Inferno (16 page)

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Authors: Adriana Noir

BOOK: Inferno
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Releasing the plush comforter, she sank her hands into his hair. An ominous rumble vibrated against her as she tugged at his thick curls in a fit of desperation, egging him on. Opening her wider Sebastian swirled the velvety spear probing her body, the glide of his taste buds a hundred tiny nubs stroking across her. Taylor cried out. The pleasurable hum coursing through her grew to a forceful throb. She bucked against him, too winded to scream as release crashed through her.

Sebastian moaned, his body tensing. She twisted, struggling to break free, but he held tight, the slow swirl and licking strokes of his tongue forcing her to ride out wave after wave until he’d milked her completely and she had nothing left to give.

Inching his way back up her body, he took his time running his hands over her skin and plying it with scorching kisses. There was an undeniable reverence and ownership in his touch, leaving her no doubt she was both worshiped and claimed by this man. She whimpered as he captured a dusky nipple between his teeth and tugged. Something unnamable lingered in his pale green eyes as they locked with hers. Danger and determination rolled off him, rippling along her fevered skin as he sucked and nipped at the stiffened peak until she was certain she was going to go mad.


Drawing her nipple deeper into the hot recesses of his mouth, he sucked with zeal, his long fingers dipping between her legs to keep her thighs parted. Arching into his hand, her breath left her in a ragged groan as he teased the length of her slit. He teased her outer lips and circled the outline of her clit before resting his fingers against her. The pressure without friction was maddening. Taylor moaned beneath her breath and waited, praying he would move. Unable to bear the torment, her hips betrayed her, humping against him on their own accord.

A stinging slap to the outside of her thigh brought her out of her frenzied quest with a yelp. A quiet rumble of amusement rolled through Sebastian as he leaned back and yanked her down toward his hips.

“That’s part of your problem, darling. You’re always so eager for the rewards, but you give little thought to the repercussions in life.”

Gripping the thick length of his cock, he rubbed the heavy tip against her, coating him in her juices. His gaze remained rooted on hers as he traced a slow path up and down her slit. He was killing her and he knew it. It took every ounce of self-restraint she had not to impale herself on that glorious shaft and fuck herself into oblivion. Fisting the blankets, she let her head fall back with a miserable groan. He was so cruel. So deliciously cruel.

A low rumble welled in Sebastian’s throat as he leaned over her, pressing her deeper into the mattress. His eyes locked with hers, his stare almost hypnotic, as he pushed his way inside. Filling her to the brink, he ground deep. Sebastian drove into her time and again, rocking her body with the hard, steady thrusts she had come to know and crave. The clash of their mouths grew fevered and violent as they searched for a way to hold on to themselves and each other. Her nails raked his back, her heels digging into the tight muscles of his ass. The rhythmic slap of skin echoed around them, mingling with the low growls of pleasure vibrating against her ear.

He made it so easy to let herself go and forget. Forget the rules, forget the danger and the risks, forget the rest of the world even existed. Alone, they were adrift, but together there was a stillness and a sense of peace. Their love was a twisted refuge. It was the shore where they rested, the only place where they could find comfort and belonging.

Sebastian’s arms wound around her shoulders, driving her down into his thrusts and assuring her body had little give. Sweat beaded along his brow and a heavy flush settled across his cheeks, accenting the determination on his face. Bowing his head, he kissed the shell of her ear.

“Come on, baby. Give it to me one more time. I can’t hold on.”

His voice was hoarse and strained, a raspy pant falling against her ear. His torment and desperation was clear. A few more plunges was all the coaxing her body needed. She cried out as the pleasure mounted and release barreled through her full force. Sebastian followed close behind. Clinging to him, she listened to his breathless roar and reveled in the powerful throb of his body as he came.

He was both heaven and hell, the beginning and the end, but nothing was more beautifully broken than this man and the fragile bond they shared.




Sebastian eyed the package in Rupert’s hands with no small measure of trepidation.

“This came for you yesterday, sir,” the head of security explained. “But with everything else going on, I figured it would be best to wait until…” he trailed off in uncertainty.

“Until what, Rupert?” he asked with a curious tilt of his head.

“Until you’d cooled down some, sir,” the big man admitted.

Snorting beneath his breath, Sebastian nodded. He had to give it to the guy. The guard had some balls. Few men would have dared to be so blunt. His amusement faded some as he took the small parcel and turned it in his hands. It sucked that things had gotten so bad that he would regard something so mundane with so much suspicion. Its lightness did nothing to alleviate his worries. He knew better than most that explosives could bear little to no weight. Frowning, he scanned the address once again. Whoever had sabotaged Taylor’s car had to know he’d demand to see the security footage from that day, and thanks to the storeowner demanding they provide a warrant, there’d been more than enough time for someone to waylay the package.

Giving them time to obtain the proper paperwork hadn’t been high on Marx’s list of priorities.

Lifting the package to his nose, Sebastian took a deep whiff. It might look ridiculous, but it was better to play it safe than sorry. Nothing but the heady scent of the heavy brown paper wrapping met his nose. It was a small comfort to say the least. Nodding, he tucked the parcel under the crook of his arm.

“Thank you. Is there anything else I should be aware of?” he asked, returning his steady gaze to Rupert.

“No, sir. I was a bit thrown off by the homecoming arrangements last night, but things have been quiet and calm today, per usual.”

Raising a brow, he regarded the other man. “Don’t get used to it. I can’t afford to have you or your men let your guard down. Things are heating up for me at work, and they will only get worse before they get better. I’m willing to pay more, but I need you to stay focused. It’s absolutely vital that you keep Taylor safe. There’s no room for mistakes.”

“Understood, sir. I’m up for the challenge.”

“See that you are,” Sebastian warned. “I would not take kindly to it should you disappoint me. She is my life, Rupert. I lose mine, you lose yours.”

The guard paled some, but offered a mute nod of understanding. He didn’t know what it was about the man but, deep down, Sebastian liked him. He was affable, laid-back, and above all else, loyal. In many ways, the big Cajun reminded him of Henderson. Though they hadn’t been close, he’d never forget the way the former head of security had laid down his life to save Taylor’s. That kind of sacrifice and dedication was hard to come by anymore. People usually choose the easy way out, but there was a fierceness beneath Rupert’s friendly exterior. Perhaps he’d lucked out twice. The jagged scar stretching from the man’s eye down his jaw suggested he was a fighter who survived.

Reaching over, he clapped the strapping Cajun’s shoulder. “I am a difficult man to get along with, Rupert, but you’ve served my family well. I’m glad to have you here.”

“Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. Enjoy your day.”

He wished the man the same and headed toward the small guard shack stationed near the front of the property at the gate. Unlike the garage, it wasn’t attached to the house and far enough away that if he got blown to smithereens Taylor wouldn’t be impacted. At least not physically.

The last thought made him wince and a heavy sorrow blanketed his heart. He didn’t know how—or why—but that woman loved him. There was no denying that. As submissive as she was in other areas, when it came to loving him, she was as devoted as she was fierce. No one had ever shown that to him. Ever. But great responsibility came with that love. He didn’t just have his own happiness and well-being to consider anymore. He had hers and their child’s.

Knowing they would be parents soon was a strange and almost magical feeling.

As if sensing his thoughts, Sebastian glanced up to see Taylor crossing the yard. The soft, white fabric of her sundress clung to her slender curves and accentuated the gentle sway of her body. He loved that thing. He couldn’t help the wistful smile that crept across his face as he watched her approach. The sunlight bounced off her hair, lighting her chestnut locks with golden, fiery highlights. He was hard-pressed not to admire the swell of her breasts, already fuller now and more round, but it was her smile and the devotion in her silvery eyes that sent a stab of desire straight to his groin.

“Hey ya, handsome,” she murmured, leaning up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.

He closed his eyes with a quiet rumble of appreciation as she pressed a mug of fresh coffee into his hand.

“You’ve been out here for a while now. Is everything okay?”

Peering down at her, he felt his lips twitch with a knowing smirk. “If you are asking how your beloved bodyguard is, he’s still alive and quite well.”

She rolled her eyes at his barb. “Good because you have absolutely no reason to be jealous. You and I both know you’ve completely ruined me for other men.”

His smile was unrepentant as he carefully snaked his arm around her waist and drew her against the front of him. “Mm. Then my greatest mission in life has been accomplished. I can die a happy man.”

Much to his surprise, she batted his chest, though the blow was light and suggested play. Unsure what to make of it, he cocked a brow, frowning as he stared down at her.

“You’ll do no such thing. There’s no dying for you, mister.”

“I don’t intend to, darling,” he assured. “But you don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“When it comes to that I do,” Taylor stated firmly.

He couldn’t help but laugh. It was kind of cute when she stood her ground. That type of behavior wouldn’t always fly, but this time around, it was for a good cause. At least in her eyes. Wrapping his arm tighter, he kissed her before releasing her again.

“Your hormones are making you lippy,” he warned with a wink.

“They’re also making my breasts ache.”

Wiggling a brow, he tucked the package back under his arm and groped one of the tender swells. Taylor flushed, her eyes darting around the yard as he kneaded the plump mound without shame.

“Is that so?” he asked, rolling his palm across the hardening bud of her nipple.


Exasperation laced her voice as she tried nudging his hand away. Surging forward, he caught her waist again, careful not to spill his coffee. Pulling her tight, he trapped her body against his and drew her earlobe between his teeth.

“Mine,” he reminded her in a husky growl. Her shiver didn’t go unnoticed. Relinquishing her, he raised a questioning brow. “Understood?”

“It was never forgotten,” she replied softly.

“Mm. Good answer.”

Her attention shifted from his eyes to the parcel trapped under his arm. “What do you have there?”

“The surveillance tapes from the grocery store. It won’t take me long to go over them, but it needs done. I told you whoever did this to you was going to pay and I meant that.”

Some of the happiness fled her rounded features, but Taylor nodded in grim understanding. “Just promise me you won’t do anything rash. Whatever you decide to do, be careful and think things through.”

A small surge of annoyance swept through him. His first instinct was to shoot her request down. Then came the urge to fight back with rebuttal and denial, but the truth was he didn’t always think things through. Not when it came to her. Unfortunately, as much as Taylor inspired the best in him, she also provoked the worst. One wrong word, one wrong look cast in her direction and he was ready for attack. She knew this as well as he did. Sighing, he raked a hand over his head and looked away.

Maybe it would be best if he waited for Josh.




Sebastian tapped the end of his pen against his desk, his mind a million miles away. The sun filtered through the lone window gracing his office, speaking of another day done and gone. Heart heavy, he scanned the bleak desert landscape and tried to ignore his longing to go home. Shifting his attention back to the computer, he bit his cheeks and studied the face staring back at him. There was something familiar about the man, something vague that he couldn’t quite place. Tapping his lip, Sebastian brushed the nagging sensation aside and committed every detail to memory.

Whether he knew it or not, Gavin Bradshaw had fucked with the wrong family, and the distinguished silver hair, ice-blue eyes, high cheekbones, and slight cleft marking his chin made his an easy face to remember now that he was a marked man.

The angles on the security footage hadn’t revealed much. Gavin had approached Taylor’s vehicle, briefcase in hand, and disappeared from view. Though his actions remained shielded, it was hard to dispute the facts when he was the only one who’d drawn close to her car. It also raised suspicions Sebastian wasn’t prepared to contend with.

Whoever this man was, he knew what to look for and what to avoid when it came to cameras.

Digging deeper had been of little use. The man was a smokescreen with no past which meant that wasn’t even his real name. With no visible ties to any government agencies, his reasons behind rigging the accident were unclear. Much like that gaunt fuck, Frank Burrel, Gavin was a ghost who’d appeared out of nowhere. One who seemed intent on haunting his ass at every turn.

Frowning, Sebastian wondered what had happened to his previous stalker as he cleared his history and shut the laptop screen. As always, he had too many questions and not enough answers. It was possible the man was retaliating for some operation SKALS had run in the past, but with everything going on, it seemed more likely the accident was a warning, a far from subtle message to avoid proceeding with their future agenda. That was where Marx had him bent over a barrel and twisted sideways.

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