Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance)
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got into her Chevy SUV as Victor pushed back the seat in the passenger side.

Roomy,” he grunted in approval.

“Thanks. Where would you like to go first?” she asked him.

Where home is for you.  I could use a nap.  You never sleep well back there. 
Almost always a reason to keep one eye open in a place like that.”

ok.  You don’t want or visit a friend first or something?”

he replied, “There’s time enough for that later.  Right now, I want to spend
some quality time with you.”

laid his head back against the headrest and closed his eyes for three minutes. 
With nothing but awkward silence, Olivia felt the need to start in on some
general conversation.

uhhmm, how are you?” Olivia asked.

now that you’re here,” he said.  He turned his head briefly to look at her and
grinned.  Then he went back to resting state.

duh, Olivia
, she thought to herself.  More silence.

began again.  “So, ahh prison, it’s a pretty rough place?”

He said it while still lying back with his eyes closed.

were treated ok in there, weren’t you?” she asked.

“Sometimes,” he said, “Sometimes people would just want to give you the shank.”

she trailed away.  “You never told me too much about your family.  Or friends. 
Or really why you were there in the first place.  You did mention that you had
a brother.  Want to tell me a bit more about yourself?”

     “In due
time.  It’s a long story.  Right now, I just want to enjoy these moments with

Ok,” she said as she stared at the road in front of her.

don’t you tell me about you?  I’d rather hear about you, than rehash all the
shit I’ve been through.  I want to be done with that for a little while, now
that I’m out,” he said.

don’t know, I’m sure you think my life is pretty boring.  I’m pretty ordinary. 
Probably not very interesting coming from your perspective,” Olivia stated

     “I love
hearing about your life.  And it never bored me.  There is an innocence about you
that I can never get back in my own life.  Never lose that.”

I went shopping yesterday with a friend of mine.  Then dinner,” she opened.

did you buy?” he asked.  He smiled at her response as he lay still in the same
position, eyes closed, head resting back on the seat.

clothes.  A dress.  Some slingback shoes.  Then my favorite Italian place for

Nice.  You can model them for me.  I bet you look beautiful in them.  You look
beautiful now.”

thanks.  You’re in pretty good shape,.. if I can admit that to you..,” she
mumbled nervously.

can admit anything you want to me, hon,” he replied.  “So what color is that
dress?  And those shoes?  Describe them to me.”

dress is a halter top, and comes up to about my knees.  Black, with a black and
silver belt.  Black is slimming, you know.  It makes you look like you’re 15
pounds lighter.  At least, I think it does.  And the shoes are grey metallic,
with some beading on the straps.”

But I don’t think you need to look thinner.  You have all the right things in
all the right places, if you ask me.  There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of

spent the next five minutes in relative silence.  Then she chatted about her
recent girl’s weekend out trip to Vegas.  Victor listened attentively to her as
she described her recent exploits to him.

nice.  I haven’t been to Vegas in years.  I like it there.  Maybe someday,
we’ll go there together.”

slowed the car as she pulled up to the driveway of her small bungalow.  She
parked her SUV in the driveway, turned to him and said nervously, “Ok, we’re


     Victor opened
his eyes and stretched before getting out of her vehicle.  His brow furrowed as
he looked on at her house, and then at her.  He gave her a warm smile, to calm
down her nerves.


both walked up to the front step together.  Her hands shook a little as she
took the keys to the house to unlock the door.  His hand wrapped over hers. 
She heard his deep voice rumble in her ear, “I can tell you’re still really nervous. 
Don’t be.   I realize meeting someone in person is different than just writing
to someone.  We’ve gotten to know each other over two years.  I know I come
from a hard place, where men can be unpredictable, and cruel.  Just know that I
will never be like that to you.  I truly appreciate you, after all you’ve done
for me.”

looked up at him, searching his face.  “Apart from giving you a lift out of
there, I don’t think I’ve done a whole lot for you.  They were only letters. 
And most of it was just the silly little trivial rantings and ramblings of an ordinary
day of being just Olivia.”

letters were my lifeline.  You have no idea.  You gave me something to look
forward to every day I got up in the morning.  I would hope there would be
another letter from you, waiting for me.  I wanted this day to come for so
long.  To have the chance to meet you, and thank you in person.  Since your
letters, I worked so damned hard to walk the straight and narrow so I could get
that opportunity. It made me expect more from myself.   In short, Olivia, you
made me want to be a better man.”

hand trembled in his.  He helped her turn the key in the door.  They walked in
together and he dropped his duffle bag with a large thunk onto the wooden floor
just inside the door.  He took a quick look around the darkened house.

     “I like
how you decorated,” he said absentmindedly.  He headed for the bathroom, and
lifted the lid of the toilet.   Olivia watched with curiosity and some
amusement as he relieved himself in her washroom, with the door wide open. 
quickly he makes himself at home
, she thought.

zipped up, was about to leave, then checked himself and washed his hands. 
After all, he was not just among men anymore.  He was a guest.

better,” he said, after he dried his hands.  “Now, how about making me a

gave him an incredulous look.  Victor grinned widely at her and laughed. “Just
kidding.  I’m trying to break the ice here, a bit.  You still seem a little
skeptical of me.  Trust me.  I won’t ask you to do anything you don’t want to
do.  I owe you too much to do anything like that.”

walked up to her, and hugged her.  She shied from him and curled herself
tighter away from him in his embrace.   Sensing her closing off from him, he
pulled away from her and looked at her.

don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable,” he said, and added, “I’m sorry. 
It’s probably too soon for you to do this sort of thing.  I understand.  You
just met me in real life only a few hours ago. But for me, I’ve been waiting
for this, well, for you, for a long time now.   I just can’t help that I want


     He took
a step back and awkwardly put a hand to the back of his neck and scratched it. 
Olivia saw the bicep of his arm flex as he raised his arm and caught a glimpse
of a tribal tattoo on his arm.  She stared at the outline of hard muscle on his
chest and felt the heat rush through her body.  Any girl would give away her
most coveted Louis Vuitton handbag for a chance to fuck that hot ripped body
and she was giving him the cold shoulder.  And she could practically taste in
the air the sexual need this man poured out to her.  So what was wrong with


not just that,” she said, “I like you and all….”

ok,” Victor interrupted. “You don’t have to explain.  I’m a patient man.  I’ve
had over seven years to think about things while the rest of the world went on
without me.  I can wait as long as you need.”


     He saw
the flushed reaction in her face.  And the lust in her eyes.  He watched her
gaze travel along his body.  Some encouragement, then.  Victor pulled out the
shirt that was tucked in his jeans, and tugged it up and off his head.  He
stood there before her, with his shirt off.


drank in the sight of his burly naked upper body.  There was an eagle tattooed
on his chest.  It looked like a prison tattoo.  Poor to mediocre quality at
best.  And it looked like it was trying to attempt to cover a large gaping scar
that gashed its way across the left side of his upper pectoral muscle. 


was that from?” she asked as she pointed to the mass of grimly repaired flesh
that curled under his nipple.

attack.  Missed the heart.  But you can take your best shot now, honey,” he

     He said
it with such honesty, that she snickered quietly and apprehensively at the
cheesiness of it.  She caught herself, and put her hand to her mouth to stop
herself.  She timidly looked up at him.

ok,” he reassured her.  He could see she was still holding herself back from
him.  “Go ahead.  Touch it.  If you want.”


traced the damaged skin lightly with her fingers.  Gathering confidence, she
indented them more firmly into his skin.  Feeling for the hard muscle
underneath.  He was like electrically charged cinders to her touch, and his
chest slowly rose and fell in a hypnotic rhythmic pattern.


stood there, letting her touch him.  He could feel his erection swelling in his
jeans.  Leaning forward slightly, he pressed himself more into her, the bulge
of his cock lightly rubbing against the soft bare skin of her thighs.


stared up to him, aware of the desire he had for her pushed and held against
her body.  Feeling the breath of him on her neck.


     “I want
you…..” she started boldly but then trailed off.

leaned away from her, giving her some space.  Giving her time.  “What holds you

just that, well, you’re my first time…” she confessed.

been with a man?” he asked.

looked away from him, almost ashamed to admit it.  “No.  I mean yes.  Never
been with any man before.  Sorry.”

be sorry about that. It’s nothing you have to apologize for,” he said gently.

if you expected more, I’m sorry.  I’m sure there’s better out there than me,
that you’ve had before.  More experienced,” she said with some embarrassment.

worry about things like that.  Believe me, I don’t care that much.  I’m your
first, so what.  I’ll think of it as a sort of gift,” he said as he grinned at

gained some confidence back and gave him a sarcastic reply.  “It’s not that at
all.  Giving up one’s virginity to someone isn’t a gift.  At least not to me. 
It’s like wearing a label that’s not trendy anymore.  You just want to give it
away to some salvation army somewhere and move onto the next thing.”

chuckled.  “So I’m a charity case then?  Whatever.  I don’t care.”  He leaned
in and gave her a quick kiss on the neck.


lips brushing gently on her smooth skin set her on fire.  It sent a rapid fire
signal straight down to her central core, causing her sex to spasm momentarily
and then suddenly clench up.  She folded into his body, as she felt his solid
arms wrap around her and hold her pussy against his throbbing cock.  She
searched for, and found his mouth and plunged into its depths.  He fiercely gripped
her pliant body, and joined his tongue with hers.  She tasted the fire of need
in the force of his kiss, in the way he pushed his cock against her slit, now
soaked with desire and burning with the urgency for him to enter her.  He moved
with instinctual physical prowess, gracefully stripping the layers of clothing
off her, and letting them fall carelessly to the floor.  He jerked her up into
his arms and carried her to the couch.  Laying her down, he gazed at her naked
body.  He softly caressed his hands over the soft milky white skin of her
shoulders, breasts and stomach.  She felt self-conscious, and totally


he whispered.


hungrily bent down and took an erect nipple in his mouth.  Swirling it under
his tongue, he heard a low moan from her in response.  She raised her hips up
to him and he felt her delicate hands on his broad shoulders.  Moving down to
touch and test the hard muscle tone in his biceps.  She moaned again underneath
him, willing him to penetrate her.  He gently and carefully raised her legs
over her stomach and starting tonguing her clit.  She felt the expert lashing
of him assaulting her pleasure centre and cried out at the sudden unexpected
intensity of it.  No man had ever touched her like that, or made her feel like
that.  Victor inserted two of his wide fingers into her wet slit and slid them
easily in and out of her body.  She bucked hard against him as she pushed him
to delve still deeper into her.  Every fibre of her core strained to feel
Victor’s touch inside her body.  She spasmed and clamped against his fingers as
he torturously moved them slowly in and out in a steady pattern.  She grunted
in frustration, needing more, wanting him to move faster in her. He withdrew
and tasted the sweet arousal of her fluids coating his fingers.  He exhaled
slowly, savoring the lingering scent and taste of her in his mouth. 

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