Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance)
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     A thin
tired looking man with a few days’ worth of beard answered the door.  He was in
a generic white t-shirt and grey shorts.  He ran a hand through his balding
scalp of black hair and gave her a stern look.

Can I help you?” he asked.

your furnace?” she replied.

What company do you work for?” he asked a little bit crisper.

records indicate that your warranty is soon to expire.  Are you interested in
extending your agreement with us?  We should have the furnace checked to see if
everything is up to code,” she stated.

was just winging it at that point.  She had no idea what was involved in
furnace ownership, warranties or the like.  Whenever her company scheduled an
appointment, she blindly accepted it, barely paid attention to the details, dealt
with it on the most superficial level and got on with her life.

don’t look like you work for any company.  Not even a logo on your hat,” he
said as he gestured to her head.

floundered for a moment until she felt a rush of wind behind her.  Swiftly
moving her out of the way, Victor stepped in front of her and gave the man a
solid punch to the face.  The man fell back and hit the ground sprawling on the
floor.  Victor lunged at the man again and landed into him with another solid round
of thudding hits to the solar plexus and head.


the door,” Victor commanded between blows.


quickly moved inside the house and shut the door behind her.  Her eyes fixed on
the scene in front of her.  Victor had the man stunned and was picking up his
arm to drag him into the living room.  Blood from what was presumably Shane’s
nose was leaving a smeary trail on the floor.  The man muffled a bewildered
response.  “Who are you?  What do you want with me?”

Colton.  That name ring a bell?”

Who’s that asshole?” he contorted through an injured mouth.  Olivia could see
he was bleeding from it.  She thought he had lost some teeth during his

leaned down to the man’s bloody face, with an angry, but almost stoic look to
him.  His voice showed through to cool steel tinged with malice.  “My brother. 
Who you murdered.  In a bad drug deal between you and Lucifer’s Breed years
ago.  It was supposed to set a truce.  A matter of some understanding.  Instead
you cheated us and tried to kill us all.  One problem.  One bullet missed.” It
was then that Victor pointed to his heart.


kicked him in the stomach and continued to drag him to the living room.  Shane
buckled under the blow and wheezed to catch his breath.   Lining the crumpled
man up to the couch, Victor propped him up.  Blood was pouring down from his
nose and mouth.  Large angry red welts started to swell around his cheeks and forehead.
Victor stood up and took from his pocket a thin grey wire.  He was starting to
unwind it while his victim was struggling to regain some clarity.


was just about to wrap the wire around the man’s neck when he uttered, “I
wasn’t the only one involved, you know.”

remarked, “Yes, I know that, but I’ve taken care of them already.  Lucky you, you’re
last on my bucket list.”

was closing in on him.  The man didn’t have much time left.  “You know, your
boss was involved too.  How do you think it was set up so cleanly?”

looked at him skeptically.  “Clean like hell.  I don’t believe you.  Whatever
you’re about to say next, it won’t work.  It’s not going to buy you any time. 
Or any special favors.”

     The man
continued, in a rushed voice.  It was his only avenue for a chance at
survival.  “Rick.  That was your leader’s name.  He was at our club.  He met
with our MC leader Dale.  They talked about how the police were always putting
the heat on them.  Your boss Rick talked of a merger, to get enough money
together between both clubs to bribe them huge to look the other way.  But he
knew many of your other club members wouldn’t stand for it.” 

struggled to take in a breath.  Olivia thought he was probably swallowing and
inhaling some of the blood collecting in his mouth.  Victor let him take his
time and go on with his speech. “So they made up a plan.  Dale would buy some top
shelf blow, but hold most of it behind while cutting a small fraction of it for
the deal to some poor quality product.  To make that contract go sour.  Arrange
it so that the members most likely to oppose your boss are there for the
exchange.  Things go south, quickly, with guns blazing.  Then steal back the
cash, do away with the rest of the predicted dissenters and keep a huge share
of both.  It was a good trade for your fearless leader.”

bullshit.  After that pact went south, Rick had to struggle to rebuild his
club,” Victor angrily replied.

     “Of course
he did.  You think our leader Dale would want someone in his group who would
betray his own members like that?”  Shane laughed mercilessly at Victor,
ridiculing his blind loyalty to a man that sent him out to die in a crooked trade
like a dumb sheep.  “No way.  He used him, like your shitstain of a boss used
you.  To set you up for a fall.  And that’s what he did to Rick.  Blackmailed
him with enough evidence for the cops to tie his hands and make him shut his
mouth.  Left the law enough hints that Rick was always under their microscope. 
And a lot of your group left to other, more established gangs and broke contact
once they learned what went down.  Can’t say I blame them.  Who wants to stick
around to be the next convenient dupe putting their neck out there for your


Olivia’s eyes watered.  She could empathize with the pain Victor was going
through, hearing this.  She remembered the photos of the three of them, how
Rick took over for his loser drunk of a father.  How Rick watched and raised
the person she cared so much about turn from a bitter teenage boy into the man
he was today.


couldn’t be in on it honey,….” she uttered.  She wanted the words she said to
be true.  But Shane confessed with conviction.  To her, he told a convincing

“Believe it Buttercup,” Shane spluttered to her.  His chest moved painfully up
and down in heavy heaves.  He was working harder to keep his body oxygenated.


accusations turned and swirled in Victor’s mind.  The doubt.  And above it all,
the anger.  The need for revenge still remained.  And if what Shane said was
true, he wasn’t quite done yet.

heard enough.  We’re done here,” Victor said as he wrapped the wire around
Shane’s throat.


watched the first few seconds.  She saw Shane’s face turn red, his eyes growing
wide and bulging in alarm.  She observed his bloody tongue hang out of his
mouth, the arms grasping around Victor, flailing at him to stop.  Grappling
with the wire around his neck.  Smacking him on the arm to dislodge the tension
around his throat.  It was altogether futile for him.  As his face grew a shade
darker and the sounds of his struggle became pained and panicked, Olivia
couldn’t take it anymore.  She turned away and ran to the other room to escape
another grisly death scene.  It didn’t last long.  After a couple of minutes
that seemed to stretch out for far much longer, the last sounds of strained
breathing and struggling ended.  Victor casually strolled into the kitchen
where she was hiding.  He shook off his hands and flexed them with a
concentrated look of annoyance on his face.


looked at the shock that was still lingering on her face.  He tried to
enlighten the mood by chatting her up, “Hey, what’s up Liv’s?”

gave him a slightly nauseous look.  Victor tried to engage her again.

     “As the
once great Freddy Mercury said it best, another one bites the dust, babes.”

looked on towards the next room in slight sympathy.  If there was a harsh way
to go, it was the way this man died.  “That was awful, the way you killed him.
He confessed to you.  Why couldn’t you just shoot him, and end it quickly?  You
know they’re looking for us anyways.”

answered her, “First of all, he only said what would buy him some time and
maybe a way out.  Sorry, but that wasn’t going to get him a free pass.  Second,
we need to save the bullets.  I’m going to find out if one of them has my buddy
Rick’s name on one of them.”

protested, “You’re not going back there now, Victor.  That would be suicide. 
They’ll be expecting you to contact him.  Let’s just go.  Somewhere you always
wanted to see.  Somewhere you dreamed about every day, while serving your
time.  Anywhere. I’ll be right there beside you.”

mind was set.  “Sorry Olive bun, but I have to see this until the end.  I have
to know for sure.  For the sake of my brother’s memory.  Even if that means
walking back into the fire.”


Rick Caldwell


was on top of him, riding his cock like a bandit on a horse that just robbed
the bank.    Victor’s hands cupped her round ass and pushed her into him as she
shifted her sleek tight pussy up and down his rod.

     “I like
you as a blonde,” he told her.

gave an incomprehensible noise in response that sounded like agreement.  She
couldn’t form a decent answer.  She was totally in the zone.




the stop at Shane’s house, they rode back into the direction of the town they
had just left.  Where they were probably on the town’s Most Wanted list by
now.  Olivia tried to plead and reason with Victor.  To try to convince him
that they should just drop it for now and revisit Rick later.  But Victor was
determined.  He knew he couldn’t move on with his life until he had seen this
to the very end.  He promised this not only to himself, but to his brother, as
he lay dying, and bleeding out on some dirty warehouse floor.


an hour of riding along back country roads, Victor hit a main road for a few
minutes and had Olivia stop in a pharmacy.  He gave her some cash from the bag
and told her to pick a hair color that she always wanted to try.  And told her
to buy some new make-up, soap, razors, shampoo and some scissors.  Plus
whatever else she needed to make her feel decent again.


stopped in at a nearby run down looking motel to spend the night.  Victor had
Olivia go to the front desk in sunglasses and get them a room.  If anyone was
looking for the pair, more people would probably recognize him.   He figured
the focus would be more on him, and not her.  In the meantime, he wheeled over
to a fast food place close by and ordered something for the both of them.  A
day of riding and killing had made him feel a bit peckish.


waited for him in the parking lot just outside the entrance of their room.
Victor swerved and parked in front of her.  After they walked inside, Olivia
crashed on the bed in exhaustion for a few minutes.  Then she dragged herself
off the mattress and took the bottle of hair dye with her to the bathroom.  She
went and had a shower while Victor took off his shoes, turned on the television
and started flipping through the channels.  He stopped on one and watched the
newsfeed scrolling by.


Meanwhile, Olivia had finished her shower and started to dye her hair in the
sink.  Once she stepped in the shower again to rinse the excess color off, she
walked out naked and still slightly soapy from the washroom.

looked at her up and down, her skin still shining from the beads of water
dropping off her.  She was lightly towel drying her body.

famous, Babe-inator.”

“Really?  How famous?” she intoned.  She didn’t really want to hear more.  All
she wanted to do was find a sunny sandbar somewhere tropical and bury her head
in it. But she had to find out.  To see how much deep shit she was in.

for sure, they want me for the clubhouse.  And they linked me to Curtis.  But
for you, they only want you in for questioning.  As a person of interest.”

is bad for me,” said Olivia, her voice shaking a little.

really,” reassured Victor.  “It was implied that they are more concerned with
your safety.  The news blurb said we were travelling together.  You are not
under suspicion for anything at the moment.  So you heed my words, if things go
down wrong.  Let me take the fall.  I care too much for you to let anything
happen to you.”

gave it one last shot to convince Victor to stand down his revenge plot.  She
didn’t like the fact that she was an active news story.  “Victor, can’t we take
a break?  And live under the radar for a while and come back when the attention
on us dies down?  You’d have a much better chance to finish your goals then. 
All you need is to be patient and live quietly for a while.  Like in some
remote cabin somewhere in the mountains.  It would be so romantic, just you and
me, surrounded by nature.  With no one around to hear me scream your name for

hardened his resolve once again.  “No, Olivia, I can’t.  I’m so close to ending
this once and for all.  For seven and a half years now I’ve been dreaming of
this every night.  I can’t let myself live on and start a decent life again
until it’s final.  I’m mad as hell that Rick could betray us like that.  Over a
bit of money and territorial control.  It isn’t enough to know that he didn’t
get what he wanted in the end, and he still struggled.  We paid the price for
his treason and his stupidity.”


choked back some tears, realizing that if she was to follow him, it would be at
great risk.  She could see the look in his eyes.  He was only thinking one
thing.  Retribution.  And there was nothing she could say that would change his

     “If it
was true, and Rick was involved, then why did no one ever tell you?” she whimpered.

     “I was
sent to max security and was holed up in solitary for a while.  I tried to get
info from the outside, but at the start, I didn’t have enough influence to call
in any favors.  Then when I built up enough of a reputation, the only ones in
the club that knew what really went down that would have been loyal to me were
probably either dead from more bad deals or out of reach.”

paused for a minute, then coughed.  “They likely wanted to leave that all
behind them.  I don’t blame them.  Some had families.  I would have moved away and
cut ties to protect the ones I loved as well.  Even if I let a friend rot in
jail.  Chances are, he wouldn’t be getting out anyway. And then you risked the
safety of your family by squealing on your former boss.  The dues are huge if
you are caught pulling that shit.  There’s a code you need to follow if you
want to live the club life.  And you never go back on your word.”


pointed to the tv.  Drolly, he said, “Hey Babes, there we are.  Your Fifteen

fixed her grave eyes on the television.  She saw a description of the vehicle
they torched in the barn and a blurry security cam video of her in the gas
station convenience store, along with a cam of Victor filling up the van.  Two
photos of the pair were plastered on the screen.  Olivia frowned.  The screen
grab of her Facebook cover photo was showing.  She wished she had changed it to
something older and less recognizable before she left.  A pit fell to the
bottom of her stomach when she thought of the repercussions of the situation
she was now in.  Seeing their story on the news now hit her full force.  Shit
just got totally real for her.


had to sit down.  Her wet bum made a damp spot that spread outward on the
duvet.  She wanted to take her mind of her situation right now.  Maybe find
something with some humor in it.

else is on?” she asked.

flipped through the channels.  He stopped at one of the science/documentary
type channels Olivia always managed to pass by on her way to watching the next
generic rom com.  Victor smiled as the title card for Preptastic Doomsday Dudes
popped up on screen.

“Really, Victor?” she said as she rolled her eyes at him.

Olive bun.  I like these survival type shows.  You learn something about living
with nature, and with coping in the wild.  I find it hilarious that a lot of
them spend all their free time building a cell for themselves in their
basement.  Believe me, occupying all that time confined to the same area turned
out not to be so fun for me.  I find it ironic that people use all that money
and time building these things when they can be out enjoying the good life they
have now. Instead they prepare for the remote chance of finding themselves in
the future shitty apocalypse they expect.  Do you want to look forward to
eating out of tin cans for the rest of your days?”

patiently and politely watched a few minutes with him.  After several
interviews with some of the hardcore people in the show, Olivia screwed up her
mouth in distaste.  “Have you really looked at some of those survivalist
people?  If that’s all that’s left afterwards to repopulate the earth, then I
don’t have much faith in the future of humanity.”  She pointed out one man in
particular, who was hogging most of the show’s spotlight.  “If what there’s
left to pick from is this Papa Hillbilly douching up the screen as the sperm
donor, then perhaps it’s best to let the human race die out with some dignity.”

laughed at her musings.  He didn’t see many women on the show he would consider
continuing the species with either, on a semi-regular basis.  He figured his
ten million friends wouldn’t find much of a happy future in any of these female


Olivia’s smile evaporated as her mind turned again to her sudden infamy.  
Victor saw the dour face she made and pulled her naked glistening body towards
him.  He would make her forget all about that for a while.  It wasn’t long
before he stripped the clothes off his body and she climbed on top of him.  Victor
let her have control for the first bit.  He loved watching her face as she
drove into his hard shaft, the look of complete pleasure washing over her
face.  She groaned as she slapped her body down on his and raised it again,
enjoying how his wide girth slipped easily in and out of her body.  She willed
herself to grip soundly around him; compressing around his shaft with all the
focus in her body going to that one central point.    She was going to make him
come until he blacked out.  Victor gripped her securely by her waist and
swiftly flipped her so she was lying on the bed.  His muscled arms wrapped
around her body, hugging her into him.  He held her against his chest in a firm
grip, tightly pressing her against his body.


folded and melted into him, fitting her frame snugly into his.  As he held her,
he kissed her deeply, his tongue reaching for hers and connecting with it.  She
joined her tongue with his, tentatively touching his fondly at first, then
passionately twisting it in time with his.  He moved in her, slowly, and
confidently.  Olivia arched her back, and moaned deeply.  She mentally
unravelled, and opened herself up to him further.  With the steady careful way
he made love to her and guarded over her, she had never felt so connected to
someone like this in her entire life.  And for this, she would follow him to
the ends of the earth.  With his careful thrusts he stoked her desire into an
uncontainable swell of lust.  He felt her body give as she curved into him and
the walls of her channel tightened and relaxed in urgent involuntary tides.  Victor
gripped her shoulders, still with his arms encircling her around the back, clasping
her into him, and pulled her towards him in harder lunges.


moved against her g-spot and felt her squirm and jolt under him.  She let out a
breath of surprise mixed with pleasure and groaned in ecstasy as he nudged her
sensitive area again and again with his cock.  He felt her beginning to quiver
internally as she jerked her head back, clamped her legs around him and
shrieked uncontrollably.  He felt the frenzy of her walls shiver around him as
he felt the unbearable pressure unleash in his cock and pool into her trembling
core.   He squeezed her into him tighter, and buried himself into her right to
the hilt, trying to touch the furthest recesses of her body.  He groaned and
held her to him, their bodies pressed so close together so that she could
barely catch her breath.  He felt her lie under him as he clung to her.  The climax
was still coursing through her, and she limply fell away from him, passively
letting it drain and fade in her system.  She was like a broken doll, with the
tension completely sapped away from her body.


raised his head off her chest where he was resting it and gazed at her directly
in the eyes.

     “I love
you lots, Livia,” he stated boldly.

“Really?” she asked.  She never thought someone as thrilling, dangerous and
reckless as Victor would ever consider someone as mundane and ordinary as her
as anything more than a convenient fling.


Olivia’s self doubt clouded her thoughts.  “Why?  There’s nothing special about
me.  I’m about as boring as a girl could be.  Only you make it exciting.”

seen men die for no good reason, men I cared about.  And nothing makes sense to
me.  Except when I am with you.”

     He held
her close to him and felt the squeeze of her physical response in return.  He
was still inside her, his spent rod still feeling the slight twitch of her
recovering body.  He sensed the want in her again, caging in around him once


spoke, “Olivia, you know I’m going forward.  There’s no turning around and
running for me right now.  If there’s a safe place that I can drop you off, and
I can go on my way to do what I have to do, you let me know.  You can still
explain to everyone that you were with me against your will.  And that you
either escaped or convinced me to let you go.  No one has the evidence right
now to doubt you.  I think for you, this is the best thing you can do for
yourself right now.”

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