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The man with them was introduced as their close companion Anthony Richards. Maggie remembered meeting him once at Gunther’s . He was almost too beautiful for a man, Maggie thought, with his black hair gleaming and light blue eyes in a long angular face punctuated by full, dark red lips. He greeted Maggie as if they were old friends, even kissing her cheek with a wink after asking Phillip’s permission to do so. Maggie liked him instantly.

Kate took Maggie around the room, introducing her, and Phillip and Jonathan followed a pace behind as if protecting her, although she knew not from what. Everyone was very pleasant and the atmosphere quite relaxed. Maggie was surprised to recognize the names, if not the faces, of several gentlemen there.

They were much sought after by matchmaking mamas for their wealth and their titles. They insisted on the informality of first names and Maggie complied with a blush, knowing it was completely against every social stricture she had lived by since her youth.

There were few women there, another surprise for Maggie. Usually a hostess attempted to even out the numbers, but apparently Kate felt no such need. Besides the two of them, there were only Lord Randal’s mother and her companion Mrs. Clay, and Lady Randal’s niece Miss Veronica Thomas. Five women to over a dozen men, Maggie mused. This could be interesting.

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The gathering had broken up into intimate groups and Kate made no attempt to direct conversation. She sat on the sofa in the middle of the room next to Lord Randal, or Jason as he wished to be called, and Maggie watched them from a few feet away in front of the fireplace. She was standing between Phillip and Jonathan with two other gentlemen, Derek Knightly and Ian Witherspoon. The four men were recounting a tale of a lost shoe and a stolen horse somewhere in Spain, to the hilarity of all. Maggie listened with only half an ear.

Lord Randal held his wife’s hand. That fact alone shocked Maggie. It was almost unheard of for a husband and wife at their social level to show affection in public. Yet it was clear that Jason doted on Kate. Maggie could see him rubbing his thumb over the back of Kate’s hand in a rhythmic caress. As she watched, Anthony came up behind them and, putting a hand on both their shoulders, leaned down and whispered something to them, all three heads coming close together. Kate and Jason laughed quietly and, smiling, Anthony straightened. He left his hand on Kate’s shoulder and her free hand came up to rub gently over the back of his before he turned his hand to hold hers.

Maggie blinked several times, assimilating what she saw. In a rather detached way she contemplated the three and realized they looked…complete—Kate, Jason and Anthony. No, that wasn’t right. Phillip called him something else. Tony, yes, that was right. Where had she heard that name before? Suddenly she remembered. Phillip had first shared a woman with Tony. That must mean…

“Three, two, one,” Kate whispered under her breath, watching Maggie from under her eyelashes.

“What, darling?” Jason asked, leaning in close.

Kate watched Maggie’s eyes widen in comprehension even as she answered Jason.

“I believe little Maggie has just figured us out, dear,” she said with a grin, watching Maggie’s mouth fall open in disbelief.

Jason glanced at Maggie, noted the expression on her face. “Perhaps you had best go talk to her, Kate,”

he said dryly. “She looks as if she might swoon.”

Kate laughed, drawing Tony’s attention. He saw the two looking over at Maggie and followed their gaze.

He leaned down. “What on earth is wrong with Maggie?” he whispered, concerned.

“She just realized that we’re a threesome,” Jason told him, looking over his shoulder.

Kate started to stand and Jason instantly jumped up to help her.

“Oh for goodness sake, I can still stand on my own, you silly man,” she said, indulgent but exasperated.

“I’m going to try to talk some sense into her before she runs.” She walked quickly toward Maggie.

Tony came around the sofa and sat next to Jason. Jason angled his head close to Tony’s as the other man spoke.

“I hope to God she can because I don’t think those two men can wait much longer. Jonathan looks ready to break.”

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Jason glanced over, saw Kate take Maggie’s hand and skillfully maneuver her away from the men and out the doors onto the terrace.

“If anyone can, Kate can.” He paused thoughtfully. “And, call me a romantic, but I think that little girl is already in love with both of them.”

He turned back to Tony. “Come, I think we need to talk to Jonathan and Phillip about Robertson. I may be completely off the mark, but I want them to be careful, just the same.”

Tony’s hand on his arm stopped him, and he looked up and saw the two gentlemen in question striding over to them.

“What the devil is going on?” Jonathan demanded in an undertone as soon as they reached the sofa.

“Maggie looked like she was in shock and then Katecame and dragged her off.”

Tony grinned at him as he stretched his legs out in front of him and crossed his hands over his stomach in an exaggerated, relaxed pose. “I believe our wife is telling yours the facts of life.”

Phillip paled. “Oh God, I didn’t think she’d figure it out. I mean, I thought I’d tell her after we got home.” He glanced worriedly at the French doors leading to the terrace.

Jason sat forward, his expression serious. “Robertson was seen in Dover.”

He didn’t need to explain whom he was talking about. Kate’s former protector, Sir Albert Robertson, had orchestrated a brutal gang rape of her while she was his mistress, fueled by his hatred of Jason and Tony. Nine months ago, right before he and Kate were married, Jason had called him out for it. During the duel Robertson had fired before the count was finished. Jonathan and Phillip had been with him at the time and were part of the group of veterans and friends who had pursued Robertson. He was forced to flee into exile in Europe for his perfidy. It looked as if he had returned.

The news caused both Jonathan and Phillip to drop the subject of Maggie’s new knowledge.

“Are you sure?” Phillip asked him, dumbfounded that Robertson would have the audacity to return.

“Fairly certain.Our source is quite reliable, Tom Flanders, the sergeant in Hofstedtler’s company.”

“Why? What can he hope to gain by his return?” Jonathan wondered aloud. “Surely he knows we’ll be hunting for him.”

Tony leaned forward, all amusement wiped from his face. “Knowing that we will kill him should have been a deterrent. Whatever his reasons, I’m very uneasy about it.” He sighed deeply. “We wanted to warn you, since he knows you’re with us. He may hope for some type of revenge, and now, with Maggie, well…” He left the thought incomplete, but all there knew what he meant. Robertson had a history of abusing women to get even with their men.

By now, several of the gentlemen in the room had joined them. Derek Knightly, who had also been part of the force searching for Robertson, spoke up.

“By God, if he dares to touch another of our women, he will suffer.” His voice fairly vibrated with his anger. His companion Ian Witherspoon lightly touched his arm, calming him.

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“Settle down, Derek. We don’t know why he’s here or even if he’s still here. He has some investments and properties. Perhaps he’s merely here to see to some business, quietly, and then leave again.” Ian looked at Jason inquiringly.

“It’s a possibility,” Jason responded, “one we’re looking into. People have been notified and are on the lookout for him. He’ll either be on a boat to the continent or in our hands before too long.” He glanced toward the French doors through which Kate and Maggie had left. “But until then, be alert.”

* * * * *

As soon as they reached the terrace, Maggie broke away from Kate, and on shaky legs walked over to the stone bench running along the balustrade. She fell onto the seat, her thoughts tumbling through her mind, making her feel dizzy.

“Are you all right, my dear?” Kate asked gently, coming to sit down next to her.

“I…I don’t know what to say,” Maggie whispered, trying to look at Kate but unable to, her cheeks bright red. She didn’t want to hurt Kate’s feelings or embarrass her by saying something inappropriate.

“About Jason and Tony?”Kate asked in the same gentle tone.

Maggie’s head swung around quickly and she gaped at Kate. She wanted to discuss this? Maggie was practically a stranger to her, why would she embarrass herself so?

Kate looked anything but embarrassed. Her gaze was one of concern, but concern for Maggie, not herself. She looked almost proud, definitely defiant, even satisfied. Maggie turned fully toward her as an idea took shape.

“This is what this whole dinner party is about, isn’t it?” she asked, not sure how she felt about being manipulated this way. “Phillip and Jonathan brought me here so you could talk me into accepting their little ‘relationship’.” Her voice had hardened as she spoke, and her eyes now flashed fire.

Kate sighed. “Yes, I’m afraid so, in a way.”

Maggie interrupted before she could go on. “Well, it won’t work. I’m not that kind of woman.” She sat ramrod straight on the bench, glaring into the drawing room, wishing the thick curtains were open so Phillip and Jonathan could see her glare at them.

Kate rested her hand on Maggie’s sleeve. “My dear, please, it’s not like that. They merely hoped I might talk to you about what it’s like, to be loved by and to love two men.” She gently tugged on Maggie’s arm until Maggie turned to look at her, blushing anew at the open way Kate discussed such forbidden topics.

“You see,” she continued, “I am that kind of woman. I love both Jason and Tony with all my heart, and I’m not ashamed to tell the world.” Tears misted her eyes as she spoke. “I’m just sorry the world is ashamed to hear it.”

Maggie unconsciously pulled her arm back and took Kate’s hand in hers, comforting. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. They seem like fine gentlemen, and they clearly adore you.”

“So you don’t condemn me?” Kate asked, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. Maggie shook her
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head no. “Then why do you condemn yourself?”

Kate’s question was spoken quietly but its effect on Maggie was as if she had shouted it. She leaped to her feet and turned her back on Kate, her hands fisted at her sides.

“I do not love as you do,” she said in a strangled voice.

“Don’t you?” Kate’s voice was even, as if they were discussing the weather and not the forbidden passion of welcoming two men into your bed and your heart.

Maggie whirled about again, her face a mask of pain and uncertainty.“How? How do you do it? The condemnation, the cutting remarks, the disrespect? I know what is whispered about you behind your back now, why women look at you with hatred and disdain and men with undisguised lust and disrespect. Society has rejected you! You’re practically a prisoner in your own home. I can’t live like that, I can’t!” Maggie’s voice broke on a sob, and she turned away again.

Kate stood and went to Maggie, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Is that what you see here tonight?”

Maggie shook her head. “No, but these are your friends and family. They see your love, and they understand it, accept it.”

Kate turned Maggie toward her gently. Maggie’s head hung low, in shame or despair, Kate wasn’t certain. Putting her hands on Maggie’s shoulders, she bent her knees until she could look into Maggie’s eyes. “And who else matters, my dear? These are the people I choose to love, the only ones whose acceptance means anything to me. We make our own society, and a quite lively one it is. I’m often away from the house, even if you don’t see me at Lady Chesterson’s ball.”

Maggie mustered a smile then. Lady Chesterson was a vicious, high-ranking member of the ton and a terrible gossip. She’d been known to give the cut direct to people simply because she didn’t like their clothing. Maggie hated her.

“There’s a smile now,” Kate chuckled. “Come and sit again.” She led Maggie back to the bench. “I know you must have a thousand questions you want to ask me, so ask away. I shan’t prevaricate. I think too many people’s happiness depends upon it.”

Maggie was almost too embarrassed to ask questions, but she was burning with curiosity. “Well, how did it come about?”

Katesmiled, her eyes dreamy with memories. “Jason and Tony pursued me together. They made their intentions clear from the start. We had actually known one another for quite some time, but I was always one man’s mistress or another.” She stopped when Maggie gasped beside her.

Kate gave her an arch look. “Oh yes. Those rumors are true. You see, I was married once before, to a young captain who served with Jason and Tony. He died in the war, and before they could come home to claim me, I had accepted carte blanche from a high-ranking diplomat. They assumed that was the life I wished, as I had married young, and must now regret it. They were quite mistaken, of course. I’d only done it because I had bills to pay, and I was taking care of my niece Veronica. Better to work for my pay infrequently beneath some sweating pig than to be forced to take Very to the workhouse.”

Maggie was aghast. Never in her life had she considered why a woman would become a mistress. It had
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always been drilled into her head that only cheap, immoral women did such a thing. She was reeling from the assault her small, sheltered world had undergone in the last week.

Kate merely chuckled. “I do believe you’re more shocked by that than by my marriage to two men.”

“No, no,” Maggie rushed to assure her. “It’s just that I never before considered why a woman would become a mistress.”

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