Read Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology Online

Authors: Vivian Wood

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Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology (19 page)

BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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She looked up at him, her eyes wide as she
drank him in. He was sexy and built, with a huge dick. The total
package. It excited and terrified her.

Suck my cock, Lexie.” Diego said,
his voice firm and authoritative as he grabbed her by the

She moaned at the order, hoping for more.
Brody never pulled her hair, calling it “juvenile”, even though she
craved it.

A defiant woman, Lexie wrapped her hand around
the shaft of his cock and gave it a tug. The result was
spectacular. Diego seethed as he came to life. What she thought
couldn’t get any bigger did. She sucked in a breath as she looked
at it. It was raging and he was huge. She wanted nothing more than
to ride him, to feel that big cock inside of her, but she was
afraid of whether or not he could fit. Lexie opened her mouth,
wanting to tease him a little bit, but he would have nothing of it.
He grabbed her hair a little harder and shoved that open mouth over
his cock. He pumped in and out of her mouth, forcing his cock down
her throat.

Her eyes watered as she tried to swallow all
of his cock as he forced it upon her. Diego pulled her mouth off
his cock and let her catch her breath.

You are going to do what I say
the first time, Lexie. Or I am going to make it very difficult for
you. Do you understand?”

She nodded and accepted his command. “I
understand, Diego.”

Sir, call me Sir.”

I understand, Sir.” She fought
back a smile as she said it, the release of control bringing her
more pleasure than she ever could have imagined. Lexie watched as
he came down and kissed her, his mouth harsher than before,
scraping across her lips with a lustful fierceness. Lexie growled
and bit his lower lip. She wasn’t going to be an easy

He grabbed her, suddenly, and threw her over
his lap. “You seem like you are going to be a defiant little whore.
Let me disabuse you from that notion right now. If you are defiant,
you get punished, Lexie. Do you want to be punished?”

Yes, Diego. I want to be
punished.” She pleaded.

He brought his hand down hard across her ass,
the heat of the blow stinging as she moaned. It brought the release
she was looking for. She sucked in a breath and turned her head to
look over her shoulder.

More.” Her eyes were wide as the
grin on his face only got wider. He was hoping she would say

Down came his hand again, the strong sting of
the next blow hitting her other cheek. There was nothing there to
keep her from experiencing his fury, and she loved it. It was
everything she wanted. The feel of force against her own skin, the
release of the pain.

Is that what you want, Lexie?”
His deep voice was dark and serious as she reeled from the pleasure
of his touch.

Yes, please. Yes.” She writhed on
his knees, snaking a hand down her body and finding her pulsating
pussy. It was dripping wet, her juices coating her own flesh with a
sticky sweet concoction. She dipped a finger into her slit and
brought it up to her lips.


She went for his hot cock next. It was
throbbing as she wrapped her hand around it.

Dammit, woman. You have no idea
what you are doing to me.” Diego reached for his pants and pulled
out a little foil wrapper, tearing it in order to retrieve a
condom. He slid it over his dick, the white film making the veins
in his cock bulge.

Oh, I have some idea.” Because
you are doing it to me, too.

Women like you just don’t exist
out here in the country. Very few can tolerate my… tastes.” He
grabbed her and sat her upright on his lap. “I want you, you dirty
little slut.”

I am. I am a dirty little whore.”
She cooed, grinding against his cock. “And I don’t just tolerate
your tastes. I crave them.” She grabbed his dick and glided it into
her tight pussy.

He pushed against the walls, reminding her of
how long she had been celibate. Too long. She moaned as she moved
up and down his cock, his hands on her hips. Squeezing her hard,
making her completely aware of her surroundings. There was no way
he was going to let her be anything but present.

Take what you want, Lexie. Ride
me.” He let go of her so that she had complete control,
surrendering to her.

She had no problem taking control. Sweat built
up on her brow and trickled down her body, even in the cool night,
as she rocked back and forth on his hard cock. Her speed increased
with every slam of his cock into her. She wanted more, she had to
have more of him. She was frenzied in her need, gripping his
shoulders tightly as she fell on his cock over and over

Your cock feels so good inside of
me.” She moaned.

Just like a nasty little whore
would say.” Diego whispered.

Diego bucked against her with each movement,
their bodies coming together as one over and over again.

Yeah, baby. You ride me. Take it,
Lexie,” Diego growled as he bucked against her when she came

She was so close to cumming. She just had to
push a little farther.

She could feel the pulses of pleasure as they
made their way down her body, taking control of her senses. It was
so good. She wanted more. Refusing to yield to the building force,
she moved faster, grinding her hips against his, forcing the
sensations to grow. Diego landed a hard smack on her ass cheek,
only increasing the sensations she was feeling. Lexie pushed
herself to the next level, her body shaking furiously as she
screamed out into the night.

Her moans and calls of pleasure pushed him
over the edge. Diego grunted as he thrust into her a final time,
his orgasm coming in waves and spurts.

She collapsed over him when she was finished,
sweat plastering her hair to her forehead, her chest heaving as she
tried to catch her breath. She was hot and tired.





Diego gripped her for a moment, but didn’t
refuse when she climbed off of him, crawling down out of the

What are you doing?” He asked,
looked her over.

I think we deserve another dip in
the creek, don’t you? Besides, we need to talk about the other
things I heard you were interested in.”

Oh?” He asked, pulling the condom
off and setting it aside for disposal.

With that she was off, not letting him give
her an answer.

She loved being defiant.



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Grandpa's Cabin

"Grandpa," I scold, half crying, half

"Hey, are you really using up your energy to
try and set me up on a date? Just relax and breathe."

I look at his sunken eyes, tired face,
diminishing breaths, and the monitor telling me how his oxygenation
is decreasing despite the oxygen-delivering mask secured around his
face. Thankfully the gurgling in his lungs decreased when I placed
the patch behind his ear and a couple drops of atropine under his

I look to my friend Aimee, my fellow ICU
nurse, and she recognizes my unspoken request for more morphine.
She rushes out of the room to get the medication.

"I will have a wonderful life," I tell my
grandpa trying to let him know it's okay for him to go.

"I will have a husband and a big family and a
little scrawny boy named Henry just like his great grandpa."
Smiling at me, he closes his eyes never to open again. Four hours
later holding my hand, my grandpa died.





Humming along to one of my favorite songs, I
peer over the top of my steering wheel eager to catch the first
glimpse of sun-kissed mountain peaks. They stand strong and tall
just as I remember them from youth, captivating me with their

Quickly whipping the steering wheel to the
right, my car straightens out on the winding road, narrowly missing
scraping the wall as I travel toward my Grandpa's lake cabin.
Driving through treacherous mountain roads can be dangerous if you
let your mind drift.

Deciding to enjoy the warm air, I turn up the
radio, and roll down my window. The cool air from the car vents
dies down as a warm breeze brushes my nose. Inhaling deeply, I
barely detect fresh pine, and immediately I become a young girl
again riding in the front seat next to her grandpa, off for a
summer filled with adventure and fun.

Summers with Grandpa in his fishing cabin are
some of the happiest memories I have from my childhood. Just
thinking about the cabin near the banks of his quaint lake eases
the tension from tired muscles resulting from long hours in the
intensive care unit in downtown San Diego.

The water is so clear and blue, you can see
all the way through to the bottom of the lake anywhere your boat is
floating, whether it's three feet or twelve. Being here in the
mountains makes me miss Grandpa.

After two years of him being gone, I finally
worked up the nerve to come to the cabin, knowing he would want me
to be here in our special place. As an ICU nurse, I know better
than most that people are not built to live forever, but that
doesn't make me miss him any less.

No more time for mourning.
The next two weeks are about me getting away and
enjoying the summer in true Grandpa fashion; fishing, hiking,
swimming, and roasting marshmallows late into the night.

My parents had always been happy for Grandpa
to come and whisk me away each summer. Surely, they enjoyed the
break from parenting, but they missed me terribly, calling often
while I was away. I barely escaped spending my two weeks of
vacation time with them this year. While going to Aruba sounds
nice, my place is here amongst the trees and lake water. I should
call them when I get to the cabin to make sure they made it to the

Driving four miles along a private road, I
turn down the familiar pebble driveway. The small fishing cabin
comes into view and I take in the wonderful sight of my childhood
stomping ground. Almost everything just the way I left it, the
cobblestone walking path to the lake deck is a shade lighter than I
remember, but the wooden deck Grandpa and I built four years ago
after I graduated college is still secure in the water. The gazebo,
the fire pit, the front porch swing, everything that I remember
from countless summers is just as it has always been.

Everything at the lake was the same, except
one very obvious change. An obnoxious monstrosity of a house is
situated about five hundred feet away from my Grandpa's front door.
Massive and beautiful, the architecture is impressive. Awed and
enraged at once, I wonder what a house like that is doing

All of this land belongs to me ever since
Grandpa passed away. The cabin and surrounding twenty acres of
forest land plus half of this lake are mine by inheritance. How
could it be legal for someone to put a three-story house with a
huge wrap around deck and glass walls facing the lake on my

Slamming my car door shut, I make
a beeline for the front door, climbing the stairs of the most
adorable damn house I've ever seen. It looks as if it was just
prepared for a
Better Homes and
photo shoot. Expensive-looking teak
lounge chairs with white cushions, coordinating outdoor sofa, and a
stone fireplace create an inviting area on top of solid hardwood
planks, extending from the house to almost the bank of the

Walking through the outdoor living room, I
reach the front door, force myself under control, and knock on the
smooth glass door which reflects my wind-blown image back to me.
Paranoid about my appearance after my drive, I check my teeth for
food in the reflection.

Listening for signs indicating someone is
home, I wait impatiently on the deck. Completely unnoticed, I stand
and wait, my temper on the rise. Trying the handle, I find it
unlocked and push the door open. Relief in the form of a gust of
fresh, cool air greets me as I open the door and call out, "Hello,"
looking for anyone who will answer.

Taking in the enormity of the place, two
things occur to me: One, I want to curl up on the sofa next to the
fireplace with a blanket, pillow, and glass of wine. And two, how
it is possible this house was placed on my lake.

Exquisite high-end furniture is strategically
spaced throughout the room. Plush, white linen furnishings,
mahogany hardwood floors, and decorative tables and lamps adorn the
home. I debate whether or not I should go back to the car, grab my
bags, and just move in here. Standing in an open great room that
extends all the way to the roof, I see two stacked balconies from
the ground floor. Easily, this home is one of the nicest that I
have ever seen, but it should not be nestled right against my
grandpa's cabin.

BOOK: Into The Sunset: An Erotic Romance Anthology
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