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in blood loss, 404-405


in folic acid deficiency, 406, 4 1 6, 866t

Allen's rest, 372t

hemolytic, 407-408

Allergic reactions

in iron deficiency, 405, 4 1 6, 866t

antihistamines in, 847t

nutritional lherapy in, 4 16, 866t


sickle cell, 408-409

Ann Arbor classification of lymphoma,

in vitamin B12 deficiency, 405-406,

353, 353r

416, 866r

Anoscopy, 51St


Antacids, 862t

epidural, 882t, 8831

Anterior cord syndrome, 311 t

general, 871-874

Anriarrhyrhmic drugs, 60, 843t

Aneurysms, 388-390, 391 f

Antibiotics, 848r-850t

of .or", 388, 390, 391 f, 427f

in chel11Olherapy, 855t-856r

cerebral, 314, 390

sensitivity and resistance to, 612,

common locations of, 388


fusiform, 389-390, 391f

in ruberculosis, 623

saccular, 390, 391 f


surgical repair of, 325, 390, 426-438

measurement in infections, 610-61 1

Angina, 428, 921-923

Anticoagulant therapy, 415, 844r-845r

history of, 13-15,922-923

in pulmonary embolism, 143--144,402

in myocardial ischemia and infarc-

thrombocytopenia in, 413-414

tion. 39-40, 42f, 921, 923

Anticonvulsant agents, 845t

Prinzmetal's variant, 40

Antidiarrheal medications, 863t

stable or exenional, 40

Antidiuretic hormone, 662t-663t

unstable, 40

cardiac effects of, lit

Angiogenesis in transmyocardial revascuin diabetes insipidus, 667-668


inappropriate secretion of, 663t, 665-

Angiography, 38, 370, 376


of aorta, 38, 425f

overproduction of, 665-666

cerebral, 302

target sires and actions of, 66 tt

complications in, 376

Antiemetic agents, 846r-847t

comraSt agents in, 370, 376

in chemotherapy, 342

coronary, 38

in radiation rherapy, 341

digital-subtraction technique, 302

Anrigen, 607t

magnetic resonance

Antihistamines, 847t

in neurologic evaluation, 301

in nausea and vomiting, 846r

in vascular evaluation, 375t

Antihypertensive drugs, 60-61, 393


p-adrenergic blockers, 8S3t

Angloplasry, coronary, 51

calcium channel blockers, 8S4t

Angiotensin, 670

diuretics, 861 t

cardiac effects of, I It

vasodilators, 869t

Angiotensin-convening enzyme inhibi-

Anti-inAammatory drugs in pain mantors, 842r

agement, 879, 880t

Anisindione, 845t

epidural administration of, 883t

Anistreplase, 8681

Antimetabolite agents in chemothcmpy,



amputation at level of, 891 t

Antiparkinsonian agents, 321, 851 t

arthroplasty 0(, 206

Amiplaceler agenrs, 851 r-852t

blood pressure at, compared to bra

Antiretroviral therapy in HIV infection

chial artery pressure, 374t

nnd AIDS, 633

braces, splints, and orthoses (or,

Antitussives, 852t


Antiulcer medications, 862r-863t

(ractures of, 180-182, 249t

Anuria, 561

range o( motion in, 166t

in aCllte renal failure, 570

in arthroplasty, 206


Ankle-brachial index, 374t

disorders of, 540



Anxiety in rransfer from leU, 758

III ventricular assist device, 836


Arteries, 364

anatomy and function of, St

characteristics of, 365t

aneurysms of, 388, 390, 39 J f

disorders of, 384-399

surgical repair in, 427f

aneurysms, 314. 388-390, 391 f

angiography of, 38, 425f

In atherosclerosis, 384-388. See

balloon pump in, 829-832

al50 Atherosclerosis

mechanism of action, 830f-831 f

clinical findings in, 386t

bypass graft in occlusion of, 425f

compartment syndrome in, 399

coarctation of, 395t

embolism, 392. See also Emboltsm

Aortic valve

hypertension, 392-395. See also

anatomy and function of, 4t


disorders of, 45r

Raynaud's disease and phenomereplacement surgery in, 57

non Ill, 397, 398

Aortofemoral graft, 425f

reflcx sympathetic dystrophy in,

Aortography, 38, 425f


Aplastic anemia, 406-407

skm disorders in, 468, 469t

Apnea, lOOt

rhrombosis, 392

Appendecromy, 548

in vasculitis, 395-397

Appendicitis, 530

Arteriosclerosis, 384. See also Athero

Appendix vermiform


fUllcrion of, 504r

Arteriovenous fistula, 403

infl:unmarion of, 530

in hemodialysis, 590, 591f, 795t

surgical removal of, 548

Arteriovenous malformations, 313-314,

Arachnoid mater, 269


Ardeparin sodium, 844t


Arrhythmias, 43-44

gaant cell, 397

ablation procedures in, 53-54

polyarteritis nodos3, 396

atrial, 53, 74r-75t, 82f-83f

Takayasu's, 397

in atrioventricular block, 79t, 87f-88f

ArthrocenteSIs, 612-613

automaric implantable defibrillator in,

Arthrodesis, spinal, 2J It, 212, 212f, 214


Arthrography, 168

drug therapy in, 60, 843r

Arthroplasty, 190--209

p-adrenergjc blockers in, 853r

of ankle, 206

calcium channel blockers in, 854t

of elbow, 204-205, l05f

electrocardiography in, 25-27, 74-88.

ofh,p, 190-196, 207-209

See also Electrocardiography

infections 111, 207

electrophysiologic studies in, 38-39

and resection procedure, 207-209

junctional, 7St

of knee, 196-201, 207, 209

pacemakers in, 54-56, SSt

of shoulder, 202-204

temporary, 78St

Arthroscopy, 215-217

pathophysiology in, 43-44

complications in, 215, 21St

physical examination in, 16-17

of knee, 215-216, 217t-218t

in physical therapy, 68-69

of shoulder, 216-217, 219t

physical therapy in, 43

Ascites, 552

potassIUm serum levels in, 768

Aspanate aminotransferase levels in liver

premature contractions

disorders, 511, 517t

atrial, 75t

Asthma, 130, 131t, 135

ventricular, 44, 77t, 8Sf

Ataxia, 299

respirarory sinus, 12

Atelecrasis, 138t, 141t

ventricular., 44, 53, 56, 76t-77t, 83f-86f

Athercctomy, coronary. 5 J-52



Atherosclerosis, 384-388, 428

Back pain, indications for spinal surgery

cerebrovascular disorders in, 3 1 2

in, 2 1 0

of coronary arteries. See Coronary

Bacteremia, 638

arteries, atherosclerosis of

Bacterial infections

in diabetes mellirus, 684

antibiotics in, 848t-850t

lipid blood levels in, 28-29, 387

sensiriviry and resistance to, 612,

myocardial ischemia in, 40

6 1 5-618, 623

risk bctors in, 384, 387

gastroenteritis in, 630, 631

signs and symptoms in, 387-388

glomerulonephritis in, 575-576

treatmem of, 5 1 -52, 388

legionellosis in, 624

Atrial natriuretic peptide, Itt

meningitis in, 627

Atriovemricular block, 79r, 87f-88f

nosocomial, 6 1 4

Atriovemricular node, 9

prevention of, 615t


osteomyelitis in, 629

anatomy and function of, 4t

pertussis in, 620

arrhythmias of

prostatitis in, 586

ablation procedures in. 53

rheumatic fever in, 624-625

electrocardiography in, 74t-75t,

of skin, 630


in transplam recipiems, 707-708

diastole and systole of, 6

tuberculosis in, 62Q.....t;:23

Aura in seizures, 3 1 8

urinalysis in, 565r


Bacteriuria, 565t

in cardiac evaluation, 22-24, 24f, 68

Bainbridge reflex, 10, 1 2

in infections, 609

Balance assessment

in gastroimesrinal evaluation, 507

Berg rest in, 902, 903f-907f, 907r

in genitourinary evaluation, 563

in neurologic examination, 299, 300t

in infections, 609

Tinetti assessmem in, 9 1 1-915, 9 12[-

in respiratory evaluation, 99-105

9 1 51, 9 1 61

in extra pleural disorders, 145t-

Balloon pump, inrra·aortic, 829-832,


830f-831 f

in infections, 609

Bankart procedure, arthroscopic, 2 1 9t

landmarks for, 1 0 I, 1 0 J(

Barium studies, 5 12t, 51St

normal or clear sounds in, 102

Baroreflexes, 10, I J

in obstructive disorders, 131 t-134t

Barorrauma in mechanical vemilation,

and physical therapy, 1 54r


in restrictive disorders, 1 38r-140t

Barren's esophagus, 526

in vascular evaluation, 370

Basal cell carcinoma, 356-357

AutOmaticity, cardiac, 3

Bas:ll ganglia, 260, 261 £

Autonomic nervous system, 260, 274

B:lsil:lr artery, 273t

disorders in diabetes mellirus, 472,

aneurysm of, 314


Batista procedure, 58

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