Rescued by the Navy Seal

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Authors: Leslie North

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Romantic Suspense, #Military, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Rescued by the Navy Seal
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Owned By The
Navy Seal Series

Book 1

Owned by The Navy Seal

Book 2

Taken by The Navy Seal

Book 3

Rescued by The Navy Seal

Chapter 1


Jared set Rita down in his bathroom. Touching her face,
gently and wiping a stray tear, he smiled at her.


“Don’t move.”


As Rita waited, Jared turned on the hot water and began
filling the tub. Grabbing bath salts and some scented oil, he set it by the tub
and turned back to Rita. Taking her by the hand, he pulled her toward the
center of the room. Kneeling in front of her, he untied her boots and removed
both, followed quickly by her socks. Tapping her left leg, Rita bent her knee
as Jared put her foot on his shoulder. Slowly inspecting her foot and leg,
Jared checked for any injuries. Rubbing the palm of his hand up her leg, he
wrapped his hand around her calf as he squeezed gently and pressed light kisses
to the inside of her knee. Sliding both hands up her leg, he rubbed her thigh
before setting her foot back down. Tapping her right leg, he repeated his
inspection as Rita groaned.


“Jared, I’m not injured, this isn’t necessary,” said Rita
breathlessly. “But that tub looks inviting.”


Kissing the inside of her right knee, Jared looked up at
her. “I’ll be the judge of that.” Putting her foot back on the floor, he rose
slowly. Leaning across her, he adjusted the water flow as he poured the salts
and lavender oil in the tub. Turning back toward Rita, he reached for the belt
on her shorts. Freeing the clasp, he tugged the zipper down and dropped her
shorts to the floor. Bending, he kissed her stomach as his hands made lazy
circles around her hips. Pulling her closer, Jared continued to kiss her as he
slowly kneaded her ass. Cupping her cheeks, he inhaled her scent. The steamy
mix of lavender with her arousal was turning him on.


Taking a deep breath, he pressed more kisses to her body
as he rose in front of her. Reaching for the hem of her shirt, he quickly
pulled it over her head before reaching for the front clasp on her bra. A quick
tug and her bra followed her shirt to the floor. Stepping forward, he grabbed
her hips and pulled her against him. Watching her eyes, he slowly slid his
hands up the sides of her body and around her back. Touching her everywhere, he
inspected her. As his hands swept around to her front, he firmly cupped her
breasts as he absently rubbed her aureoles and flicked at her nipples. At her
sudden breath, he watched as her eyes clouded over.


He had been panicked when he saw her with Tucker. While
he couldn’t see the man’s face, he’d heard enough about him to know to be wary.
When he had been able to get close enough to see and hear what was going on, it
was all he could do to keep from leaping in there, guns blazing. Granted, he
would have wasted precious time running back to his truck for his sidearm. He
was now giving serious thought to a conceal permit so he could carry it with
him. Shaking out of his reverie, Jared looked at Rita. Her pupils had grown
quite large in the dimmed light. Smiling tentatively at him, Rita reached for
the buttons on his shirt. As he continued to touch her, Rita fumbled with the
buttons. Giving up, she tugged on his shirt as the buttons pulled loose. Reaching
for his belt buckle, she unhooked it before tucking it in the front pocket of
his jeans. As Jared cupped her face, Rita paused to smile at him. Her eyes
still glistened and in that moment, Jared knew that he wanted to wipe those
fears from her memory.


Scooping her up, he placed her in the tub. Stepping back,
he finished stripping off his clothes before climbing in behind her. Reaching
for a washcloth, he grabbed the soap and began to wash her slowly, determined
to remove the day’s filth from her. Leaning against his chest, Rita nestled her
head against his shoulder as Jared washed the day’s events from her.


Pushing her forward, Jared made quick work of her back
and arms before pulling her back against him. Grabbing her hands, he kissed
both her arms before he pulled them over her head and around his neck. Kissing
her shoulder, he began washing her chest. With each swipe around a breast, Rita
would gasp. Reaching for a second towel, Jared began a rhythmic pattern as he
washed her front. As he cupped both breasts with the towels, he twisted them
lightly. The textured sensation against her fevered skin had Rita arching
against him. Jared pulled her back against him. The effects of her movements were
taking its toll on him, as his arousal pushed against her back. Rubbing harder,
Jared’s hands slowly swept down her body. Pausing to add more soap, he pushed
Rita’s legs farther apart as he swept the washcloths around her hips and over
her thighs. Sliding both hands slowly back up the inside of her thighs, Rita
gasped as she arched, meeting his hands. Sliding his left arm around her waist,
Jared pinned her tightly against him as his right hand cupped her mound. The
rough texture of the towel coupled with the gentle bubbles as he moved in the
water had Rita tossing her head against his shoulder. Moaning, she tried to
lift her hips, but he held her tight.


Sliding a finger between her folds, he continued to
massage her with the towel as his finger began a slow push. In and out.
Moaning, Rita tried to push down against his hand, but he held her firmly in
place. Moving his left hand to put pressure against her lower abdomen, Jared
lifted her slightly as he continued to pump in and out.


Rubbing his cheek against the side of her head, Jared
nipped at her ear before murmuring, “We’ll go slowly but I want you to let it
out. All of it. Don’t hold back.”


Nodding mutely in assent, Rita shuddered slightly as she
surrendered to the growing sensations. When Tucker had her and Casey cornered
this afternoon, the only person she could think about was Jared. She had spent
so much time trying to shut her past down that she realized she was missing out
on a future. A future that she wanted to spend with Jared and she was terrified
that she wouldn’t have the chance to tell him. When Jared rescued her this
afternoon, she knew that she loved him. He was solid and dependable and enjoyed
spending time with him. Yes, the sex was wonderful. Exciting. But it was those
empty spaces, when they weren’t doing anything that she relished. There was no
awkwardness during those times.


It just felt right.


Of course, it helped that Casey adored him. While she
wasn’t always the best judge of character, from a human standpoint, her shift
in demeanor when they were driving down his street was obvious, as she would
come to attention. The yips and barks as her excitement grew was infectious and
Rita enjoyed egging her on as they got closer. When they would arrive at his
house and Rita opened the car door, Casey would bound out, running straight for
Jared who would open his arms to pet and play with her. As Rita would walk
toward them, Casey would happily run around him, bumping his legs.


Rita felt light kisses down her cheek. She hadn’t
realized that she started crying until she felt Jared’s lips kissing her where her
tears fell. Soon, two fingers joined the first as Jared continued to plunge his
fingers slowly in and out. Spreading his hand, Jared twisted his fingers
lightly touching her g-spot as his thumb massaged her clit. As he pushed harder
against her abdomen, Rita could feel the pressure building. Moving his head,
Jared suckled Rita’s neck as small fireworks began going off around her.
Pushing against him, the orgasm came upon her and rolled slowly through as
Jared continued his rhythmic pumping, drawing the pains of the day, the pains
of her past, from her. As Rita’s orgasm diminished, Jared didn’t stop, but
continued to pump in and out. Reaching over with his left hand, he soaped his
fingers before drawing them into the water. Pressing one finger lightly against
her bud, he mimicked the same motion against her anus. Lightly. Consistently. New
electric shocks began to pop around her. As Jared continued, he added a bit
more pressure as he pushed against her back entrance. Moaning, Rita pushed
against his hand as his finger popped through the ring. Rita trembled as she
felt another orgasm building. Speeding up, Jared continued to plunge his
fingers in and out, as Rita rocked against him. Moaning, Rita held her hands in
tight fists as she shook against him.


“You’re holding back. Don’t hold it in,” whispered Jared
against her head.


Rita pushed down harder as Jared deepened his actions. As
the fingers on his right hand twisted, deep inside her, the middle finger on
his left continued to pump in and out of her ass. His fingers rubbed against each
other through the skin that separated her vagina from her rectum and the
sensation pushed Rita over the edge. With a sob, Rita arched against his chest.
Holding his fingers, deep inside her, he held on as another orgasm washed
through her carrying all the pent up emotions from the day. Sobbing, Rita
continued to ride out the orgasm as Jared drew all the angst and anger from the
day out of her. As Rita sagged against him, he pulled his fingers slowly out.
Reaching out with his foot, he flipped on the hot water tap as hot water warmed
the now tepid bath. Grabbing a washcloth, Jared continued to bathe her as Rita
cried. Turning the water off, he turned her over so she half lay on his chest and
hugged her tightly to him.


Clutching him closely, Rita kissed his chest. “I love
you,” Rita managed to blurt out in a rush.


Stilling beneath her, Jared grabbed her chin and turned
her head to look at him. “What did you say?”


Smiling tentatively, “I said, I love you.”


Lifting her off his chest, Jared stood as a wave of water
swept out of the tub. Stepping out, he quickly pulled Rita to her feet and
scooped her back up. Turning swiftly, he strode out of the room as he carried
Rita to his bed.


Tossing her onto the bed, Rita squealed, “Jared, the bed,
it will be soaked.”


“Don’t care,” Jared responded as he followed her down.
Kissing her all over, he hovered over her. “Say it again.”


Cupping his cheeks, Rita smiled up at him. “I love you,
you big oaf.”


As Jared brushed her wet hair from her face, he smiled
down at her. “I love you too, Rita. I have for a while now.”


“Why didn’t you say anything?”


Sighing, Jared replied, “Because of our pasts. Yours had
you running scared from me and mine…well, there are aspects of my life that I
simply can’t talk about.”


Frowning up at him, “You mean won’t.”


“No, I mean can’t. For security reasons. There are things
in my past…in the military. My exes didn’t understand. They thought I was
holding back and I was, but not for the reasons they thought. I had taken an
oath. One I won’t break.” As Jared started to pull away, Rita followed him over
kissing his face.


“Jared, I understand. I really do. I don’t like lies. You
know that. If there’s something you can’t tell me, simply say so, but please
don’t make anything up.” As Jared nodded his head, he suddenly found himself
unable to speak. Bumping her head against his chest, Rita rose up. “Now, if I
was someone who kept count, which I’m not,” she said with a grin, “I would say
that you have some catching up to do.” As Rita leaned down to kiss him, she
reached out to cup his balls as she rolled them around in her hand, she
couldn’t resist a chuckle at his sudden intake of breath. Rubbing the top of
her head, Jared lightly pushed against it as he encouraged her to keep going.


“Well, then, maybe you better get me caught up.”


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