Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2) (6 page)

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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“What’s the plan?” Preston grumbled. He tapped his foot against the tile, crossing his arms over his chest defiantly.

“Natalia enlightened us to the numbers that Juarez has. After speaking with Derek Stiles, I have reason to believe that she is telling the truth. Comparing Juarez’s one pack to the three of ours is like comparing the population of Texas to Rhode Island,” Gene said gravely.

“We are grossly out numbered. If Juarez were to attack today, we could fight back, but, eventually, we would lose. We don’t have the resources to take on that many at once,” Devon growled.

“I am not leaving my son,” Natalia declared, glaring between the two alphas.

“I would never ask you to leave him. Please have a seat, Talia, and we will finish talking. This decision affects his safety too. After last night, it is clear we have a spy amongst us. There is no other explanation for how they were able to pinpoint Talia’s location so effortlessly. The three of you are the only ones who know this, outside of Devon, Lark, and I. With the attackers dead, we can’t obtain any information on what their plans were. We need to plan accordingly to ensure everyone’s safety,” Gene said.

Natalia fumed. Gritting her teeth, she slowly sank into her seat.

“Thank you,” Gene said, inclining his head toward her. “Derek is sending out two groups. Between all of us, we will meet with every pack on this list that is not currently under Juarez’s control.”

“What about school? What about Sarah?” Preston asked, slamming his fist on the table, rattling the plates and cups.

At this, Adrian jumped, his arms flailing out. He sniffled a few times before his head dropped back to Natalia’s shoulder, silently going back to sleep.

“I know that you have your future planned out Preston, but this will help you gain the future you desire. I need someone who I can trust completely with this mission. I know this will separate you and Sarah—and, for that, I am sorry—but this is for her benefit too. Tell him what you told us last night,” Gene said to Natalia.

The she-wolf licked her lips as she shifted Adrian in her lap. Sighing, she met the young man’s eyes. “They could use her as a breeder too. It is possible for an alpha and a human to create a alpha child.”

“Why have we never heard of this before?” Preston argued, his gaze drifting to his brothers.

“Most alpha males take on an alpha female as a mate. Genetically speaking, though, I don’t see why it isn’t possible,” Devon explained. “The werewolf gene is dominant. The alpha gene would be too.”

“What about Mom and Emmett though?” Vincent asked. “She’s an alpha, Daniel isn’t.”

“It comes down to dominant and recessive genes. It’s possible for it to happen, that doesn’t mean that every child will be an alpha,” Devon explained. “I think—from what research I’ve done—the alpha gene is passed from father to son and father to daughter. The only way to guarantee, an alpha child is for an alpha male and alpha female to mate. However, an alpha male can still father an alpha child with any woman, werewolf or not.”

“So only a male werewolf can give the alpha gene?” Natalia asked. “A human male and werewolf female would just create a wolf?”

Devon exhaled, tapping his fingers on the table. “I’d have to do more research, but from what I understand, yes. Only the alpha male can pass down the alpha gene.”

Gene gave his brother a pointed look. “That’s why he went after Lark and Sarah a month ago. They can produce an alpha. And even if they don’t, they would still be producing werewolves—potentially female wolves. Our numbers are dangerously low compared to what they were a few centuries ago. Until more female wolves are born, this could become a trend amongst the packs. As a species, we are at the brink of extinction. When people get desperate they will do crazy things.”

“I don’t like this,” Preston murmured as he sagged back into his chair.

“I know. That is why we need to do this—to protect Sarah.” Gene placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“Sarah can stay with Lark and me while Gene is away. Lark isn’t going to let anything happen to her little sister. She is the only family she has left,” Devon assured. “And you have my word that I won’t let anything happen to either of them.”

“So, you and Lark can totally make some mini alphas. Won’t that be cute?” Vincent teased. He clapped Devon on the shoulder, causing his brother to shrug away from him.

“I still don’t understand what you want from me?” Natalia growled. If he tried to make her leave her son, she would find a way to escape. Venturing on her own was better than abandoning her son.

“There is a cluster of packs up East. They live on the outskirts of New York City, and are very modern—I can’t imagine they would want anything to do with Juarez’s plans. You, Adrian, and myself will go there to speak with them. My father went to school up there with one of the alphas, and my maternal uncle is also a member of the pack. I have spent a lot of time up there over the years and am close to him,” Gene paused to look around the table. “I thought it would be more moving for them to hear a firsthand account of the atrocities Fernando Juarez is capable of. If you refuse, I will go alone, but hearing from a victim will be most powerful.”

Natalia shuddered. She didn’t want to be around even more werewolves.

“If it makes you feel better, you’ll probably be safer there than here,” Devon offered. “These wolves are very independent. Their females lead their own lives, and some even attend NYU. You would be in no danger of them taking your rights away, and you would be far away from Juarez and his men.”

“Believe me, Natalia, I wouldn’t offer to take you and Adrian there if I didn’t believe it was safe. No harm will come to either of you. In fact—if you like it there, and wish to stay—I would not stop you,” Gene said.

“I will think on it,” Natalia replied. She ran her hand up and down Adrian’s back, silently contemplating what she should do. If anything, this could be her chance to escape. She’d never been to New York, but she understood it was a huge city. Perhaps she could sneak away. She could take Adrian and board a plane—they could even go overseas. Juarez’s power stretched far and wide, but she doubted he would find her in Europe.

“Of course. I will need an answer by this evening. I will be purchasing airline tickets after I finalize the details of our trip with them,” Gene said.


ernando Juarez smirked as his cell phone buzzed, vibrating against the wooden grains of his desk. Picking up the phone, he hit the green button to accept the call. “Maddie,” he answered.

“I cannot talk long,” the young girl said in a hushed whisper.

“Of course not, my dear. Is everything okay?” He asked, rolling his eyes up to the ceiling.

“You said no one would get hurt,” Maddie stuttered.

“Are you referring to the men I sent? No one was hurt, child,” Fernando responded soothingly.

“Well, no, but Natalia-“

“Natalia is my granddaughter, Maddie, we’ve talked about this. She is not well, and I not only fear for her and her infant son, but also for the well-being of the entire pack. The alphas there are young are they not?” Fernando reasoned.

“Only a little older than me.”

“They don’t understand how troubled she truly is. Natalia is mentally ill. In the past she has injured some of my men in her bouts. I would hate for any harm to befall your pack mates. My family is the most important thing to me. I only wish to help her, and they are keeping her from me,” Fernando explained.

“They had a meeting this morning. Just a few of them,” Maddie murmured.

“Do you know what it was about?” he asked, leaning forward onto his desk to get a pencil.


“That’s fine, child. Do not put yourself in danger finding out anything, and stay away from Natalia. She is sick. The sooner we can get her medicine, the better,” Fernando said, tapping his fingers on his wooden desk. “There is another matter we should discuss. One of my grandsons has expressed interest in finding a mate. He is but a year older than you are. I think the two of you would be a good fit. I would love for the two of you to get to know each other. He is destined to be an alpha as well.”

“An alpha?” Maddie said, her voice rising with excitement.

“Indeed. You, my child, will be taken care of. Family is important to me and you, Maddie, are family. You’re helping to reunite me with Natalia and my grandson,” Fernando said. Soon he would have both of them home, safe and sound.

“I’ll find out what I can,” Maddie said quickly. “I should go, someone is coming.”

“Of course, be careful, child.”

The phone clicked as the young girl hung up. Smiling, he set his cell back on the desk. The girl was gullible, but, then again, he hadn’t been lying. Family was important to him. 


ene glanced at the clock on his desk again. It was nearly nine. He let out a long breath in frustration. Natalia seemed bent on defying everything he asked of her. While he understood she was scared, and felt like a prisoner here, he needed her to respect the pack hierarchy.

If he let her walk all over him, he would appear weak to the other men. While he felt confident none of the men at the ranch would challenge him, it was a risk he couldn’t take if they were going to be inviting in new members. It was already troubling enough, leaving the pack for a few days, even if Devon was going to be there. War was on the horizon, and he needed to be here to protect his pack. At the same time, their trip was important to keeping everyone safe. He just wished everyone would be cooperative. Standing up, he walked briskly to his office door.

He moved through the manor, nodding at his men as he made his way upstairs to the guest quarters. Knocking loudly on her door, he waited with bated breath for her to answer.

Tiny cries filtered out of the room as footsteps padded toward the door.

“You never came to see me,” Gene said as Natalia’s brown eyes peered up at him.

Natalia sighed, and opened the door further. “Adrian has been fussy all evening. I did not want to bother you with his cries.”

“Is he not well?” Gene asked, staring at the baby in her arms. His eyes were rimmed with red, and crocodile tears filled them as his lip puckered.

“Babies fuss. I am sure he is fine,” she said, though he could hear the emotion in her voice as she ran a hand over his dark hair, trying to soothe him.

“I could have Devon take a look at him,” Gene offered.

Natalia shifted on her feet, absently running a hand up and down the boy’s back as he started to cry again. Gene could see the indecision on her face before she tentatively nodded.

“I’ll call him. Come on, let’s head downstairs,” Gene said, motioning for her to follow him. “I’m sure he is fine. He hasn’t been out anywhere. It is still summer, and there aren’t many bugs going around.”

“Do you know much about children?” Natalia asked as he led them to the infirmary.

Gene stopped in front of the clinic, glancing at his phone as Devon texted him back. “No, but I’m sure he is fine. Devon’s on his way.”

A small smile crept across her lips as she brushed past him into the room. “Thank you.”

“It is my job to look after everyone in my pack, Talia. That includes the two of you,” Gene assured her.

“Fernando Juarez and Emmett McKinley are the only two alphas I have been around. I can see that things are different here, but I do not need you looking out for us,” Natalia said. Licking her lips, she took a moment to glance around the room.

“It must have been hard when Fernando took you prisoner, and then being sent to Emmett on top of that must have been horrible,” he prodded hoping for information, when she didn’t answer, he continued, “I will do whatever it takes to make you comfortable here. You are a member of my pack—or Dev’s if you wish it. This can be your home, if you choose.”

Gene watched as Natalia rocked on her feet, trying to soothe Adrian. Her back faced him, leaving him clueless to her expression. Hopefully, his words somehow comforted her. Something in him was drawn to her, and he didn’t want her to leave. In fact, he wanted nothing more than to protect her. He felt compelled to ease away her fears, and keep her and Adrian safe.

“As long as Adrian is well, I will help you in New York. My son will never be safe with Juarez alive,” Natalia whispered. She turned to him, opening her mouth to say more, but clamped it shut at the sound of approaching footsteps.

“Hey,” Devon greeted as he entered the room, with Lark trailing behind him.

“Is he still fussy?” Lark asked, shutting the door.

Natalia nodded as she gently laid Adrian on the table. The baby fisted his hands, legs kicking out in protest as he began to cry. Natalia wrapped her arms around herself, her chestnut eyes glued on her son as he fussed, writhing around on the table.

“I’ll just take a look real quick.” Devon pulled out his stethoscope, listening to the baby’s chest. “He sounds good.”

They remained silent as Devon examined Adrian. Lark put an arm around Natalia, waiting silently for Devon’s assessment.

“His right ear is looking red, and the left has some fluid on it. Everything else looks and sounds good, though. I’ll call the pharmacy tomorrow to get a prescription for Amoxicillin. For tonight, you can give him some infant Tylenol,” Devon said.

“I do not have the Tylenol,” Natalia mumbled, picking her son up from the table. The infant’s wails subsided as he nestled against her shoulder.

“I think Claire bought some. I saw it in the kitchen in one of the cupboards,” Lark said. “I’ll go get it.”

Gene watched as Lark exited the room, and headed down the hall toward the kitchen. “I’ll postpone the trip a few days. Dev can have another look at him before we leave. Is that okay?”

“As long as Adrian is well, and it’s safe for him to travel,” Natalia said. She placed a kiss to her son’s head, hugging him close.

“As long as his ear is cleared up, the flight shouldn’t bother him anymore than it would you or me,” Devon said as he put his tools back into the bag.

“Of course. I’ll make the arrangements. Let’s say two days from now?” Gene questioned.

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