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or as an early indicator of liver cell damage.


Male, 0.3-2.1 mg/2 hrs



Female, 0.1-1.1 mg/2 hrs




·Texr or abbreviation in parcmheses signifies synonyms (0 [he test names.

Source: Data from LM Malarkey, ME McMorrow (eds). Nurse's Manual of Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures. Philadelphia: Saun

ders, 2000:469-524.



Table 8-8. Diagnosflc Procedure for the Hepatic, Biliary, Pancreatic,

and Splenic Systems



Cholangiography, percu

Visualizes the anatomic strucrure of intrahepatic

taneous rranshepatic

and extrahepatic ducts.

Evaluates changes in the biliary tree and helps to

diagnose causes of obstructive jaundice.

Contrast material is injected into the biliary ducts


Cholangiography, T

Visualizes the biliary ductal system to help identify

rube, and intravenous

Stones and other causes of biliary obstruction.

Very common after liver transplantation.

Contrast material is injected into the biliary ducts



Visualizes the gallbladder and biliary ductal

system to identify causes of biliary obstruction.

Contrast material is IIlgested, in pill form, by the


Computed lomography

Used to identify the presence of tumor, abscess, cyst,

ICT) of the Ilv

sites of bleeding, or hemaroma in these organs.

hiliary tract,

Conrrast medium may be used with cr scan of

pancrea�, and spleen

the liver and pancreas.

Endoscopic retrograde

Used to investigate the cause of obstructive

cholanglopancreatogjaundice, persistent abdominal pain, or both.

raphy and pancreatic

Generally identifies stones in the common bile

cytology IEeRP)'

duct as well as chronic pancreatitis and cancer.

Liver bihary scan

A radionuclide is injected intravenously, and

IInaglllg of [he hepatobiliary system,

gallbladder, and biliary tree is performed to help

diagnose acure or chronic biliary tract disorder.

Liver bdH.1TY biopsy,

Used to diagnose pathologic changes in the liver


and monitor disease progression.

Liver-spleen scan

A radionuclide is injected intravenously, and

imaging of the liver and spleen is performed.

Used to confirm and evaluate suspected

hepatocellular disease and enlargement of the

liver or spleen.



Table 8-8. Continued



Ultrasound of the liver,

Primary di3gnosric rool for examining the liver,

biliary rract, pancreas

spleen, and pancreas.

and spleen

Cyst, abscess, hematoma, primary neoplasm, and

merastatic disease can be detected in the liver.

It is the best diagnostic rool to identify gallstones.

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