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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

LoveUnder Siege

ISBN # 1-4199-0824-3


LoveUnder Siege Copyright© 2006 Samantha Kane

Edited by Raelene Gorlinsky.

Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication: November 2006

This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.®1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH


This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Content Advisory:


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Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica ™ reading entertainment: S (S- ensuous), E

(E- rotic), and X (X- treme).

The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers.This storyhas been rated E– rotic.

nsuouslove scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. E-rated titles might contain material that some readers find objectionable—in other words, almost anything goes, sexually. E-ratedtitles are the most graphic titles we carry in terms of both sexual language and descriptiveness in these works of literature.

titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storylineexecution. Stories designated with the letter X tend to contain difficult or controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

Brothers in Arms:

Love Under Siege

Samantha Kane

Chapter One

“I’ve gone about it all wrong,” Phillip Neville said in frustration as he ran his hand roughly through his burnished blond hair. He was standing in his study, a room decorated with dark wood paneling and burgundy accents that highlighted his golden splendor. As he turned to face his best friend, the sunlight pouring through the window added a warm glow to the bronzed skin of his face and hands.

Jonathan Overton was struck again by Phillip’s physical beauty. Tall, just over six feet, Phillip filled out his coat of blue superfine exceptionally well without padding. His long legs were encased in buff pantaloons, ending in Hessians polished to a brilliant shine.

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Beauty and the Beast they’d been nicknamed at school, and it was true. Shorter than Phillip by several inches, Jonathan’s height was merely average. His hair was such a dark brown many people thought it was black. His eyes matched the darkness of his hair. His build was stocky though there was not an ounce of fat on him. He was a wall of solid muscle, or so Phillip laughingly told him when they sparred at Gentlemen Jackson’s. His clothes were stylish, but he did not wear them nearly as well as Phillip. On Phillip they were a gift wrapping. On Jonathan they were merely a covering. He tended to choose somber colors against Phillip’s bright splashes of color.

What Jonathan didn’t realize was that they complemented each other handsomely, their differences accentuating the positive in both. Phillip appeared as the golden archangel, Jonathan the dark, sinful devil.

Jonathan’s sigh contained almost as much frustration as Phillip’s. “I left you alone for three months to make the marriage work, Phillip. I’m sorry.”

Phillip threw himself down on the sofa next to Jonathan, resting his head against the high back.

“It’s not your fault, Jonathan, truly. I thought I could do it. I thought I loved Maggie enough to be what she needed—a dull, ordinary husband. But my own frustration is coming between us, and I don’t know what to do. She seems as unhappy as I am and neither one of us can find satisfaction in our bed.”

Jonathan leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he clasped his hands together. “Maybe Maggie doesn’t need an ordinary, dull husband.” He looked straight ahead out the window instead of at Phillip as he spoke. “I told you before I left what I thought she needed, wanted. You asked for time to prepare her.”

Phillip lifted his head and looked at Jonathan’s profile, so stern, so serious. Phillip thought that perhaps what they had both endured in their lifetimes had affected Jonathan more deeply than he. Under his gruff exterior Jonathan was the more sensitive of the two.

“What if it makes her run?” he asked his friend quietly. “A half-life with Maggie is better than life without her.”

Jonathan turned the full heat of his gaze on Phillip. “I know,” he said simply. “But you have to give her the right to choose for herself. You’re denying her pleasures that she deserves.”

Phillip sighed and nodded. “You’re right, of course. I’ve been three kinds of a fool. But I don’t know how to go back and start over. We’re so enmeshed in the straitlaced trap I’ve created I don’t know how to initiate her into a more risqué physical relationship. Prior to Maggie we always dealt with experienced women.”

Jonathan had sworn he’d neverask, believed he didn’t want to know, but now the words came out unbidden. “What is it like to fuck Maggie?” Even as he asked he closed his eyes in regret, knowing that the knowledge would torment him more than he already was.

Phillip looked at him in sympathy and frustration. “The first time, it was glorious just being inside her. I’m not sure I even noticed that she wasn’t enjoyingit, I was so intent on the heat and tightness. She’s incrediblytight, her pussy is like a glove. That hasn’t changed in three months in spite of having my cock in there on a regular basis.”

Jonathan groaned and fell back against the sofa, his eyes closed, imagining the feel of Maggie’s pussy wrapped around his straining cock.

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Phillip smiled ruefully. “But like I said, she didn’t enjoy it. And things went from bad to worse. I handled her wrong. I didn’t play with her enough, she was never ready, never wet enough and eventually not wet at all. Lately, we’re strangers who do our marital duty and I have to use cream. On a newlywed, for Christ’s sake! But I’ve always been fearful that the things I want to do to her will horrify her, possibly make her leave me, and my frustration has turned me into a bumbling fool.”

Jonathan raised his hands and rubbed his face briskly, trying to dispel the image of his cock buried in Maggie’s pussy.

“I hardly think a little light spanking and a polite request that she suck your cock will cause her to leave you.”

“Maybe not, but when I fall on her pussy and ravenously devour it and then try to put my cock up her ass, she might protest.”

Jonathan groaned at the image and opened one eye to glare at Phillip. “I can’t figure out if you’re torturing me on purpose. Are you asking for my advice?”

“Yes,and the irony isn’t lost on me since the whole point is to prepare her to take both of us into her bed.”

“Christ!” Jonathan exclaimed, and threw himself off the sofa to pace the perimeter of the large room.

Self-controlled Jonathan was a picture of male frustration. Not for the first time Phillip wondered why Jonathan had stepped aside in their pursuit of Maggie.

“Are you in love with her?” he asked Jonathan conversationally.

Jonathan stopped his pacing to stare at Phillip.

“Yes.” His reply was as straightforward and blunt as most of his conversation.

Phillip shook his head in bemusement. “Then why did you step aside? You could have married her instead. If you had we’d probably both be in her bed by now.”

Jonathan leaned back against the bookcase and crossed his ankles in a negligent pose that didn’t fool Phillip in the slightest. He knew him too well.

“You were the one who had family to please with a respectable marriage and a legitimate heir, not I.”

Jonathan’s gaze became direct. “And I knew that soon you’d miss me and the bond we share and you’d send for me again.”

They shared a wicked smile and then Jonathan straightened, shaking his head like a lion awakening from a deep slumber preparing to hunt. Phillip rose from the sofa to face him.

“Well?” Phillip inquired, clearly expecting the asked-for advice.

Jonathan surprised Phillip by walking over and giving him a firm hug. Phillip’s arms automatically came up, resting against Jonathan’s muscular back. Jonathan pulled back slightly and spoke, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

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“Take her to bed, man, often. And don’t hide from your sexuality or hers. Do what you want to do, be gentle but firm with her, make her come repeatedly and prepare her for me.” He let go and walked toward the door. “And all the while I will be wooing her, subtly of course, but between the two of us she’ll ride a constant line of sexual awareness.” He stopped and turned back to look at Phillip. “We will lay siege to the beautiful Maggie. I will prime her, and you will satisfy her, for now. And when the time is right she’ll welcome us both to her bed.”

Chapter Two

Just then a knock at the study door caused both Jonathan and Phillip to turn. At Phillip’s summons the door opened to reveal the object of their discussion.

Maggie Neville was beautiful. Not in the blonde china doll way that was all the rage at the moment but in a voluptuous, sinful way. She was tall for a woman, nearly Jonathan’s height. She had thick, wavy hair the color of a sable coat and her hazel eyes were as ever-changing as her moods.

Her body was far too curvaceous for fashion, but it made both men’s hands itch to touch, pinch, squeeze, possess. She had large breasts and hips and a slightly rounded stomach that showed through the straight column of her fashionable peach muslin dress. For some reason the sight of that small bulge did Jonathan in every time. It was the most alluring part of her. It made a man think of plunging into all that soft flesh over and over, cushioned and sated.

For Phillip it was Maggie’s ass. Its curves showed through her dresses as well, and for the same reasons that Jonathan was obsessed with her stomach, Phillip was obsessed with his wife’s behind. So soft, he knew the skin was as smooth as silk and the weight of her cheeks filled his large hands. How he wanted to sink his cock into the little rosebud surrounded by that soft flesh. The thought made him sweat.

“Phillip, I…” she began as she walked in, then she saw Jonathan and her face lit up.

“Jonathan!” she cried, hurrying the few steps into the room to place her hands on his shoulders and kiss his cheek in genuine affection. Her reaction surprised all of them, and Maggie withdrew slightly in confusion.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, I didn’t realize you were back, or here, I mean,” she sputtered self-consciously, looking back and forth between the two men. Jonathan’s expression was, as always, guarded, but Phillip’s was measuring and disconcerted her.

Maggie had missed Jonathan. During Phillip’s courtship and their engagement he had always been around. It had actually taken Maggie almost three weeks to figure out who was courting her, Phillip or Jonathan. Either one would have amazed her. She had been a quiet, shy, awkward debutante. She debuted late, at nineteen, and was in her third season when Phillip and Jonathan had entered the London marriage mart. They became the latest rage of the ton, Beauty and the Beast, although Maggie had always seen Jonathan as rather handsome in a dangerous way with his bulging muscles and dark, intense gaze. When they turned their attentions to her she wasn’t sure who was more surprised, the ton or her.

Three short months later she found herself engaged to one of the most sought after bachelors in England, and soon thereafter married. Then the fairy tale ended. Jonathan went away, and suddenly nothing was right. Maggie cried herself to sleep at night knowing in her heart that Phillip regretted marrying her. He
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reluctantly came to her bed and she was just as awkward there as she had been before—no, more. She didn’t know what to do with a naked, straining Phillip, a Phillip who clearly wanted more from her than she knew how to give. It was always as if he was waiting for her to do something, to say something, and when all she felt was relief when it was over his disappointment was a palpable thing between them. But he always treated her with tenderness and consideration, as if it were his fault. If she only knew what she was doing wrong!

She looked up at Jonathan in the study, suddenly aware that the silence had gone on too long. Jonathan walked slowly over to her, and after a brief pause where he forced her gaze to his by sheer willpower, he picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. Instead of a short kiss in the air above her hand, he placed his lips firmly on her flesh, pressing deeply so that when he pulled away she felt the cool air on the wet skin he left behind. Maggie felt that wet spot through her entire body. It went zinging along her nerve endings, causing a flush in her cheeks and a dull throb in her loins that confused her. She found herself breathing lightly through her open mouth as if she’d rushed from one end of the house to the other.

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