I'm Doin' Me (19 page)

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Authors: Anna Black

BOOK: I'm Doin' Me
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Chapter Thirty-two
When Tiffany finally made it to the studio the next day, she was glowing. All she thought of was Kory, and when Colby called, she didn't answer. She sent him a text saying she was swamped with work, and when he asked could he come over that night, she told him she was too tired and just wanted to rest.
She packed an overnight bag and met Kory at Keith's again, and the second they closed the guesthouse door, they were snatching away their clothes. They made love as if they hadn't the night before. The next morning, she had to literally force herself to leave his side. It took her ten minutes to get into her car. As soon as she exited the gates of Keith's estate, Kory called her phone and they talked her entire ride to work. When she got to the studio, she went to her office for a minute before heading to the set.
She walked in to find Myah smiling at her. “Good morning, Myah,” she said. “I see I'm not the only one smiling today.”
“Well, I'm smiling because I want to know the dirt,” Myah said.
“What dirt?”
“Come on, Tiff, you have been floating for two days, and this morning when I got in, there was a delivery guy here with flowers for you.” She followed Tiffany into her office. On her desk was a gigantic bouquet of roses. It looked like it was about five dozen in all.
“Myah, you know Colby sends me flowers all the time,” she said, going for the card. She stopped to take a sniff of the fragrant arrangement.
Myah's eyebrows rose. “Yes, but the last time I checked, Colby's initials were CG, that card said they are from KB.”
Tiffany smiled. She had to tell somebody, because she was bursting. She had only told her girls Rose and Asia.
“Okay, okay, okay,” she said. She went to shut her office door. “I'm going to tell you, Myah, but you have to promise me that you won't say a word.”
“I promise,” Myah said.
“Mee-Mee, I'm serious, not one word to anyone. And you know if you tell Dee, all of L.A. will know.”
“Okay I promise, Tiff. Now who is the mystery man?
“It's Kory,” Tiffany said. A bright smile formed on her face.
“As in Kory Banks, fiancé of the boss's daughter?” Myah looked shocked.
“Yes” Tiffany squealed.
“Hold on, I thought you said you didn't love him anymore.”
“I lied, okay? And the other night, we got together and talked, and turns out the only reason he was going to marry Tressa was for me.”
“Wait a minute, now I'm really confused.”
“Okay, listen, I gotta give you the really short version. Tressa had him believing she had the power to shut down
Boy Crazy
if he didn't marry her. She has been pretending to be acting CEO since Mr. Green had his heart attack and she told Kory he'd have to marry her for a year for her to get her inheritance and for me to keep the show. Now, I must get to the set, but please, Myah, don't repeat this, because Kory and I have a plan to get back at her.”
“What? What is it?”
“I can't tell you right now, Myah, but this is our secret.”
“My lips are sealed,” she said.
Tiffany hurried out to the set.
Kory sat on a stool in the kitchen and tried to read his paper and drink his orange juice, but all he could think of was Tiffany. He couldn't wait until the day ended so he could see her again. He knew he didn't owe Tressa anything, but he had been gone the last two nights, and even though they were not having sex, he didn't want her to be suspicious.
“I'm off to work,” Tressa said, coming into the kitchen dressed to kill in another tailor-made business suit.
He decided to fuck with her. “Already?” he said, looking at his watch.
“What do you care?” she asked and opened the cabinet for her thermal coffee cup.
“You know what, Tressa, I don't, but I guess since we have to appear to be the happy couple, we need to start acting like one.”
“Go on,” she said, stopping to hear him out.
“I was thinking, since you're the big CEO, I should drop in and bring you lunch and let you take me around for a tour, you know. I send you flowers and all like a good fiancé; maybe if I showed my face, people would believe that we really are good.”
“Kory, that's not necessary. Plus, I have back-to-back meetings today, so you don't have to do that.” She reached for the coffee.
“But I want to. I mean, I don't hate you, Tressa, and we will be married in a couple weeks. A year is a long time to live with someone and not get along, so we should make the best of it.”
“Where is this coming from?”
“Listen, Reesy, a few weeks ago, I was planning to marry you for real. I loved you and part of me still does. So, since I have to be in this for a year, I don't want to be miserable.”
“I see,” she said and looked at him closely.
“So what do you say I come and take you to lunch today?” he suggested.
“Okay, you can take me to lunch, but no tours and meeting folks. I don't have time for that,” she said going for the front door.
“I bet you don't,” he said under his breath.
“Huh? What was that?” she yelled back into the kitchen.
“Nothing, I'll be there around one,” he said and she left.
He went by the jewelry store, and every free moment, he was texting Tiffany. He called her and told her about picking Tressa up for lunch and she said she'd make sure she'd be in the building so she could run into him.
Tressa went into her dad's office and told his assistant she was expecting Kory to take her to lunch and to just alert her when he was there.
When his assistant asked her what she needed in Mr. Green's office, she made up something about adding a couple of new photos to his desk. Five minutes after she got there, her dad's assistant buzzed the office to let her know Kory was there. She came out with her purse as if she had been there all morning. As soon as they got to the bottom floor, the elevator doors opened to find Tiffany waiting to go up.
“Tressa, Kory, what a surprise,” she said.
“Why would it surprise you? This is my dad's company,” Tressa said.
“I know, but running into you is so rare around here,” Tiffany returned.
“That's because you're on your set all day, putting together an awesome show, I assume.”
Tiffany smiled and held in her laugh. “Yep, that is exactly what I've been doing.”
“I'm sure you will do well,” Kory said.
“I hope so, Kory, I'd hate to see my show shut down.”
“I'm sure you're good. Tressa knows how great your show is. And she'd be a fool to let go of the hottest show TiMax has ever seen. Plus, we will be married soon, so television will not exist in our house for at least a year, right, sweetheart?” Kory pulled Tressa close.
“You're so right,” Tressa said. “We'll be too busy doing what newlyweds do. Next year about this time, we may have a little one, who knows.”
“On that note, I'll get up to my office. Again, Kory, congrats, you picked a winner.” She winked and stepped onto the elevator when the doors opened again.
“I'll see you around,” Kory said as the doors closed.
“I thought you said you and Tiffany were no longer friends,” Tressa barked.
“Yes, that is true. We are no longer friends.”
“So what's with the ‘see you around'?” she asked, a hand on her hip and an eyebrow raised.
“It's an expression, Reesy, relax,” he said and they walked out the building. “Where do you want to go for lunch?”
“Someplace fancy, I want to show you off,” she said as he opened the car door for her.
When they got to the restaurant, a couple of regulars recognized Tressa. She proudly confirmed that they'd be attending her wedding, while Kory secretly laughed on the inside. Little did she know that was going to be the most embarrassing day of her royal life. He hoped everyone who was anyone would attend; he just prayed it didn't backfire, because Tiffany's show was at stake. He hoped she was right when she said spoiled little Tressa had no power, because he was ready to pay her back for all the drama she had caused for him and Tiffany.
Chapter Thirty-three
“What are you thinking about?” Tiffany asked Kory.
“Tomorrow,” he answered.
“What about tomorrow, baby?” she asked concerned, because this was the last night they would have to hide their relationship.
She had waited until that evening to break up with Colby and he kept asking her why. The only thing she could say to keep him from calling Tressa was she was just no longer interested. It was apparently hard for him to believe and accept, because he kept calling and texting every five minutes, so she had to power off her phone when Kory arrived.
“Am I doing the right thing, Tiff? I mean, what if Mr. Green decides to pull the plug on your show? I'm sure he is going to be pissed after everything goes down tomorrow.”
“Listen, my love, the show has recorded damn near twelve episodes. In two weeks, we have a live interview on TiMax with the entire cast. He is not going to throw millions of dollars out the window. The contract gives us two seasons, whether it's a hit or a miss, so I will be employed for at least that amount of time. After, if not, I'll just have to sell my house, move in with you, and you can support me for the rest of my life,” she said and kissed him.
“I plan to do that anyway,” he said and sat up. “I just know how hard you've worked, Tiff.”
“Kory, nothing on this planet is worth more than us. If tomorrow causes me to lose the show, it doesn't matter anymore. As long as I got you, I am more than okay.” She gave him a bright smile.
“I love you, Tiffany, and I am proud of you for being such a fighter. You inspire me to love harder and work harder, and I know deep down inside that you are my future.”
“I know, Kory, and I love you too,” she said and kissed him. “Now you have a bachelor party to get back to before they realize you're missing.” She handed him his boxers.
“Do I have to go back?”
“Yes, Keith went through a lot to get the top strippers in L.A.; you can't miss out on that.”
“You're right, it's hard to find quality strippers,” he said. He got up to get dressed.
Tiffany walked him to the door and hugged his neck super tight and gave him a final kiss. “I love you,” she yelled before he got into his car.
“I love you too. And be on time tomorrow. It won't work if you're not there.”
“Baby, I'm there!” she called out. She went into her room and got into the bed. Before she turned out the lamp, she noticed a little tent card on the nightstand. She picked it up and opened it.
You are cordially invited to the fake wedding of the century. Bring your sexiness along with an overnight bag, because our honeymoon is paid in full.
I love you, Tiffany.
Tiffany hopped out of her bed and made a dash to her closet. She didn't know how many days they'd be gone, but she was going anyway. She would put Darryl in charge while she was gone. She packed all the things she thought were essential and then she got into bed and grabbed her cell phone and powered it back on. She texted Kory and when he replied, she laughed. He had sent her a picture of one of the strippers bent over in front of him and typed, I wish this was your ass in my face. She replied, telling him to have fun but behave and to call her when he was on the way home.
A couple hours later he called and she hopped up like a rabbit to take his call. They talked his entire drive home. When he got in, they got off long enough for him to shower and then stayed on the phone until they both fell asleep. The next morning, both of their phones were still running because they had never pressed the end call button.
Chapter Thirty-four
“Mr. Green, you're here early,” Kory said, surprised to see him.
“Yes, the girls sorta kicked me out of my house. It's like a circus, with makeup, hair extensions, and you name it.”
“I bet.” Kory tried not to give Mr. Green eye contact. He was starting to have second thoughts about his plans to dump Tressa at the altar, but it wasn't about Mr. Green. It was about him, Tressa, and Tiffany. Tressa had drawn first blood, and he wanted to let the world know what kind of a person she really was.
“Listen, son,” Mr. Green said. “I know today is a big day for you two, and my wife and I wanted to give you a little something. Tressa can be a handful, and until she gets her trust, she is going to want to keep up the lifestyle she's lived.” He handed Kory a certified check for $2 million.
Kory couldn't believe his eyes. “Sir, no, I can't take this. I mean, this is about how much I have to my name, and I'm sure she won't run through it in a year.”
“Trust me, son, take it. This is our gift to you and your new bride.”
“Look, Mr. Green, I know where you, as her father, are coming from. You can give this to Tressa if you want her to have it, but as a man, I can't accept this. Tressa knows who she is marrying, and if what I have isn't enough, she picked the wrong man.”
“I understand, Kory, and I respect you for being the man you are. I just know my Isabella and I know we have spoiled her beyond the definition of spoiled, and I just don't want her to bring you down because of what her mother and I have done.”
“Trust, sir, you have absolutely nothing to worry about,” Kory said.
“Okay, but I will hold on to this, and if at any time you need it, it's yours.” Mr. Green put the check inside his jacket pocket.
“Mr. Green, can I ask you one more thing? It's about Tiffany Richardson.”
“Yes, I understand you guys go way back. High school, right?”
“Yes, sir, I just have to ask.”
“What is it, son?”
“I need your word that no matter what happens with me and Tressa, you will never let our mess interfere with her position at TiMax.”
“Listen, Kory, I am a wise man. Although I don't look like it, I am. I will never let my personal life cloud my business. Tiffany is smart, bright, and has a hit show on her hands. Her position at TiMax has absolutely nothing to do with my daughter. As long as she is doing a phenomenal job like she has been, she and her show have a home at TiMax.”
“Thank you, sir, because your daughter led me to believe otherwise.”
“Well, son, you're not the only one she's led to believe something that's far from the truth.” He turned to walk out, but turned back. “One more thing, Kory,” he said. “Do what's in your heart, son. Tressa will always land on her feet as long as she has me and her mother. She isn't the ideal daughter, but she is still my daughter. And as much pain and heartache she has caused and may continue to cause, I am going to always love and take care of my baby. Tressa will be fine no matter what you choose to do.”
Kory gave him a faint smile. He could tell that Mr. Green knew Tiffany meant more to him than just a friend. “Are you sure, sir?” he asked, making sure he and Mr. Green was on the same page.
“Absolutely,” he said. He winked at Kory and exited the room.
Kory grabbed his phone and texted Tiffany:
Game on! I love you!
The church was packed. Kory didn't leave the bishop's office until he got a text from Tiffany saying she was there. He told Keith he was ready and Keith went out and told Amber to start. Keith and Kory took their positions, and Kory scanned the church and tried to spot Tiffany. He saw her when she stood and then sat back down. He smiled.
After what seemed like hours, Tressa was finally coming down the aisle. She had a smile on her face and Kory smiled back at her.
He wondered if he should abort the plan, but he looked at the love of his life, sitting there counting on him to come through for her, and he knew that was what he had to do.
“Will you all be seated,” the bishop said. “Who gives this woman away?” he asked. Tressa's parents stood and answered, “We do,” and sat back down.
The ceremony continued and the bishop addressed Tressa first. She quickly said, “I will,” and then he turned to Kory.
After he recited the vows, he just stood there.
“Sweetheart, go on,” she whispered. He didn't reply.
“Is there something wrong?” the bishop asked him.
“As a matter of fact, there is,” he said. Everyone began to whisper. “I can't marry you, Tressa.”
“What are you doing?” she asked through clenched teeth.
“I'm telling all of your friends and family the truth.” He turned to her father. “I'm sorry, Mr. Green, but I can't lie anymore. I am in love with Tiffany and that is who I choose. The only reason why we are here today is because I agreed to marry your daughter and stay married for one year so that she could receive your inheritance. Tressa lied to me and told me that she was taking over your position at TiMax and said if I didn't go through with the wedding, Tiffany's show would be the first to go. So, for the sake of Tiffany's show, I agreed to marry her. I was wrong Mr. Green. Truth is, I broke off our engagement weeks before your heart attack, because I found out she was using again.”
“You son of a bitch,” Tressa yelled. “He's lying, Daddy, that's not true.”
Her father held up a hand for her to close her mouth.
“I'm sorry, Mr. Green,” Kory continued, “but I only did this for Tiffany because I love her so much, sir. I'm sorry and I will pay back every dime you spent on this lavish wedding, because I should have told you the truth weeks ago.”
“No worries, son,” Mr. Green said.
Tiffany grabbed Kory's hand and they turned to walk out, but Tressa charged them from behind and they all went down. She was yelling and screaming and swinging wildly. Keith and another guest pulled her off Tiffany.
“You bitch,” she spat, her voice full of venom. “You bitch. I will kill you. I will kill you. You will pay, you bitch.” Kory got between them and Keith let her go. “Get out,” she yelled at the top of her lungs. “All of you, everybody, get the fuck out.”
Her mother put her head down and sobbed. Kory grabbed Tiffany's hand and he, Keith, and she hurried out. Guests poured out of the building, cameras flashing, and the crowd roars getting louder and louder.
Tressa thought she'd combust. She was more than embarrassed, and humiliation wasn't a word to describe what she was feeling at the moment. Outraged, she continued to yell and cuss at any- and everyone who said a word to her. She paced back and forward, fuming, daring anyone to approach her. Her father sat with her mother, attempting to comfort her.
Tressa ranted and raved for hours after everyone was gone and wouldn't leave the church. Her dad sent her mom home, while he stayed to take care of Tressa. After trying to convince her to come home for what seemed like forever, he said the only words she had been longing to hear him say: “Tressa, you can have your trust.”
It helped to soothe the embarrassment and pain, but she knew she had to get Tiffany back for the humiliation that she and Kory had subjected her to.
She laid her head on her daddy's chest and cried harder than she had ever cried in her life.

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