I'm Yours (4 page)

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Authors: Erin Randall

Tags: #romance, #romance erotic, #romance adult contemporary drama erotic, #romance action adventure love, #romance adult erotic, #romance and celtic, #romance action romance book series, #romance action and adventure

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“I’m not one of Ian’s women.”

“One of his women? Does Ian have a lot of

“I thought so.”

“Well, if it was Ronan who told you that,
you’d best be ignoring it. He probably wants you to himself. I’ll
tell you this much though, I’ve never heard Ian snarl over a woman
in my life. I’ll have to see if I have some baggy shirts. I’m
thinking my shirts will be entirely too tight with breasts like

Kara’s hands went automatically to her chest.
Meryl threw a pair of sneakers down by the bed then began digging
through her closet. She threw a couple pairs of leggings on the bed
and then a few shirts followed. When she turned back to Kara, she

“I didn’t mean to be offending you Kara.
You’ll have to wear my leggings, I don’t happen to have your
curves. I’d kill for some curves like yours. Why do you think the
men fight over one like you? You look Irish, are ya now?”

“My grandparents are from Ireland on my
mother’s side and also my grandfather on my father’s side.”

“What’s your last name then?”


“Ah, yes, Irish and your red hair probably
means you can put Ian in his place. The Blake men need women who
can do that.”

“I’m far from Ian’s woman. He’s not
interested in me.”

“Not interested? Ha! Here try these on while
I go make sure they’ve stopped growling at each other.”

Kara remembered Ian teaching her phrases in
the car and now was her chance to try to figure out what dirty
thing he’d made her say. She hoped it wasn’t something dirty, but
only because she didn’t want Ian making private jokes at her
expense. If he really wanted her, well she wouldn’t mind so much
asking him to do dirty things to her.

“Meryl, what does t suas mean?” Kara watched
Meryl’s eyes flare

“It means to ‘shut up’. Did Ian say

“I asked him how to say it and I just wanted
to make sure he was being honest about what it meant. What about Tá
mé leatsa?”

“Did you ask him how to say that too?” Meryl
demanded, but Kara shook her head. “Well then Kara, you must be
getting your signals crossed, sounds to me like he’s very

Meryl smiled and patted Kara’s arm. With
that, she left Kara to change and closed the door behind her.
Kara’s head was spinning and rather than change her clothes, she
collapsed on the bed. She wasn’t sure what this all meant. Did Ian
want her? He was always talking about other women, well maybe not
always, but he seemed to have plans every weekend and wasn’t above
telling her what a great time he had. Maybe this was all just too
much to deal with now in the middle of an adrenaline filled day. Tá
mé leatsa, he’d wanted her to say it to him and she couldn’t seem
to get the words out of her mind as she changed into some of
Meryl’s clothes.

Kara had hoped for something a little more
modest. The clothes Meryl had given her stuck to her like a second
skin. She would have preferred to stay in her own clothes as Meryl
was at least two sizes smaller than her. She folded her clothes to
take with her hoping maybe she could change back into them later.
Ian wanted her to look different than she had this morning and
sneakers were definitely better suited if they needed to go
anywhere on foot, so she took a deep breath and looked at her
reflection in the mirror once more. Sighing, she attempted to
stretch the shirt out just a little.

Ian knew his family was nosy. Never before
had it bothered him, but now they wanted to know all about Kara and
their relationship. He wasn’t about to lie to his family and
neither could he truly say she was his. Meryl had told Ian she
liked Kara and she wanted to know what was going on between them.
How could he answer her when he couldn’t figure it out himself?
Part of him was so pissed at Ronan for getting him, and especially
Kara, into this mess. But, he’d gotten her to say she was his,
maybe he could get her to say it when she knew what she was saying.
If that happened because of this crazy day, maybe Ian wouldn’t beat
the shit out of his brother.

Ian had everything he’d asked for from Liam
and he needed Kara to hurry her ass up so they could get a move on.
They’d covered Ian’s car and Liam said he’d work on getting the
rear windshield replaced. Ian just needed to stop somewhere and get
a disposable cell phone and then they could get on the road and
hopefully find Ronan so he could get Kara out of this mess.
Grabbing the two bags he needed, Ian wanted to let Kara put her
clothes in them so he ran up the stairs two at a time to get Kara
to hustle. When he reached Meryl’s door, he dropped the bags and
tapped on the door.

“You ready?”

“Yes…I guess.”

With her response, Ian opened Meryl’s door
and was frozen to that spot as he looked her over. She was wearing
a baby blue T-shirt and grey leggings both a size too small for
her. He could see every luscious curve and every mouthwatering
jiggle and sway as she put her work clothes on the bed. Luckily
he’d borrowed some jeans from Liam. The denim material worked a lot
better to restrain his cock from tenting his pants. His fingers
itched to touch her, to test her softness. He clenched his hands
into fists to keep from reaching out for her.

He knew if he reached up to feel the weight
of her breast that her nipple would harden into a tasty little
morsel that he would be able to clearly see through Meryl’s little
shirt. His eyes darted all over her body measuring every curve and
somehow his body knew she would fit perfectly against him. He ached
to show her how perfect their fit would be.

Kara’s cheeks were a little flushed. He
guessed she was embarrassed about the fit of the borrowed clothes.
Normally, he would have expected her to refuse to change but she
knew they could be in danger. Seeing her like this was both
pleasure and torture. She didn’t meet his gaze when his eyes
finally made it to hers, but she didn’t try to cover herself
either. Was she expecting him to crack a joke? He wanted to know
what she was thinking, what she was feeling. What would she do if

“I just need to put my hair up.”

With that, she took a hair band from the bed
and pushed her hair back. As she did, the T-shirt stretched tighter
across her chest and Ian could see the intricate lace trim of her
bra very clearly. Her back arched as she tied her hair up. Didn’t
she know what she did to him? How could she not know how much he
wanted her? With her hair almost in place she innocently walked
toward him.

Before he knew what he was doing or could
stop himself, he grabbed her arms and pulled her too him. He heard
her gasp and took the opportunity to plunder her mouth. The taste
of her exploded on his tongue, the perfect balance of sweet and
tart. As he explored her mouth, he braced to be pushed away and
maybe even slapped. She seemed to be frozen for a moment. She
didn’t move toward him or away from him, but she didn’t protest

He needed her closer and couldn’t seem to
control his hands as they slid down to cup her round ass and pulled
her hips against his. When she still didn’t push him away, he
backed her right into the closest wall. Ian only had two hands and
the wall would help press her entire body against his. The pressure
of her stomach against his erection felt amazing, but did little to
satisfy him. He needed her naked, stripped bare before him. He
wanted to taste not only her tongue but the skin of her breasts,
her stomach, and her inner thigh. He wanted to use his tongue to
send her to paradise before he surged into the tight opening he
knew would send him spinning after her.

As he pressed her more firmly against him,
Kara moaned. The sound caused every muscle in his body to tingle in
awareness. He wanted her and these feelings of possession had only
ever surfaced with Kara. He longed for her to scream his name as
she came apart in his arms. He had to have her and not just once.
Now that she seemed open to his kisses and his touch would she be
open to more? Would she be open to everything?

Kara was so shocked and turned on she didn’t
know what to do. She knew the shirt was too tight and she had
expected Ian to make some dirty remark, but this was beyond her
wildest dreams. Ian had walked her backward until her back was
pressed against the wall. His hands, which had been kneading her
bottom, slid up her sides and began toying with her breasts as he
pressed his erection into her stomach. She stood up onto her toes
trying to get the small thrusts of his hips to grind against the
apex of her thighs rather than her belly. She slid her hands up his
chest then up further and around his neck. Pressing her fingers
into his thick hair, held him to her.

Ian groaned into her mouth and Kara felt the
vibration all through her body. He kept one hand on her breast, but
moved the other down, slowly past her waist, down her thigh. Kara
gasped again as he hitched her leg up and slightly bent his knees.
He wrapped her leg over his hip as he continued to flex against her
and she could feel the hardness of him behind the seam of his
zipper. As he ground into her, the friction was almost making her
eyes cross with pleasure. The clothes Meryl had lent her didn’t
provide much of a barrier and she felt the pressure and even the
roughness of the denim, as is ground against the thin cotton of her

Rotating his hips in a circular motion caused
him to press against her clit with every turn. She was shocked to
find she was fully dressed and on the verge of an orgasm as Ian
rubbed against her. She was so close to coming, her head rolled
back against the wall as she moaned. Ian didn’t stop his rhythm
when her head fell back, he continued to press into her as his lips
trailed down her neck. His hand on her breast caressed and fondled
until his thumb ran over her tight nipple. The sensation was so
sharp and sweet as it shot to her groin, her breath caught and her
head lifted.

Ian caught her in his gaze as their eyes
locked. His pupils were dilated with desire and his chest moved
sharply up and down with his ragged breaths. He looked hungry,
almost desperate and needy. His eyes seemed to give her a
questioning look as he pulled on her hardened nipple with this
thumb and forefinger. She couldn’t stop her eyes from closing to
savor the sensation or the moan that escaped from her mouth. She
almost told him she wanted him, needed him but she was just able to
stop the words. He seemed to know though because he took her mouth
again and this time it was a hard, hungry kiss.

Her leg was still around his waist and he was
still pumping into her. She knew if they were both naked, he would
be deep inside her and with the skills he was displaying, she would
have already come. She felt so sexy and desirable that if he backed
up a little, she would have stripped herself for his gaze and moved
into his arms so she could feel him press into her, flesh to flesh.
This was Ian, she knew he would have skills in the bedroom, but no
man had ever seemed so hungry or desperate for her.

There was nothing Ian wanted more than to
peel her out of those tight pants and surge into her. When she’d
cooperated instead of pushing him away, he’d rammed her up against
the closest wall so fast. And when she’d stood on her tip toes so
he would be pressing against her pussy rather than her belly
button, he nearly had stripped her and taken her on Meryl’s bed.
But then the fact it was Meryl’s bed and Meryl was downstairs had
seemed to pierce his addled brain enough to restrain his body.
Pulling back from Kara was one of the hardest things Ian ever had
to do. He pressed his forehead to hers as they both tried to get
their ragged breaths under control.

“Cad tá á dhéanamh agat dom?” He asked

She looked at him quizzically and he realized
he hadn’t spoken English to her. He’d asked what she was doing to
him and she probably had no idea what she was doing to him, so he
didn’t bother translating for her. Trying to get his rioting body
under control he closed his eyes. When he opened them, he looked
down at Kara. She looked completely unsure of herself. Could she
still be questioning whether he wanted her? If she did, she was
nuts. He’d almost allowed their first time together to be a quickie
against a wall in his cousin’s bedroom. That wasn’t good enough for
his first time with Kara and there was no way he would be finished
with her so quickly. As her gaze darted away from his, he began to
worry that this may have been his one and only chance to have her.
He wouldn’t, couldn’t let that be the case.

“We’ll finish this later,” he promised them
both as he turned from her and walked to the door. He did have to
do a minor adjustment to his jeans as he picked up his bag and the
bag Meryl had thrown together for them. “Do you want to put your
clothes in here,” he asked holding his bag out to her.

Kara nodded and took the bag. Ian kept the
bag Meryl had given him and headed back down the stairs. His body
was still thrumming but slowly getting under control. A few minutes
later he heard Kara coming down the stairs, Ian turned toward ready
to offer to take his bag back. When he saw her jogging down the
last few steps, he almost choked on his words. He could see every
shimmy and shake of her luscious tits as she bounced down the
stairs. This little adventure was either going to be heaven or
torture depending on if Kara opened to him.

Liam came back into the kitchen from the
garage and Ian found himself turning to stand in front of Kara to
block his cousin’s view. Ian had no problem getting dates, but
women seemed to fall at Liam’s feet. He didn’t want Kara anywhere
in Liam’s line of fire until Ian got a few things settled with her.
Hell, even then, Liam would not get his grubby hands on Kara.

“Blocála an dearcadh?” Liam taunted under his

Ian would sure as hell block Liam from the
view. “Damn straight. Mianach,” Ian warned again as Meryl and Kara
said their goodbyes.

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