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Authors: Elle Raven

Initiate Me (12 page)

BOOK: Initiate Me
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Zane chuckled and stopped long enough to murmur, “Easy. We’ll get there, I promise.”

I didn’t like the way I was so helpless and giving in to my body’s demands. “Faster or you can leave, damn it.”

He stopped his ministrations and stared at me in the brightly lit room. What went through his head in that moment was anyone’s guess. When he touched my cheek, I practically melted at his tender caress.

“Is that what you really want, baby? Do you want me to leave?” I hadn’t expected him to take me seriously. I’d only been trying to get him stop taking his time and get to third base! Holy hell, I was ready for the home run!

“No. I’m just...”

“Anxious?” he helpfully supplied.

I gritted my teeth, clenched my eyes closed and admitted, “Yes.”

When I felt his lips against my forehead, I forced my eyes open. His gaze held a wealth of tenderness. That feeling women experience when they are anxious or nervous—butterflies in the stomach—well, they were in full force. I had an army of them which came to life inside me. An entire swarm fluttered around in there.

“I like you like this. Anxious, wanting me. You know, if you had never made that move at the wedding, I never would have pursued you. But I want you, Mia, and I’ve wanted you for weeks.” Shit, I had wanted her for years, but I wasn’t going to admit that to her, was I? “But you have been so damn good at evading me.” He paused as if carefully choosing his next words. “There is no need for us to rush this, angel. I like to take my time with a woman. A good, long time.”

“I think you are talking way too much these days. You always used to be so quiet. But’re all talk and no action.”

“You’re mean when you’re horny.” He grinned and let his gaze travel over my upper body. I knew he was looking at my breasts. They were a firm and perky D-cup and by far my best asset. “Fuck, you’re a vision. Those tits of yours are amazing!”

One of his hands reached down to flick one of my nipples through my blouse. His hands were big and large as he cupped both of them easily. “I’m going to fuck these tits, angel.”

“Fuck them? How...I mean literally?” Shit, I imagined I sounded dumb. I knew what he meant; I wasn’t that innocent. I’d heard Milan talk about things like that before and I had asked her but she never told me the full details. Half the time, I often wondered if Milan was that experienced herself.

“I’m going to get you to hold these two beauties together as I slide between them with my...”

I smacked him on the chest. “Stop being so crude! That’s the most—” He effectively cut me off with a press of his lips to the pulse on my neck.

“Oh, my God,” I moaned as I dug my fingers into his short, dark hair, holding him firmly while he suckled my skin. I ached to feel those lips and that tongue lower. Much lower.

It was as if I had spoken the thought aloud because he inched downward, air brushing against my stomach. I realised he’d somehow managed to unbutton my blouse and pull it down my shoulders, baring me to his eyes. When his tongue flicked over my hard nipple through the soft material of my bra, I nearly shot off the sofa as I forgot my misgivings. My body craved his touch. I cast my mind back to how he made me fall apart from his touch at the after-party and my body began to respond, my nipples as hard as pebbles and my centre moistening.

I was ready.

Ready to give him my virginity, right there on the sofa. What sense did it make holding onto it any longer?

Gently at first, he ran his tongue back and forth over my sensitised nipples, teasing me. Then he squeezed them together before sucking one of my nipples into his warm mouth, satin and all. He hummed in satisfaction, and the raspy vibration of his voice tormented me. Somehow I found myself sprawled on the couch, his hands on either side of my body effectively pinning me to the cushions. He surrounded me. His lethal strength and intoxicating scent filled my vision and my senses.

While he switched to the other breast, I marvelled at his patience. He sipped at my skin and toyed with erogenous zones I wasn’t aware I possessed. When he appeared to be settling in for a damned meal, I urged him lower with a tug on his hair. He obliged and moved his loving torture south. My body reacted with a flow of moisture to my centre.

Every inch of me was ready for him to take me. To fuck me. I knew it would be like this when he took me. Hard and savage. I sensed it.


A groan was the only indication he had even heard me. Slowly, he raised my skirt, and with each inch of skin he exposed, he sprinkled me with wet, open-mouthed kisses. By the time he had the skirt bunched up around my waist, my pussy was pulsating.

He sat back on his backside, his gaze devouring me. “You don’t wear normal underwear?” He was referring to my see-through white G-string.

“Wow, no wonder Max employed you. You can tell the difference between what is normal underwear and abnormal.”

“All day at work, you even went to lunch with Brandon and then tonight you sat here chatting with everyone and you were wearing that skimpy thing.” He passed a hand over his face and grumbled, “Damn, Mia. You sure know how to drive a man crazy.”

“Oh, for crying out loud, no one knows what underwear I have on!”

“Good, and let’s keep it that way, shall we? Unless it’s me, of course.” He reached down and cupped my mound. “You’re beginning to get a real sassy mouth, angel. I quite like it, but I may have to spank you for it one of these days.”

“Ooh, sounds hot and kinky; I may just enjoy it.”

“I never mentioned what part of your body I’d be spanking, Mia,” he growled. “Perhaps I’d rather tie up these hot tits and spank those instead. Trust me, angel, that’s not all I want to do to you.”

Oh, shit!

The imagery his words brought to my mind was totally X-rated and not to mention forbidden. My clit swelled. I tried to maintain my cool composure, but when his fingers pushed aside the elastic of my G-string, his middle finger found its way through my wet folds and sank all the way to the knuckle inside my heat that was it. I totally lost all control, and I didn’t care.

“Fuck, look at you, angel. Just look at you. Your pussy is swollen and slick. You’re ready for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

When a second finger joined the first, my hips moved, matching his pumping rhythm. After thrusting several times, he brought both fingers all the way out. I wanted to beg him to shove them back in again; damn, it felt so good. But my words died on my tongue as I watched him suck my juices off each individual digit.

“You taste sweet, but I don’t think that quite satisfied my appetite. I’ll need another sample of the goods, just to feed my addiction.” He spread me wide, moving my G-string completely out of the way and dipping his head between my thighs, sweeping his tongue over my swollen clit.

I arched upwards and he was there, holding me down, both hands gripping my hips. I moaned and writhed under his assault. His tongue dipped in and out, tasting and sweeping me into another realm. I went wild when he sucked my clit into his mouth and blew on it. Once, twice, and I detonated, shouting his name.

He stayed there for long seconds after my orgasm ended, relishing the little aftershocks. Then he lifted his head.

“Fucking beautiful,” he murmured. “You are so fucking beautiful, angel.”

I let my eyes drift closed. Then his weight lifted and I opened them again, curious as to what he was going to do next. I watched him standing beside the sofa, an impressive erection tenting the front of his pants. I wanted to touch it. I wanted to reach out and fondle him. With tentative fingers, I reached out to do so and moved my hand decisively to the hard outline of his dick. The zipper was just within my reach. If I could just slide it down I’d get to see him. I knew Zane was unusually large; you could see it. He enjoyed the way I sucked in my breath as I watched him and he grew bigger before my eyes as I stroked him through his pants. Suddenly, he leaned down, kissed me on the lips and murmured, “Sleep tight, angel.”

What the hell? He was just going to walk away and leave me? Shock and mortification filled me as he walked to the door. As he turned the handle, I found my voice. “That’s it?” I sat up and grabbed my wrinkled shirt. “You’re fucking leaving?”

He smirked at me. “I told you before; I am not rushing this. The rest will be waiting for you when we get to Queensland. If you want me to teach you, angel, you’ll have to come and get it.”

Chapter Nine


hen he opened the door and walked out, I saw red.
Queensland. He wants to wait for Queensland!
My mind was already churning with all the ways to make Zane squirm. “We’ll just see who caves first.” I got up from the couch and went to the bedroom. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top before picking up my phone.

I needed to talk to Jada. I needed someone level-headed. But I didn’t want to bother her so I called Milan instead.

Damn, all I got was her message bank. I then tried Jada’s number but I was so angry, my fingers were shaking.

“Hi, Mia. How are you?”

“He makes me crazy!” I shouted.

“Uh, it might help if you start by telling me who you are talking about and exactly what happened.” Jada’s matter-of-fact tone never failed to calm me. “Zane, he was just here.”

“Zane? As in Max’s bestie, the one who has the hots for you? That Zane? Details now!” she demanded.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a tub of Maggie Beer’s chocolate ripple ice cream from the fridge. “He wanted to talk about my

“So he came to the house? Couldn’t he have waited and asked you at work on Monday?”

I made myself comfortable on the sofa and groaned. Oh, God, I could still smell his masculine scent. It was going to be a really long night and weekend. “Well, we sort of did more than talk.”

“Oh, my God. Did you sleep with him?”

I felt my cheeks heat. I loved Jada, but sometimes she seemed to have a way of making me feel like an unruly teenager. I opened the tub of ice cream and shoved a huge spoonful into my mouth. It was decadent, and it was going directly to my thighs but I didn’t care one little bit. “No, I didn’t sleep with him. I am over eighteen, though. I’m allowed to have sex. I don’t need your permission, Jada!”

“Yeah, I know. But you’re like a sister to me and I look out for you, just like you do for me,” she reminded me. “Okay, so, you didn’t have sex. What did you do?

“We, uh, we sort of made out.”

“I bet it was hot, right?”

“He was fine. In fact, he was so damn fine; my body is still singing.”

“I just don’t understand why aren’t the two of you together then? It’s obvious you are both attracted to one another. If you weren’t, you never would have let him touch you. You have been after him for years, Mia, so why are you holding back?”

Wasn’t that the million-dollar question! “I’m not. I mean, I was initially and then I went and propositioned him at your wedding and he’s never going to let me live it down. I suppose I am a bit intimidated by him. He’s intelligent and gorgeous and he works hard. He’s also overbearing and annoying; plus, he’s hot as Hell. My God, the things that man can do with his hands...” My voice trailed off as I remembered just how talented he was with his fingers.

“Okay, so he’s the best thing since your mum’s lasagne. So why when he says he wants you are you playing hard to get? Is there something wrong with him? Did he do something weird? Does he have like an extra nipple or something? What?”

I laughed. “No, he doesn’t have an extra nipple.”

“That’s a relief,” Jada said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

I pondered over Jada’s question. “He’s just so intense. When I’m around him, I feel like he can see right into my soul. I’m not experienced enough for a man like Zane.”

“Honey, you will never get experience if you don’t let your guard down. So he scares you, yet you still made out with him. It seems to me like your body is tired of your brain holding back. Maybe you need to give him a chance. See where it goes.”

“I gave him a chance tonight and he left.” I got angry all over again as I remembered his parting words. “Do you know what he said? He said if I wanted the rest, I’d have to get it from him in Queensland. See what I mean? He’s annoying.”

“Queensland? What for? Max doesn’t tell me everything about work, Mia. Why are you going to Queensland?” Jada asked.

“There’s a big convention there next week at the Brunetti Resort in Port Douglas. Zane invited me to go with him. I’ll be able to learn about all the new technology we need for not only the hotels but the winery in particular. I refused, and that’s when he said I was scared of him. I guess I am, but I never want to admit that to him, do I?”

“Wow, he sure knows how to push your buttons.”

Oh, he’d pushed my buttons all right. And I’d had a delicious orgasm as a result. “Yeah, don’t remind me.”

“Okay, listen. This is what you are going to do. You are going to go to Queensland and maybe see if you can’t make him squirm a little.”

I grinned. “I like the way you think.”

“Thanks. I like making your brother squirm every now and then, too.”

“Gross, too much information, thanks.” I screwed my nose up at her teasing.

We said our goodbyes after talking about Jada’s next trip into Adelaide to have her bloods done. Their next process was for her to start her injections so they could harvest eggs and eventually retrieve them. I placed a heaping tablespoon of ice cream in my mouth, savouring every last morsel as I thought about Jada’s words.

Make him squirm.

Now that’s something I could focus on.

Chapter Ten


hy do I put myself through this shit? I've got myself so worked up over Mia that if I don't have her soon, my dick will shrivel up. I need some kind of distraction to get my mind off her before I come in the car. I haven’t done that since I was a horny teenager. That's how Mia makes me feel.

My phone rang and I stared at the caller ID. Sometimes, you've got to be careful what you wish for. While I wanted a distraction, I didn’t want one in the form of my ex, Jessica.

BOOK: Initiate Me
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