair and braided it. Venus strolled into her living quarters, grabbing her hunting pack, a canteen of water, rifle, sunglasses, and ammo as she crossed the room. “Now all I need to do is slip by our guests.” She smiled at Tonto, who followed her to the back stairs.

At the small closet, she paused and turned off the force field. “Now be quiet, Tonto. I want to sneak out before they know I’m gone.” She needed time to think. Too many new things were going on for her to absorb them all at once. Slowly and quietly, she made her way downstairs and stepped into the early morning sun. “It’s going to be another hot one, pal. We better get this done fast. Hopefully the Bone Eaters haven’t chased everything away or eaten anything new that might’ve wandered into the area.”

Venus jogged until she reached the end of town. With her M-16 loaded and the safety off, she scanned the hot spots where Bone Eaters stayed hidden for the unexpected victim. She stopped and snapped her fingers for Tonto to heel. Two rusty vehicles, a bus and a dump truck, blocked the path she usually took out of town. “I don’t like this, boy. It looks like the Bone Eaters are moving things into the main routes to make traveling more difficult.” She started to move back when Tonto growled at something behind her.

Slowly, she turned around and gasped. Four male Bone Eaters moved toward her. “Fuck! What the hell is going on?” Venus glanced around for cover and ran behind a brick wall, all that was left of a crumbling building. “Tonto, get over here,” she commanded, her voice lowered.

Loud snorts and growls bombarded the air. Venus turned to see Ino and Ka appear behind the Bone Eaters.

“No, go back!” Venus shouted, aiming her rifle at the creatures before they attacked the strange animals. She let loose with a spray of bullets, the sound rending the quiet, and hit two of the monsters square in the head, sending them toppling to the ground. Venus glimpsed Ino and Ka flattening themselves against the asphalt. She sucked in her breath, realizing too late her error in shooting at the Bone Eaters with the pets behind them. Instantly, silver armor appeared over the bulk of Ino’s and Ka’s bodies. They attacked and threw the last two Eaters to the side, the animals’ keens senses somehow alerting them to only use their claws to tear at either side of the monsters’ spiny backs.

A loud humming swirled around her, and Venus startled as Jaxxon appeared next to her. She managed, at the last second, to keep herself from squeezing the M-16’s trigger. The alien warrior’s eyes seemed larger than before, speckles of black danced in them, and his body, ready for any attack, was covered in the same silver armor the pets wore. He snarled and pushed Venus behind him.


Chapter Six


Jaxxon aimed his weapon at the frightening creatures. The instant the scanner appeared over the barrel’s end, he fired. Four bright energy balls zipped out and flattened into thin beams that sliced through the Bone Eaters. The light-blades cleaved through the necks and torsos of the mutant people, the body parts hitting the pavement with wet, sickening thuds. Fluids spurted, fanning into the air and splattering the asphalt. Ino and Ka leapt back from the poisonous liquids. Both animals whined their distress and looked over at Jaxxon, waiting for his next command.

With the Bone Eaters disposed of, Jaxxon let out an odd sound that was both melodious and startling. “Come, you two. We’re safe for the time being.” He drew Venus to her feet. “Schizma! It’s a good thing I can sense your location now that we’ve bonded. Otherwise, I may not have found you in time. What are you doing out here alone?”

Venus jerked her hand out of his. “I’ve been getting along just fine by myself for years. Just because you and your brother have arrived doesn’t mean I’m going to start being a dutiful mate, who obeys your every wish and command. Besides, I never consented to being your mate anyway!”

“Yes, you did,” he said, a wry grin tugging at the corners of his handsome mouth. “I gave you a choice, Venus. You did not refuse me last night, so now we’re mated.”

“I don’t like your tone of voice.” She leaned forward and poked her index finger in the center of his wide chest. “Push me around too much, big boy, and I’ll stuff this M-16 up your ass. Got it?”

Shock wound through Jaxxon. He blinked down at the fair vixen. “Why would you put a weapon up my ass?”

For a moment, Venus regarded him with a perplexed expression, then mirth flooded her eyes. She burst out laughing and giggled so long and hard she had to lean against the wall for support. She managed to flick a tiny switch on the weapon and then dissolved into another round of chuckles and guffaws as she clutched the rifle to her belly.

Jaxxon was obviously confused by her reaction. “What do you find so humorous? I merely asked a question.”

This set her off again. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Finally, between peals of laughter and snorts, she managed, “N-never mind. As you,” she chuckled, “grow more accustomed to my world and,” she snorted, “learn about it, you’ll remember this and suddenly understand.”

He shook his head and frowned. “I don’t under—”

The air hummed, signaling the arrival of Volund, who suddenly appeared in the middle of the street. Upon seeing the carnage there, he leapt away from the growing puddle of gore.

“Schizma!” He threw startled looks around the area. Upon seeing him and Venus, he asked, “By the Twelve Galaxies, what happened here?”

“Bone Eaters surprised Venus,” Jaxxon answered. “It’s a good thing I found her.”

A strange expression crossed Volund’s face. He stormed toward them and grasped Venus by the shoulders. In one movement, he hefted her over the four- foot wall and shook her slightly. “Why put yourself in danger like that?”

Jaxxon quirked an eyebrow and reached over the wall to place a hand on his brother’s arm. “Easy, now. She makes a good point about surviving alone for so long.” He studied Volund for a moment.
He seems drawn to Venus, too. Perhaps she’ll be able to heal my brother after all.

Regret smoothed the angry lines from Volund’s face. His moustache twitched as his mouth flattened, the two little beads swaying to and fro. Gently, he set Venus on her feet and took a step back.

He raked one big hand through his streaked hair and sighed heavily. “Forgive me, little hellion. I overreacted.”

Venus gulped. Sensing her unease, Jaxxon had to smile at her bravado and strength. His brother had frightened her, but she tried hard not to let them see it.

“I think you both need to dump some testosterone!” She flipped the rifle off of safety and stalked past Volund. “I’m out hunting for meat. If you two can’t do anything else besides throw your weight around, then you should go back to the building—or to your planet!”

She headed in the direction of a gate with the words “Elyria Park” on it in rusting black letters. “Come, Tonto,” she called and walked through the gate.

The dog charged after her, but so did Ino and Ka.

Frowning, Volund watched their pets trot to the entryway. “Traitors,” he muttered.

Jaxxon laughed. “Come, let us learn how to hunt with our female.”




Surprise speared Volund. He whirled on his younger brother. “What do you mean ‘our female’?” He shot Jaxxon his stormiest expression.

It worked. Jaxxon halted, his body rigid as he sized him up.

“I know you left our sleeping room last night. You vex me by calling her

You’ve already claimed her as your mate.” Although Volund wasn’t sure why, jealousy ate at his heart. Why should it matter if Jaxxon claimed the female as
female? Hadn’t he told him time and time again he wanted no one except Zi-Ahda, who was gone forever? “You sneaked out and had your way with her so you wouldn’t have to worry about finding another female on this godforsaken planet.”

“She can be both our mates, so why fight it? I don’t know why, but somehow I sense she’s meant for you, too,” Jaxxon insisted. “Venus is the only female we’ve detected in the area who isn’t a Bone Eater. She is beautiful, her body curvy with ample breasts. She’s intelligent, tough, and entertaining—and she makes love like a wild she-beast.”

Fury ripped through Volund. He lunged at Jaxxon, hit him in the chest, and bore him backward into the wall. They smashed into it, breaking the bricks apart and landing in a heap on the other side. Dust and grit rained down on them, and the aroma of mortar singed Volund’s nose.

“You’re selfish and self-serving!” Volund moved to grab his brother by the throat, but Jaxxon heaved him off, throwing him to the side where he flipped over and pinned Volund on his back.

“Someone had to make a move,” Jaxxon snarled, his eyes flaring bright red. “Zi- Ahda is dead! Dead! She won’t come back with your unborn child. Do you think she would like knowing you’ve been pining away for her instead of living your life?”

As Volund gripped his brother’s upper arms to push him off of his body, Jaxxon’s words sank into his brain. Like a sting from their Slicers, the words forced a cry of denial from him, but he couldn’t refute any of what Jaxxon had said. His brother was right.

Jaxxon rocked back onto his heels and then stood. “I’m going back to the building. We need to check in with the Ruling Body of Planets, so while I do that, you should go after Venus. Spend time with her, see how you feel about her, and let her do the same with you. She is stubborn, but beneath her rock-hard exterior is a woman who wants someone to love. She has been alone too long—and so have you.”

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