Initiate Me (23 page)

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Authors: Elle Raven

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When I was almost there, he pulled all the way out and then plunged deeply. He pumped himself against me while he finger-fucked my tight pussy. Without warning, I burst apart, my inner muscles holding his fingers tightly. I bucked and pushed him over the edge and had him coming in hot spurts against my body, coating us both with his seed.

He wrapped his other arm around my middle as my orgasm continued, holding me snug against him. After we both caught our breath, he cupped my face and forced me to look at him. “Fuck, Mia. Damn, no woman has ever made me lose control so easily.” He pressed his lips to mine, soft and easy, before coaxing them open.

I sighed and let him in and he sucked at my tongue. God, how I loved his taste; I wanted the moment to last forever. Slowly, he lifted his lips from mine, and I let out a shaky breath. “You speak and I melt. You smile and butterflies fill my stomach. You steal a woman’s sanity and it’s really not fair.”

He grinned down at me. “For the record, we’re on equal ground here, sweetheart, because it’s the same for me.” Neither one of us said another word. He moved off the bed and said, “Come on, shower time.”

“I can’t move, but you go ahead.”

He shook his head and then swatted my arse. I jerked and glared at him. “What was that for?”

He held out his hand. “Get your cute arse in gear. We need a shower, and then we need to get to the conference.”

I scooted across the bed. “I suppose I should spend at least a little time looking over the different software companies. We are in desperate need of some upgrades.” He grabbed me as I started around him toward the bathroom. He pulled me in tightly and took my mouth in a demanding mating of lips. I surrendered as he dipped low, swinging me into his arms as he carried me to the bathroom. He licked at the seam of my lips before lifting his head. He looked at the huge tub and I knew he changed his mind about a quick shower. Leaving me standing in the middle of the room as I nervously nibbled my lower lip, he turned on the faucets and adjusted the temperature of the water until it was just right.

“I thought you wanted to shower?” I asked him as he held out a hand and I took it willingly.

“I changed my mind.” He let me step in first before he moved in behind me and sat down. I settled between his legs before he grabbed the soap and washcloth.

“No bubble bath?”

He smoothed the cloth over my skin and I felt his cock begin to stir. “It’d only detract from my view.”

We relaxed in the tub and I thought he’d try to make love to me again, but we were probably running late for the conference as it was. As we dried off, he waited for me to say something. I could feel his eyes delving into my soul. Was he expecting me to share my feelings with him? I couldn’t; I was too scared about my feelings. To even give him at least a hint at what I felt for him caused me to panic. I said nothing and started to dress for the conference. I could sense he was frustrated with me, especially when he snatched my blouse out of my hand and held it above my head.

“You got nothing to say to me, angel?”

I feigned ignorance. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t play with me,” he gritted out. “You know what I’m talking about. We just shared something incredible, and you’re going to go into work mode without a backward glance?”

I pushed my hair behind my ear, feeling emotional as tears welled in my eyes. “I loved what we did, you know that. It was wonderful, but I don’t know what more you want from me. You say I’m yours and you want me, but I distinctly remember you pushing me away and that was not all that long ago. In fact, you pointed out that I shouldn’t expect what Max and Jada have, so I’m not.”

He swiped at a tear which trickled down my cheek and whispered, “Good. Now that you have pointed out how much of a prick I can be, I will give you permission to bind me next time, how about that? But first, let’s get this damned conference out of the way so we can get back here and play with that rope a little more.”

I felt my cheeks turn pink. “You want to bind me again?” He reached around and smacked my arse, causing me to screech before handing me back my blouse. “There’s a shitload of rope there, sweetheart; I can do a lot of tying with that.”

I went up on my toes and whispered, “You are so depraved.” Our lips touched, and once again, the conference was forgotten.


e were busy the next few days with the conference. Zane ordered the best technology for the Brunetti Hotels but particularly for the wineries. Unfortunately, everything would take a couple of weeks to arrive from Germany. Until then, we had to be very cautious with the systems we already had.

By day, Zane was professional as ever but by night he made my heart melt. Luckily I had been to Port Douglas several times before because I would’ve seen nothing at all. I know I had nothing to compare the sex to but I knew it was special, and by the time the three days were over I was sad. I was sad that I wouldn't have him to myself.
He says he wants me and that he wants a relationship, but what does that mean in Zane Mitchell terms?

God, help me. All I knew was that I never wanted it to end.

Chapter Twenty-Two


One week later

eeping our relationship a secret was difficult. Apart from Jada, nobody knew we were together. Marco was away for a week in Melbourne, so I didn't have to worry about him finding out, and Milan was busy working long hours at the clinic, but my parents were back home from their trip which made it harder for me. Max and Winter were constantly in the office and we had to be extra careful whenever we were together. Not being able to tell Max was the hardest, and the secrecy of it all was killing me. So I finally relented and told him that Zane and I were now an item. Max, being Max, threatened Zane to within an inch of his life if he so much as made me sad.

“Winter, is Max is his office? I need to see him,” I asked, perched on her desk.

“Sure, go on through. He just got off the phone with Jada; I don’t think she’s doing too well today after her IVF treatment.”

“I know, it’s sad. I was over there last night. All she did was cry, and I don’t know what to say to her to try and help her. I can’t believe they couldn’t retrieve any eggs because she was too over-stimulated from the drugs. I wish I could help her in some way.”

“It’s just going to take time. People go through IVF all the time, and I’m sure she knows there will be complications but that doesn’t make it any easier, does it?” Winter said. “She has you and a great network of friends to support her; that is all you can do for now, be there for her. I went through a rough patch a while ago, and Zane helped me out a great deal.”

“He did, how?” I asked surprised.

“Well, I don’t really want to go into details, but I was in a bad situation at the time and I reported the incident to the police. Zane was the officer looking after my case and he’s the one who organised for me to work here. I will be forever indebted to him and Max, of course.”

Max stepped out of his office and called me in before I could ask Winter any more questions. Winter was so secretive about her personal life and for her to share that with me was very rare. It had me thinking what sort of bad situation she was referring to, though.

“Mia, you want to see me?” Max grumbled.

"Yes, I’ll be right in.” I followed him through to his office.

“What is it, brat?”

“I know this is a hard time for you and Jada, and I don’t want to add to your stress. I want you to know I am here for both of you if you need anything, anything at all. If it is at all possible, I wanted to ask if it there is any chance you can move me to work with Blake in the winery. I've worked with Zane for over a month and I've got the feel of how the hotels and resorts run," I told him. The truth of the matter was that I couldn’t handle working with Zane anymore; all I thought of was jumping his bones every time I saw him. God, the man was a pure distraction.

"Thank you; Jada is lucky to have you as her friend. She wouldn’t have been able to cope without you or Milan by her side. As for working in the winery, you know I want you to eventually work in there but you still need a little more time here on the business side of things. I know you're dying to get out there and work with Blake, which makes sense; it's what you studied, after all.”

“She won’t change her mind, trust me. I should know.” I pivoted on my heel to find Zane lounging against Max's office door, a devilish grin on his handsome face. His navy pants and white polo shirt showed off his muscular body. My mouth watered as I remembered how we had started out the day. After lying to my parents, telling them I was sleeping over at Max and Jada’s to help her, I spent the night with Zane. I'd woken in his bed with his mouth between my thighs. And of course, he still hadn’t let me reciprocate. It made me wonder what I was doing wrong.

“Hello, Earth to Mia.”

I turned at the sound of Max's annoyed voice. “What?”

Max waved me out of his office. “Just go, both of you. It’s no use trying to talk to you when you have that glazed-over look in your eyes. And shut the door behind you."

Zane stepped forward and wrapped an arm around my waist. “You ready to call it a day and go home?”

I nodded. “Sure, let me just go grab my things. I’ll meet you by the elevators.” I started to move away, but he was faster. His head descended and our lips met. It was too brief, and I badly needed more.

“You are such a tease,” I muttered as I stalked back to my office, Zane's chuckle trailing after me.

As I approached my desk, I saw Brandon walking toward me. I hadn’t seen him since before we left for Queensland. He looked sad or annoyed; had he seen us kiss? “Hi, Brandon, how have you been? We must go out for a latté soon,” I said, trying to calm the storm as I felt one heading my way.

“Oh, so you remember me, do you? You’ve been back a week and not once have you bothered to contact me.” He crooked his head toward Zane’s office door. “So, how long have you and Zane been hot and heavy, about three weeks?”

I had no idea where the conversation was leading, but I knew when someone was jealous and it was so out of character for Brandon. He was one of the nice guys, but by the look on his face, I could tell our encounter sure wasn’t going to make me happy. “Uh, yeah, I guess.” There was no point in hiding or denying it any longer, especially since Max knew. I took my bag off the back of my chair and turned toward him. “You know we are just friends, right? Nothing more. I apologise if I gave you any reason to think otherwise.”

“You know he will boot you out of his bed after about a week, don’t you? He never keeps a woman for long,” he sneered. “I sure hope you don’t get your hopes up, Mia, because he will dump you. He’s got a reputation for it.”

I stepped forward and spoke, giving my growing anger free reign. “Please stop. I have feelings for Zane, strong feelings. Be very careful what you say about him. I want us to remain friends, and friends do not speak badly about people I care about.”

Brandon stepped back. “You care about him? That’s news to me; you never mentioned that fact over our last coffee. I remember you saying he was overbearing to work for instead, and now you care for him?”

“Brandon, we have been friends for a while; let’s not spoil it. You need to respect my feelings and I really want us to remain friends.”

“Hey, I’m just giving you a friendly warning. It’s no skin off my nose if you don’t listen to it.”

He stomped off, leaving me feeling sad. I just had to do the adult thing and let it go.

“Don’t blow a fuse, angel.”

That deep baritone behind me had my pussy throbbing. I turned to find Zane standing several feet away, his hands in his pockets. I couldn’t read his expression. Had he heard Brandon’s caustic remarks? He closed the distance separating us and took me in his arms. “I care about you, too, sweetheart. There is no way I’m ever getting tired of you.”

“You heard?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I heard. He’s just jealous that you are mine and he missed out. Now, let’s go home.”

“Oh, is it my turn with the rope. Can I get to use it on you this time?” I asked him, knowing what the answer would be.

“Uh, baby, I’m the teacher, remember. I have to initiate you a little bit more before I give you any sense of control.”

I let my hand travel down his back to cup his arse. “Are you scared, stud?” His grin lit me on fire.

“Bring it on, angel.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


hen we reached the pub, we barely made it up the stairs.

“Come on,” I said, taking his hand and leading him to the bed. I shut the door before Zane spun me around so my back was against it and tore at my clothes—first my shirt then my bra, and finally my skirt and underwear. Within seconds, I was standing stark-arse naked before him, his gaze hungry. I reached for his shirt and fumbled with it until it was heaped on the floor. God, he had a fabulous chest. I appreciatively ran my hands across his chest and down his stomach until I found his zipper. I badly wanted a taste of him. Catching my bottom lip between my teeth, I undid his pants and freed his cock, surprised to find him fully erect already. I wrapped my fingers around his thick shaft and gave it a firm stroke, up then down then back up again, my palm working over the head.

He put both of his hands flat on the door above my head and looked down, watching as I stroked and rubbed his cock. He sucked in a breath. "Fuck, that feels good," he said, claiming me again. He left my mouth and kissed a path down my throat, stopping only once he had one of my nipples in his mouth. Licking, kissing, sucking, and biting. I was awash in sensations. I arched my back, thrusting my breast deeper into his mouth. "Yes, God, yes, more. Please. More."

He continued down my body, landing on his knees in front of me, his kisses so hot they burned my flesh. He looked up at me through thick lashes with a sexy half-smile as he lifted my left leg and draped it over his shoulder. I sucked in a breath and held it as he lowered his head and licked over my clit. His lips puckered around my swollen nub and he suckled it while working two fingers into my wet folds. My mind exploded and a tidal wave of divine pleasure washed over me. Bright flashes of white light blinded me as my hands and nails fought to grasp the door for support.

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