If Only In His Dreams (24 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schertz

BOOK: If Only In His Dreams
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“I agree with you, William.  One of us should be near him at all times.  Once Richard returns, he can assist us as well.”


“Shall we warn our ladies?”  Seeing Alex nod his head, Darcy continued.  “I will speak
with Lizzy, Georgiana, and Anne,
if you will speak with Jane.”


The men stood, making their way towards the door.  “If need be, I will invite Bingley to spend every moment possible here to assist in our keeping watch.” Alex stated.


Laughing, Darcy placed his hand on Alex’s shoulder.  “I believe he would
more than willing to oblige.”



Just as Mr Collins was shown to his room, Charlotte Lucas came out of Lady Anne’s rooms carrying a tray of dishes from refreshments.  Mr Collins wondered if thi
s was one of the Bennet sisters,
though he
had heard compliments as to how be
autiful the sisters were, this woman was quite plain.


“Forgive me, Miss, I cannot abide your hands doing servant work.  Allow me to take this tray from you.”


“Thank you, Sir.  I am not troubled by assisting in this manner.  We are all lending a hand.  There is a great deal of work to be done and I am grateful I can be of use.”


“Such a fine young lady you are,
such a splendid display of genteel breading.”  Mr Collins smiled.  “I am to refresh myself, though I would be pleased to know you better later today.”


“You must be the cousin
that I was told was coming to stay for a visit.” Charlotte was cautious as she could feel that something was not quite right with this man’s behavior.  “I look forward to knowing you more thoroughly as well.  Now, if you excuse me, I must take this to the kitchen and return with some cool water for Lady Anne.”






Chapter 25

Elizabeth was sitting beside Lady Anne’s bed when the older woman woke.  “Lizzy, has Mr Jones allowed you to be here?  You have rested appropriately?”


“Have no fear, I am well.  I was able to convince William that I could sit with you for a few hours to allow Georgiana and Charlotte to rest.  They have
been so dedicated to you; I felt they needed some sleep.”


“I feel like such a bother to everyone.  I wish I was able to do for myself rather than burden all of you.”


“Lady Anne Fitzwilliam Darcy, you are not a bother or burden to any of us.  We are all grateful that you are still with us and that you were not harmed further than you were.  I will never forgive myself for all that you have endured for my sake.” Tears were threatening to flow from Elizabeth’s eyes.  “You are the only mother I will ever know, how could I have lived if you had died at the hands of Mr Wickham
?  He came for me, not for you.”


“Dearest Lizzy, I would rather have both of my legs broke than you sustain a scratch from that man.  I know that it is improper to think such thoughts, but I am pleased that he is dead.  And I am pleased that my brother is to be locked away, unable to harm anyone else.”


“Why is your brother so hateful?  Has he always been this way?” Elizabeth asked.


“Unfortunately, when my brother
was a boy near ten years of age, he was in an accident where he fe
ll from a tree he had climbed
.  He struck his head.  I was still quite young, so I do not remember the incident as Catie does, but I know that he was not the same afterwards.  We believe that something happened to his mind which caused him to change so dramatically.  Our parents were concerned about his behavior.  It only grew worse the older that Henry became.”


“How sad,
if the accident had not happened, do you believe that he would have been different?” Elizabeth was surprised at this information.


“He was a sweet natured boy when he was younger.  That is what bothered my family the most, the change that was so severely d
ifferent from what he had been
.  So, I guess that my answer to your question would most likely have to be that I believe the accident did make him change drastically.”


“Well, he will no longer be able to cause further harm to anyone.”


Lady Anne looked at her daughter in law with pleasure.  “Lizzy, I am pleased that he was not able to cause you any harm.  I could not bear to lose.  Now, would you mind asking Mrs Hill to bring me some more of that delicious tea she served earlier?”


Smiling, Elizabeth nodded.  “As well as some of the delicious biscuits that you were fond of?”


“That would be wonderful, if it is not too much bother.”


“I am quite certain that Mrs Hill will be pleased as punch to know of your fondness for them.  I
t is her family’s secret recipe;
she will not allow any of us in the kitchen when she makes them.”


“Then I will consider them as a great treat indeed.”  Lady Anne smiled.



The household retired early that night, shortly after the return of Richard Fitzwilliam.  He requested that he not be required to answer any questions until the following day when he would enlighten all of the events that occurred.


Anne and Richard had retired to their bed chambers, Georgiana to hers.  Darcy escorted his wife to their room.  Jane had just gone to Lady Catherine’s room to relieve Charlotte, telling her friend that she was to use Jane’s bed to rest.  Stepping to the hallway, Charlotte closed the door to Lady Catherine’s room.  The hall was dark and no one else seemed to be nearby, when Charlotte felt a man’s hand take hold of her arm.


Wrapping his arm around Charlotte’s waist, Mr Collins pulled her to him as his lips took possession of hers.  She struggled to get free from his grasp, though she was not strong enough to break free.  A moment later and Charlotte found herself freed from the hold Mr Collins had forced upon her.  Opening her eyes, Charlotte found Alex had pinned Mr Collins against the wall of the hallway with his arm forced behind him.


“What do you think you are doing, Mr Collins?  How dare you attempt to force yourself on a lady in my home?”


“Since the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew that Miss Bennet was destined to be my wife.  I will not apologize for my rash behavior, I know I was weak but I could not allow your dear sister to become the bride of another.”


“What does my sister have to do with your assaulting Miss Lucas?  Have you harmed my sister as well?”


Hearing the commotion in the hall, Jane stepped out of Lady Anne’s room.  “What has happened, Brother?”


“Jane, has this blackguard harmed you in any way?”


“To be honest, Alex, I have no notion as to who this man is.  This is the first I have seen him.”


“So true, Jane, I forgot you were sleeping earlier and had a tray brought up to you to dine.  It appears that our cousin has mistakenly assaulted Miss Lucas in an attempt to force as marriage.  He believed that she was you.”


“Miss Lucas?” Mr Collins was confused.  “
Who is Miss Lucas?  I was with Miss Bennet.”


“No, you had your hands on Miss Charlotte Lucas, a dear friend of our family.  She has been here to assist our family during this crisis, only to find herself the unwilling victim of your advances.”


Disgust was obvious in Mr Collins’s demeanor.  “You cannot force me to marry this woman, as I am destined for a far grander wife at my side.”


“I would no sooner force Miss Lucas to marry you for your ungentlemanly behavior.  In fact, I have been considering for quite some time to ask Miss Lucas for her hand in marriage.”

Alex heard a gasp and a giggle from behind him.  The gasp was from Charlotte, the giggle was from Jane.  “I knew that my brother loved you, Charlotte.  I just knew it.  So did Lizzy.  We have spoken of it several times.”


A smile grew on Alex’s face.  “My dear sisters knew what was in my heart.  If you will allow me to remove this … person from our sight, I would much appreciate you allowing me to make a formal proposal to you, Charlotte.”


She nodded her head.  So much had happened in just a few moments.
  First Mr Collins and his slimy kiss, now a proposal of marriage to Alex Bennet; she was extremely giddy from the proposal.


Alex had been away from them long enough to force Mr Collins into his sleeping chambers and rang for Mr Hill to come keep watch over Mr Collins to ensure the obnoxious clergyman did not cause any further harm.  Arriving back in the hall and at Charlotte’s side, Alex took her hand in his and brought it to his lips.


“Miss Charlotte Lucas, I admire you and have done so for many years.  I had wished to ensure my sisters were established before caring for my own happiness, but I was wrong in doing so.  I ask you
now; will you
do me the great honor of accepting my hand in marriage?”


Tears began to flow down not only Charlotte’s cheek, but Jane’s as well. Nodding her head, Charlotte raised a hand to place gently on Alex’s cheek.  “I will
gladly accept your great honor,
I will marry you.  I have cared for you for years.  Thank you for making me so very happy.”


Alex gathered Charlotte into his embrace, holding to his chest while he placed kisses in her hair.  “My dear Charlotte, you do not know how long I have thought of this very moment.  It did not include my cousin assaulting you though.”


Laughing slightly, Charlotte pulled back from the embrace enough to look at her betrothed’s face.  “Alex, I have never been one to expect a marriage built on love, as I have never been a romantic.  But I do love you, and I look forward to having such a blessed marriage.”


Jane looked at the couple and smiled.  “You know, it would not be difficult to have a double wedding with Charles and me.  I am sure that he would agree with me.”


“What do you say, dearest?” Alex asked as he pulled Charlotte back to his chest.


“I could not agree more.” Charlotte wrapped her arms around Alex’s chest as she enjoyed simple pleasure of being wrapped in his love.





Chapter 26

Elizabeth woke to the pleasant feeling of her husband’s arms around her, holding her back to his chest as they melted into each other, with one hand cupping her breast possessively.  His other hand was around her waist, holding her close to his body.  Each morning when she woke in this manner, a smile graced her face as she recalled their activities before falling into blissful slumber.


Suddenly her stomach churned in frenzy and she made a dash for the water closet.  Darcy was awakened to the sound of his wife heaving the contents of her stomach into the basin.  “Lizzy, dearest, you are ill.”  He stepped forward to brush her hair back.  “I will send for Mr Jones.”


“I am sure it will…” another wave forced more retching
to come.   She was feeling quite ill at the moment.  “Perhaps Mrs Hill has some of her peppermint tea.  It has always aided me when my stomach was ill before.”


“Very well, I will ask Mrs Hill, though I am also going to have Mr Jones sent for.  I will tolerate no argument.”


Mrs Hill soon arrived and had Darcy carry his wife to their room.  “Mr Darcy, would you ask my son to
ride to Meryton and
fetch Mr Jones?  Fred is in the kitchen.”  Darcy nodded his head, and, though he was concerned for his wife, did what he was asked.


“Mrs Lizzy, I must ask you, when was your last courses?”


Elizabeth thought for a moment before her eyes grew round and large.  “Do you think that I… could I possibly…?”


“When did you have your last courses?” the woman who had been a mother figure to Elizabeth asked again.


“Not since I married.  I have been so wrapped up with all the newness in my
I had not even noticed that they had not come.”


“I believe that it is a very good chance you may be with child.  You and your husband have a strong relationship, a loving one, and it would not surprise me that you would conceive quickly in your marriage.”


“Are there other signs?” Elizabeth inquired.  “I know that I have tired easier, and that my body feels somewhat …different of late.”


“Different how?” Mrs Hill asked.


“My bosom seems tender.  I thought it was perhaps from…well, let’s say from activities of the marriage bed.”


“Well, my dear
girl that
would be the reason that they are sore, whether from the activity itself or the begetting of a child.  Mr Jones will have more answers, though I am certain that we will not be able to say for sure until the babe quickens.  And you will have to wait for at least another month or more for that to happen.
  I do believe that you are not going to be alone being in the motherly way.


Elizabeth was confused at her beloved housekeeper’s cryptic words.  “Whatever do you mean, Mrs Hill?”


“I should not tell you this, as it is not my place to do so, but Mrs Fitzwilliam believes she may be with child as well.  She and I spoke yesterday, as she has been quite easily fatigued and certain smells made her queasy.”


“Anne and I both expecting so soon; now that would be quite amazing.” Elizabeth said with a smile.


“I always say that a good strong marriage, one built on love, will be blessed
with such good fortune.  Babies are
such a wonderful blessing for a loving couple; and I know that your dear mother woul
d be thrilled.  You are married, and
your sister and brother will both be married.”


Startled, Elizabeth l
ooked at Mrs Hill.  “My brother,
who is my brother marrying?”


“Oh, my, I should not have said that. 
But it is such happy news.  Late last night, Mr Alex proposed to Miss Lucas.  And Miss Lucas accepted his offer.  Miss Jane was there and she was thrilled.  She even suggested to have a double wedding with her and Mr Bingley.”


“Mrs Hill, how could we so blessed?  Our dear parents must be in heaven, smiling down on all of us.”

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