Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1)
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“I don’t want to kiss you.”

He frowned at her statement.

“I want more,” Cassi said, before she lost the bravery she needed to proceed.

He smiled. “You mean you want us to get down and dirty, and fuck like crazy, because I really hope that’s what you mean.”

The smile on his face was contagious and she grinned back.

“That’s exactly what I mean, though I’m not sure how we can go about his. I’m not on the pill, though I am clean. After the last person I was with, I felt I needed to get checked.”

“That’s okay. I have condoms in my bag.”

“You went hiking with condoms in your bag. Did you think you were going to get lucky out here?” She shook her head at him.

“No way. I have a P.A. who packs the bag and makes sure everything is covered, so to speak. You’re the one who chose the Love Shack to stay at though.”

“I have a request.”

Her mind was going crazy at the thought she was really going to do this. After all the months and turning down any opportunity, she was going to have sex with a sexy stranger.


“I’m in charge and you do as I say.” She really wanted this, but knew it was the only way she would be able to give herself to a man again. He raised his eyebrows, but then nodded. She pulled down the covers and pushed him onto his back. Cassi then lifted her body so her legs were on either side of his hips, straddling him. She peered down at his boxers. He was hard again as his dick strained to get free. Before he could say anything, she took his hands and placed them above his head. There was no doubt she was turning him on and it made her feel powerful.

“Leave them there unless I tell you to do otherwise.” She leaned forward so her lips were above his, but didn’t touch him. He went to lift his head, but she moved down to his neck and made tiny circles with her tongue below his ear that caused him to groan. The taste of him made her want him even more as she traced a line with the tip of her tongue across to his nipple. His chest was sculpted and she nibbled on his tiny peaked nipple, and he bucked his hips beneath her, pressing his cock against her hot core. She wanted more and kissed down his abdomen, placing small kisses down at his waist. Goosebumps came up on his skin in reaction to her touch. Her tongue dipped into his navel and then followed the small trail of hair that made its way down from his navel to his boxers.

She eased herself off and kneeled beside him on the bed. Grabbing the waist of his boxers, she pulled them down and gently took them over his sore ankle. She wanted him in her mouth and in her body. A part of her wanted to go slow, but it had been so long.

His thighs were solid muscle and his abdomen was perfect. He had a six pack. She laughed to herself at the thought of having a guy with such a body. She wasn’t a slight person. She had big boobs and hips, even if her waist was small, but her size was not putting him off. In fact, from the look of his stiff dick, she guessed he wanted this release as much as she did. They both had stories, but they didn’t need to tell them. She moved to the side of his body and licked a line from his groin across to the tip of his shaft. Glancing back up, she could see he was watching her intensely, almost willing her on.

She couldn’t wait any longer or she might not have gone through with this. As she took him in her mouth, he let out a groan. Cassi lowered her lips onto him inch by inch. She licked him, making him slick. Back and forward, she moved her hand so it touched her mouth as it descended on his cock. She moved her other hand so it was between his legs and cradled his taut balls. His hips started to move as he thrust upward.

“Hell woman, you’re fucking killing me, but don’t stop.”

She had no intention of stopping and for the first time in years, thought she could get her life back. Taking control of this sex was making her believe she could be the happy person she was before, who lived life to the fullest. She circled her tongue around the head of his cock and sucked harder. This time, as she moved down, she took more of him in. A moment later she heard the glorious sound as he grunted out loud, bucking beneath her and emptying his seed into her mouth as she swallowed. She’d forgotten how wonderful it felt to give someone pleasure. He slowed and she moved up the bed and peered at him.

“Do you want to taste you?”

“Fuck yes. Kiss me, Cassi.”

She kissed him hard on the lips as her tongue fought with his, and yet he still kept his hands in place above his head. When they broke apart, she was breathless.

“Now you make me come.”

“It would be my pleasure. Can you grab my bag from the other room?”

She brought it back for him and put it on the bed. Declan unzipped the front pocket and pulled out a foil packet.

She had never felt so wanton before. All she knew was she needed him filling her, or the ache between her legs would never go away.

She stood next to the bed and pulled off her nightie. “I’m not Brazilian down there, but I do keep it trimmed.”

“That’s just the way I like it. Now get those panties off so I can see you. It’s not fair that I’m naked and you still have clothes on. Can I touch you now?”

She wouldn’t deny him and nodded even though her hands were shaking. Dear God, she hoped she wasn’t making a huge mistake. She could run and he wasn’t physically able to chase her, but she wouldn’t.

Cassi slipped her fingers into the top of her panties and pulled them down. It was having the desired effect, as his eyes widened as he gazed at her. He grabbed the condom and covered himself.

Moving back on top and straddling him, she rubbed herself up and down the length of his shaft. Her body was yearning for him and she wouldn’t be able to delay for long. He should be able to feel the heat coming off her. She reached down to guide him so he touched her opening. The reaction was immediate as she clenched, wanting him inside her. He was watching her as she slowly lowered herself onto him and then lifted again. She wanted all of him in her, but wanted it to last. It had been so long since she had sex with someone, and who knew when she would again? If she just had one night with this stunning guy, she was going to make it last. She slowly lowered herself over him, enjoying the sensation of him inside her.

He moved his left hand up her thigh and across her abdomen to caress her breast. She didn’t take her eyes off of him, waiting for it to go wrong. It didn’t, as he started rubbing his thumb back and forth across her stiff nipple. The movement caused little tweaks of a connection to run straight from her breasts to her clit. He tugged and pulled on her nipple, and she wanted more.

She moved forward so she leaned over him and her nipple was before his lips. He latched on and sucked hard, nipping her as she slowly moved back and forward on his dick. His other hand slid down her abdomen and slipped between her legs. He was touching her and feeling himself moving in and out. It was turning her on so much.

“You’re so fucking hot and wet,” he murmured.

Then he found her clit and slowly massaged in little circles. She was not surprised someone like him knew his way around a woman’s body. It didn’t matter. It was her body he was paying attention to now. All she wanted was to pound this guy until he made her scream with pleasure.

She sat up and slowly lowered herself so that she took all of his glorious length inside her. The next time she moved down, she made little circles with her hips as she descended onto his shaft.

“What the fuck are you doing? I’m going to explode right now.”

“Not yet, it’s too soon.”

She lifted herself, repeating the motion again and again. Each time she could see she was bringing him closer to the edge.

His breathing was coming hard now. He was close. She reached back behind her and cupped his tight balls. His finger kept rubbing her clit until she could take no more. The quivering built and her body shuddered with her orgasm as she yelled her release. Declan bucked beneath her as he grunted and emptied himself into her. For a while, they both moved slowly as their bodies coped with the onslaught of pulsations flooding through them.

Cassi leaned forward, resting on his chest as he gently ran his fingers up and down her back. It was strange because she felt vulnerable and safe at the same time. Her body still clenched onto him as they throbbed together. The intensity of the orgasm drained her as if she was at last letting go of some of the stress of the past years. She didn’t say anything, but lay there enjoying the closeness of two people who have been totally connected. What would she say anyway? They were just strangers looking for comfort in each other’s bodies. Words might spoil everything.

“If spraining my ankle brought me this, I’m so glad of the pain I went through this afternoon.”

Cassi looked up and smiled as he leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. When they broke apart, he dealt with the condom and she snuggled up to him.

She wanted to say something. “I know it doesn’t matter what you think of me, but I don’t sleep around. I think it’s the thought of being strangers and not seeing each other again that made it exciting and acceptable in a crazy way.”

He put his hand to her cheek and shook his head as if to stop her talking. “I don’t know why you’ve been so wonderful to me since finding a fool on the trail, but sex with you was incredible. The way you moved on me sent me over the edge.”

“It was pretty good, wasn’t it?” Cassi yawned and Declan did as well. It had been a long day and had not gone the way she expected. When all was said and done, she’d gotten what she needed. Maybe now she could go on with her life again and not be afraid all the time. She might even let someone back into her heart in the future. It would have been nice if it could have been the gorgeous Declan, but that would be too complicated. His breathing deepened as he drifted off to sleep. It was nice to share a bed with someone after all this time. His bad leg was up on a pillow, but his other one was bent toward her as his arm draped over her waist and his hand cupped her breast. This was the perfect way to go to sleep.


Cassi pulled the arm tighter around her waist as she tried to get more heat from the body cradled up against her back. Fear ran through her as she came awake, fully realizing she was not in bed on her own. Her body reacted without thinking as she flayed out with arms and legs.

His legs moved and there was a groan from behind her as her foot connected with his leg. Declan. She was in the cabin.

“You okay? You jumped like the thunder and lightning came back.”

“I’m fine. I’m sorry, did I hurt your foot?” He was smiling and those wonderful eyes could draw her in. She went from fear to being tempted to lose herself in his body all over again.

“It’s good. You look pretty damn hot with the sun coming up, you know.”

She never went hunting for praise, but it felt good when a handsome guy said she looked hot first thing in the morning.

Declan leaned forward and kissed her, and she could feel the heat building between her legs again as she remembered the night before. His cell phone rang. The outside world was back in contact and this interlude, though great, was over.

Chapter Two


Tony said the helicopter was on its way, and for once, Declan damn well wished his manager wasn’t so well organized. Declan’s foot was still swollen and sore, but he would have been more than glad to stay in bed all morning, or all day with Cassi. He got the distinct impression this was just an interlude for her that would not be repeated. They’d enjoyed great sex, but she was a closed book. He couldn’t blame her. She didn’t know him and being a TV star didn’t seem to hold much weight. It was refreshing and frustrating.

He watched her as she made the bed. Standing at the door of the bedroom, he looked at the smooth sheets and could almost believe it hadn’t happened. No, that was some of the best fucking sex ever, and he had definitely not imagined it. She moved and did things to his dick he wanted to experience again. He didn’t like to think he wouldn’t have her mouth on him once more, and he was getting hard just thinking about it.

Since the crap that went down with Julie, he’d only done one-night stands and didn’t care about the reputation he was getting for being a man whore. He turned away and hobbled outside with his coffee to see the sun come up.

Fuck, when he saw her on the track, he was just glad to be saved. It changed when he acted out the scene with her and saw a need in her eyes. It probably wasn’t a need for him, but something. He wanted her from that minute, and was more than pleased when she wanted to get dirty. This was a one-night stand he wanted to go further. He just needed to convince her.

Cassi joined him and placed her backpack at her feet, ready to go. He reckoned he’d met someone who was important. Dad had always said, keep your eye open for opportunities. That usually meant some woman his dad could crack on to when Mum wasn’t looking. Maybe he was being stupid. It wouldn’t be the first time, but she seemed so real. He wanted more of that. Maybe he was falling into the Hollywood lifestyle of always getting what he wanted.

“You sure you don’t want to fly back with us? There’ll be room.”

She was silent, and his gut told him what was coming next. Wasn’t it the guys who were supposed to say, 'don’t call me, I’ll call you', and never do it? He was one of those guys.

“No. I’ll set off soon. It’s a three-hour hike back, and I like to be alone and think.”

“Sorry, I messed up your solitude, didn’t I? I’d like to catch up sometime. Take you out to say thanks.” He winked at her.

Where the fucking hell did that come from? Who the hell winks these days?

She glanced his way, shook her head and grinned. “I won’t lie, it was amazing last night, but I think we should leave it at that. I like being unknown, and I couldn’t see that being possible with you.”

He could hear the chopper in the distance as she took the mugs back inside and cleaned up. He would try again. Something kept nagging at him that he was being an idiot to let this go. Life threw him crap most of the time, and he needed to appreciate the good stuff. Cassi was good. She sat beside him.

“I promise not to stalk you, Cassi, but let’s swap numbers. Just to chat and reminisce about shitty walks in the open air?”

She looked down at the ground, then back up as she bit her bottom lip. This was obviously a big deal for her. He was the one usually being reticent about giving out his number, but now the tables were turned.

“Okay, but you get weird in any way, and I block you.”

He added the number to his phone and gave her his. “Deal, but I have one more favor.”

“What?” She raised an eyebrow.

He was pushing it too far. “A kiss. In truth, I want to fuck you stupid again, but I don’t think we have time.”

“I liked being fucked stupid by you, but just a kiss is good.” Cassi laughed and nodded.

He pulled her close and kissed her in case she changed her mind. She didn’t resist as his tongue entered her mouth and swirled with hers. His dick was rock hard as he pressed against her waist and his hand slipped down her back and pulled her closer. He wanted those fantastic tits pressed against him again. He wanted to be inside her again. If the chopper had not been getting closer, he would have dropped his pants and ground her up against the wall of the hut, so she would know how much she was turning him on. They pulled apart, breathing heavily. She smiled as she looked down at the bulge in his pants.

“I’d better go so you can cool off and don’t have to explain that to the pilot.” She grinned at him and slung her pack over her shoulder. He watched her hips sway as she walked away. He missed her touch already. She didn’t glance back, and he needed to accept the interlude was gone. At least he had her number. The wind pushed him back against the hut as the chopper landed. His manager, Tony, jumped out and ran across.

“Hell man, you scared the shit out of me with your call. I told you not to go off on this crazy hike. Next time you want to do something like this, I’ll get one of the guys to go with you.”

Tony gave him the onceover and Declan knew it was probably because his manager wanted to make sure his best client wasn’t harmed.

Declan slung his pack on. “I was fine, and I wanted to be on my own. If you sent someone with me then it would have defeated the point of it. Another hiker helped me out.”

Declan put his arm around Tony’s shoulder and hobbled over to the chopper.

“I thought I saw someone walking off as we flew in. Didn’t they want a lift back to civilization?” Tony looked around.

“No. She wanted to walk out.”

“She? Am I going to have to watch for media reports on you being alone in a shack with some woman? I like to be forewarned if she is going to want money.”

“No, I won’t hear from her again.”

Tony frowned. Declan sensed his manager was expecting him to say more, but that wasn’t going to happen. He didn’t think he had much of a chance of seeing Cassi again, but he wasn’t going to blow it by blabbing about last night.

As the chopper rose into the sky and they made their way out of the valley, he saw Cassi on the track below. He thought she might look up at the sound of the helicopter, but she kept her gaze down. She was right, they should keep this simple. After all, it was just two adults having some fun and fucking great sex. It would complicate things and she didn’t sound as though she wanted anyone or anything messing up her life.


Back in L.A., they landed at the airport and Declan’s driver was waiting to take him to the hospital. The brandy and painkillers were wearing off, and his leg throbbed, now he didn’t have the sexy Cassi to distract him anymore.

The doctor walked back into the cubicle and put the x-rays up.

“It looks like a sprain. Whoever strapped you up did a good job. It will be sore for a few weeks, but then you should be fine. Just try and keep off it as much as you can. I’ll give you some painkillers to help for the next few days.

It was odd to be proud of someone he didn’t really know, but he was. They didn’t know the half of the good job Cassi did.

By the time he and Tony left the hospital, the press was outside snapping pictures as he hobbled out to the car on crutches. Cassi was right. He had no peace or privacy in his life. He couldn’t blame her for not wanting to meet again.


Back at home in the gated community, he relaxed as he fell back on the couch. Tony wanted to get a nurse in to look after him, but Declan reckoned he would be fine with his little brother, Jack. The painkillers were kicking in and his ankle was definitely throbbing less. In fact, the drugs were making him feel quite mellow. He didn’t think he would be drinking brandy with these ones or he might be out for days.

He heard someone pull in the drive and the garage door opening. He guessed it was Jack.

Tony stood up, ready to go. “Well, if that’s Jack, I’ll get back to the office. I’ve talked to the studio and they said they can modify most of the scenes so you’re standing still or sitting. They said they’ll film the scenes with Gemma, and put yours off for a couple of days. I’ve already told them we were okay with that.”

Jack walked in with a big grin on his face.

“You should have gone speedway racing with me, mate. Reckon it would have been safer.”

Jack had a crazy streak and never seemed to understand when he was pushing things too far. Doing stunt work suited him and he seemed happier than he’d ever been in Australia.

Tony grinned. “I’ll leave you two then. See you Wednesday bright and early.” Tony headed off, while Jack went to the kitchen and made some coffee. Jack placed the mugs down and picked up the crutches. It didn’t take long and he was goofing around, pretending his legs didn’t work. It was like they were kids back in Australia. The only difference was Dad would have been yelling from the kitchen. Declan sipped on his drink, trying not to laugh, but didn’t succeed. Jack was going to be the worst caregiver ever.

“I’ll look after you, but I draw the line at giving you a sponge bath. You know, you could use this to get the chicks for a sympathy fuck,” Jack said.

Declan nearly choked on his coffee as he sprayed it over his top. Jack swung around on the crutches and glared at him.

“Shit. You already have, haven’t you? Tony said on the phone some hiker helped you. Damn it man, even out in the bloody wilderness you pull the birds. She recognized you, I suppose, then threw herself on your dick to comfort you.” Jack grinned.

“She didn’t know me at all. Never even heard of the show. Trust me, it wasn’t like that.”

“Man, you’re one lucky asshole. I would’ve got some old granny, or a mad guy to find me. You get a chick that puts out. You get her number?”

“You’re a prick, you know that? She just wanted a one-night stand. Guess I’m not as much of a catch as you think I am.”

Declan knew it had just been sex, but he didn’t want to talk about it anymore, and especially not with his brother. He wanted to hold onto the memory of the best fucking night he’d had for as long as he could remember. Cassi had ruined him for wanting others. He had found his favorite candy and wanted more.

Maybe Cassi was right and it was the stranger thing that made it so exciting. He leaned back and shut his eyes as the painkillers kicked in. He could picture her moving on top of him, doing that crazy movement she did as she lowered herself down on his cock. He had been well and truly screwed. He would play it carefully, but somehow he needed to convince her they should meet again. Not only meet, but screw until they were so exhausted they couldn’t move. He opened his eyes and smiled at the thought.


Two days later, he was back on set, and the cabin seemed like a different world. He considered the painkillers might have caused the side effects of the bloody hot dreams he was having of Cassi every night. The problem was he wasn’t taking the analgesia anymore and now he couldn’t stop day-dreaming about her as well. It was as if he had been given a shot of something and was instantly addicted. He wanted to feel her touch again. He wanted his dick in her mouth again. He wanted to delve into her again and again until she screamed like she did that night.

There was a knock to the trailer door. “On set in five.”

He had a hard-on the size of a mountain and couldn’t go anywhere like this. He headed for the toilet and unzipped his pants. Closing his eyes, he imagined Cassi kneeling in front of him with her lips wrapped around his dick. He remembered her sucking hard and playing with his balls. Hell, he was almost there already. It didn’t take long as he moved his hand back and forth until he groaned and relieved himself. It wasn’t really a relief, though, and he guessed only one thing would be. He needed to be in her again. He headed back out to find Jack sitting on the couch, laughing and shaking his head.

“They want you on set. By the way, you got it bad, brother.”

“What do you mean?” Declan knew he didn’t want to hear the answer.

“I came in a while back and heard you jerking off. You’re not quiet, bro. You never were, even as a teenager. I reckon the neighbors always knew when you were pulling your hood. Look, it’s not just your ankle that’ll be sprained if you keep this up. I heard you last night, and the night before. Call her for God’s sake. If she was that good in the sack, I’ll be after her if you don’t.”

There was no way he was letting Jack near Cassi. “I tried. She’s not responding. She made it clear it was a one off. She didn’t even want to give me her number. I don’t know what the issue is, but the fact I’m a celebrity seemed to make it worse,” Declan said.

This was the first time since the mess with Julie that he really wanted someone. The problem was she didn’t want him.

“If she was worth it, don’t give up. By the way, Gemma is being an ass on set again. Does she know you screwed someone else, I take that back, everyone else? ’Cause she is giving everyone the attitude you two are still a couple.”

“What’s new? She’ll play it if it furthers her career. It’s been weeks and I’m still not convinced anything happened,” Declan said as he headed out the door.

Jack was right, though. He needed to do something or he would never get any work done. He would call Cassi after they finished on set. Gemma would have to be dealt with as well. Funny how Gemma had been nowhere to be seen when he needed someone to look after him. Her text said she didn’t do the nurse thing, unless she got paid to act it.

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