Initiate Me (14 page)

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Authors: Elle Raven

BOOK: Initiate Me
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I stood, walked around my desk, not caring if she saw how hard I was and crushed her to me, slanting my mouth over hers to taste her lips. A sweet, honey taste lingered on my tongue, but the overwhelming flavour was Mia and nothing else. I ate at her mouth hungrily, lifting her body to mine, moulding her curves close to my body. My fingers cradled the cheeks of her arse as I tried to pull her against me more intimately.

Mia had her fingers in my hair, keeping our connection so tight that if I needed to breathe, it was going to have to be through her. I barely stopped from ripping her sexy-as-fuck dress off. But as much as I wanted to touch her everywhere, a small part of my mind remembered we were in my office and her brother’s office was only down the hall.

A very small part.

I wrenched my mouth from hers and dropped my head to her shoulder. Somehow we’d managed to move so we were propped up against my desk. Mia’s hips rested on the edge of it, dress hitched up, legs spread wide, allowing me to fit between her, snug against her pussy. The heat of her sex burned through the thin fabric of her dress and my pants. I took a deep breath and fought for control.

“Ahem...would the two of you want me to shut the door by any chance?” Winter cleared her throat as she stood just inside the doorway, her question hanging in the air.

Mia squirmed beneath me.

“What?” I asked, lifting my head only to find that Winter had disappeared.

Mia pulled me close to whisper in my ear. “You don’t know how tempted I was to shout out to her and say ‘shut the door’ right now.”

I swallowed hard. “She did shut the door, but there is no way I’m taking you for the first time on my desk, angel.”

“How about the second time, or the third time? Promise me that we can do it on a desk one day—”

I dragged her off the desk and into my arms. “You keep talking like that, and we won’t make it anywhere past this damn building.”



had him just where I wanted him. Jada said ‘make him squirm’ and I was enjoying every minute of it.

“That’s good to hear. After you left me so abruptly the other night, I was worried you may have changed your mind about me." I pouted.

"About wanting you?"

“Yes, I have my doubts. You see, I had a little visit this afternoon from one of your admirers. Lauren wants you to call her about a date you both have tonight,” I confronted him. “So, yes, I have my doubts, but I understand if you’ve changed your mind and want to back out. Just be honest with me is all I’m asking.”

“Lauren? Blonde Lauren, you mean? It’s not what you think, so stop jumping to conclusions,” he said, but I still wasn’t convinced and he hadn’t given me the reason why he had to call her. I was jealous but if I kept showing that side of myself, he’d probably want nothing to do with me.

“So, you’re not backing out then?”

“Hell no, I’m not backing out. I’ll prove it to you; can you come around to the pub tonight?”

“Probably, but are you sure this is what you want?” I wanted him to be sure he wanted me and not anyone else.

“Oh, I am one hundred percent sure this is exactly what I want. We need to talk about some things, though.” He shoved his hand through his hair and paced. “I sure as hell don’t want to ruin your reputation and mine because once we start this, I know I won’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

“That sounds good enough to me. So, what was it you wanted to discuss?” I asked him.

“It’s about birth control. What do you want to do about it? Or use?”

“I’m on the pill.”

Zane stopped moving. “A virgin on the pill? Why?”

“I was having some female issues and my doctor advised me to go on the pill. I only just started it.”

He smiled. “No condoms then; I’m good with that.”

“You are...clean then?”

“Yes, I’m clean. I had a medical when I first started working for your brother. It’s part of the employment contract, for us guys anyway.”

“Oh, I never knew that. Geez, I sure hope he gets Marco to have them, too.” My brother was such a man-whore, I worried about him.

“We all have them, so don’t worry about Marco; he’s safe. But, angel, there is something important I need to tell you before you agree to this.” Zane slapped his hands beside my shoulders, caging me in. “Something else you ought to consider. I’m demanding in bed. Extremely demanding. Since we’ll only be spending a few stolen hours together in the evenings, I’ll expect all that time for you to be naked. And you better be prepared to say yes to whatever I ask or tell you to do.”

"Is this about the spanking and rope thing? If so, I've got a few conditions myself."

He lifted a brow. “You’ve got a few conditions?”

“Yes. I’ll come to you in the evenings, but don’t for a minute think I will be cooking or cleaning for you—even if you have some master/slave fantasy and command me to do it naked.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “And don’t think I haven’t heard the rumours about what you and Max got up to down in Adelaide and all those wild nights for kink, threesomes and whatever. No multiples. Just you and me. That’s it; those are my conditions.”

“Deal. But that means you will give me control. If I’m teaching you, we’ll do it my way. Anything I want, any way I want, any time, any place.” Zane layered his body to mine, rubbing his cock into the soft notch between my thighs. “Do you feel how hard I am? You did that to me, angel. I’m going to have to go home and jack off in the shower, imagining it’s your hand around my cock. So when you come to me, you’ll be owing me one.”

“I’ll see you tonight then. I can’t wait to pay up.” I gave him a flirty kiss and left.
I have a feeling I may just be in way over my head with this man.



few moments after Mia left, Winter knocked on my door. "I know you're about to leave, but there’s a woman here to see you."

I peered over Winter’s shoulder and noticed Jessica in the reception area. There was no way the bitch was sane, standing there as if I asked her to be there. No fucking way.
She's got the nerve to show up here at my office

"She seems desperate to see you." Winter grimaced apologetically.

It was time to cut her loose again.


She tensed slightly at the hard tone I gave her name. Literally, I was spitting her name out with nothing but disgust dripping from my tone. I walked over to her, took her by the elbow and pulled her inside the empty conference room, away from listening ears.

“I want you to tell me why in the fuck you are here.”

“Because, baby, I know you miss me and I needed to see you again. I miss you.”

I had to give the bitch credit; she honestly believed I wanted her. That I'd take her back. After what she did to me, there was no way I'd take her back. She wasn’t genuine. She was a crazy bitch, and I knew there was nothing but calculating, crazy scheming underneath her façade.

“Are you stupid, for fuck’s sake? Please tell me you’re just dense and missed the fucking part when I told you
we are over
. You having some kind of trouble accepting that, Jessica?"

She flinched but she recovered quickly, sliding her body up against mine. “You want me, Zane. You need me. I know your needs and I'm the only woman who can satisfy them.” She laughed and reached out to place her hand on mine, but I stepped back and watched her arm fall lamely by her side.

“Listen to me, and listen to me real good, Jessica. I will not repeat this shit again. You and me, we are done. Completely and never going to fucking happen again done. My dick isn’t coming anywhere near your pass-the-parcel pussy. I don't know why you think you can just waltz back into my life after you do the dirty on me and expect me to accept you back. You're wrong. Dead-set wrong. What we had is over. Never. Happening. Again over. Now, get the fuck out of this complex or I'll have you thrown out."

I never gave her a chance to respond. Turning around, I stormed past Winter's desk without a backward glance at Jessica. "Make sure she leaves or call security," I instructed Winter.

"Yes, of course."

I headed out of the building, ready for my night with Mia.

Chapter Twelve


hen I returned home, it was almost six-thirty. Darkness was beginning to set in as I drove home. I loved the view of all the vineyards at that time of the evening. The Barossa was a truly exquisite place to live in. It was dinner service at The Barossa Barrels and patrons were starting to come in by the dozen.

My manager, Pete, had everything under control. I quickly avoided any staff who wanted to discuss anything as I raced upstairs to my apartment to get ready. Usually, I had a quick chat with Pete over a drink, but that night I had another thing on my mind. And that one thing was the exotic Mia Brunetti.

Was I being a selfish bastard for sneaking upstairs? I didn’t care. I spent extra time on my appearance, shaving and trimming my goatee. I had a cleaner come in once a week but I did a quick tidy-up of the apartment, changed the sheets, and cleaned the bathroom.

I never gave Mia a specific time to arrive, but I was constantly checking the clock. Where was she? I was feeling a bit nervous initiating a virgin. The phone rang, disturbing my train of thoughts. I was half-afraid to answer it, thinking it might be Mia calling to cancel. But it was my mother, grilling me on looking after myself. As I listened to her chatter, I looked out the window and saw a car create dust plumes on the gravel road. Mia had arrived.

“Ma, my phone is ringing; I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I hung up and watched Mia through the surveillance camera. My heart kicked into double time. I’d never been the type for unbridled affection with anyone besides my mother. However, I wanted to rush out to meet her and swing her into my arms, peppering her sweet face with kisses just to hear her laugh. Although she brought me extreme pleasure, I sure as hell didn’t want to appear too eager, too desperate.

So instead, I made my way downstairs and slouched against the wooden post, waiting for her to enter and pretending to be in deep conversation with Pete. I heard her light footsteps which echoed across the room. I could sense her near me. Counting to ten, I then turned to face her. I smiled, giving her a hot head-to-toe appraisal. She was dressed casually in a short, black skirt and body-hugging T-shirt emphasising her generous breasts. Her black wedge sandals were sexy as fuck, but I experienced a twinge of guilt because she looked so young.

“Hey, angel doll. You look good.”

She stared at my mouth. “Thanks.”

“Can I get you a drink?”

“Ah. Sure.” She looked shy and nervous.

“What’s wrong?” I prodded.

“Nothing, but aren’t you at least going to kiss me hello?”

Not giving a shit about our audience, I bent down to press my lips to hers, gliding over the plump softness of her mouth a couple of times and retreated to lick my lips. “Mmm. You taste sweet.” I gauged her disappointment. “If I start kissing you properly, I won’t be able to stop and I’m not going to maul you here in the front bar.”

“I wouldn’t mind.”

“Come on. Let’s take this upstairs where we have more privacy.”

Mia abandoned her spot by the floor-to-ceiling picture windows and followed me to the apartment. I led her to the couch and as she attempted to plop down next to me, I tugged her on to my lap.

“This is where you belong, angel; right here, between my legs.”

She twisted until our bodies were matched pelvis to pelvis. She draped her arms over the back of the couch behind my head. “So, stud, I’m here. What are you going to do with me?”

I wanted to shout out,
fuck you until you scream my name.
But I decided to keep that to myself, seeing as it was her first time and she was probably already nervous. I had to keep myself intact. I took her mouth like I wanted to take her body—a slow build-up. Then wham! I kissed her with no-holds-barred, hot, wet and hard, swamping her senses until she couldn’t breathe.

Mia rubbed my chest and returned my demanding kiss—her enthusiasm a contradiction to her innocence. I slid my palms up the back of her sleek thighs and found only bare skin. Damn, the little minx hadn’t worn any undies. Clamping my hands to her butt, I lifted her slightly, changing the angle of her hips. My middle finger traced the seam of her arse down to where she was wet. I circled the opening to her sex and pushed my finger deep, feathering my thumb over her clit.

Her sexy whimper reverberated in my mouth.

As much as I loved hearing her muted surprised sounds of pleasure, I needed more. I moved my hand to the small of her back, scraping my teeth across her bottom lip and breaking the kiss. “I want to taste you, angel. I want to feel you come against my tongue.”

“Yes. I, ah. Um. Yes, okay.”

I held her hips as I rolled them until her back was against the cushions then slid to my knees on the floor. As I kissed her, I shoved the square throw pillow underneath her arse. I tucked her skirt out of the way, baring her completely from the waist down.

“Sweetheart, keep your hands right there and hold on.” As my palms travelled down the centre of her body, I wished I had made her strip so I could feel every inch of her skin.

“Wait, maybe we should—”

“I’m not waiting. I know you want this.” I peppered open-mouthed kisses from her left knee up the inside of her quivering thigh and licked the crease where her thigh met her hip.

She jumped.

Smiling, I brushed my mouth down to the top of her leg, using my tongue to trace the musculature of her thighs. I used the same thorough treatment on her right leg. By the time I finished, Mia was trembling. Her glistening sex was at my mouth level, and I pressed my lips to the top of her pubic bone. Her mound was smooth and bare. Damn, I was humbled knowing I was the only man who had ever seen her delicate folds. I lightly rubbed my lips above her sweet cleft and inhaled deeply. “Goddamn, angel, you smell so good. I should be talking to you more about how beautiful you are and how pretty your pussy is, all pink and wet, soft and untried, how sexy that it’s wet for me and only me. But I can’t wait.”

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