Read Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Vivian Wood

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Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology (18 page)

BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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Now this had Lexie’s mind reeling.

Really?” Lexie lipped her lips.
It was enough to fuel her fantasies for a couple of weeks,

That’s what I heard.” Jessie
shushed quickly as she heard the door creak open, the two of them
going back to work diligently.

Hey ladies. Just came to check on
how Lexie was doing. Is everything going okay?” Diego had come
through the back door directly into the kitchen, and was staring at
her. She could feel the color rising in her cheeks as she turned to
address him.

Yeah. I am doing fine.” She
looked at Jessie to help rescue her but the young woman scuttled
off to the other side of the kitchen, busying herself in a pile of

Are you sure there isn’t anything
I can help you with?” He smiled at her. He clearly wanted an excuse
to talk to her.

Yeah, there are a few things. If it was
possible, her face turned an even deeper shade of scarlet. Well, if
he was interested she definitely was. Especially after what she had
heard about him from Jessie.

I actually was wondering if you
would point me around the place for a moment. I haven’t really been
through the actual farm in years. It shouldn’t take more than a
couple of minutes.”

His smile widened, “Yeah, that makes sense. I
should have done that before I had you go out to the kitchen. Do
you mind, Jessie?”

Not at all,” She looked
disbelievingly at Lexie.

Yeah, I’m wild. Or at least she was pretending
to be. She smiled and winked at Jessie before following Diego out
the door, not minding the view one bit.

So, what would you like to see
first?” Diego asked, his tone a little deeper than

It depends. What do you want me
to see?” She asked, stepping closer, her lids heavy as she looked
up at him.

I don’t know if you want the
answer to that question.” Diego’s voice was suddenly serious as he
took a step back from her.

You’d be surprised.” She answered
back, walking towards the stables. “Why don’t you show me the
stables?” She asked, changing the subject.

Sure. Do you ride?” His eyes
softened as he fell into step with her.

I used to ride a lot when I was a
kid. I haven’t ridden a horse in a couple of years. But I love
them.” She bit her lip and looked him over as he opened the barn
and let her in. Damn, his body is perfect. Polite too.

Well, here they are. That one,
the black, she’s mine.”

What’s her name? Shadow?” Lexie
wasn’t trying to be sarcastic. It just came out that

Toci, actually,” Diego smirked as
he gave the raven beauty a pat on the back.

That’s pretty! What does it

She is one of the goddesses of
the earth. A mother of sorts, a mother of us all.” He smiled as he
patted her down, grabbing a curry brush and handing it to her.
“Introduce yourself. You know about horses, right?”

She ignored that comment and watched Toci, her
posture was open, her ears forward. She was receptive. “Hey girl,
how are you doing today?” She asked as she held up her hand for
Toci to sniff. The horse took a moment and a sniff, followed by a
slight huff. She approved.

Lexie’s smile was triumphant as she proceeded,
rubbing the horse down and getting to work with her curry

She wasn’t away from the kitchen long, maybe
10 minutes before they put the brushes back and walked out of the
barn, Diego silent as he escorted her. It wasn’t until they got to
the door of the kitchen that he spoke.

Toci has great taste.” One of his
eyebrows went up as he looked her over. “You really want to know
what I want to see?”

She nodded.

What are you doing tonight?” He

I dunno, probably reading a book
and getting a bath. Why do you ask?” Lexie was certainly

Meet me after dinner. I’ll give
you a more exclusive tour,” He was so close to her, she swore he
was going to bend down and kiss her, but instead he just brushed a
hair out of her face and walked away.

There was no way she was going to pass him





Lexie’s mind kept wandering the entire dinner
service, not bothering to so much as notice the men who came in and
asked for their food. She was too busy trying not to imagine Diego
bending her over and slapping her ass so hard she screamed out. Her
cheeks had to have been a permanent shade of red.

It wasn’t until she finally sat down with her
plate of food that she came out of her haze. Just as she finished
with her dinner, Diego sat down next to her.

Hey, you ready to get out of
here?” He asked, his dark eyes boring into her own. It was the
moment she had been waiting for all night.

I thought you would never

Diego grabbed her by the hand and led her out
of the dining hall. “My truck is just over there.”

Where are we going?” Lexie asked
as they walked towards the older red pickup. It was in good shape
for a farm truck, no signs of rust or wear that she could see. She
loved a man in a truck.

A little place I know. Someplace
we can relax.”

How long have you been working
today?” He didn’t even look tired. She swore that man could go for

Been up since 3:30, someone has
to wake everyone else up and get Charlie on breakfast. Not the best
cook, but your uncle only does dinners for the crew. Then we have
animals to feed, fields to check, and on days like today, you have
cattle that break out of a fence. It is a lot of work.”

Sounds exhausting.”

It is, but you know what, it sure
beats working in an office.” Diego handed Lexie a bottle of water
and walked over to his pickup.

You worked in an office?” Lexie
was genuinely intrigued; Diego didn’t look like the type who would
ever work a desk job. He was simply too rugged.

Yeah, for a few years. I went to
college for business administration. I was a manager of a small
company in Cleveland, Ohio. But it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted
to work with my hands and manage a business at the same time. So
when your uncle offered me the job because he needed someone
business-minded, I jumped at the opportunity.”

He walked up to the truck and around to the
passenger side, opening it for Lexie. She climbed into the
passenger’s side of the truck, sliding across the vinyl and
breathing in. A rustic odor hung in the air, making her remember
all those summers, riding around, pretending to be a cowgirl. The
small cab left little room between them. Lexie’s heart beat
thudding in her chest. She tried not to imagine closing the
distance between the two of them, but the thoughts kept streaming
into her head as Diego started up the truck and took off down a
“road” that was more like a mud path, filled with bumps and

Lexie tried to hold on to the armrest as best
she could, but the jarring motion of the truck had her bouncing all
around the cab. It was certainly a rough ride as they road across
the Ohio landscape. One especially large dip threw her across the
seat and into Diego, who wrapped an arm around her.

Whoa, cowgirl. If you wanted to
cuddle, you could have just asked.” He held her so tight that she
couldn’t have escaped if she wanted to.

But she didn’t. She just wanted to breath him
in, and let her forget about Brody. Forget the way he rejected her
and her… unusual tastes.

Diego drove down along the edge of a field,
the tree line on her right. She started to wonder where they were
going. There was nothing really to be seen from her vantage

It isn’t too much further, you
curious thing.” Diego gave her shoulder a squeeze.

Diego drove down a little further and then
stopped the truck. “We’re here.”


You’ll see. Get out of the
truck.” Diego hopped out and walked around, waited for her to get
down and closed the door behind her.

He grabbed Lexie’s hand and led her down a
small path, through the woods. The sunlight was streaming down
through the trees. It would be setting in an hour or two, but the
warmth from the sunlight was still strong.

Before she could see it, she heard it. Water
rushing past rocks and moving. They were near a creek.

I come here, sometimes, when I
need a break. Or when I just want to be alone. I love it.” He
started shucking off clothing before she had a moment to

You can swim, can’t you?” Diego
was down to nothing but boxers as he waded in. “You coming or

She watched him, her eyes wide as the waves of
water hit his boxers, making them translucent as he waded
backwards. She could see the outline of his cock, and even with the
cold water hitting it, it was huge. Bigger than she had imagined.
And she had imagined it a lot in the past four hours.

What the hell, why not? She had come this far,
ready for the consequences, whatever they may be. She pulled off
layer after layer of clothing until she was in her bra and
underwear, but she hated wet clothing. So she had a decision to

She unclipped her bra and pulled it off, her
nipples hardening instantly as the fresh air met them. She bent
down and stepped out of her underwear, her hands gliding down her
shapely thighs. She was nude before him, standing there, her
completely smooth body barred to him as she walked towards the

I wasn’t expecting you would get
that familiar so soon,” His grin was absolutely wolfish.

This isn’t for you. I just don’t
want to get my panties wet.”

Now or later, what’s the
difference?” Diego skidded his arm across the water, catching it
and bringing a huge wave up to splash Lexie.

She was prepared for it though, and retaliated
immediately, sending water flying back up at Diego.

Lexie ambushed him and dragged him down under,
dunking him. Diego recovered quickly, and came up sputtering,
grabbing for Lexie and pulling her under. Before she knew it they
were wrestling in the water, throwing one another down, splashing
and gulping in breaths between laughter.

He grabbed her to throw her again, but instead
she wrapped her legs around his waist, looking up at

I see you have chosen surrender,”
He commented as he wrapped his arms around her.

I prefer to call it a change of
tactics.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, her breasts pressed
against his strong, muscular chest.

Lexie bit her lip and looked at him, enticing
him with her sultry eyes. She tilted her chin up and waited for him
to kiss her.

But he didn’t, he bent down and kissed her
collarbone instead, waiting a moment and then sinking his teeth
into that flesh. Making her scream out.

It was delicious.

Diego’s hand snaked around her back, dipping
down to her ass as he gripped her firmly, “I’m a kind of dark you
may not want to experience, Lexie. I’m giving you the chance to
walk away.” He whispered into her ear, his breath hot on her face,
“If you get out now and get dressed, I’ll take you home. No
questions asked. I need to be sure you understand.”

I heard about you, and what you
like, Diego. I’m here. I want this.” She turned and kissed him, her
lips firm against his as they met, intertwining.

He took control of the kiss as soon as it
touched his lips, crushing hers with his own. She could feel all
the places where they pressed, and the little recesses in between
those places. There was so little keeping them from really
touching, his boxers, the water. She wanted as much of him as she
could get, and she wanted it now.

He must have read her thoughts because no
sooner had that crossed her mind did he start to carry the two of
them out of the water.

I’m going to enjoy you, Lexie.
All of you. And whoever told you about me, it isn’t

It isn’t?”

Oh no, I am much more depraved
than they can imagine.” His grin turned wicked as he heaved her
over his shoulder and carried her towards the truck, bottom first,
pausing only to scoop up their clothing.

Diego threw their clothing in the back of his
truck bed and lowered the tailgate before setting her down. “I
thought we could use a room with a view,” He said with a husky lilt
to his voice.

She found herself gravitating towards him as
he pulled the tailgate down. His wet boxers were showing the
outline of his thick cock, but it was still too much. She wanted to
see all of him. She wanted to feel that cock in her hands. In her

Diego gave her exactly what she wanted. He
reached over and pulled off his boxers, exposing his cock to the
warm summer air. He jumped up onto the bed of the truck, staring
down at her, his thick cock there, just waiting for her.

BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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