If Only In His Dreams (16 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schertz

BOOK: If Only In His Dreams
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Laughing at her sister’s attempt to include her shy daughter, Lady Anne stepped to Georgiana.  “Catie, this is indeed our Georgiana.  She has grown a great deal since the last time you saw her.  And she is growing into quite a young lady.”


“Aunt Catherine.” Georgiana said as she curtsied in front of her aunt.  “It is a pleasure to see you and Anne again.”


“Georgiana, you are as elegant and kind as your mother.  I am pleased to see you, as I have missed you and your family terribly over these past years.  Letters are just not the same as seeing your loved ones in person.”


Mother is rarely ever able to travel and I loathe being away from her for very long.” Georgiana stated, though she tipped her eyes towards the floor.  This was a gesture that Lady Catherine understood well, as her sister had been quite shy before she married Gerald Darcy.  It was as if Lady Anne was inside a cocoon
and emerged, after her marriage, as a beautiful butterfly.  Lady Catherine prayed that Georgiana would do the same.


“Georgiana, I am so pleased to see you.  On the trip here, William told me of all your progress in your studies.  I am anxious to hear you play on the pianoforte, as William has stated you are practicing a great deal.  I have always said that one will not play well
really well
unless one practices more.”


“I spend at least an hour each day practicing t
he pianoforte.  I enjoy playing,
it allows me to express my emotions.”


“You are truly your mother, for she was the same way at your age.”  Lady Catherine smiled. 
“It was sometimes difficult to pry her from the pianoforte.


“Sister, do not give away all of my secrets.” Lady Anne exclaimed as she smiled.


“Georgiana, we will have a long talk without your mother.  I have some very funny stories of her childhood that I believe you will enjoy.” Lady Catherine laughed as she looked at her sister.


“Well, not tonight, as it is rather late and Georgiana must retire to her rooms.”


Nodding her head, Lady Catherine agreed.  “I do wish for a chance to bathe before I retire for the night, if that is possible, Mr Bingley.”


“Of course, Lady Catherine; I will request a bath drawn immediately.  Miss de Bourgh, gentlemen, would you wish for a bath drawn as well?”


Only Anne accepted the offer, and the ladies were shown to the rooms they would be using while they stayed at Netherfield.  As Lady Catherine left the room, she turned to Darcy.  “I look forward to meeting the young lady that you have fallen in love with tomorrow.  She must be quite a lady to have won your heart.


“Elizabeth is truly a great lady, Aunt Catherine.  And I look forward to introducing you and Anne to her.”



Chapter 16

Elizabeth woke early and was tempted to leave the house to take a walk to Oakham Mount.  It had been a great many days since she had last taken her favored walk and she longed for the freedom to walk alone.  But the voice of her fiancé spoke loudly in her mind.  “Please Lizzy, do nothing that will endanger your health, and that includes walking out alone.  Wickham is in the neighborhood still, I would not be able to bear it if you were harmed while I could not be at your side to protect you.”


She decided to ask Mrs Hill to have a bath drawn, and then she would dress for the day.  Darcy had been unable to tell her how long he would be gone on the trip to his aunt’s home, so she had no notion of when she would see him.  He had spoken to her just before he left with his cousin of the possibility of their marrying soon to avoid dealing with Lord Matlock’s fury.  So in the time that Darcy was gone, the only thing that Elizabeth could think of was
when they should marry. 


Elizabeth would admit that she was nervous.  She had come to know that she had lost her heart to Darcy, though she could not pinpoint the exact time that she had fallen in love.  She was in the middle before she had known it had even begun.


After her bath, Elizabeth was sitting before the fire while she waited for her hair to dry.
  She began to imagine her life as Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy.  Would she find married life to be satisfying or would she feel smothered by his attentions?  What would being a wife completely bring to her life?  She had overheard some of the conversations that married women had; her mother’s sister was the biggest gossip in the neighborhood.  When Elizabeth had been at a dinner party at the home of her aunt, Mrs Phillips, she had overheard some of the ladies of the neighborhood speaking of the marriage bed, and what a young lady could expect.  Would this be what Elizabeth had to bear?
She had heard of the pain that maidens endure, how it is best to lay still and allow the husband to do his business and as soon as the young lady was with child, they would no longer need to submit to their husband.  After the lady gives her husband an heir, the husband will no longer demand relations as he would most likely take a mistress.  How can this be?  She had never thought of speaking with her other aunt, Mrs Helen Gardiner.  And Elizabeth knew that she could never speak of such a thing with Jane, for Jane was even more naïve than her.  This was not a discussion to speak of with an elder brother, so speaking with Alex was out of the question.


Perhaps it would be acceptable to speak with her future mother in law.  Lady Anne was a kind and caring lady, she would be honest with Elizabeth and tell her the truth of what to expect.
  It would be difficult to speak to the woman who gave birth to her future husband, but it was a necessary conversation she needed to have.


Elizabeth walked into the dining room to find her brother already partaking in the food that had been prepared.  “Good morning, Alex.” She said as she filled her plate and took her seat at the table.


“Good morning, Lizzy.  Did you sleep well?”


ndeed, very well;
I very much wished to go for a walk this morning.”


“I have to meet with Mr Foster this morning to go over the crop rotation for the spring planting.  But I believe that you will be pleased to know that a note was delivered this morning from Darcy.  He arrived at Netherfield late last night and will be coming here this morning.  I am pleased that his family matter did not take as long as he estimated.”


“That is very good news.  I will be prepared to greet him when he arrives.”


“Lizzy, is there anything wrong?  You seem to be out of sorts this morning.”


Pausing for a moment, Elizabeth took a sip of her chocolate.  “
I just have a great many items to think over as I plan for my wedding.  And it would be nice to have someone to speak to on some issues.”


Alex finished taking a sip of his coffee before he spoke.  “Lizzy, you are always welcome to speak with me.  You know that I am always willing to be of service to you.”


A blush stole over her face.  “I know, Brother, though there are some issues I could not discuss with you.”


Now it was Alex’s turn to blush.  “I am sure that you have need to speak with a lady.  Perhaps you could write to Aunt Helen.  I know that there are…issues…you would be easier to speak to our aunt rather than an elder brother.”


“I wish that I could speak with Aunt Helen in person.  Do you think that Aunt Helen and Uncle Edward will attend the wedding?”


“They love you dearly
, Lizzy.  I am certain that when a wedding date is finalized, they will make every possible effort to be at the wedding.”  Alex leaned towards his sister.  “Lizzy, I know it has been difficult for you to have lost our parents when you were so young.  It has not been easy for me to be a parent for you and Jane.”


“Alex, you have done the best you could by us.  Jane and I have been quite fortunate to have you as a brother.  You have cared for us and wanted the best possible life for us.  Though I was furious for your making the decision for me to marry William without speaking to me first, I have come to care for him and know that he will treat me with love and kindness.”


“It does m
y heart good to know that you have come to care for Darcy.  I know it was heavy handed to make the decision, but I knew that he was the sort of many who would be worthy of you.   I could not have parted with you to anyone less worthy.”


Now that Jane and I are to wed, when will you finally look for someone to love for yourself?”


“I have been thinking of that very issue of late.  I am now free to explore my heart.  Who knows, it may be a lady I have never met before or someone I have known most of my life.  I have not really given it much thought before.”


“Well, I for one, think it is time to start giving it a great deal of thought.  You have taken care of Jane and I, it is time to think of your own life.  You are getting to be quite an old
your handsome features may soon become withered if you do not act soon to secure a bride.”  Elizabeth gave her brother an impertinent smile. 


My dear sister, need I remind you that your future husband is two years my senior?”


Laughing, Elizabeth replied. “Then it is good that William has decided to marry.”


Mrs Hill entered the room to announce that they had visitors.  Elizabeth looked at her brother before standing up from the table.  “Mrs Hill, would you be
kind as to have refreshments sent to the drawing room for our guests.  I will attend to them, Brother.  Will you join us soon?”


“Indeed, Lizzy; though
I will finish my meal before coming to the drawing room.  Now, go, and be a good hostess.”



Elizabeth had expected Darcy and most likely his mother and sister.  She had not expected three more people, who she had not met before.  Darcy stepped to her and took her hand.  “Lizzy, I missed you so dearly yesterday.  I was accused of not being a good traveling companion, for my thoughts continually returned to you.”


The man that was unknown to her stepped next to Darcy.  “I can attest to that being the truth.”


“Lizzy, this reprobate is my cousin, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam.  And this is my aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and her daughter, Anne.
  Aunt Catherine, Anne, Richard,
this is Elizabeth Bennet, soon to be Darcy.”


Richard took hold of Elizabeth’s hand and placed a light kiss on the back of it.  “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Elizabeth.  My cousin has regaled your many
qualities for the past two days.  It is a pleasure to see that he was not exaggerating.”


“Miss Elizabeth, it is indeed a pleasure to meet you.” Lady Catherine exclaimed.  “I am overjoyed at knowing that my nephew will have such a wife.  My sister has written to me of your qualities and how dear you have become to all of them.  I pray that you will call me Aunt Catherine as my nephew does.  You will always be welcome at our home, Rosings Park.”


“And my mother’s words reflect my view as well.” Anne stated, as she came to stand beside her mother.  “I would be honored if you were to refer to me as Anne.”


Smiling at her future family, Elizabeth nodded her head.  “And I must be Elizabeth or Lizzy to you.  It is a pleasure to meet all of you, as I know how dear you all are to my fiancé.”


Darcy leaned forward to whisper into Elizabeth’s ear.  “Would it be asking too much to have a private audience with you?”


Elizabeth searched his eyes to ensure that there was no
anger there.  “Of course, I am certain that Alex will allow us to utilize his study.”


As if he had been requested to enter the room, Alex stepped through the door and into the drawing room.  “Did I hear a request to use my study?”


A nod of the head from his sister was all that Alex needed.  “Be my guests.  Would you require some refreshments sent to the study?”


Darcy shook his head.  “I do not require anything at the moment, and I believe that our discussion will not take long.”


Nervous at the statement, Elizabeth looked at her betrothed with fear in her eyes.  She followed Darcy from the room and down the hall to the study.  Once inside the room and the door closed, Darcy pulled Elizabeth into his embrace.  “I have missed you so dearly, Lizzy.  It was a miracle that I was able to return so quickly, for I do not believe I would have survived another day without seeing you.”


“I am pleased you are here as well.”  Elizabeth stated as she hands stole their way around Darcy’s chest.  “Is all well?  Were you able to
resolve the situation that took you to Rosings?”


Darcy escorted Elizabeth to the chairs that were next to each other.  “I have one final issue to resolve and I pray that you will assist me in this matter.  Elizabeth Bennet, I love you dearly.  The lady before me has surpassed the lady I have dreamed of for these past years.  You are more beautiful than I could ever have imagined, not to mention how intelligent and caring you are.  No dreams could ever surpass the reality I have found in you.”


“William, you are embarrassing me.  What is the final issue that you need aid with?  How can I be of aid to you?”


“My cousin, Richard, is the son of Lord Matlock.  I have explained to you of Lord Matlock’s desire that I marry Anne de Bourgh.  Neither Anne nor I have ever wished for such a relation, as we think of each other more as brother and sister than otherwise.  And Richard has been in love with Anne for years.  They have been engaged for over six months now.  Lord Matlock has refused to acknowledge this engagement, claiming that my father and Anne’s father made an agreement that Anne and I were to wed.”


“I do not look forward to meeting your uncle, William.  Why would he refuse to see a love match and insist on a marriage of convenience?”


“We have never been able to understand the reason. 
Richard came to tell us that when his father learned of my plan to wed you, Lord Matlock became crazed.  That is why Richard came here, to warn me.  We traveled to Rosings to bring Aunt Catherine and Anne here; while we made up a rouse to divert Lord Matlock.”


“How did you manage that?” Elizabeth inquired.


“Aunt Catherine, with advice from Richard and I, wrote a letter to Lord Matlock to inform him that Anne and I had decided to marry immediately.  What she did not tell him was that we were planning a double wedding, Anne and Richard with you and me.  The only obstacle is that we need to have the double wedding as soon as possible.”


“So if I am to understand, we are to have a double wedding with your cousins, and it has to be done quickly.  Is this correct?”


Darcy nodded his head.  “I know that it is a great deal to accept, and I pray that you will not be angry with me for this.”


“William, I am not angry at you.  I am frustrated with your uncle’s interference, as it is causing us to change our plans to
thwart his plans.  When would you suggest that we marry?  Do we not need to wait for the banns to be read?”


Looking as if he was caught with his hand in the candy jar, Darcy blushed.  “I have already acquired a special license to marry you.  My cousin has one for his marriage to Anne, as well.”


Elizabeth could not help but chuckle.  “And how long have you been in possession of this license, Sir?”


“Since nearly the begi
nning of our knowing each other,
as I was certain that you were destined to be my wife.”


“Very well, then, what date shall we wed?” Elizabeth looked into Darcy’s eyes with such tender regard that nearly caused her betrothed to forget himself and kiss her senseless.


“We were thinking that the end of this week would be best.  In Aunt Catherine’s letter to Lord Matlock, she told him that the wedding was to be small and most likely at Brighton or Ramsgate.  That will give us a few days before Lord Matlock gives up searching these two locations and begin searching elsewhere for us.  My staff and the staff at Rosings will not give the information of our location to Lord Matlock, though he may hire detectives to locate us.”


Elizabeth stood and walked around to the back of Alex’s desk.  Darcy watched her cautiously, praying that she was not preparing to refuse his request.  Perhaps he had demanded far more than she was willing to give.


Taking out a sheet of parchment paper and picking up her brother’s pen, Elizabeth dipped the pen in the ink.  “We will need to contact the clergyman and make certain that h
e will be available to marry us.  That will come after we decide the date and time that will be best for all of us.  I have a new gown that I have yet to wear, so I can use that as my wedding gown.  Jane is of course my choice to stand up with me.  As your cousin is to wed at the same time, I assume you will ask Mr Bingley to stand up with you.  I do not see the need to fill the church with flowers and lace.  A small nosegay of flowers from the hothouse will do fine.”


Darcy was amazed at his fiancé as she took charge of the details.  “
You are agreeable to this plan?”


Looking up from her list, Elizabeth smiled.  “William, I find no difficulty in marrying you sooner than expected.  The only stipulation I will make is that I wish to speak with your mother in private.”


Confused at his betrothed’s request, Darcy nodded his head.  “Would you like for me to have Mother come now to speak with you?”


“Would you mind?”  Elizabeth’s eyes were pleading him.  “You and your cousins could plan the date and time so we can send for Mr Walters to be sure that he is available to perform the ceremony.”


Darcy stood and began to walk from the room.  Just before he opened the door of the study, he turned back to view his beloved.  “You have made me the happiest of men, Lizzy.  I love you, my sweetest, loveliest Lizzy.”


“And I have come to realize that I truly love you as well, my dearest William.”


Those words, simple as they were, made Darcy’s heart soar.  Elizabeth had stated that she truly loved him.  The
knowledge of her words lifted him to the clouds.


A few moments later, Lady Anne entered the study.  “Lizzy, is all well?  William said that you needed to speak with me.”


“May I begin calling you Mother?” Elizabeth asked, her voice betraying her need for a woman to be
nurturing influence.


Lady Anne took Elizabeth’s hand and led her to the chairs.  “Of course you may, Lizzy.  I already think of you as my daughter.  And I can also guess that you did not send for me to come so we could speak in private for you to ask such a question.  So, please, you are free to speak with me on any subject.”


Looking at her hands, Elizabeth attempted to form the words.  “As I have no mother or married elder sister, and my aunt, whom I could speak with openly, lives in Town, I find I am desperately in need for advice.”


“Oh, my dear girl, you must be extremely confused of what to expect of married life.”


Elizabeth nodded.


“Very well, allow me to send for some tea and we will speak of whatever topic you wish.”



Chapter 17

Darcy paced in the drawing room, waiting patiently for his mother and fiancé to return to the room.  It had been over two hours since his mother had entered the study where Elizabeth wished to speak privately with her.  What could be keeping them, he wondered. 


Bingley had arrived and was visiting with his betrothed, as Lady Catherine was speaking with her daughter and Georgiana.  Richard had stepped outdoors with Alex, going to the stables for Richard to see the new horseflesh that Alex had procured.  Being fond of a sound mount, Richard was easily tempted to view a new animal.  Darcy felt lost in thought as he awaited the return of the two most important ladies in his life.


Hearing laughter from the hallway, Darcy turned to see his fiancé walking arm and arm with his mother.  “William, have you determined a date and time for our wedding?” Elizabeth inquired as she e
ntered the room.  Her smile was radiating her joy, which warmed every inch of Darcy’s heart. 


“We were waiting for you to return to make the final decision, my dearest.” He said as he stepped to her side.  Anne looked at the couple and smiled. 


“Yes, Lizzy, the poor, dear man could not make a decision without you.  As today is Tuesday, we were thinking of holding the weddings on Friday morning.  Does that meet with your approval?”  Anne had joined the couple to speak with them.


“Friday would be perfect for me.  Jane, where is Alex?  We should have him send for Mr Walters to meet with us.”


“I already have, Sister.” Alex stated as he entered the room with Richard.  “And he sent word back that he will be here within the hour.”


Everyone sat down and Elizabeth’s list was reviewed and edited.  They would have a small wedding, followed by a wedding breakfast at Longbourn.  Only the closest of friends would join the families. An express was sent to London to invite the Gardiner family.  Upon his arrival, Mr Walters confirmed that the weddings could be performed on Friday morning.  He was also asked to keep quiet on the events, as both of the couples preferred privacy.  Once the weddings had been accomplished, the wedding breakfast could include other friends in the neighborhood if the couples wished.


Mrs Hill came into the drawing room after Elizabeth sent for her.  The motherly housekeeper was given the task of seeing to the wedding breakfast.  “It is my honor to see to the arrangements, Miss Lizzy.  And as I know you well, I will keep it simple.”


“You do indeed know me well.  I appreciate all that you have done for me over the years, Mrs Hill.  You have been the closest I have had to a mother since I was a small child.”


“You have been a blessing in my life, Miss Lizzy.”  Mrs Hill said as she wiped tears from her cheeks.


“Well, it appears that everything is in order.” Lady Anne said. 


“I have the wedding contract with me, Bennet, if you wish to go over them today.”  Darcy asked his future brother as he was the head of Elizabeth’s family.


“Let us enjoy a midday repast first, and then we can settle in to deal with paperwork.” Alex stated as he looked at his housekeeper to see her nod her head.  It had been an unspoken request, Mrs Hill had already seen to the meal being prepared.

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