I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That (56 page)

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Aidstruth.org 139
al-Jabiri, Major General Jehad 274–5
alcohol: intravenous use of 233; lung cancer and 108–9; rape and consumption of 329, 330
ALLHAT trial 119
Alzheimer’s, smoking and 20–1
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 325
American Association on Mental Retardation 325
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
American Medical Association 262
American Psychological Association 325
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 325
anecdotes, illustrating data with 8, 118–22, 189, 248–9, 293
animal experiments 136–8
Annals of Internal Medicine
Annals of Thoracic Surgery
anti-depressants 18; recession linked to rise in prescriptions for xviii, 104–7; SSRI 18, 105
antiretroviral medications 140, 185, 281, 284, 285
aortic aneurysm repair, mortality rates in hospital after/during 18–20, 114
APGaylard 252
Appleby, John 19, 173
artificial intelligence xxii, 394–5
Asch, Solomon 15, 16
Asphalia 365
Associated Press 316
Astel, Professor Karl 22
ATSC 273
autism: educational interventions in 325; internet use and 3; MMR and 145, 347–55, 356–8
Autism Research Centre, Cambridge 348, 354
Bad Science
(Goldacre) xvi, 104, 110
, 257, 346
Bad Science column
see Guardian
Ballas, Dr Dimitris 58
Barasi, Leo 96
Barden, Paul 101–4
Barnardo’s 394
Baron-Cohen, Professor Simon 349–51, 353–4
Batarim 305–6
BBC xxi; ‘bioresonance’ story and 277–8; Britain’s happiest places story and 56, 57; causes of avoidable death, overall coverage of 20; Down’s syndrome births increase story and 61–2; ‘EDF Survey Shows Support for Hinkley Power Station’ story and 95–6; psychological nature of libido problems story and 37; radiation from wi-fi networks story and 289–91, 293; recession and anti-depressant link, reports 105; Reform: The Value of Mathematics’ story and 196; ‘Threefold variation’ in UK bowel cancer rates’ story and 101–4; Wightman and 393, 394; ‘“Worrying’’ Jobless Rise Needs Urgent Action – Labour’ story and 59
Beating Bowel Cancer 101, 104
Becker muscular dystrophy 121
Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) 45
Benedict XVI, Pope 183, 184
Benford’s law 54–6
bicycle helmets, the law and 110–13
big data xvii, xviii, 71–86; access to government data 75–7; care.data and risk of sharing medical records 77–86; magical way that patterns emerge from data 73–5
Big Pharma xvii, 324, 401
bin Laden, Osama 357
biologising xvii, 35–46; biological causes for psychological or behavioural conditions 40–2; brain imaging, reality of phenomena and 37–9; girls’ love of pink, evolution and 42–6
BioSTAR 248
birth rate, UK 49–50
Bishop, Professor Dorothy 3, 6
bladder cancer 24–5, 342
Blair, Tony 357
Blakemore, Colin 138
blame, mistakes in medicine and 267–70
blind auditions, orchestras and xxi, 309–11
blinding, randomised testing and xviii, 12, 118, 124, 126, 133, 137–8, 292–3, 345
blood tests 117, 119–20, 282
blood-pressure drugs 119–20
Blundell, Professor John 337
BMA 112
Booth, Patricia 265
Boston Globe
bowel cancer 101–4
Boynton, Dr Petra 252
Brain Committee 230–1
Brain Gym 10–12
faking of science on xxii, 371–5
brain-imaging studies, positive findings in 131–4
breast cancer: abortion and 200–1; diet and 338–40; red wine and 267, 269; screening 113, 114, 115
breast enhancement cream xx, 254–7
Breuning, Stephen 135–6
The British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT) 268–9
British Association of Nutritional Therapists 270
British Chiropractic Association (BCA) 250–4
British Dental Association 24
British Household Panel Survey 57
British Journal of Cancer
: ‘What if Cancer Survival in Britain were the Same as in Europe: How Many Deaths are Avoidable?’ 169–70
British Journal of General Practice
British Journal of Psychology
British Medical Association 251
British Medical Journal
Bicycle Helmets and the Law (Goldacre/Spiegelhalter editorial) 110–13, 110
; criticism of medical practice within 251;
‘Explaining the rise in antidepressant prescribing’, 2009 paper 105, 106; hospital waiting times stories and 73; ‘IVF children have bigger vocabulary than unplanned children’ story and 109
MMR: The Scare Stories are Back. Goldacre article. 18th July, 2007 347–55;

more research is needed’ phrase banned by 4;
studies of how ideas spread and myths grow 26; systematic review of effect of large multi-sports events on population 173, summaries of important new research from around the world 214;
Why Don’t Journalists Mention the Data?
Goldacre article, 16th June, 2007 292–4
British Psychological Society 329, 331
British Social Attitudes Survey 170
Bromley Times
Brooks, Tom 67, 68, 69
Building Evidence into Education. (Goldacre report for UK education minister) 202–18
Bundesbank 56
Burstow, Paul 174–6
Bush, George W. 13, 185, 298, 316
Cabinet Office White Paper on using randomised controlled trials to improve government policy, 2011 202
Cambridge Film Festival 281, 283
Cambridge University 102, 226, 352, 355
Cameron, David 173
Campbell, Denis 343, 344, 346, 347–55
cancer: bladder cancer and fluoride 24–5; bladder cancer and swimming in chlorinated water 342; bowel cancer rates, UK 101–4; brain cancer and mobile phones 116–18; breast cancer and abortion 200–1; breast cancer and diet 338–40; breast cancer and red wine 269; breast cancer screening 114–15; care.data and 78, 83; cervical cancer jab 331–4; using Facebook and 221; herbal medicine and 265, 267; lung cancer and alcohol 107–9; prostate cancer 144; smoking and 3, 22, 319; trials published, only one in four 146; UK survival rates 169–71, 173; urinary tract 265; vaccination and 267, 331–4
Cancer Research UK 339
capital punishment, murder rates and 311–12
Cardiff University 29–31, 40
CardioSEAL 248
care.data 77–86
Cataldo, Janine 20–1
Caterson, Professor 30, 31
Catholic Church, condoms and xx, 183–5, 186
caveats in newspaper articles 338–40
Cellarnot 123
censorship, Brain Gym and 10–12
Central TV 269, 270
Cervarix 332, 333
cervical cancer 332–4
chance, certainty of 56–8
Channel 4 News 118, 121, 197, 251
Charlton, Bruce 140–1, 145
chatnannies.com 393, 395
cherry-picking scientific literature xvii, 5–8, 12, 174, 176–7, 192, 193, 252, 336, 349, 355
Chief Medical Officer for Wales 12
child abuse xix, 157–9, 391–5
children, critiques of adult pseudoscience by 10–12
Chimoio, Archbishop Francisco 183–4
China: girls’ love of pink and 44–5
Chinese traditional medicine xix, 265–7, 388
chlorthalidone 119–20
cholera, Soho outbreak, 1854 365
Christian Medical Fellowship 197
Church, Dr Timothy 336–7
CIA 357
cigarette packaging xxi, 318–21
Cirak, Sebahattin 121
‘citation classics’ 9–10, 102–3, 173
Citation, network of 26–7
ClimateSock 96
Clinical Trials Units 217
clustered water 388–9
clusters on maps 364–6
coalition government, UK, 2010–14: drugs addicts and sentencing policy 177–9; NHS reform 73, 169–77; ‘Programme for Government’ 177
Cochrane, Archie 209–10, 211, 218, 252, 297–300
Cochrane Group 298
Cochrane Library 298, 300, 336
cod liver oil 29–31
Coe, Robert 189
coffee, hallucinatory effects of 64–6
Coghill, Dr Roger 363–7
College of Natural Nutrition 268, 270
Colquhoun, Professor David 252, 266
Coma Science Group, Belgium 326
comas, communication in xxi, 324–6
Commonwealth Games, 2022 156
Complementary and Alternative Therapy
magazine 278
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, the (CNHC) 266
computer games, dementia and 3–5
condoms, Catholic Church and xx, 183–5, 186
conference papers 193
conflict-of-interest stories 402
conformity, studies on 15–17
confounding variables xviii, 107–9, 111
Congolese Bishops’ Conference 183
Conservative Party 150, 180, 201

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