In the Stars (14 page)

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Authors: Joan Duszynski

BOOK: In the Stars
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Kyle’s eyes go all hungry looking again. “That is good to know, Caroline.”

He grabs hold of my face, and his lips come down hard onto mine. He swipes his tongue across the inside of my lip, and I open my mouth to let him in. We spend the next several moments basically making out in his car like a couple of teenagers. Hands roaming on the inside of each other’s shirts, but staying on the outside of each other’s pants.

When he pulls away, both our breathing is heavy, and we both have to start readjusting our clothes. I can’t help but to start giggling. “Wow Caroline, I believe we just made out in my car in a parking lot. I have not done anything like that since High School.”

“I was just thinking the same thing. Glad campus police didn’t bust us.”

He tucks one side of my hair behind my ear. “You are just so desirable, I couldn’t help myself. I am sure they would have understood my inability to stay in full control. I hate to leave; I will miss you Caroline.”

Kyle takes his thumb and starts rubbing it gently across my swollen lips. I let out a sigh and kiss his finger. “I will miss you too, Kyle. What are your plans for the weekend? One of the girls I work with called me this morning and asked if we could switch days this weekend. So I am now off Saturday, but working on Sunday.”

He straightens himself in his seat and gives me a big smile. “Then my plans are to have you over to my place on Saturday. I will cook for you, and keep you there all to myself, if that is ok?”

“When you put it that way, how could a girl say no? It’s a date.”

He leans in, with his lips barely touching mine as he speaks. “Not a girl, Caroline; just this girl is the only one I am concerned about. If you are comfortable with it, I would love for you to stay the whole evening with me Saturday?” I think I just melted into his seat. This all just seems so perfect.

He walks me back to the door, and I look up toward the night sky along the way. When I look back toward Kyle, he is just watching me with a smile. “I cannot wait until Saturday, Kyle. Will you please let me know that you get back home tonight?”

He leans in for one last kiss. “I will let you know. Saturday can’t come soon enough. Bye Caroline.” I squeeze his hand and watch him until he gets back into his car to drive home.

I HAVE NO interest in rushing back to my room, so I decide to head out to my car and call Raleigh. I hear her answer the phone, and then I hear a loud thump and fumbling. “Ok has he left now? Because, if so, you better get to talking Caroline!”

Raleigh always seems to make me laugh. “I am guessing you just dropped your phone from all the commotion through it?”

“Yeah, yeah I was a little anxious to get to it. No more stalling; I want details.”

I go ahead and tell Raleigh pretty much everything. She would find out somehow if I left anything out, and she would never let me live it down. I also tell her about the offer Tara made me.

“Caroline you have to get out of that dorm room. I am telling you, if Piper makes one move toward Kyle I will end her… if you don’t get to her first. I wish I could have been there to see her face, though, when Kyle let her know there was absolutely no interest. I think, as long as Tara isn’t trying to become your new BFF, her offer sounds perfect. You just need to make it clear, Raleigh comes first.”

“Of course, Raleigh; that will be my one and only stipulation to the whole arrangement with Tara. I will be sure to make it very clear. Plus, this way you can come stay with me sometimes too, since I will have my own room. Maybe we can become the Three Musketeers.”

I hear a huff through the phone. “No need to be a smart ass, Caroline. I would love to be able to come stay there some too, though. So, anyway, Kyle is good with a lot more than just his hands, huh?”

We go on like this for the next half hour, and I am in a very good mood once I hang up. Piper is gone once I get back to our room. I am getting my things together for a shower when I get a text from Kyle.

Just got in the door. I can still taste u on my lips. Will call u tmrw.

Goodnight Sweet Caroline

Just getting ready to shower, glad u made it home safe. My lips are still tender with the taste of u as well. Goodnight Kyle.

I meet up in the cafeteria with Tara for lunch on Friday, and we talk about me moving in. Adam shows up a few minutes later, and sits down at the table with us. He just gives us a nod and a smile, and begins eating his lunch, like this is where he belongs. Tara and I both laugh at him, and keep talking. Tara tells me that Eric ran a background check on me. He gave her a copy to keep in a file she was instructed to make on me as well. We both laugh about this, but it is honestly a good idea.

Adam chimes in and gives his approval on the matter too. He tells us that he thinks it is a perfect idea for us two to start rooming together. November is almost over, so I am going to finish out the month in my dorm, and move into Tara’s on the first of December. Adam gets a big smile on his face, as he lets us know he can’t wait to come by and see how the place looks once we are all settled in together. Tara and I both shove him on his shoulder, and he grabs at it like we hurt him. I decide then that I really like Adam and his silly ways.

I MEET UP with Tara on Saturday for a run before I head back to my dorm to get ready. I spend a long time in the bathroom making sure everything is freshly shaved, plucked, and exfoliated. While I was at Tara’s earlier, she insisted (per usual) that I take this iridescent baby blue shirt of hers to wear today. It has a deep v and is very form fitting around my chest, while the bottom flows out a little. I pair it with my black skinny jeans and tall boots.

I decide to go extra bouncy with the hair, and double up on the mascara. I add some blush and a little shimmer to my eyes, apply the very important lip gloss, and then go to pack my bag. This is when things get weird. I mean, what type of sleep wear should I pack? I normally just like to sleep in a long t-shirt. I opt for one of my band shirts and a pair a short sleep shorts.

As I am walking out the door, one more important thing crosses my mind—condoms. I am on the pill, but I always use condoms. Since I haven’t been with any one in six months, I am currently out. I can’t believe I was so close to having sex with Kyle on Thursday, and I didn’t even think about them. He most likely has some, but why chance it. I am going to have to make a stop at the drug store on the way to his house.

Once I am about half way to Kyle’s place, I pull into a drug store lot. I am standing in the aisle, reaching out to grab a box of condoms from the hook, when I hear his voice. It is coming from directly behind me, and the deepness of it gives me chill bumps up and down my arms.

“Out taking care of some shopping are we, Caroline?” I have now dropped the box onto the floor. I can feel the heat running through my body from Eric’s closeness to me, yet my arms are still covered in chill bumps. I turn to face him, and he reaches down, picking up my little black and gold box, and handing it over to me.

I reach out with shaky hands and take the box from him. I can’t seem to form any words at the moment either. My eyes roam, taking in the full sight of Eric. He is even more delicious than I remembered. Those emerald eyes that are looking right at me have starred in many of my dreams over the past week. I notice he is in black slacks and a button up shirt with his sleeves partially rolled up. He also has his gun, cuffs, and badge hooked to his belt. Eric raises up one of his eyebrows and looks down toward my arms. “Are you cold, Caroline? You are covered in chill bumps. Maybe you should be wearing a coat; although it would be a shame to cover that top you have on.”

How embarrassing is this moment? I shake my head and finally find my voice. “I just came in for a quick purchase, then I’m headed right back out to my car. I didn’t want to have to bother with a coat. What are you doing here, anyway?”

He steps a little closer, then takes the box from my hand, looking it over. He then gives me a quizzical look. “I guess it is good to know you are being safe, Caroline. Are you sure these are the kind you will be needing, though? They do come in different size needs. I wouldn’t want you taking any chances embarrassing the boy if these don’t fit right.”

I feel my mouth drop open—who the hell does he think he is? How is it that this man I don’t even know can turn me on and piss me off at the same time so easily? I grab the box from his hand, and look him straight in the eyes. “I am happy you approve of my safe sex standards. As far as the style of condoms I chose, well no worries. I have used them before, and happen to know they do well with a variety of sizes. Have a nice day, Eric.”

I turn to walk away, and he steps in front of me again. He rubs his hand across the top of his head and across the back of his neck. “There I go again pissing you off, Caroline. Sorry, your plans for the evening are really none of my business. I guess I am a little tired. I am just getting off a 36 hour shift trying to solve a case. I stopped here for some aspirin and water. I saw you as I was walking by the aisle, and couldn’t help but stop to talk to you. You really do look beautiful tonight.”

Just like that, I forgive him. The chill bumps are finally gone, but I can still feel the heat running through my body from standing so close to him. I reach out and lightly squeeze the back of his arm and smile. He closes his eyes for just a moment at the contact, and then looks back at me with a smile. “Well Eric, once again, you’re forgiven. I guess I have trouble staying mad at you. Sorry you have been working so hard. Speaking of your work, since I now have a file I know you heard about me moving in with Tara. How do you feel about that?”

I have removed my hand from his arm now, and I noticed he looks almost disappointed at the loss of contact. I have to admit the feel of his arm in my hand is a disappointing loss for me too. “Yes, I know. I never really liked the thought of Tara living there alone anyway. Honestly, at first, I wasn’t too sure about her choosing you, but I am feeling a lot better about it now. Thanks for not staying irritated with me. I guess I will let you get on with, umm, your plans for the evening.”

I notice as he says this last part he has turned his head slightly and isn’t looking at me anymore. For some unexplainable reason, I actually feel a bit of guilt for my plans with Kyle. Why am I so confused when it comes to Eric? It is bad enough when he just happens to cross my mind, but in his presence it is even so much worse. I just feel I need to see him smile, and I keep feeling drawn to touch him in some way now. I reach out and grab at his hand, rubbing my thumb lightly across the top of it. “Good bye Eric; try and go home and get some sleep. I hope your headache gets better too.”

He looks down at my hand and gives it a slight squeeze before pulling away. “Thank you, I will try. Good bye Caroline.”

With that he is gone, and I stay frozen to my spot a moment longer. What is this feeling I have running through me? I feel sexual tension every time I think of Eric, and now I feel something else as well. I just really can’t explain it, and don’t like that I can’t. It has to be lust; he just radiates lust.

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