I'm Yours (10 page)

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Authors: Erin Randall

Tags: #romance, #romance erotic, #romance adult contemporary drama erotic, #romance action adventure love, #romance adult erotic, #romance and celtic, #romance action romance book series, #romance action and adventure

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She sat back up and started moving up and
down faster. Ian seemed to freeze as his whole body tightened and
arched off the bed. It allowed him to penetrate deeper within her
as she bucked up and down. He reached down and his thumb pressed
her clit as if it were a magic button and she was close, so close
but she couldn’t seem to go fast enough or get him deep enough.
Trying to help her but let her stay on top, Ian put his hands down
between her legs. His palms faced up and slid underneath her on
either side of his erection. He used his hands to cup her bottom as
she pushed down on him and he used his grip to leverage her back
and forth, back and forth over him as she ground herself down on
the base of his penis.

With Ian controlling the motion, Kara stopped
moving up and down and continued to move backward and forward then
she would move her hips around in a circle. She watched Ian watch
her and it made her feel wanton and sexy. His eyes would meet hers
then move down to watch her breasts bounce and finally he would
look down at where they were joined and watch himself plough in and
out of her. He pulled his hands from underneath her then he drew
her forward a little and slid his hand down her back and grasped
her hips as he started bucking wildly up into her. He was so deep
and he was pumping so hard. His body was arching up of the bed so
high that she had to hold onto his shoulders. As she leaned over to
hold onto him for support, she changed the angle and Ian

When Kara moved and bent over him, her pussy
clutched him so tightly he couldn’t hold on. He tightened all his
muscles trying to hold off his orgasm but he was too late. He
didn’t’ want to leave Kara hanging so he reached for her clit and
plucked at it twice before she arched her back and screamed his
name. After a moment, the only noise in the room was their panting
and Kara collapsed onto his chest. Ian wrapped his arms around her
and just held her to him hoping she wouldn’t ever regret what was
between them. He had known they’d be amazing together.

“Hmm, I think I like that better than coffee
to wake me up in the morning,” he said as he nuzzled her neck.

His stomach dropped when she pulled away but
she was smiling and she didn’t cover herself. He was still inside
her and still mostly hard. He already knew he’d want her again in
just a matter of minutes.

“I think you were already awake, though I
can’t think of a more relaxing way to wake up.”

Ian smiled as he cupped her breasts in his
hands and pinched her nipples between his index and middle finger.
She moaned and arched her back a little as he felt her pussy
squeeze him. He wondered if she’d be willing to come back to try a
different position. He was just about to ask her when the phone
rang. Kara slid off him as he reached for the phone.


“Ian. ” Quinn said

“Quinn, what’s happened, where’s Ronan?”

“Ronan’s fine. We need you to stay put for

“Should we change motels?”

“As far as we know they still think you
headed to Wisconsin.”

“Why can’t I talk to Ronan then?”

“Just be patient col ceathrar.”

“Quinn, I’m done being patient, tell me what
the fuck is going on!”

“Ronan’s cover got blown.”

“I know that Quinn, but usually when that
happens they send someone else in.”

“This wasn’t the regular sting Ian. This is
an inside job. That’s how they knew Ronan’s real address.”

“Please tell me he’s not in one of his own
safe houses.”

There was nothing but silence.

“Goddammit Quinn! He’s using himself as bait?
He needs more backup.”

“Do you doubt me col ceathrar?”

“Shut up Quinn! This isn’t the time to be
overconfident. Call in Liam and Kiernan. While you’re at it call
all the cousins. You taught us all to shoot and to fight. Neil and
Connor can help so can Colin.”

“Calm down. Even though I can take care of it
m’self, Kiernan, Liam and Connor are all on their way.”

Ian slumped in relief.

“Quinn, please watch out for him, I…”

“I know. You’ve got your woman to protect. I
don’t blame ya. Ronan says she’s a looker and a keeper.”

Ian looked up at Kara who was standing before
him naked, biting her lip as she listened to his conversation. Had
he said all that in English?

“Is that what Ronan said?”

“Aye, he said he wanted her but she’s in love
with you.”

“Raibh sí rá go bhfuil?” Ian looked again at
Kara who looked very worried and anxious, but he had to know if
she’d admitted she loved him to Ronan.

“Ian, you and Ronan need to hash this

“Inis dom anois!”

“Holy fuck man, you got it bad. I’ll tell you
what I know. He said some shit about her face lights up when she
talks about you and she let something slip. This is not the
conversation we should be having right now, Ian.”

“Your right, I’m sorry. Tell me how I can

“Keep your girl out of the line of fire.”

“What if I can do that and still get there?
Where are you Quinn?”

“Ian, you shouldn’t bring your woman

“Are you sure we’re safe here?”

“No one’s ever really safe,” Quinn sighed.
Ian knew that would be his answer.

“Can we help Ronan,” Kara said as she sat on
the bed.

“Stay where you are Ian. If we need you, I’ll
let you know where we are.”

“Ar an chósta?” Ian asked because Ronan had
told him to stay near the water. He had to know where Ronan

“Ian, stay where you are.”

Ian knew Ronan was somewhere along the coast
of Lake Michigan.

“OK, we’ll stay here.”

Kara reached out and took his hand.

“One of us will continue to be in touch at
four-hour intervals. Take care of your woman Ian and I’ll take care
of Ronan.”

Ian disconnected the call and tossed the
phone aside. Then he pulled Kara into his lap. Quinn was a bad ass
and he knew no one could get past him, but Ronan had never needed
this much back up. It was an inside job and Ronan was using himself
as bait.

“I’m sorry Ian.”

“Sorry for what?”

“If it weren’t for me you’d be there. I know
you want to be there.”

That was the hell of it. He didn’t like Ronan
being in danger, but Kara was in his bed, he couldn’t be sorry
about that.

“I’m not sorry, I just want Ronan safe.”

“I know.”

“Quinn is better prepared for this than I am

“But he’s your brother.”

It helped that she understood and he didn’t
want to put her in any danger, but maybe they could move close
enough they’d be there if he was needed.

“I can tell by the look in your eye you’re
not going to listen to your cousin.”

“I am, I was just thinking. I have a feeling
they’re near the Michigan border. I said we wouldn’t leave and we
won’t leave Indiana, we can just stay closer to the border. Would
you be willing to do that?”


Ian stroked his hands down her back as they
sat in the middle of the bed. He loved touching her. Now that he
knew how it felt, it was just as he’d suspected. He wouldn’t be
able to stop.

“I’d better jump in the shower,” she said as
she got up off the bed.

“You can’t leave me like this,” he said as he
motioned to his penis, which was hard again.

“It seemed like you were in a hurry to get
going, Ian.”

“Well let’s shower together then. We can kill
two birds with one stone.”

She laughed as she turned the water on in the
shower and he sauntered into the bathroom after her. They were only
about 30 minutes from the state line, so there was no rush.

Chapter 9

Ian found another Super 8 motel closer to the
Indiana/Michigan border. Once they settled into the room, Ian took
Kara for a ride along Lake Front Drive and they walked along the
coast of the lake. There wasn’t a lot they could do, as it was best
if they stayed away from most public places. They had a little
picnic lunch in the sand dunes before heading back to the motel.
After managing to kill a few hours, Ian and Kara settled into the
room for a while before heading out to get some dinner. They had
been cuddling on the bed watching a movie and Ian was in the
bathroom when Quinn called for the third time that day.

“Kara, can you get that? It’s Quinn. Tell him
I’ll be right there.” Ian called from the bathroom.


“Well now, you sure sound pretty lass,” Quinn
had a much thicker Irish accent than Ian.

“Is this Quinn?”

“Aye, and where is Ian? He should be standing
guard over ya.”

“He’s right here. We just didn’t want to miss
the call. We didn’t want you to worry.”

“You’re still in Gary lass so you should be
safe enough.”

“No…oh, um…here’s Ian.”

“Quinn, when can I talk to Ronan?” Ian
demanded once he took the phone.

“I told you before it’s a waiting game. You
know that. Where did you move to Ian?”

“What? Conas a raibh a fhios agat?” Ian
wondered if Quinn had a trace on the phone, otherwise how would he
know they’d changed hotels and locations.

“I knew because I know you Ian. You always
think you have to protect Ronan when you know damn well he can
protect himself. Now where did you move to?”

“In aice le teorainn.”

“How near the border? Near the water?” Ian


“Fuck Ian! You were supposed to protect your
woman. Ghlac tú an cailín isteach i lár an baol.”

Ian had brought Kara right in the middle of
the fray? “Here?”

“Chathair Michigan?”

“Yes near it.”

“Have you gone out?”

“Only to na dumhcha.” Was Ronan hiding out
near the dunes as well?

“Well keep it that way. Now I need to send
Liam over to watch you.”

“No, níl mé ag iarraidh Liam.” He didn’t want
Liam anywhere near Kara.

“Who then, Connor? He won’t try to steal your
lass away,” Quinn laughed.

“I can protect myself and Kara, you watch out
for Ronan.”

“No! I’m sending someone to watch you so
you’d better tell me where you are or I’ll have to waste precious
time finding you.”

“Ocht motel, in aice le tiomáint gaoithe
siar.” Now Connor would have the address of the Super 8.

“Alright, I’ll send Connor, he’s got a
girlfriend so you don’t have to worry like a girl. Besides, he’s a
mite young for your lass.”

“I’m not worried. Is é an cailín

“Well then tell her she’s yours already so
you can say it in bloody English with her standin’ right

“I’m working on it.”

“She’s sleeping in your bed man, she’s yours
and you should be telling her that.”

“Goodbye Quinn.”

Ian hung up on the sound of Quinn’s deep
laughter. He and Quinn had different ideas about women. Ian wasn’t
interested in a docile woman who would snap to when he told her she
was his. He wanted Kara and she was strong willed. If he came out
and told her she was his, she’d…what would she do? Ian looked up
into her pretty blue eyes.

“Is everything OK Ian?”

“I’m sorry Kara, we can’t go out to dinner a
grá. It seems in my haste to be near Ronan I may have brought us a
little too close.”

“You mean Ronan is in this motel?”

“No, he’s in a safe house nearby. My cousin
Connor’s going to come to watch over us.”


“We shouldn’t be going out again until it’s
all over unless you want to move further away.”

“I don’t know what to do, Ian. I know you
want to be close to where Ronan is, but I’m a little scared.”

“Come here.”

Kara curled up in his lap like a child. She
understood Ian wanted to be near Ronan, and that he hadn’t
understood how close he had moved them. But, Ian and Ronan did look
similar and Kara feared both men were in much more danger than she
was because of that. She was worried for Ian and she was scared her
feelings for him were much more than lust as she had previously
convinced herself. Her legs rested over his as Ian started rubbing
her back with one hand and her leg with the other. He was trying to
keep her calm, she knew. They both knew she needed to keep her
panic at bay or she might have an anxiety attack.

“I’m so sorry a grá,” he whispered as he
nuzzled her neck. “I never meant to be the one to put you in more

Ian’s voice sounded remorseful, almost
desperately so. His soothing motions and his deep voice rumbling
against her skin started to make Kara pulse between her thighs. She
couldn’t form an answer. Instead, she turned and kissed him. Maybe
a sexual distraction was just what she needed. Ian immediately
opened to her. His tongue tangled with hers as he caressed her bare

When Ian’s hand slid under her sundress, Kara
spread her legs a little in invitation, causing him to groan. As
his nose nuzzled her neck, his hands moved up to her hips. She felt
his fingers curl under the waist of her panties. His teeth grazed
her neck as she lifted her hips. Tilting her neck to the left, Kara
gave Ian more access as his lips moved down to her collarbone. Her
hands slid up and around his neck as he slid her underwear down her

When her panties fell to the floor, Kara
turned and straddled Ian’s lap. Reaching down, she pulled Ian’s
T-shirt from his jeans and skimmed her palms up his chest. Ian
lifted his arms to help her get his shirt all the way off. He
seemed to need this as badly as she did, his movements as urgent as
hers. Once his shirt joined her panties on the floor, Ian grabbed
the back of Kara’s head with both hands and held her there as he
devoured her mouth. Never in her life had she felt such hunger in a
kiss from a lover. Her hands fluttered to his biceps as he
continued to press in and out of her mouth with his tongue.

She was panty-less and yet his only focus was
the kiss. There was no further groping or undressing, just the
meeting of mouths and tongues. Why this caused tears to prick her
eyes, Kara preferred not to contemplate. Finally, Ian pulled back
to take a deep breath. Before Kara even had a chance to steady her
heartbeat, he slid his a finger under each of her straps and yanked
down. The dress and bra straps were ripped down her arms and both
breasts were bared to Ian’s hungry mouth.

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