I'm Doin' Me (18 page)

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Authors: Anna Black

BOOK: I'm Doin' Me
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Chapter Thirty
Living with Tressa and not talking to Tiffany was driving Kory insane. All he thought about morning, noon, and night was Tiffany. He was going out of his mind trying to figure out how to get out of marrying Tressa. When news made it to Tiffany that he and Tressa were back together, she had called him and he knew from her voice that he had lost her forever. “Is it true?” was all she said when he picked up the phone. He had paused, swallowed hard, and whispered, “Yes.” He heard her sniffle and then the call ended. He tried calling her over and over, but she never once answered his calls.
He hated the position he was in, but he would do whatever it took to keep Tressa from pulling the plug on Tiffany's show. This was the only way he could keep Tressa under control, because she absolutely hated Tiffany. He just wanted to get the year he agreed to over with. He just hoped he'd make it without killing Tressa. He hated to just be in the same room with her.
He headed to Keith's house for dinner. He hadn't spent much time lately with his cousin because the wedding was approaching fast. He spent more time with his fake fiancée to keep up the façade of them being the happy couple. He hated pretending. He hated to look her dad in the eyes, knowing he didn't love or want to be with his daughter. At times, he felt Mr. Green could sense it.
One afternoon at lunch, when the women were in the kitchen, he asked Kory, “Are you getting cold feet, son?”
Kory replied, “No, sir, it's just coming quickly and I'm a li'l nervous.”
His future father
law looked at him like he was searching for a true answer, so Kory said, “Mr. Green, I assure you, I'm not having second thoughts.” Mr. Green smiled and offered his future son
law a glass of imported Scotch.
“So good to see you, cuz,” Keith said when he opened the door. He gave him a brotherly hug.
“You too, man. It's like we always have something going on, and with the wedding approaching, I've been mad busy,” he said.
“Speaking of this wedding, why in the hell are you going through with it? I mean, come on, Kory. It is obvious that you are in love with Tiffany. Tressa is not the one and you know it.”
“True, and that is the only reason I am going through with this. You know Tressa's dad had that heart attack. Since then, Tressa's been running the network for him, and if I don't go through with this, she is going to shut Tiff's show down, cuz. I can't let that happen. All Tressa needs is a year to get her inheritance and then she and I can divorce. I love Tiffany, you know that. I'm doing this for her.”
“You mean to tell me that she is threatening Tiffany's show if you don't meet her at the altar?”
“Yes, that's the gist of it.”
“Damn, that's fucked up, but at least I know now that you're not a total idiot. And I hate that you have to endure this coke head for a year for Tiffany's sake, but what other choice do you have? Tiffany would be devastated if her show was shut down after all the hard work she's put into it and all she's been through to keep it. I've visited her set a couple times, and she is on her business, cuz. But you love her that much to endure a year with this coke head?”
“I love her that much and I'd suffer a decade for her if I had to,” Kory said.
“Why don't you go to her, man? Just talk to her and tell her why you're going through with this. Explain to her that you're only doing this to save her job and she will understand. Tiff will hear you out.”
“I can't, cuz. If I do, it will cause problems for her. You know Tiff, man, she is a lioness. She isn't going to take that shit from Tressa. She will confront her about this and she'd beat the shit out of her and end up locked up.”
“I know, li'l cuz, but damn. Tressa is a bitch on so many levels.”
“I know, but I can deal with her as long as Tiffany is happy and successful and living out her dream. She works so hard. I just have to do what it takes to make sure she stays happy.”
The doorbell rang and Keith excused himself to answer the door. Kory was shocked to see Tiffany and she looked just as shocked to see him.
They both looked at Keith. He held up his hands and said, “Y'all really need to talk,” and quickly exited the room.
“I had no idea,” Kory said.
“It's okay, Kory, it's fine.” Tiffany took a seat on the opposite end of the sofa.
“How have you been? You look beautiful.”
“I'm good, just working a lot. Work is pretty much the only fulfillment I'm getting out of life right now.” She flashed him a quick smile.
“Really? Where is your superstar boyfriend?”
“Colby's been pretty busy working a lot lately too, so we haven't had much time together.” She looked toward the door as if she was waiting for somebody.
“That's too bad,” he said.
“Yes, but I guess that's how it goes. And you . . . I see this wedding is really going to happen.” Kory saw her look past him again, as if she was watching for Keith.
“Yes.” He paused from the Tressa subject. “Did you need something? You keep looking at the entryway.”
“Actually, a glass of wine is what I need. I was looking out for Keith.”
“Oh, I'll get it,” he volunteered.
“Thanks, Kory,” she said before he went through the door.
He came back and handed her a glass of red wine. “Here you go,” he said.
She took a little sip and he went back to the other side of the couch. “So back to Tressa,” she said. “How did she convince you to take the plunge with her? Is she back in rehab?”
“Well, she swears she's clean, so that's not it. I'm doing it for other reasons,” he said, hesitating. He didn't want to lie to Tiffany, but he didn't want to tell her the truth either.
“Like?” she asked.
“Listen, Tiffany, don't worry about that, okay? After a year, she will have her inheritance and she'll be outta my hair.”
She raised her brow. “Kory Lamar Banks, don't tell me that you are marrying that woman for her money?”
He frowned. “Hell no, Tiff. You know I'm not that guy. I couldn't care less about her money.”
“Then what then, Kory? I'm not going to lie, okay? I spend every waking moment wondering how you can want to be with someone like Tressa. She is an addict, so why, Kory?” She looked sad.
“Tiff, I just have to, okay? But I want you to know that I wish it were you.”
She swallowed hard and tears came to her eyes. “Kory, don't—”
“No, Tiffany, I've got to say this. I love you, and it's always been you. But for some reason, somehow, we can't seem to be at the same place at the same time. Trust, I don't want to marry Tressa. I can't stand the sight of that woman. If I didn't love you so much, I'd never speak to her ever again.”
“Me? What do I have to do with your decision to marry that evil bitch, Kory? She hates me and she doesn't even try to hide it, so how are you doing this for me?”
“I didn't want to tell you, Tiff, but I have to. You have to know the truth about the situation with Tressa and me. Now that her dad has these health issues, she is basically filling his shoes. If I don't marry her for at least a year for her to get her inheritance, she is going to pull the plug on your show.”
Tiffany burst into laughter. She wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. “What? Is that what she told you?”
Kory was confused. This wasn't the reaction he expected. “Yes, she brought over this document a couple weeks ago proving that she was now running the show.”
“Kory, Tressa isn't running anything, as far as I know. Mr. Green has declared that she'll never work at his station. She is the joke of the studio and everyone, but you obviously, knows that.” She polished off her wine and fiddled with the empty glass.
“So she's not in charge?”
“Not even in charge of the coffee girl.” She handed him her glass.
“So she's been playing me? She gets up every morning, gets dressed, and tells me she is heading to the studio to work. She comes home in the evenings as if she's had an exhausting day. I've called her and she'd pick up and say she's in a meeting and she'll call me right back.”
“I'm sorry, Kory. She's always there, but believe me, she doesn't work there.” She touched his hand.
Kory looked at her and she looked at him, neither seeming to be able to turn away. He leaned in to kiss her and as soon as their lips touched, her cell phone rang. It was Colby.
“Please don't answer that,” he said.
“I have to,” she said.
“No, you don't.” He grabbed the back of her head with his free hand and pushed his tongue into her mouth.
She dropped her cell phone on the floor and reached for his neck. He kissed her so deeply and passionately that she wanted more, but she stopped him.
“Kory, wait, wait. Wait please.” He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “What do you want from me?” she asked.
“Your love, that's it. I don't love Tressa, Tiffany. I love you, and I am not going to allow her to manipulate me into marrying her. I know you are with Colby, Tiff, but I want you and I want you to be mine.” She put her head down. He set her glass down and used two fingers to lift her chin. “Do you love him, Tiffany?”
“Yes,” she said softly. His heart stopped and then she continued. “But not the way I love you.”
Able to breathe again, he put his arms around her and squeezed her so tight. “I love you too, Tiffany, so much, and I want us to be together. Not just for a little while or a fling or date. I want you to be my wife.”
Her eyes bulged. “Your wife?”
“Yes. I've held you in my heart for years, Tiffany, and I don't want to be with anyone else. I only want you. I've thought about it for a very long time and I know it's you.”
“I know it's you too,” she said and he kissed her again. “How are you going to handle Tressa?” she said, bringing him back to the subject.
“Play her game. She wants to play me for a fool, well, two can play that game.”
“What are you going to do?”
“The last thing any woman would want to happen to them,” he said.
After he told her his plans, he called Keith back down. The three of them ate and Kory and Tiffany decided to stay over to have some privacy, since Tressa was at Kory's and Colby could pop up whenever at Tiffany's.
Kory called Tressa and told her that he was going to stay over at Keith's and she didn't argue. Tiffany called Colby back and said she'd be with Asia. He went with that after she insisted that her friend needed her that night.
Chapter Thirty-one
Kory opened the guesthouse door and let Tiffany walk in first. He shut the door and grabbed her waist from behind and planted a couple soft kisses on her neck.
“Are you sure you're ready for this?” he asked.
She turned to him and smiled. “I've never been so sure about anything in my life, Kory. I've dreamed of making love to you so many times that I feel like I'm in a dream right now.”
“Well, this isn't a dream, Tiffany, and I want to be the last man you give your body to. I want to be the last man you say ‘I love you' to. I want to be the last man to kiss you good-bye in the mornings and I want to be the last and only man to make you happy.”
“You can be that,” she said.
“You are so beautiful, Tiffany, and through it all, you have held a place for me in your heart. I thank you for that.” He gave her a gentle peck.
“It wasn't purposely done, Kory,” she said and laughed a little. “It's just no matter who I was with or how I tried, I've never been able to get over you.”
“Well, I thank God that you couldn't.” He began to unbutton the buttons on her dress. When he got halfway done, he pushed the straps from her shoulder and her dress hit the floor. She pulled his shirt out of his jeans and he lifted it over his head and then removed his tank. She leaned in and planted soft kisses on his chest and he closed his eyes. She kissed him down to his stomach and undid his belt and jeans and he pushed them away and stepped out of them.
“Come here,” she said and took his hand.
They went over to the bed and she took a seat and pulled him directly in front of her. His erection was huge. She took a deep breath and released it from his boxer briefs. The head sprang out and was pointed toward her mouth. She looked up at him.
“You don't have to,” he said, hoping she would.
“I want to,” she whispered softly. She kissed it before she received him inside of her mouth.
His legs and body quivered from the pleasure she gave him. She was more than good at it, he thought. She was the best. He hadn't had head like that in years.
“Tiff, baby, ahhhhh. Baby, that feels so damn good,” he moaned.
She looked up at him as she continued to please his erection, bobbing her head up and down. She grabbed hold of the base, stuck her tongue out, and teased the tip.
Kory was more than ready to pleasure her. He pulled away, pulled her up, and pushed his tongue back inside her mouth as he pushed her panties down. She reached behind her back to unhook her bra, but he stopped her.
“No. Keep that on; it's so pretty on you.” He gave her a little nudge and she lay back onto the bed.
He paused to admire her body and her sexy breasts sitting in the cups of her pretty satin blue bra before he climbed on top of her. He kissed her before making his way down to her neck and then he pulled her breasts out over her bra and licked and sucked her nipples hungrily. She moaned out loud.
He went for her clit and she spread her legs wider. To both of their surprises, she climaxed right away. She laughed at herself.
“You came that fast?” he asked, shocked.
“Yes, yes, yes.” She continued to laugh.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Because I'm embarrassed.”
“Because that was like forty seconds.”
He laughed too. “Yeah, but now it's my turn, and trust me, baby, I'll be a lot longer than that.” He moved back up to kiss her.
“I hope so,” she said and pulled him close.
He slowly kissed her as he slid inside of her. She closed her eyes and moaned softly in his ear and he breathed deeply, enjoying her body. Being inside of Tiffany was exactly like he had imagined it would be. He pushed deeper and deeper and her moans grew louder and louder. He rose up, pushed her legs back, and looked at her breasts as they bounced with every stroke. He locked eyes with her and had to slow down. Just looking at her got him more excited and he wanted to explode. “What's wrong, Kory?” she asked.
“Nothing, I just want to enjoy you longer. I'm not ready to cum.”
She reached for his hands and locked her fingers in his. She held his hands tightly and rolled her hips back on him. She pushed her pelvis into his and pushed when he pushed. She closed her eyes again and he just looked at her, thinking of how beautiful she was to him.
“Turn on your side,” he whispered and pulled out.
She rolled onto her side and lifted her left leg to allow him access. Once he was in, she dropped her thigh and he pulled her body closer to his, grabbed a breast firmly, and began to stroke her again. She pressed her ass into him and that tingle came back, so he pulled out quickly.
He continued to massage her breast while he focused on pulling back from the eruption that was building in his dick.
“Let me back in,” he said.
She lifted her leg again and he found his way back inside. He closed his eyes and they rocked the bed for a little while longer before she was on her stomach. He spread her cheeks and slid in and understood why that position was called the “cum snatcher.” All it took was six or seven pumps and he couldn't hold it in any longer. He tried to, but it was over. He released it inside of her with a loud groan.
He came down and rested on her back for a brief moment and then he got up and lay beside her. She turned to him and smiled at him and he smiled back at her.
Then she frowned slightly. “Kory, why didn't we use a condom?”
“I didn't want to,” he said.
“Were you using condoms with Tressa?”
“Yes,” he said. Even if he didn't want to, his ex-fiancée had insisted. “However, I haven't been with Tressa sexually since before I broke off our engagement. Were you using condoms with Colby?”
“Yes.” He believed her.
“Listen, Tiff, maybe that was a stupid move, but you are different. It's like I've known you my entire life, and, I don't know, I feel safe with you. I mean after I went off to school, I moved on from my high school fantasy to be with you, but I never forgot you. You were always lingering in the back of my mind, and you are it. You are my match.”
“I feel safe with you too, Kory, and my world is perfect right now at this very moment.” She moved into his arms.
“So you think you can handle keeping your distance from Colby until after the wedding?” he said.
“Yeah, I can avoid him. It's a little less than two weeks, so I can avoid him and try to keep my cool around Tressa. You know I want to punch her in her face.”
“I know, babe, but Tressa is going to get what she deserves in due time, so don't even sweat her. Just keep your cool, and in a couple weeks, this will all be over. Just keep our thing quiet until then. I don't want to tip her off.”
“I will, but it's just going to be hard to keep you a secret,” she said, locking her fingers into his again. “I want to shout it to the world that I'm finally with the love of my life.”
“I know, babe, soon. We just have to do this the right way. Your show is the root of everything and I don't want to jeopardize it.”
“I know,” she said and he kissed her forehead.
They went another round and then crept into the main house for another bottle of merlot. They sat up and talked all night and didn't fall asleep until the sun was coming up the next morning.

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