Read Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Vivian Wood

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Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology (23 page)

BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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"When I tell you to, you can untie this rope,"
he points to a different rope just to the left of the one I

"Okay!" I say smiling, enthusiasm obvious in
my voice.

After a few more minutes of hearing him stride
around the boat, he tells me to release the rope, and I gladly pull
the line as the boat eases away from the dock.

We ride out into the water for at least half
an hour, me exhilarated from sitting in front of the steering wheel
in what he tells me is the bow. The air is warm as it rips around
my head, and occasionally a hint of sea spray cools my face.
Slowing down, the boat comes to a halt inside a cove facing a cliff
that extends as high as a skyscraper, water lapping against the
rocky bottom. Green grass and tall trees adorn the top of the

"This is one of my favorite spots," he says,
lowering the anchor over the side, and then takes my hand, pulling
me to my feet.

"Would you like to swim with me?"

"I never know when you are going to demand I
do your bidding, or if you are going to politely ask me to do
something," I say, trying to figure out which Blake is with me
right now.

"Darlin', I only demand things in the bedroom,
and make no mistake you will be begging to be commanded by me
soon." My core heats up at the prospect, and I find nothing to
repudiate in his statement.

Leading me to the back of the boat, he pulls
me in front of him and wraps both of his hands around my waist,
gripping my shirt and pulling it over my head. He easily unsnaps
the button of my shorts and pulls the zipper tab down, loosening
and gliding them down my hips.

"See, you are already getting much better at
accepting my touch." He caresses by swimsuit-clad mound as he
spreads his palms against my midriff.

"Very, very good," he breathes against my ear,
my insides trembling, and my clit beginning to pulsate as his hands
stroke me. Before I wanted them to, his hands disappear as he steps
back, pulling his own shirt over his head. Taken aback by the
vision of his naked chest again, I stare transfixed as his shorts
fall to the deck.

The sound of his splash in the water breaks my
daze as it registers in my brain too late he was completely naked
under his pants. His huge cock only momentarily graces my view,
easily making my mouth gape in approval.

His bobbing head and happy smile invite me to
join him in the water. Instead of splashing in, I step down the
ladder, facing the boat making my entrance into the cool liquid
more graceful than his plunge. Easily, my body remembers what it
feels like to swim, and I relax in the water, spreading my arms out
wide and kicking with my feet.

"I definitely like your two piece better, take
the top off so I can see your pink nipples in the water," he
commands, and just as he promised, I find myself begging for his
commands. My hunger for his touch and his approval motivate me to
reach behind my back, kicking faster to stay above the water as I
unhook my bikini top.

Throwing the piece of cloth back into the
boat, I let the water carry me toward Blake. Eager to reward me for
my obedience, he reaches out and rubs his thumb against one of my
peaked nipples, grabbing me around the waist with his other hand.
He pulls me to him, our bodies meeting under the water, as I hold
onto his shoulder, letting his legs do all the work to keep us

His moist lips caress my chin, and he runs his
mouth along my jaw to my earlobe. Taking the lobe in his mouth, he
nibbles my flesh before releasing it, leaving me craving more
contact. His soft lips press firmly against mine, and I easily part
my lips in invitation. Quick to comply with my request, he sweeps
inside my lips, stroking his tongue against mine. He tastes of
mint, and I cannot get enough of his flavor.

As he pulls me closer with one hand on my
back, he squeezes my nipple, sending out a tinge of pain. Boldly, I
wrap my legs around his body, hoping to rub against his huge cock
he brashly displayed jumping into the water.

"Eager aren't you?" he asks.

Lost in the feel of the waves splashing
against our bodies and the memory of the night before, I reach
between us and grab his cock in my hand. It is deliciously erect
even in the cool water.

"Tell me you want my cock, and I may give it
to you," he teases me.

"Maybe I do," I respond.

"Maybe I want it right now," I challenge him,
squeezing my grip on his hard prick.

"I will give it to you when I decide you are
ready, Darlin', not before. You are far from ready for me." Puzzled
he did not accept my blatant request for sex, I run my hand up and
down his shaft under the water.

"You will swim back to the boat and climb the
ladder. Take off your bikini bottoms and go down deck," he
commands, kissing my lips one more time.

Thinking I have won our tug of war, I glide
back to the ladder and climb back onboard his yacht. Turning so he
can see my perky breasts and bright, pink erect nipples, I slide my
bikini bottoms down and then saunter to the stairs leading below

I pass though an enormous living space with a
huge flat screen TV and into the master bedroom. There is
king-sized bed in the middle of the cabin with black silk sheets.
Wooden oars crisscross above the bed and teak paneling, making the
entire space seem elegant.

Cool air surrounds my skin, making the room
feel comfortable while I dry off my body. Feeling his presence
behind me before I hear him, I turn around and he is standing over
me in all his glory, hard cock protruding from his body. Overcome
by desire, I ease down to my knees in front of him as I toss the
towel away and take the head of his shaft between my

Moist pre-cum oozes onto my tongue, eager to
savor his taste I lick and suck his juice into my mouth. His skin
is cool on my tongue as I lick him from base to tip. A groan
escapes his lips as he reaches down pulling me up to standing. His
naked body smashed against mine, I can feel his hard muscles
pressing into my soft flesh.

The edge of the bed hits the backs of my
thighs as he pushes me against the bed, taking my mouth with a
punishing kiss. Unable to maintain balance as he leans over me, as
I fall back onto the bed.

"You will place your feet on the bed. Hold
onto your ankles. I want to see your pussy spread wide for

Quickly, I obey him, eager to feel his cock
inside me. My pussy is getting hotter by the second, and I feel a
familiar wave of pressure as my pussy readies for his embrace.
Dropping to his knees, he lavishes my folds with his tongue
plunging the muscle inside my slit.

"Oooh," I moan out at the pleasure of his soft
wet tongue on my sex.

He pulls his tongue out from inside me and
licks up to my clit, pushing back the sheath hiding my pleasure
bud. My clit completely exposed, he licks and sucks down on my
flesh while pushing two fingers deep inside me. The pressure of his
suction and the fullness of his fingers send me over the edge,
coming hard, I ride out wave after wave of muscle spasm.

He does not let my clit go after I come, but
keeps sucking on it. The sensation is too much for me, my sensitive
bud hurts at first, and I try to squirm away, but his other hand
clamps down on my stomach to hold me in place as he sucks hard,
pushing me into another mind-blowing orgasm.

I scream out this time as he thrusts three
fingers deep inside me, and I grab his head, wrapping my legs
around his back. Pulling his mouth against my clit, I ride his face
and fingers, crashing in wave upon wave of release. His fingers
reach deep inside me as he draws out my pleasure until a
comfortable calm overcomes me.

Still licking my vulnerable clit, he pulls his
fingers out of my wet pussy. He stands between my legs and wraps
his slick fingers around his huge cock.

"You are definitely not ready for this cock
yet, Darlin'." He strokes himself looking down at my naked body.
"You will need to work very hard to earn this cock in that snug

Wondering why he would think I am not ready
for him, and desperate to show him I am quite ready for his cock, I
grab his shaft with my hands. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I
lick his slippery head, tasting my tang on his smooth

"I want you to come in my mouth," I say,
taking as much of his girth in my mouth as I can.

"You do, do you? This is acceptable," he says,
pushing me back on to the bed and straddling my face, slowly
slipping his cock inside and out of my mouth.

"You will touch yourself while I fuck this
sexy mouth of yours. I want you to come again when I do," he

Feeling so turned on by the way he is
dominating my mouth, pumping his hips and driving his cock
comfortably in and out of my lips, I reach down and press my
fingers against my abused clit.

He quickens his plunges, and his cock feels
even bigger in my mouth. I almost choke as he gets very still,
shooting hot liquid across my tongue and down my throat. My inner
muscles clench at the thought of how it will be to have him come
inside me. Pumping my hips, I swallow his cum as my body crests

"That's it, keep rubbing that pussy of mine.
Don't stop until I tell you to," he coos, my body clenching in
spasms at the sound of his voice.

"Now you are almost ready for me." My
breathing relaxes, and my body is completely spent. He lays down
facing me, sliding his arms around me. The relaxing tickle of his
fingers running up and down my back in the cool cabin air is the
last thing I remember before I drift off to completely dreamless





Henry's Ash

A warm, hard pillow is pressed against me as I
roll onto my back in the smooth sheets and cool air. My body is
actually cold for a change, so I try to pull the sheet around my
numb toes. Discovering my hard pillow is the very handsome and
powerful Blake. I lean my head toward him, kissing his

"Mmmm," I hear from the side, "I don't think I
have napped in the middle of the day in a long time. You are good
for me." He rolls to the side sliding off of the bed.

"I am starved, let's get back to the dock and
hit Charlie's," he suggests, pulling out a pair of pants from a
hidden drawer under the bed.

"What is Charlie's?," I ask as I try to
remember where my clothes are. Oh, yes, I recall I took them off on
the top side of the boat.

"It is a nice old world pub. You will like it.
I'm surprised Henry never brought you out here to it," he

"We always stayed at the lake cabin during the
summers. I never wanted to go anywhere else," I explain as I try to
keep the pink out of my cheeks, forced to walk out of the room
naked in search of my clothing.

Fortunately, I had the foresight to wear an
appropriate shirt in public even without the benefit of my bikini
underneath. His hands wander as we rush past each other to get
dressed and the boat prepared to head back to the dock. Each time I
pass by him, his fingers linger on my hip or wrist, letting me know
he is not shy about putting his hands all over me. I find myself
eager for each touch.

Beginning to take his lead, I stroke his
shoulders with my finger tips as he sails back to the docks.
Pulling me onto his lap, he gives me the steering wheel and lets me
control the boat while he rubs my back and shoulders the entire
ride back to land.

We reach the dock and Blake starts to store
the boat. Eager to help, I follow him, complying with each
direction he gives. Content and numb from our love making, I
eagerly take his hand as he finishes with the boat and leads me
back down the docks to the car garage.

Weathered with peeling white paint exposing
the moldy green surface beneath it, the pub, Charlie's, looks as
though it has seen better days. With fish nets draped like seaweed
on the faded wooden barrels displayed near the front door, it
reminds me of an authentic fisherman bar, until the nice modern bar
comes into view.

Blue and green leather stools spot the front
of the shiny black bar which rises from the clean, tiled floor.
Plus the adorable, overstuffed benches with vibrant ocean life
painted on them paired with the comfortable-looking booths give it
away as a descent establishment to come and have a drink while
lying about the length of the fish one caught.

Blake escorts me inside, holding my hand while
we wind our way through patrons toward the bar. It seems strange
that we do not head for a table when I see four or five gentlemen
at the bar welcoming us into their troupe. Paul, who I remember
from this morning, is nursing a beer and telling big fish stories
to another grey-haired gentleman. Seeing me, he takes my hand and
stands, "It is nice to see you again, Ma'am."

"Thank you, its Ashley by the way, and I
believe you are Paul, correct?"

"Ashley," he says, as a smile spreads across
his face, "Henry's Ashley?"

"Yes, Henry was my grandpa." Delighted to find
another person acquainted with my grandpa, I shake his hand, and he
puts both of his around mine.

BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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