I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That (59 page)

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Neverland Systems 393
Nevirapine 186
New England Journal of Medicine
New Humanist
New Scientist
xxii, 391, 393, 394, 395
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times
39, 273, 274–5
New York University 297
NHS xix; abortion and 90–1; Cancer Plan 170; care.data and 78–86; coalition government reforms xix, 73, 169–77; constitution 180; GP Consortiums 171–4, 175, 176; NHS Choices website 18, 63; NHS Information Centre (NHSIC) 84, 85, 170; ‘NHS Operating Framework’ 172; pornography for sperm donors xix, 179–82; price-based competition in 172–3, 174–5; Primary Care Research Network 216; Primary Care Trusts 171–2; waiting times 73–5; ‘Working Together For A Stronger NHS’ government leaflet 169
Nield, Dr Dalia 255–6
Nieuwenhuis, Sander 129, 130–1
Nigeria: polio vaccine scare in 273, 356–7
9/11 13
‘95 per cent confidence intervals’ 59–61
NMT 247–50
nocebo effect 321–4
Nolte, Ellen 175–6
Nordgren, Loran 307
NSA (National Security Agency), US 79–80
ntk.net 391
nuclear power xvi, xxii, 85, 94, 95–7, 379, 381
O’Connor, Cardinal Cormac Murphy 183
: Denis Campbell MMR stories 347–55; Denis Campbell ‘fish oil helps schoolchildren to concentrate’ story 343–7; ‘Forensic DNA Tests “Reveal Traces of Madeleine’s Body on Resort Beach”’ story 276
OECD 175
Office of Fair Trading 265
Office of National Statistics (ONS): ‘Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings’ 150–2; births per year statistics 49–50; exam results and 189; ‘Labour Market’ figures 59; Statistical Bulletin 49–50
Olympics: 1992 156; 2012 xix, 155–7
Omand, Sir David 51–3
omega-3 fatty acids 343–6
The One Show
open data 20, 80, 85
Open Data (government initiative) 85
Opera Solutions 153–4
Oransky, Ivan 134
organic food xix, 191–4
Overfield, Dr Derek 57
Oxford University 3, 4, 5, 138, 194
Oxygizer 390–1
paedophiles, ‘Nanniebots’ and 391–5
Page, Dawn 268, 269–70
Pakistan 231, 232, 357
: wi-fi link to radiation story
xxi, 289–91, 293
Parker, Matt 68, 69
Parliament 76, 84, 85, 196–7, 200–1, 322
Parry, Vivienne 353
peer review xvii, 4–5, 29, 139–41, 145; alternatives to 139–41, 145–6; dodgy peer reviewers delaying publication of findings they don’t like 10; GP fundholding and 176–7; journals deliberately not peer reviewed 145–6; post-publication xvi, 4–5; problematic nature of 138–41; putting a finding in a press release but not into the paper as a subversion of 66; refusal to submit ideas to 3–5
Pell, Cardinal George 183
Perfect Sommelier 123, 124
Perry, Simon 252–3, 266
pesticides, food and 191–4
Pfizer Trovan drug trial 357
Phelan, Jo: ‘Genetic Bases of Mental Illness – a Cure for Stigma?’ 41–2
Philip Morris 319–20
Philips, Alasdair 289, 290, 291
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
phone masts, suicides and 333, 363–7
pink, girls’ love of 42–6
piracy, music xix, 159–62
Pirate Bay 33
placebos 8, 124, 140, 322, 323, 343, 344, 345, 389
PLoS One
137; ‘Beaked Whales Respond to Simulated and Actual Navy Sonar’ 341
Poisson distribution 102, 103
Political Behaviour
political stance, beliefs and 13
politicians, knowledge of which policy works best 177–9
pornography, hospitals and 179–82
post-modernism 295–300; Archie Cochrane characterised as a fascist 297–300
postcode information 77
power calculation 125, 132–3, 164
Powerwatch 290–1
Poynter Institute 339
Prasad, Vinay 9
Prescription Cost Analysis 105
Press Association 155
press release: academic xxi, 6–7, 107–9, 358–60; breast cancer rates and 101–4; caveats and 338–40; linking to primary sources 340–2; positive anecdotes and 118–22; putting a finding in a press release but not in a paper 65, 66; without a scientific paper existing 29–31, 65, 116–18
Pringle, Tom 372
Pritchard, Stephen 344
processed foods 11
Project Redsand 94–5
prospective cohort study 117
prospectively defined studies 198–9
psychological or behavioural condition, linking to a biological cause 40–2
Psychological Science
PTSD 105
Public Health Observatories, The 104
Public Library of Science, US 25
‘Public Service Agreement Delivery Agreement 25’ 226
publication bias 132–3, 136, 314, 315
Pusztai, Dr Arpad 29
QLIF 192
Quackometer 252, 253
quacks xx, 261–70; alternative therapist regulation 265–7; moron-baiting, tradition of 261–4; nutritionists 267–70
Queen Mary, University of London, School of Mathematics 68
Quilty-Harper, Conrad 159
racial hygiene 22
Radio 4:
Born With Down’s
programme 5
Randi, James 273, 274, 276
randomised trials: animal experiments and 137–8; antiretroviral medications and 140; blinding xviii, 12, 118, 124, 126, 133, 137–8, 292–3, 345; drug addiction and sentencing 178–9; in education xvii, 8–9, 12, 137, 138, 202, 202
, 204–13, 214, 216, 217, 218; fish oil and 345; how randomised trials work 204–7; HRT 8–9; methadone and 236, 241–2; myths about 207–13; NHS reforms and xix; placebos/nocebos and 8, 124, 140, 321–4, 343, 344, 345, 389; public policy and xvii, xix, 401; systematic reviews of 6–7, 12, 20–1, 23, 25–8, 140, 156–7, 192–3, 298, 314, 323, 336, 359
Rasnick, David 139, 140
Rath, Matthias 185
Rationalist Association 281
Reader’s Digest
recession: anti-depressants and 104–7; public sector pay and 149
Red Bead Experiment 58
reductionism, crass xvii, 37–9, 239, 323–4
Reform: ‘The Value of Mathematics’ 194
registered sex offenders 158
relative risk reduction 115
RetractionWatch 134, 135, 136
‘retrospective case-control study’ 117
risk compensation 111
ritalin 135–6
RK Partnerships Ltd 365
Roberts, Judge Jeremy 265
Rodial 255, 256
Rolleston clinics 240–2
Rolleston Committee Report, Department of Health, 1926 229–30, 231, 235, 239, 240
Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway 379–81
Rosa, Emily 11
rosiglitazone 120
Royal Brompton Hospital 249
Royal Institution xvi, 331
Royal London Homeopathic Hospital 322, 389
Royal Mail 77
Royal Society of Chemistry: ‘The Five Decade Challenge’ 188–9
Royal Society 227; JSTOR scanning of papers 33–4; motto ‘
Nullius in Verba’
(‘On the word of nobody’)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
Rubin, Dr James 125
SABIP (the Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property Policy) 160–2
Sagan, Carl 13
SAGE (a ‘stakeholder’ group) 365
salaries, public and private xix, 149–52
Samaritans 361–2
sampling error 57–61
Sarah’s Law 157–8
Sars 388
Saturday National Post
(Canada) 388
‘Scared Straight’ programme 208
science: ‘by press release’ 29–31
see also under individual article or story
how science works 3–34; process of close critical appraisal and xv–xvi; resistance to challenge of orthodoxy 8–10; what is? 124–6
Science and Technology Committee, House of Commons 196–7, 200–1, 322
Science Citation Index 22
Scientific American
Scott, Fiona 352, 353–5
Scottish Health Survey 106
screening for diseases xviii, 113–15, 334
Seasilver nutrient potion 387
‘second-round’ effects 111, 112
select committees xx, 84, 196–201, 322
Sense About Science 256
Sgreccia, Bishop Elio 184
Shape Up for Summer
Sharp, Dr Julie 339
Shaw, Sophia 329–31
Sheffield Philharmonic Orchestra 310
Sheldrake, Rupert 190, 304
Sigman, Aric 5–8
Singh, Simon 250–4
Sky TV 371–5
smear campaigns, evidence-based 316–18
Smeed’s Law 112
Smith, Gary 104
smoking: Alzheimer’s and 20–1; ‘bioresonance’ treatment to help quit 277–8; cancer and 3, 22, 108, 109, 187; cigarette packaging 318–21; number of deaths caused by 187

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