Initiate Me (18 page)

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Authors: Elle Raven

BOOK: Initiate Me
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“You really have to stop reading those magazines.”

“Why? I was thinking I could finally utilise some of those sex tips I’ve been reading about.” I ducked out of the kitchen to the sound of his frustrated male groan.
One point to me.

A few minutes later, Zane followed me outside where I was pretending to wait for Marco.

“So, has it gone down at all?” I looked down to his groin, only to discover nothing had changed.

“No. I want you so fucking badly; I’m thinking of taking you right here on the porch in broad daylight. It might be worth someone discovering us.”

I felt a rush of wetness flood my sex.

“Marco will be here soon; there’s no way I am going to be discovered out here by one of my brothers,” I said on an exasperated breath.

Zane ignored me and asked, “Are you still sore from last night?”

“It didn’t bother me today at all; why are you asking?” I wanted to tell him that yes, I was sore, but it was one of the most exquisite pains I had ever suffered.

“No, I’m asking purely and simply because I cannot wait to have you again,” he admitted. “I know I was an arse this morning, Mia, but I want you with me every night.”

My stomach did a little flip. “I don’t know. I don’t understand you. You seem to want me and then you leave me panting for more. I hate it when you do that.”

He paused. “I told you not to get excited or to predict wedding bells, because that is not going to happen.”

“I told you I didn’t expect that,” I lied. “I’m not so sure I want to see you tonight. I might just be tired after our flight.”

“Wrong. I expect to see you tonight. You’d better find a way to make our deal work. You wanted me to teach you, then make it work.”

“Or what? What are you going to do?”

“Or I’ll create a few penalties to punish you with.”

“Penalty? What the hell are you on about? I never agreed to—”

“You agreed to whatever demands I ask of you, so you can’t back out now.”

“Demands, like what?”

“Like if I tell you to bend over this railing, I’d expect you to do it. If I decided I wanted to spank your butt until it turned the same pink as your pussy, you’d let me do that, too.”


“No buts. There are consequences for disobedience. I don’t see you as the disobedient type, but I hope I’m wrong because dishing out penalties might just get interesting.”

“Have you...penalised women before?”

He stared straight ahead. “What if I say I have but I’ve never had the right woman willing to give me that much control?”

“I’d say no is a much safer answer for me than yes.”


“Because I’d like to give you something no other woman has. Do your ideas for kink go beyond spanking me?”

He didn’t answer.

“You want to tie me up, don’t you?”

“I’m warning you, Mia.”

“What? I’m not doing or saying anything wrong.”

“You need to stop talking before you get yourself into all sorts of trouble, angel.”

“Hah! You can’t do a damn thing to me right now. Marco is due here any minute, so you’ll just have to wait until we get to the resort to teach me everything else you know."

“Is that right? Damn it, babe, I can make you pay for that later.”

I loved the dangerous glint in his eye. Most importantly, I loved that I could incite him to cut loose, to show a side of himself to me which no other woman knew. “I want you to take me to the edge. I want you to make me beg. Do you like the idea that I’ve never begged another man for anything? That no man has ever touched me like you plan to? Or done any of the things you want to do to me? And I will let you.” I couldn’t resist teasing him and was surprised it came so easily. I was also damned hot thinking about all the possibilities Zane offered.

“You are so in for it when I finally get you alone again.”

His phone ringing interrupted us. It gave me time to think about what I was getting myself into, taunting him like that. But I wanted him, and it was exactly what I wanted; the full scope of his passion.
I’m no little girl or a shrinking violet; I’m a woman going after what I want. It may be all I ever get from him, so I am going to be greedy and take it while I can get it.

No fear, no apologies, and no regrets.



hile talking on the phone, I peered over at Mia who she looked like she was ready to pounce on me.
Damn, I sure don’t need another interruption right now. She’ll probably think I’m evading her again or pushing her away, but I have to take this call. If I don’t get this restraining order in place for Jessica before I leave, there’s no telling what she would do next.
Mia rubbed herself against my chest, and I was finding it hard to focus on the call with her doing that.

“Mia, stop, for God’s sake.” I said, covering the mouthpiece so I could restrain her and keep her from touching me. She froze and retreated from me so fast she almost fell back against the railing.
Great, that’s all I need is for her to be pissed off with me again.

I hung up the phone and turned to face her; Mia was seething. I couldn’t blame her, but I just had to take that damn call. I reached out to her, but she pushed me away.

“Don’t you dare touch me, you arrogant arse!” she yelled.

“Jesus, Mia, I had to take that call. There was no way I could focus on anything when you start touching me,” I explained to her, trying to grab on to her shoulders to turn her to face me so I could reason with her. She was a true little spitfire when she was angry. She whirled around, but didn't speak. Mia then stormed back inside the house, slamming every door in the process.

Fuck me, I am such a prick.
What a perfect time to go and piss her off, just when we were about to leave for the convention. Yeah, I had to go and fuck it all up and make her angry.

She was still slamming doors as Marco trudged up the porch steps. “I take it my sister just had a hissy fit about something?” he asked me, a smirk on his face. “Welcome to Mia’s temper tantrums. She doesn’t have them very often but when she does, they normally last for days.” Marco laughed, clutching his sides. “Oh, man, I’m glad it’s you who is going to have to put up with her for three days and not me.”

I gave him a deathly glare. “I am not finding this situation very funny at all, dickhead. I suggest you shut the fuck up and go get the jet organised.”

Chapter Eighteen


have nothing to say to you.”

She was still angry. I had done every suck-up job known to man but she wouldn’t budge. Marco was right; she was as stubborn as a mule when she got her nose out of joint and would not snap out of it.

Mia confused me more than ever. All these years, I never thought Mia could be so fiery; I always saw her as sweet and easily forgiving. Boy, I was wrong. I’d been going insane since that night at the pub in my apartment when I had a taste of her. Nothing in my life had prepared me for the sweet flavour of Mia.

My mind lingered on the feel of her soft curves, the intoxicating flavour of her arousal. I ached to take her again, to drive my cock deep into her and fuck her into the next damn century. I had a lot of work ahead of me. I had to try and woo her back into my good graces; otherwise, she’d resent the hell out of me afterwards. I wanted her to come to me like she did that first time. I
her to come to me.

Marco flew us to Adelaide and we then boarded a plane directly to Cairns, Queensland. A wave of heat and humidity overwhelmed me as we sat on the plane at Cairns Airport, waiting to exit. I was at my wits’ end with Mia’s refusal to speak to me. “What’s your problem? You’ve been silent the entire flight.”

“You know what the problem is. Don’t play dumb.”

“I get it. You’re pissed I ignored you, is that it? You think it was easy for me to ignore you or walk away from you when I want you so much?”

“I think you’re crazy if you think I am ever going to let you so much as touch me again, much less do anything else on this trip.”

“We were on the porch in front of your house, for fuck’s sake. What did you want me to do? Fuck you against the railing or the wall? Be assured that was exactly what I wanted to do, but Marco was due to arrive at any given moment. You would’ve run so fast in the opposite direction my head would’ve spun. Then where would we be?”

Her gaze remained on the window as she said, “Your biggest problem is that you think you know me so well. You don’t, so stop acting like you do.”

“I know you well enough to know you would have regretted it. But it’s one of those cases of ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’. You would’ve been angry and cursing me regardless. Don’t deny it.”

She leaned in closer and growled, “I wanted you, yes, but you can’t handle a real woman. You like women who drop at your feet and fawn all over you. I’ve seen them, so don’t deny it. Don’t play the martyr, either; it doesn’t suit you. You

My anger flared. “Fine, you want it all out in the open? You asked for it, angel, but don’t blame me if it’s more than what you wanted to hear.”

I lifted my hand and cupped the back of her head. When she tried to pull away, I held her firmly with a fistful of her dark, soft waves. My whisper was for her ears alone. “Fear isn’t what has my cock rockhard right now. Fear isn’t what rode me either, baby. I want to see you come again so badly that I would have taken you right there on your parents’ porch and fucked you. I wanted to watch those dark eyes of yours dilate and your face flushed with heat. But then I wouldn’t have stopped; I would’ve wanted more, like seeing that sexy arse of yours. I would’ve flipped you over and fucked you from behind, maybe spanked you a few times for being such a goddamn tease. After we recovered a bit, I would have taken you to the shower and fucked you there, too. I want my cock inside of you, in your mouth, your pussy and your arse. I want my cum filling you. It just wasn’t the right time.” Her mouth dropped open and her face turned beet red.

Damn, was she afraid of me now instead of angry? Shit. This wasn’t at all how I wanted things to go.
“I’d never—” I didn’t get to finish what I was about to say because an announcement came through the intercom stating we could exit the plane. Our alone time was over.

Baggage claim and the taxi ride seemed to take forever. When we arrived at the Brunetti Resort, there wasn’t any privacy to be had there, either. We checked in for the convention and retrieved our room keys. Neither one of us said two words to each other, not even in the few minutes we had alone in the elevator. When we arrived at our floor, Mia scurried off to her suite, leaving me to wonder how things had gone from bad to worse.

I went to my own room, slid the keycard through the slot and pushed the door open. After tossing my suitcase on the bed, I looked around at my surroundings. It was a stunning room, with a foyer which led to a large living room. The furniture was light and modern, with cream-coloured carpet and luxurious ivory curtains. It was classy, as all Brunetti Resorts and Hotels were renowned for. There was a large plasma flat-screen and a wall-to-wall mirrored bar. Just what I needed, a drink.

I made my way into the bedroom and noticed more mirrors, walls of them. Winter had booked a great room. As I stared at the bed, I imagined making love to Mia on those luxurious linens and I groaned. I opened the door connected to the bathroom; the damn thing was fit for a king. The main feature of the bathroom was the Jacuzzi. God, all I could envision was Mia in that tub. My phone rang, interrupting the X-rated movie playing in my head. I checked the caller ID, hoping it was Mia. It was my mum.

Shit. Like I really needed to talk to her. She’d see right through me, realise something was wrong and want to help me. It rang again. For a moment, I thought of avoiding her, but that would only cause her more worry. It didn’t matter that I was almost thirty-five; I was her only child and she smothered me.

“Hi, Ma.”

“Hello, honey. Was your flight okay? How about Marco flying you to Adelaide? I’ve been scared about that, knowing it was his first time.”

I wanted to blurt out
it was crap
, seeing as I had alienated the one woman I was beginning to suspect I was falling for. “It was great and Marco did just fine.”

“And your shoulder, no problems with that during the flight?”

“No, it’s all good. How are you and Dad doing?”

“Oh, we’re just fine. Dad is out playing golf with your uncle; I won’t be expecting him back any time soon. I don’t want to talk about your stubborn father. I want to know how you are. I miss you. You sound a bit down; perhaps you need a pep talk from your mother. Is everything okay?” And there it was, mother’s intuition. I would never be able to escape it, not for trying anyway. “I think I may have ruined things with Mia, and we were getting quite close.” I walked back into the bedroom and collapsed onto the bed.

“Good God, Zane, what have you done to her? I adore that girl. You better not have botched up your chances of a future with her, or I’m going to tan your hide the next time I see you.” The only reason I had confessed all to my mother was because the last time I had spoken to her, she was badgering me about being single and how I needed a partner. I had confessed to her the intense attraction I felt for Mia. How beautiful she was when she smiled, how crazy she made me when she said something just to tease me. Of course my mother heard wedding bells, though, so I’d played it off.

“Yeah, I’m probably going to need that,” I mumbled

“Well...she still got on the plane with you and came to the convention, right?”

What is my mother up to now?
“Yes, she did.”

“And if my memory serves me correctly, it’s for three days, right?”

I sat up. “Yes. What is with the twenty questions and interrogation?”

“Well, I want to know why the heck you are wasting time with me. Get off the phone and ask her to dinner. I won’t call you again, even though it’s going to kill me.”

“I don’t think the dinner invite is going to work; she pretty much hates my guts at the moment. I’m the last person she’d want to have a meal with, trust me.”

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