I'm Yours (14 page)

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Authors: Erin Randall

Tags: #romance, #romance erotic, #romance adult contemporary drama erotic, #romance action adventure love, #romance adult erotic, #romance and celtic, #romance action romance book series, #romance action and adventure

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“Damn it Kara, I told you to stay put!”

That was all he got in before she lifted her
fingers to play along his face and fainted dead away. Ian scooped
her up and started carrying her to the door.

“Where is everyone else?” Ian asked

“Securing the building,” Quinn raised an
eyebrow at Ian.

“I know, I know she was my responsibility. I
told her to stay put.”

“What happened?” Liam asked as he went ahead
of Ian and Quinn trailed behind.

“I told her to get behind the damn futon, but
she wouldn’t stay down. When the second round of goons came in, she
saw one raise his gun and threw her knife at him.”

“You gave her a knife,” Quinn demanded.

“I wanted her to have something! I didn’t
know she’d throw it hilt first at some asshole’s head and get
herself shot.”

“Hilt first?”

“Quinn, can we discuss this later? Where’s
the first aid kit? I need to get her to a hospital.”

Quinn led Ian to a grey SUV and handed him a
clean towel. Ian got in the back with Kara in his arms and wrapped
the towel tightly around her arm to stop the bleeding. She groaned
in pain, but he knew she needed pressure on her arm. She’d tried to
save his life twice now when he was supposed to be protecting

“Damn strong willed woman.” Ian

“What are you grumbling about back there?”
Liam asked as he turned back to Ian.

“Where’s Ronan,” Ian asked as they made their
way to the hospital.

“Don’t worry he’ll be right behind us.”

When they reached the hospital, the doctors
took Kara back to see if the bullet was still in her arm and to
stitch her up. Ian paced in the waiting room as, one by one, his
family began arriving. Before long Quinn, Ronan, Liam, Kiernan, and
Connor were all waiting with Ian in the waiting room.

“Stop pacing and sit down Ian.” Ronan

“Shut up Rone! If anything happens to Kara,
I’m holding you responsible.”

“Me?! You’re the one who needs to keep your
woman under control.”

“We wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t
for you.”

“You would never have gotten her into your
bed if it weren’t for me.” Ronan stood nose to nose with Ian.

“Sit down both of you!” Quinn commanded.
“Fighting like a bunch a girls.”

Ian sat down for a few minutes, but then he
was up again and this time instead of pacing in the waiting room,
he walked out to the parking lot. He was so mad he wanted to hit
something or someone.

“Pick on someone your own size,” Quinn said
stopping Ian in his tracks.

“Ronan can hold his own.”

“It’s not Ronan you’re mad at. Is it your
woman or yourself?”

Ian turned fists up, ready to fight. He
didn’t want to hit Quinn, he wanted to hit himself. He was supposed
to protect Kara. He’d promised her she’d be safe. Now she’d been
shot. He knew her parents and they’d never forgive him for letting
her get shot.

“Is that what you need Ian? You need to
fight? You wanna hit something?”

“I told her I’d keep her safe.” Ian dropped
his fists to his sides.

“You told her to get down. I heard you
yelling at her to get down. Maybe you’re angry at her more than
anyone but hitting her is not an option.”

“I’m not mad at her, I’m mad at myself. She
tried to save me twice when I should have been saving her.”

“She saved you? But you shot four men.”

“When they came to the motel, they broke the
door in and slammed me against the wall. Knocked me clean out like
a girl. If Kara hadn’t told them I wasn’t Ronan, I’d be dead. Then
in the warehouse, that guy was lifting his gun at me when she threw
the knife at him. It distracted him and he shot her instead of

“Wait, so your pissed she loves you enough to
risk her pert little ass to save your hide?”

“What?” Ian had been pacing away and turned
to face Quinn.

“If that’s the case, I guess she has just as
much right to be pissed at you. You stuck your neck out for her the
past couple days too.”

With that, Quinn turned and went back into
the hospital. Ian stood there for a moment, his brows creased
together in concentration. After a moment, he smiled. Quinn had a
point. If you don’t love somebody, you let them protect you. After
all, it’s no big deal if they get shot. But if you love someone
like he loved Kara, you’re willing to put yourself in the line of
fire to save them.

Chapter 12

When Kara woke up, she tried to move, but
pain shot down her arm. In that instant everything came back to
her; the car chase, running with Ian, making love to Ian. Most of
all she remembered the anger in Ian’s eyes. He’d looked so pissed
as if he never wanted to see her again. Suddenly the pain in her
heart dulled all other pain. She tried to sit up, but she felt
dizzy and weak.

“Lay back grá.”

Kara opened her eyes and looked at Ian. He
gave her such a wicked grin she almost thought she dreamt his
anger, almost. Ian was holding her right hand, smoothing his thumb
over her knuckles. She looked around the room and she saw Ronan in
a chair in the corner.

“What happened? Where am I?”

“You went and got yourself shot, hot stuff,”
Ronan said as he got up and sauntered toward her.

“Lay off Rone,” Ian warned.

“I’ve never seen him so jealous in my life,”
Ronan told her.

Kara’s eyes shot to Ian again, but he just
gave her another wicked grin. Maybe it was the drugs, unless…She
looked at Ronan. Then she looked back at Ian.

“Ian, can you please get me some water?”

“Sure,” Ian looked at Ronan as he stood.
“Lámha amach” he said to Ronan. With that, Ian turned and left the

“Did you tell him,” Kara demanded as soon as
Ian was gone.

“No, babe, I think he figured it out on his
own. After all, you tried to deflect a bullet for him.”

“What did he say before he left?”

“He told me to keep my hands off you. He
wouldn’t let Liam anywhere near you. I’m not sure what that’s about
I thought he’d be more jealous of me than Liam, but there you have

“Do you really think he’s jealous?”

“Kara, he didn’t even want the doctor to
touch you and you were unconscious. Put the lad out of his

With that Ian came back in with her glass of
water. A nurse followed closely behind him. Ian put the straw to
her lips as the nurse checked all her monitors. She looked up at
Ian and it seemed every time their eyes met, he had that smile on
his lips.

“When can I go home?”

“Soon grá, but the doctor wouldn’t let me
take you anywhere until you woke up.”

“How long was I unconscious?”

“Only for a few minutes really, but then the
doctors put you under to make sure there were no fragments in your
arm and stitch you up.”

“Will I have a big scar?” She looked at her
arm then up at Ronan who rolled her eyes at her.

“Just a battle scar babe.” Ronan assured her,
but she looked at Ian.

“It’s only a little scar grá, soon no one
will even notice it.”

She couldn’t help but relax if it didn’t
matter to Ian. She needed to get the drugs out of her system so she
could figure out what was going on between them. Now that she knew
how much she loved him, she wasn’t sure she could work with him
every day and listen to him go on about other women. Ronan seemed
to think he still wanted her. Was jealousy a sign of love? She’d
sure been jealous every time he’d mentioned another woman and she
knew now that she’d been in love with Ian for a while. She’d
accidentally let it slip to Ronan that she wanted Ian and had a
crush on him, but it was more than that.

Ian made Kara sit back and relax until the
doctor came to check on her. The doctor agreed to release her but
they gave her another dose of pain medicine as well as a
prescription. She was also told not to get her stitches wet and
she’d need to follow up with a doctor in Chicago to get the sutures
out. A nurse wheeled her out in a wheelchair where Ian was waiting
by the blue Camaro. He reclined her seat back and almost as soon as
they were on the road, Kara fell into a deep sleep.

When Kara woke up again, she was in her bed,
alone. She needed a bath. She sat up and made a fist with her left
hand. Her arm was feeling much better. She was in a tank top and
panties and she wondered if Ian had undressed her before he’d left.
They needed to talk. She didn’t even know what day it was or how
long she’d been home, but her mouth felt like sand paper and her
body felt gritty as well. A bath sounded heavenly. She swung her
legs over the side of the bed as her bedroom door opened. Ian
strolled in carrying orange juice and a newspaper.

“Lay down grá,” he commanded.

“I need a bath Ian.”

“Fine, you lay down and I’ll run you a

She started to stand anyway, but he walked
over to her and pressed her shoulders down until she was sitting on
the bed.

“Lay down.” He told her again.

She did lie back against the pillow so he set
the juice and the paper down on the nightstand and went into her
bathroom. She could hear him running the bathwater and wondered
when he’d gotten so bossy. She wasn’t sure she liked it. She was
just about to get up when Ian came back out of the bathroom.
Without a word, he scooped her up and carried her toward the

He set her down on the counter beside her
sink and unceremoniously stripped her out of her tank top and her
panties. She must have been in shock. It was either that or the
painkillers that kept her from batting away his hands and telling
him she could take care of herself. Then Ian dropped the sweats
he’d been wearing. They were suddenly both naked as Ian lifted her
again and climbed into her large jetted tub. He sank down with her
in his arms until they were both submerged in the water. He turned
her so she was sitting between his legs facing away from him.

“I’m not an invalid Ian,” she reprimanded as
she resolutely ignored the erection pressed against her back.

Ian didn’t respond except to move her hair
aside and kiss her shoulder. He ran his hands up and down her back
then started gently massaging her shoulders as his mouth moved up
her neck. She let her head fall back against his shoulder as he
continued to press kisses along her neck. Between the hot water and
Ian’s hands massaging her, the tension and achiness faded from
Kara’s body. But when Ian’s hands moved around her body to pluck
her nipples, she squirmed a little.

“We need to have a talk grá” he said as he
slipped one of his hands down between her legs. “Hmmm, already wet?
You have very sensitive nipples.”

Kara moaned as she lifted her right arm up
behind her to slide her fingers into his hair. She pulled him
toward her as she turned to kiss him, but Ian dodged her lips.

“I’m not sure you’re up for sex grá,” he

“I know what I’m up for and I know you’re up
for sex.”

“Talk first then sex,” he chuckled.

Kara didn’t like the sound of that. Why was
he tantalizing her body if he only wanted to talk? Two could play
at that game. Careful not to get her left arm wet, Kara turned
around and straddled Ian’s legs. As she slid down onto his lap, the
head of his penis slid between the lips of her labia and rubbed
against her clit. Ian groaned as he leaned forward and sucked her
nipple into his mouth. Kara wasn’t sure she wanted to hear what Ian
had to say and maybe if she distracted him with sex, he’d forget
what it was he was going to say.

She arched her back pushing her breast
further into his mouth as he used his lips to suck and his tongue
to flick her nipple. Kara rolled her hips until she felt him at the
opening of her canal. She slid all the way down onto his shaft and
started to bump her hips just a little against his. The water
around them started to swish as Ian left one nipple only to pull
the other into his mouth. Kara moved up and down on him as he
continued to leisurely play with her breasts. She felt herself
building to an orgasm but Ian lifted her off him and turned her

When he settled her back on his lap she was
facing away from him. He slid easily back inside her and she began
her rhythm anew. She was rolling her hips more than sliding up and
down. Ian reached around and began to use his fingers to make
circles around her nipples. He wasn’t giving her attention where
she needed it so she started to move her body hoping his fingers
would graze the stiffened peaks. She began changing her movements
rolling her hips alternating with moving forward and back then up
and down.

Still Ian was only circling her nipples as he
kissed her all along her shoulder blades. He moved one hand down
her stomach and she thought he was finally going to give her what
she needed. But when his hand was almost to her clit, he changed
his path and ran his fingers up and down the outside of her labia.
She needed him to rub her clit or play with her nipples. She just
needed him to stop evading.

“Ian please”

“I told you I wanted to talk before sex grá,
but you had to have your way, didn’t you?”

“What? You’re punishing me for wanting

“No, love. You’re trying to distract me with
sex. I’m just returning the favor.”


“Tell me what you need grá,” he laughed.

“I need you to make me come.”

“Such a dirty mouth,” he said.

He may have pretended to scold her, but she
could feel the pulse of his heart beating inside her so she knew he
wasn’t unaffected. Ian lifted her off him until she was kneeling in
the water. When he got out of the bathtub, she almost screamed in
frustration. If he left her high and dry, she’d kill him. He took a
towel and laid it on the counter where he’d set her to undress her.
Then he came back and picked her up out of the bath and set her
down on the towel.

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