Idolize (Dark Storm Book 1) (2 page)

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She didn’t want him to let go of her hands, in fact, she wanted him to embrace her in his strong arms. Where had her tough exterior gone?

“I’ve got some food in my bag. Not much, but some packets of pasta we can heat up.”

“Sounds great. I’d help, but I’m pretty much useless at the moment. I’ll go through my pack and see what I can contribute to our feast.”

He let go of her hands. Cassi made her way to the kitchen and started to cook their meager rations. When she came back over with the meal, he had placed his food out on his lap. There were lollipops, chocolate, and a small bottle of brandy.

“I’ll get some glasses then.”

The brandy would probably help with his pain, and it might also make her seem a little less like a tightly coiled up spring. He poured a large brandy into her glass and she chinked it with him.

“So what do you do when you’re not hiking?” he asked.

Cassi froze. This was why she wanted a weekend away on her own. She avoided meeting new people so she wouldn’t have to talk about herself and her past. What would she say? I have had a shit life, and trust me, you don’t want to know? It was easier to avoid things.

“For work, I clean a retirement village.” She took a gulp of the brandy and hoped that would be enough. It wasn’t a glamorous job, but she enjoyed it, and it paid the rent. What more could a person want? “What about you?”

“Like lots in L.A., I act.”

“Maybe that’s why I thought I knew your face. I don’t watch much TV, though. What have you been in?”

“I’m in a show called
Dark Storm
. A gale hits a town, and afterward, creatures from another world start to appear. It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek with lots of fun and fist fights.”

She noticed he tensed as he said the show’s name. Was he worried she was some kind of groupie? She didn’t want to disappoint him, but she had never watched it.

“I’m sorry I don’t know it, but then again, like I said, I don’t watch much TV.”

His shoulders relaxed as he took another drink and handed her his empty plate. Did she read that right, he was glad she didn’t know the show? When she came back from the kitchen, he was rubbing his leg. “I reckon we should take your boot off and have another look.”

She undid the laces and slowly eased the boot off. Declan squeezed his face up and grimaced. His ankle was still swollen, and the tape was working, but she could see bruising starting to come out on his calf and toes.

“It will be black and blue for a while, but you’ll live. I don’t think you’ll be doing many stunts on set, though.” It was then she realized the storm had moved on and the thunder stopped. “Maybe you should try and use your cell again.”

He tried with his expensive phone. So did she with hers, but there was no connection. It was silly, but she was glad. For now they were both away from everyone. He filled their glasses up again and emptied the flask.

“Maybe the tower’s been hit by the lightning or something. You never know, your message from earlier may have gotten through.”

He shook his head. “I’ve got nothing still. I can’t complain, as I came walking to get away from everyone. The show has suddenly got popular and walking down the road is impossible. I always wanted to get the big job, but the fame as well as the lack of privacy can drive you insane.” He took a big gulp of his brandy. “That sounds like I’m ungrateful and I’m not. It’s just I still feel like me. The guy from Australia, who nobody knew.”

“I like being anonymous. I admire actors, though. They just turn it on and I believe they’re the characters they’re portraying. It’s nice to lose yourself in a good movie or book. I’m sure you’re great at what you do and that’s why people want to know you.”

She knew it was the brandy talking, but when would she have a Hollywood actor captive in a cabin again? He put his glass down and raised one eyebrow as he peered at her. Then he patted the couch in front of him. Okay, she had drunk two big brandies, but what was he suggesting here?

He placed a finger under her chin and lifted it so she gazed in his eyes. She gulped. He didn’t need to say anything. She would kiss him anyway. All he needed to do was ask.

“When you left that day, you took part of me with you. I’ve been looking around and meeting other people and other women trying to find it. I was a fool to let you go then. Now you’re here, Cassi, I’m not going to let you go without telling you how much I care.”

His face was close as his palm cupped her cheek. Her mouth hung open and she felt a strong ache between her legs, showing the need for physical contact she had not received for so long. She could feel his breath on her lips. His eyes connected with hers and then moved down to her lips. He ran his thumb along her lower lip and she moved forward. She knew this wasn’t real and something he had rehearsed, but didn’t care. He only had to say the word and she would have sex with him all night long. He didn’t say anything more, but their lips almost touched. Then he moved away.


“It’s a scene from our next episode. It doesn’t turn out well as she’s a vampire and sells me out. I get back at her through some crazy ritual, though. Sorry I took the advantage by adding your name.”

Declan was still holding his palm against her cheek and she didn’t want him to move away.

“You’re good.” He was more than good as she was putty in his hands right now.

“You’re not a vampire about to suck me dry and leech my soul, are you?” He winked and her heart skipped a little beat.

“No.” Her voice sounded breathy.

“Good, ’cause I want to ask a favor.”

He let go of her cheek and moved away. Sexual favor, she hoped.

“I need the bathroom.”

Thank goodness for that, because she had just been about to make a fool of herself. What did she think she was doing? Believing some TV star wanted her was foolish. She needed to remain unknown for her and Tommy. She didn’t need her face in the papers for helping some famous guy.

Declan grunted as she helped him up, and he put his arms around her shoulder. They made it through the bedroom to the toilet where she closed the door and left him alone. Staring at the bed, she thought she would offer it to him to be more comfortable. The toilet flushed, but he didn’t come back out. She was worried he might have passed out. She knocked on the door.

“You okay?”

“Yep.” He opened the door and held out his arm to her. She helped him as he limped out of the bathroom.

“You should rest. It’s getting dark and I don’t think we’ll get anyone here tonight.” She helped him over to the bed where he just flopped back on the pillow.

Cassi grabbed one of the pillows and placed it under his foot. She then turned back to the other room.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll sleep on the couch. I reckon you need the bed and rest with your foot.”

“Don’t be silly. We’re both tired from the walk. It’s a double bed and I promise to be a gentleman. It would be a bit impolite to jump you, as you have helped me so much.”

She could feel her face heat up because she wasn’t sure if she wouldn’t jump him, sore foot or not.

“Okay. I’ll grab the extra blankets from the cupboard. I think it’ll get cold in the night. I’ll go and have a shower.”

The water pounded her back and eased away the muscle aches. Would she take him up on his offer of the bed? She needed the touch of a man too much. She would have to be in control. What the hell, was she actually contemplating having sex with him? Sasha would think she was reckless. Hadn’t she learned anything from the past? Damn it, she just liked the idea of being close to someone. Was that so bad?

She dried off, got ready for bed, and brushed her teeth. She glanced in the mirror and noticed her nightie had a big pink elephant on it with the comment ‘Sweet dreams’. Why couldn’t she have packed something more flattering than an oversized t-shirt? Taking a deep breath, she left the security of the bathroom.

When she walked back out, she found him struggling to strip off his jeans over his sore foot.

“Let me help.”

She bent down and helped him ease the jeans off over his foot. When she looked up to see if she was hurting him, Cassi saw he was grinning as he stared at her chest. As she’d leaned forward, she must have full on flashed him with her boobs.

“Sorry. I should have looked away.”

She tried not to stare at his boxers where the effect of her boobs had given him a hard-on.

“Perhaps I should pull up the covers,” she said, trying to keep the smirk off her face.

“Thanks again and sorry about that.”

“I’ll take it as a compliment. Do you want a drink or something?”

“No, I’m fine. With the brandy plus the painkillers, my foot feels numb and I feel mellow. By the way, you should take it as a compliment. You’ve great tits.”

Okay, so she was going red again as a hot flush passed over her. She made a conscious effort to make sure no parts of their bodies were touching when she got into bed. They lay there quietly. It was dark outside and the bedside light was on as she looked across at his profile.

“I used to love going camping with my brother Jack, back in Australia. We would take our swags and sleep under the stars.” He smiled at the memory.

“What’s a swag?”

“Like a sleeping bag with its own little tent. We were a pair of rat bags and would get into trouble all the time. Dad was always busy and left us to ourselves; we would experiment on things.”

“Did you always want to be on TV?”

“No. I was crazy on sport and wanted to play Aussie rules football. That was when I stuffed my knee. Got a spot on a film they were making near us and then it just went from there. Jack came to America as well. I think Dad was relieved we decided to do something, or anything, apart from loafing around for that matter.”

“Did you leave any girls behind?” Declan turned his head toward her. “No one special.”

“What about now?” She crossed her fingers, hoping he wasn’t married.

“Do you want to know if I’m single?” He grinned at her.

“Well, you’re a hot guy. I thought you would have girls running after you.”

“It’s harder to meet people than you think. It’s either people on the show or movie you are working on. You go for coffee with someone and the papers have you engaged the next week. What about you?”


“Just no. You’re a hot woman, so what’s going on there?”

Did she just hear right, did this gorgeous guy say she was hot? If he wanted to get into her panties, then he was making all the right moves.

“I didn’t do too well in the relationship stakes in the past, so I’ve steered clear of guys.”

“Not even a fuck buddy?” Declan said, as he shook his head.

“I can’t believe you just asked me that, but no. I don’t know any guys I could trust that much.”

“That’s sad.”

Cassi yawned. The day and the brandy were catching up with her, but she didn’t want to stop talking. The walking put her body through the wringer. She would ache tomorrow, but she felt relaxed with Declan. It was probably the brandy.

“Do you mind if I leave the lamp on? I don’t like the dark.” That was an understatement. She was petrified of what it hid, even after all this time.

“No, that’s fine. I should let you sleep.”

She thought he was turning away from her and she moved into the middle of the bed a bit more, rather than teetering on the edge. They bumped heads and laughed. He reached up, pushed her hair back, and rubbed his thumb across her forehead.

“I don’t think it will bruise.”

He moved his hand so his palm was against her cheek and then traced a line with his finger across from the angle of her jaw to her lips. Her breathing increased as her lips parted. Then this sexy man said something unexpected that took her breath away. “I want to kiss you, Cassi. I’m sorry, I know we’ve had brandy and I’ve painkillers on board. You don’t know me, and have no reason to trust me. I promise I won’t hurt you. I’ve wanted to kiss you since I touched you earlier. Can I?”

Was he acting again? She didn’t care. “Oh God, yes.”

She couldn’t have sounded more eager if she tried. This wasn’t like her, but she would trust the universe was sending her something to help sort out her mind. If not, it might satisfy her body. She was due her share of good stuff after what she’d been through.

Declan moved his hand through her hair. He touched her scalp so it tingled and sent a shiver down her spine to her core. He edged forward, barely touching her lips as he moved his back and forth across hers. Her breathing deepened as her mouth opened, waiting for him to enter her. His tongue moved across her lower lip and then delved into her mouth. Their tongues played tentatively at first as his lips pressed against hers. Then passion took over and she wanted to drown in his kisses as his tongue fought with hers to get closer. She sensed this was a floodgate being opened for both of them. Maybe it was the anonymity making it safe. They could walk away from each other tomorrow and nobody would know. She pulled away and he stared at her with his lids half closed. His pupils were dilated and she wondered if hers were the same. Maybe one-night stands like this would be the only way she could be intimate again. From the aching between her legs, she knew a kiss would not be enough.

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