Inferno (12 page)

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Authors: Adriana Noir

BOOK: Inferno
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“You know how I feel about that kind of language, darling. Keep pushing me and I will show you just how cruel I can be.”

Any response she might have had died as he eased back and slid forward with a slow swirl of his hips. The room spun. Colors loomed, breaking in fragments before her eyes. All that mattered was the slow, deep rhythm of his thrusts. She danced on the precipice for what felt like hours. Each time she came too close, he changed pace and angle, leaving her bereft. Sebastian consumed every part of her. His body became a battering ram that brought the most delicious torment and chased all coherent thought away.

Then, the world broke. Release hit so hard and so fast, she couldn’t catch her breath. Winded, Taylor twisted beneath the onslaught, her body shuddering around him. Sebastian faltered for a moment, then resumed driving into her with a determined pace. Unable to escape, Taylor cried out and collapsed against the bed when another orgasm hit. Sweat slicked her skin and puddled beneath her on the sheets as he continued rocking into her, forcing her to take everything he had to give.

Sebastian’s grip tightened. Wresting her back up on her knees, he slammed into her with a possessive snarl. His hips pumped faster, driving his cock harder and deeper, until his lean body trembled against her and the savage growl building in his throat gave way to a strangled cry. Taylor blinked against the cloudy haze gathered before her eyes. The rest of the world still felt so inconsequential, so distant—far away. All she could focus on was the powerful twitch of his body and the fading throb of hers as he came deep inside her.

A few seconds later, Sebastian dropped down beside her with a contented sigh. Drawing her off the mound of pillows, he pulled her against his side into the crook of his shoulder. His skin glistened in the dying remnants of sunlight spilling through the windows and his curls were a golden, sweat-soaked mess. All traces of hardness evaporated with his lazy smile and a sparkle ignited in his striking green eyes. Kissing her temple, he rubbed slow circles against her back until the gentle tremors wracking her started to fade. Still searching her face, Sebastian ran a questioning finger over her ribs.

“Too much?” he asked.

“No,” Taylor whispered, nuzzling closer against his chest. “It was perfect.”

His husky laughter flooded the room as he scrubbed a still unsteady hand across the top of his head. “Good.”

The silence between them was comforting. Taking her hand, he kissed each one of her fingertips.

“I should punish you again,” he murmured. “This time in earnest.”

Confused, Taylor propped herself up on her elbow and searched his eyes. “Why?”

“Because. Now I have to take another shower.”

“No one asked you to perform like a marathon runner in bed,” she retorted.

Sebastian’s throaty laughter filled the room. Rolling on top of her, he captured her face between his hands. “That definitely sounded like a complaint.”

“I’m a little sore,” she admitted.

“Mm. Poor baby. I just wanted to make sure you were satisfied.” A languid smile dangled from his lips while he circled the outline of her breast, leaving a wave of gooseflesh in his wake. “Was I successful in those endeavors, or should I try again?”

“My God, Sebastian. I swear I might cry if you touch me again.”

His prideful smirk offered no apologies. “Yes you will, darling,” he whispered before nibbling softly on her bottom lip. “You’ll cry with pleasure and scream my name. Both of which I love to hear.”

“You are such a brute,” she accused, fighting to hide her smile.

“That I am, Taylor. You would do well to remember that.”

“If it’s any consolation, I don’t think I will be forgetting anytime soon.”

Laughing, he rolled off her. “Quit flattering me. You already got what you wanted. Now get up and come grab a shower with me. I told Josh and Monique we’d join them for dinner at six.”

Just like that, her heart sank. She tried not to let her reluctance show. Dinner parties had never been kind to them. Peeling herself off the damp mattress, she avoided Sebastian’s inquisitive stare and brushed past him. She tried to remind herself that it was just Josh and Monique. They’d shared meals together numerous times in the past and somehow managed to escape the encounters happy and unscathed. Maybe, with any luck at all, tonight would be the same. Still, that reassurance did nothing to silence the fearful voice whispering in her head. History had a nasty tendency of repeating itself.





Taylor’s hold on his arm tightened the minute they walked through the restaurant doors. Stealing a quick glance in her direction, Sebastian watched the wonder and amazement play across her beautiful face. He couldn’t help but feel a small sense of accomplishment and pride. He’d grown up poor, but he’d been enjoying the finer things in life for so long that he’d almost forgotten what it was like to experience them for the first time. Taylor was far from jaded or immune, and he truly relished the perspective she offered. It was like seeing the world all over again through her eyes. The view was so much more innocent and pure.

Her wide gaze trailed over the rich burnished wood and brass rails before flickering to the overhead canopy of white lights that spanned the ceiling and graced the lush potted trees. True to form, he felt her hesitate beside him. Her free hand instinctually smoothed over her sleek silver dress, seeking to erase any imperfections, and deep lines of worry creased her face. Leaning over, Sebastian brushed a thumb across the swell of her bottom lip.

“Relax, baby. You look amazing,” he murmured. “There isn’t a restaurant or woman alive that could compete with you. Especially not in that dress.”

A flush settled over the high ridges of her cheeks, staining them with rosy hues. Bowing her head, she lowered her eyes with a demure sweep. “You don’t have to flatter me, Sebastian.”

Wrapping a hand around her chin, he forced her gaze to his. “It’s not flattery, Taylor. Suck it up and learn to accept a compliment.”

Her face scrunched with her efforts not to laugh. Unable to help it, her slender shoulders started to shake and her worry lines started to fade. Winking, he wrapped his arm around her waist and steered her toward the back of the restaurant.

Josh and Monique were already seated and waiting. Candlelight flickered across their faces, accenting the coziness of the setting and the intimate padded booth. He paused as his sister glanced up and turned her radiant smile their way. The shimmering cream gown she’d chosen accented her pale beauty and she’d gathered her sleek honey on top of her head in an elegant sweep, like the movie stars of late. It struck him in that moment just how much she looked like their mother.

The notion brought an unwelcome stab of pain and longing to his chest. Doing his best to ignore it, Sebastian forced a smile of his own. Whatever sorrow he felt faded as Aiden sprung to his feet, his face lighting with excitement as he threw his arms around him in a bone-crushing hug.

“Hiya Uncle Seb!”

“Hey there, little man,” he laughed, ruffling the boy’s dark hair. “Who let you out of your cage?”

“My dad,” Aiden said with more than a hint of pride.

“Hmm. Last I heard, they didn’t allow heathens here.”

Aiden scoffed. “I’m not a heathen, Uncle Seb! I’m a kid.”

“Same thing,” he teased with a wink.

Grinning, the little boy rounded his attention elsewhere. “Hi, Taylor.”

“Hi,” she repeated with a husky laugh.

“Alright, devil spawn. That’s enough. Take a seat and let them breathe.” Josh tried to mask his smile, but his amusement shone in his eyes. “Sorry about the third wheel,” he said, hitching a thumb at his kid. “I wanted to leave him behind, but your sister here insisted there was some law in place demanding kids eat.”

The corners of Sebastian’s mouth quirked as he slid into the booth beside Taylor. “I believe she’s right.”

“Well, that’s a first,” Josh quipped. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t go to her head.”

“It won’t if you don’t let it,” Sebastian said pointedly.

Monique cleared her throat and gave an exasperated shake of her head. “You two
realize I’m sitting right here?”

His partner flashed a shameless grin. “Yep, sure do, gorgeous. That’s what makes it so much fun.”

Taylor’s shoulders shook silently beside him and, settling against the back of the padded booth, Sebastian pulled her closer with a knowing smile. It was nice to see her happy and enjoying herself for a change. The last few months had put her through so much both physically and emotionally. The thought sobered him, and his face tightened on a frown. They still had no leads on who was responsible for sabotaging her car. No leads and no revenge.

“Earth to Baas.”

He glanced up at the mention of his name. Josh raised an eyebrow and ceased his experimental wave from the other side of the table. Any smart-ass comments the man might have made fell silent as the waiter stopped by to take their drink orders. Not missing the way the portly gentleman’s attention lingered on Taylor and his sister, he pinned the server with a blistering glare. Fleshy jowls blanched white and, noticing Josh’s heated glower was just as unforgiving, the man muttered a promise to hurry and scuttled for the relative safety of the bar.

Josh grunted in amusement before turning his attention back to them. “There you are. Everything okay, buddy? You seemed a little lost in thought earlier.”

“I’m fine,” Sebastian stated softly. “I was just trying to enjoy the evening.”

His partner grimaced, his face contorting with a skepticism and reproach. “Right. Since when do you enjoy anything?”

“Have you ever considered it is your company that makes me so irritable?”

Josh shrugged and leaned back, draping his arms across the top of the booth in a relaxed sprawl. “Nope. Can’t say that I have. I figured this wonderful disposition just came natural for you.”

He snorted beneath his breath. “I should have hit you when I had the chance. Perhaps then you wouldn’t be so eager to run your mouth.”

Monique shifted in her seat, her startled gaze darting between the two men in an effort to assess the situation. Beside him, Taylor hung her head and traced the rim of her napkin. Sebastian sighed. Just like that, all traces of happiness fled her beautiful features and the dark shadows of worry had returned.

“Hey. Chin up, girls,” Josh ordered, giving Monique a playful jostle with his elbow. “It might be a bit hard for you soft and sensitive womanly types to understand, but this is how Sebastian and I play. It’s how we bond. Isn’t that right, buddy?”

He mulled the question over until he became all too aware of Taylor’s uneasiness as she studied him. “Sadly, I suppose it is,” he conceded with a rueful smirk. “Josh needles me incessantly and, somehow, I refrain from killing him.”

“Seb…” Monique pleaded, her voice taking on a quiet desperation as she glanced Aiden’s way.

His cheeks heated at the gentle admonishment. He’d forgotten there were innocent ears at the table. Filtering words and actions were something he was going to have to get used to and soon. Flushing, he aimed a lopsided smile the kid’s way. “I’m sorry, little man. I would never hurt your dad. I know how much you love him. Besides, he is a very important man to me. Your father and his talents would be…impossible to replace.”

Aiden’s face lit with pride and his bright grin deepened. “S’okay, Uncle Seb.”

The look the boy aimed toward his father afterward was nothing short of absolute admiration. Josh’s face became pensive in the aftermath.

Turning his attention to the table, he cleared his throat and slumped a little in his seat. “Thanks, Baas. That was really nice of you.”

Uncomfortable with the sudden shift in atmosphere, he shrugged. Seeking distraction, he rubbed the soft silk of Taylor’s thigh beneath the table. This was much more familiar territory for him. This was safe. He was grateful when the waiter stopped by to drop off their drinks and take their orders. This time, the man made quick work of things and left in a hurry.

“When are we gonna tell them, dad?” Aiden asked, all but squirming with impatience in his seat.

Sebastian’s head snapped up at the question. Tension crept into his shoulders as he glanced between his partner and sister in search of an explanation. So there it was. The real reason they’d wanted to go out tonight. Frowning, he watched as Josh chuckled and scrubbed the top of his kid’s head in a gruff noogie.

“Tell me what?”

“Nice going, sport. I was going to wait until after we ate, but I guess the cat’s out of the bag.”

Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. “Which cat would that be, Joshua?”

“Monique is going to adopt me,” Aiden blurted with another blinding smile. “Isn’t that cool?”

Stunned, he stared at his sister. Tonight was the first he’d heard of any of this, and he couldn’t help but wonder why. While the news wasn’t bad, it certainly caught him off guard, as did the secrecy surrounding the entire situation. His gaze narrowed again, this time in suspicion, as he studied Monique. Lowering her head, she squirmed beneath the scrutiny. When she finally found the courage to meet his eyes, hers were miserable and full of pleading.

He released a low exhale. His stare never left his sister’s as he cocked his head to the side and a smile he didn’t quite feel crawled across his face. “Congratulations,” he stated, spreading his hands in question.

“Thanks!” Aiden exclaimed, not missing a beat. Oblivious to the confusion and tension hanging over the table his grin widened even more. “We’re making it official next week.”

Scrubbing a hand across the stubble spanning his upper lip and chin, Sebastian nodded. “Congratulations are definitely in order then. You are a very lucky young man,” he said, finally pulling himself together. “You happen to be getting one of the very best mothers on the face of the planet.”

“I know.”

Tears welled in Monique’s eyes as she glanced his way. The slender column of her throat bobbed with her swallow as she mouthed a silent ‘
thank you

“Sorry we kinda just sprung this on you, Baas, but it needed done. Like you said, your sister is one hell of a mom. The kid adores her, and I can’t think of anyone else I would rather raise my boy if something were to happen.”

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