Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2) (8 page)

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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“I’m not being too pushy am I?” Emily asked, holding up another outfit, her green eyes widened as she met Natalia’s gaze. “I’m sorry. It’s just, I went through my heat cycle a few weeks ago, and I didn’t conceive. I know it’s silly to expect to get pregnant the first time you try, but...” Emily trailed off, sagging against the rack her smile faltering. “Let me know if I’m being overzealous.”

“It’s fine,” Natalia said, smiling at the other girl. “These are all nice. I just don’t have the means to buy these, is all.”

“Oh, is that all?” she questioned as if it were no big deal.

“Don’t worry about it. The guys are taking care of everything.” Emily smiled as she waved at Marcus.

“I do not like taking things,” Natalia murmured.

“Have you thought about getting a job?” Emily asked. “You’re still looking to fill that other spot, right Lark?” Emily asked, shoveling through the racks again.

“I am,” Lark said.

“At the bakery?” Even if she felt comfortable leaving Adrian, Natalia knew nothing about cooking.

“No one is saying you have to. There are many other things to do. I’m sure you could work something out with Gene to help out on the ranch too,” Sarah said. “With Preston and Vincent gone for who-knows-how long, they will be down a few workers.”

“I will be gone too,” Natalia reminded the girl.

Sarah twiddled with a strand of hair. “For a week. Preston thinks he will be gone much longer. He deferred his first semester at school.”

“Oh,” Natalia responded. “I don’t know much about horses either.”

“It’s okay,” Emily said, gently placing a hand on Natalia’s shoulder. Natalia jerked at the unexpected touch but didn’t pull completely away. Emily continued, “I know how hard it is to make your own way in our world. You’ll figure something out, I’m sure. Besides, it must be nice to be able to spend so much time with Adrian.”

“It is,” Natalia agreed.

“I would be happy to look after him for you. I’m sure my mom wouldn’t mind an extra hand in the kitchen. And I know she would definitely love to see Adrian too,” Emily commented.

“No,” Natalia hissed. “I will not work with the fake alpha’s wife. She is a monster, like her husband.”

“Oh,” Emily stuttered. Her cheeks reddened and she cast her eyes to the floor.

Natalia watched as Emily turned to the rack, fiddling with the different clothes. Silence enveloped them, and heat scorched her face as she realized she had insulted the other woman’s parents. Having viewed Emily as a fellow prisoner at the McKinley homestead, it was easy to forget that she was a member of that vile family.

“Finding everything okay?” Gene asked as the four guys approached.

“Yes,” Natalia said, averting her eyes to assess the garments in her hand.

“We were thinking lunch before you ladies drag us to anymore stores,” Devon said, placing his hand on the small of Lark’s back. She leaned into him, and placed a tender kiss to his lips.

“I’m starved,” Emily said as she hugged Marcus.

Gene held his hand out. “I’ll take those.”

Natalia flushed, her cheeks and ears burning. If she didn’t need the things, she would’ve shoved his hand away. But her son did need clothes.

“I will find a way to pay you back.”

“Fair enough. I’d be more than happy to put you to work on the ranch,” Gene said.

His fingers brushed against hers, causing her breath to hitch as he took the garments. With a smile, he turned away, walking to the register.

“You like him?” Lark asked, smiling.

“What?” Natalia asked. Turning to look at the amused blonde, she narrowed her eyes, thankful it was just the two of them now. “I do not.”

“Fine, you’re attracted to him.”

“Only because he’s an alpha,” Natalia reasoned. “It is natural for alphas to feel an attraction to each other.” She had no idea if that was the truth, but Lark didn’t need to know that.

Lark gave her a pointed look. “Then you feel the same attraction to Devon?”

Natalia scoffed, and clenched the stroller handle tighter.

“I didn’t think so,” Lark said, touching her arm lightly. “Come on, let’s get lunch.”


ene finished signing the receipt, paying for lunch as everyone else gathered their belongings.

“Do you need anything else while we are out?” he asked Natalia as she finished adjusting Adrian in his stroller.

She opened her mouth to respond a weary look on her face, but he beat her to it. “I know you don’t want to feel indebted to me. I understand that. Let me know if you need anything. As I said earlier, we can work something out.”

Shoving his wallet into his pocket, Gene made his way over to Devon and Lark. A twinge of jealousy shot through him as he watched Devon throw his arm around Lark. A melodic laughter left Lark’s lips as she leaned into him. To think, only a few months ago, Devon had been single and unwilling to let anyone in. Lark had changed all of that. If she could do that for Dev, perhaps he could do something to help Natalia. At least he hoped he could.

The sharp ring of his cell phone caused his footsteps to falter. Recognizing the whistles as Preston’s ringtone, Gene dug the phone from his pocket.

“Hey,” he greeted.

“Hi, just thought I’d call to check in. We’re in Arkansas with Ernest Dullard,” Preston said.

“How are things?” Gene questioned, sighing as he watched the women head into the GAP. He leaned against the railing that overlooked the bottom section of the mall, listening carefully to his brother’s reply.

“Okay. He seems jumpy every time we mention Juarez, though. He offered for us to stay the night, but I kind of get the feeling he’ll kick us to the curb in the morning,” Preston explained.

“Don’t coerce them to help us. They have to want to on their own. We need reliable allies. I trust you to use your judgment, Preston. If you don’t like something—anything at all—then don’t feel obligated to stay and talk.” Gene scrubbed a hand over his face. “Promise me you’ll be careful. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” He shivered as he admitted that aloud.

“Relax, Gene. I have a girl and school to look forward too. I’m coming home,” Preston said. “How are things at the ranch? Ready for your trip?”

“I think so. I’m just hoping that Natalia is up for it.” His eyes drifted to the store where she was. He caught a glimpse of her as she ran her slender fingers down a red tank top with white flower prints.

“Hmmm, I think you might have a thing for her,” Preston teased.


“You’re not even going to deny it?” Preston asked shocked.

“It’s...I don’t know what it is.”

“Good for you, Gene. Just watch out for her right hooks,” Preston chuckled.

“I didn’t tell you about that to get teased,” Gene grumbled under his breath.

“I got to go, Vincent’s coming back. I’ll talk to you later,” Preston said.

“Alright, be careful.”

“You too.”

Chapter Six

atalia looked around the room one last time, mentally checking off everything she had packed. They were only going to be gone a week or so, but she wanted to be sure she had everything for Adrian. Letting out a long breath, she buckled Adrian into his car seat. Sweat beaded on her hands as she adjusted the straps.

She wasn’t sure what scared her more, getting on a plane, or walking into an unknown pack. The trust she was putting in Gene disturbed her. All the wolves she had met had done nothing but hurt her and kill people. Gene seemed different, but she couldn’t be sure. One way or another, Adrian would not be safe with Fernando Juarez alive. She would not let her son become a member of his pack.

Natalia looked up when someone cleared their throat. Marcus stood in the doorway. He motioned to the bag on the floor, and Natalia nodded, watching as he strode towards the luggage. A friendly smile remained on his face as he bent down to look at Adrian.

“He’s a cutie. Me and Em hope to have one sometime,” Marcus said.

Natalia relaxed. Thankful that at least he was acting normal. Everyone except Lark seemed to be on edge around her. Afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. It was infuriating. Their unease around her made her more uncomfortable. She just wanted to be a normal person, but she doubted she would ever be a carefree woman again.

“Thank you,” she said quietly as he struggled to gather all the bags in his hands.

“I don’t think you could bring anything else if you tried. The room’s been stripped down to the furniture. Guess you can’t travel light with a baby, though,” Marcus said. He grabbed the last suitcase, juggling it between his hands before exiting the room.

Bending down, Natalia double-checked the straps of the infant carrier one last time. Apprehension rolled through her belly, causing it to knot. She’d never been on a plane before. Footsteps thumped up the stairs, and someone tapped lightly on the open door.

“I have some things for you. I thought it best to give them to you now to avoid questions at the airport,” Gene announced, entering the room while he pulled a yellow envelope from his back pocket. “I had an ID and paperwork made for you and Adrian. I assumed you didn’t have anything.”

Natalia took the envelope to stare at her fake ID. The ID had her birth name on it.
Natalia Maria Alvarez.
Clearly, he’d done his research on her.

“No, I do not. Actually, I am not even a U.S. citizen, but I am guessing you already figured that out.”

Gene nodded. “This will do for now. I’ll see what we can do about making you more permanent paperwork later.”

“Until I go home?”

Gene opened his mouth, her question clearly catching him off guard. “Until you go home. There is no guarantee how long it is going to be. I can’t promise you anything, Talia.”

Natalia licked her lips as she picked up the infant carrier. Swallowing, she met his eyes. “I know. When it is safe.”

“You have my word, Talia. I won’t go back on it.”

“Let’s do this,” Natalia whispered.


ene leaned back onto the headrest as the plane jumped along the runway. Natalia gripped her armrests tightly, her eyes squeezed shut. Her long eyelashes nearly touched her honeyed cheek bones. Her coffee hair fell around her round face, and her pink lips twitched down into a tiny pout. Fear rolled off her in waves, filling the air with a putrid curdled milk smell, overpowering her natural floral and sea salt scent. Adrian sat between them, sleeping contently in his car seat.

“You don’t like planes?” Gene asked, trying to distract her.

Natalia pursed her lips. “I have never flown before.”

She ground her teeth together as the plane jerked and the wheels lifted off the runway.

“It will be smooth once we reach the correct altitude,” Gene assured.

“And how is the landing?”

Gene chuckled under his breath. “You’ll be fine. We’ll be fine.”

“Is this your first time flying?” she asked. She peered over at him through her thick lashes, meeting his gaze.

Gene whispered, “No, I’ve visited this pack before. Like I told you, my father knew the alpha, and I have family there. That is part of how my uncle ended up as the alpha’s second in command. Packs with familiar relations are loyal to each other. If needed, we can and will move to another pack for the greater good. I’ve been to Binghamton many times. You should like it there. There are lots of places to run; it is far enough from the city to be secluded. The pack is large, but there is more than enough space for everyone to stretch their legs. They are very friendly. I know them quite well, and I believe we will have several wolves come back to the ranch with us.”

“A few will not stand a chance against Fernando Juarez,” Natalia warned.

“I’m aware. That is why we are branching out to many packs. Even if we only recruit one or two from each pack we visit—”

“It will not be enough. He has eyes and ears everywhere. An army of men. The only chance we have is to create our own army. Can you do that?” Natalia asked, her chestnut eyes questioning him.

“I’m not giving up, Talia, it isn’t in my nature. Maybe we are outnumbered. Maybe their pack is stronger and better trained, but I refuse to relent and live under that kind of tyranny. I refuse to see the people I care about reduced to being breeders. If I have to die to protect them, I will. I would rather fight for what I believe in than stand idly by and do nothing,” Gene explained, meeting her eyes.

“He will kill you,” Natalia whispered, tears swimming in her eyes. A forlorn expression on her face before she whipped her head around to stare out the window.

Gene ran a hand through his hair and let out a long breath. He meant everything he’d said to her. Hopefully, it didn’t end up being his demise.

“Regardless of how the war ends, there will be casualties on both sides. We just have to believe that the right side will win,” Gene replied.

Natalia turned back to him, blinking. “I hope that you are right. I have seen what Juarez and his men can do first hand. They are killers. Perhaps you will win, but in order to do so, I fear that we will all have to lose a piece of ourselves,” she said, her voice hoarse with emotion.

Gene looked around the plane, making sure no one was listening to their hushed conversation. Satisfied, he responded, “War doesn’t come without consequences.”

“I know,” she whispered.

“I’ve gathered you haven’t always been with Juarez, and I know you mentioned your mother. Can I ask what happened?” he asked curiously. So much of her past was a mystery. Natalia was feisty, but also vulnerable. There was a draw to her that he couldn’t deny. He just wanted to hold her and soothe away her fears—ensure that everything would be alright. Protect her and Adrian from all the evils of the world.

Natalia pursed her lips as she entwined her fingers together. She sat quietly for a long moment, and Gene wondered if she would answer him or not.

“My mother was a human. When she found out she was pregnant, and what my father, Luis, and Fernando were planning, she fled. This thing with the women and she-wolves, it has only grown. They have been doing it for years. My mother believed that Luis truly loved her; she suspected that he allowed her to escape. She...she was not a prisoner there, but a woman he was seeing. She never told me how, exactly she discovered what was happening, but when she did...” Natalia trailed off, clearing her throat.

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