If Only In His Dreams (12 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schertz

BOOK: If Only In His Dreams
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Both of the Darcys nodded their heads.  Elizabeth decided to touch on another issue while they were in the private sitting room.  “William, we have spent the last few weeks courting, to become more familiar with one another.  I believe it is time that we announce our engagement.  I would still prefer to have some time adjusting to the future that will come from being your wife, but I am ready for everyone to know our plans to wed.”


A smile grew on Darcy’s face, developing the cherished di
mples Elizabeth loved.  “Lizzy, I must ask you, is this truly what you wish?  Do not make this decision for my sake alone.”


“The fact that you would generously allow me more time
is greatly appreciated, but I have
made this decision for myself, not to please you.  I am not certain that I will be the wife you expect, but I am willing to learn.  So, yes, I wish to announce our engagement.”


Darcy’s eyes were
bright with affection for the women he had given his heart to.  “You have made me very happy, Elizabeth Bennet.  So very happy.”


Lady Anne clapped her hands, partially to remind the young couple that they were not alone.  When both turned to look at her, with vivid blushes gracing their cheeks, Lady Anne smiled.  “Well, this is truly wonderful.  I believe that we should send a message to Longbourn inviting your brother and sister to join us for dinner tonight, after we consult with Miss Bingley, of course.”


Placing another kiss on Elizabeth’s hand, Darcy stood and went in search of Bingley.  A message was sent to Longbourn and the answer which came was an acceptance.





Chapter 12

Bingley went looking for his sister and found her in the music room practicing a new piece of music that Bingley had sent for. 
“Caroline, I wish to inform you that we will have two other guests to dine with us tonight.”


“And who might they be?
” Caroline inquired.


“Mr and Miss Bennet will be joining us, as Miss Elizabeth will remain here for the rest of the day.”


Caroline attempted to remain calm, though the thought of entertaining any of the Bennets was appalling.  “Very well,
Charles.  It is nearly tea time;
would you be so kind to ask the Darcys and Miss Eliza to join us in the drawing room?”


“Of course, Caroline.”  Mr Bingley left the music room to inform the others.


After her brother left the room, Caroline allowed her fury to escape.  “How does my brother expect me to be kind to that chit and her family?  She is becoming a
thorn in my side.  I must rid us all of her so that Mr Darcy can resume his courting me.”  A thought came to her mind, and, with an evil grin on her lips, Caroline made her way to her rooms.



Tea was served and Caroline took her role as hostess to pour the tea.  “Miss Eliza, how do you take your tea?” she asked as politely as possible.


“With sugar and a little milk, please.” Elizabeth replied.  She accepted the cup that she was handed from Caroline and took a sip.  “Thank you, Miss Bingley.”


Caroline continued to pour out tea for everyone else, then taking a cup for herself.  The tray of pastries was placed on a nearby table for everyone to choose from. 


Miss Bingley, your brother has stated that you have been learning a new piece of music.” Lady Anne stated.  “Would you mind if Georgiana were to practice the piece as well?”


Caroline smiled sweetly.  “Of course, Lady Anne, I would be delighted to enjoy hearing Miss Darcy practicing.  With her training from some of the best masters, my performance could never come near hers.”


“She has a natural talent, I do agree.  I do so enjoy listening to her play.” Lady Anne
stated.  “Lizzy, you must spend some time with Georgiana, as I am certain she could learn some technique from you as well.”


“I believe that Georgiana is far above my capabilities.” Elizabeth stated.  She began to notice that her stomach was queasy.  “I have never had any formal training, as Alex did not see the importance of furthering my talents, as he has stated that he feels I play extremely well.”  A pain began to build in her stomach as she spoke.


“Well, my parents insisted on music masters from a very young age for my sister and me.” Caroline stated. “Louisa and I have been taught by some of the best masters that London has to offer.”


Elizabeth smiled, knowing that Caroline was attempting to show herself as being superior to Elizabeth.  “If you would excuse me, I need to refresh myself.” She stated as she stood. Darcy came to her side and inquired if she needed directions to the water closet.  He escorted her into the hall and to the door to the water closet.


“Lizzy, are you well?  You are pale, and perspiration is beading on your brow.  Is something wrong?”


Elizabeth smiled at his concern.  “My stomach is just a little queasy,
is all.  Nothing to worry over; w
ith all that has happened today, I believe I am just nervous.”


“Shall I wait here for you?” Darcy asked, concerned that something was wrong.


“No, William, I will be fine without you.  Return to the drawing room and I will be there in a few moments.”


“Very well,
my love;
but if you find that you are in need of me, ask any of the servants to fetch me.”


“I will do so, my dearest William.  Now, scoot.”


Darcy returned to the drawing room and listened to the conversation which had continued after he left the room with Elizabeth.  Nearly a quarter of an hour went by without Elizabeth returning to the drawing room.  Becoming concerned, Darcy excused himself and walked back to the water closet.  Knocking on the door, D
arcy asked Elizabeth if she was
well.  He heard sounds of someone retching.  He tried to open the door only to find it was locked from the inside. 


A maid was walking past taking another tray of food to the drawing room.  Darcy asked her to find the housekeeper to
bring her keys.


The housekeeper and Darcy opened the door to the water closet to find that Elizabeth was on the floor after having heaved all of the contents of her stomach.  He was quickly at her side, finding her unconscious.  “Send for the apothecary immediately.” Darcy instructed the housekeeper.  “And have Mr Bingley come here at once.”


Bingley and Lady Anne came down the hall as quick
as possible.  Seeing Elizabeth so ill, Bingley called out the same orders that Darcy had already made for the apothecary and for a room to be prepared for Elizabeth to be taken to.  Darcy lifted the limp form of Elizabeth into his arms and held her tightly to his chest as he began to take her up the stairs.  All the while, he was placing light kisses on her hair and pleading for her to be well.


Placing Elizabeth on the bed in the room the housekeeper led him to, Darcy then stepped back for his mother to assist her.  Darcy was forced to leave the room so that Lady Anne and her maid, who had come to the room upon her mistress’s request, could remove Elizabeth’s gown and place her in a clean night shift that was LadyAnne’s.  The apothecary, Mr Jones, arrived moments later and was shown into the bedchamber. 


It seemed like an eternity before Lady Anne stepped from the room to speak with her son and Mr Bingley.  “I am afraid that there was something wrong with Lizzy’s tea.  Mr Jones is certain that Lizzy has ingested some sort of poison, and without knowing the poison, he is unsure as to which remedy to use.  If he uses the wrong one, he could make her worse or even cause her death.”  She placed an arm on her son’s arm in an attempt to calm him.


Bingley was horrified.  He knew his sister was jealous of Elizabeth, but would Caroline have truly poisoned her to cause her death? Did she
believe that, with Elizabeth out of the way, Darcy would make an offer for her hand?  “I will speak with Caroline immediately.” He said as he turned and walked down the stairs.


Darcy knew that Caroline would never tell her brother the truth for she did not fear him.  Charles Bingley was far too gentle and kind for his own good.  His sister had always taken advantage of him.  “Bingley, I will come with you.  Perhaps I will be able to extract a confession from her if she fears me.”


Bingley nodded and the men walked down the stairs.  Lady Anne stepped down the hall to her sitting room and wrote a note to be taken to Longbourn to notify Alex and Jane of the situation.


Stepping into the drawing room, Bingley noticed that Caroline was not in the room any longer.  “Louisa, where is Caroline?  I must speak to her immediately.”


Mrs Hurst
had been reading a ladies magazine and had not noticed her sister leaving.  “I thought she was here, Charles.  I did not notice her leaving.”


“I saw her through the window; she was heading towards the stables.” Mr Hurst stated. 


Darcy turned and walked quickly from the room, with not only Bingley, but Hurst as well, following close behind.  When they arrived at the stables, they were informed that Miss Bingley had taken a horse for a ride.
  The stable hands could not tell which
direction she had ridden
.  Darcy requested his horse made ready immediately.  Bingley and Hurst made similar requests. 


As the men mounted their horses, Alex Bennet arrived on horseback.  “What is happening?  Lady Anne sent word that my sister was taken ill.”


“It appears that some poison was added to her tea.” Darcy stated; the fury visible in his eyes.


“Where are you going?” Alex asked, anxious to know his sister’s condition.


Bingley had just seated himself in the saddle.  “My sister, Caroline, was the one to serve the tea to Miss Elizabeth.  When Miss Elizabeth took sick, we sent for the apothecary.  It was he who determined that your sister was poisoned.  We came downstairs to confront my sister, only she had taken off for the stables.  The men here told us that she took a horse and went for a ride.  We were preparing to go after her, for we need to know the poison that she gave.  Mr Jones said that it was vital, so he knows the proper antidote.”


“I know the estate quite well.” Alex stated. “I will search the outreaches.  Perhaps it would be better if we all split up, each of us going in a different direction.  When one of us finds her, fire off a rifle shot to signal the others.”  The stable hands quickly came with rifles for the men.


Two hours went by before a rifle blast was heard.  The person who fired the shot was Mr Hurst, who had ridden due north of the main house.  The other men rode in his direction and finally found him, unfortunately he was wounded and Miss Bingley lay on the ground, unconscious.


“Hurst, what happened
?” Bingley asked his brother in law.


“I caught up with Caroline and she refused to go back to the house with me.  When I attempted to pull her from her horse, she stabbed me with a knife she had hidden in her gown.” There was blood covering his left shoulder around the stab wound.  He had pulled the knife from his shoulder and thrown it on the ground nearby.  “I finally had to punch Caroline, knocking her sens
eless.  She was in such a state.
I did not know what else to do.”


Bingley noted the trickle of blood on the side of his sister’s head.  “Did she say anything about what she had done?  Did she tell you what she had used to poison Miss Elizabeth?”


“No, she refused to speak to me, but once she was subdued, I searched her pockets.  I believe this is what we were looking for.” Hurst held up the glass vial of liquid.


Darcy took hold of the
vial, then remounted his horse,
taking off as fast as possible towards the main house, with Alex following close behind.  The two men threw the reins of their horses to staff as they ran towards the front door, before running up the stairs.  Arriving at the door to the room where Elizabeth had been taken, Darcy knocked as he called out to the apothecary. 


“Mr Jones, we have the vial of poison.” Darcy said loudly.


Mr Jones came from the room quickly, taking the vial in his hand and pulling out the stopper.  After examining the liquid, he had his answer.  “Hemlock.”

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