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during the procedure.


Gallium scan (gallium 67 imaging, tmal body

Purpose: To locate malignancy, metastases, sires of inflammation, infection,


and abscess.


Reference value: No structural or funct.ional

A radionuclide is injected intravenously with images taken in the following



abnormalities are visualized.

time frames:

4-6 hrs later to identify infectious or inflammatory disease

24 hIS later to identify tumors

72 hrs later to identify infectious disease



Table 8-6. ConilfJlled








Gastric emptying scan

Purpose: To investigate the cause of a rapid or slow rare of gastric emptying


Reference value: No delay In gastric emptying.

and to evaluate the effecrs of trearment for abnormal gastnc motility.

In a sitting position, the patient ingests a radionuclide mixed with food substances,



and images arc taken of the sromach and duodenum for the next 3 hrs (IS-min


>intervals). The rate of gastric emprying is rhen calculated from rhe images.



Gastroesophageal reflux scan (GE reflux scan)

Purpose: To measure rhe amount of gastroesophageal reflux.


Reference value: Reflux is 3% or less.

The p3tient ingests radionuclide-13beled juice in the supine posirion while


wearing an inflatable abdominal binder. Wearing the binder In supine is



used to provoke reflux. Amount of reflux is calculated from rhe images


taken during the study.


GI bleedmg scan (GI scintigraphy)

Purpose: To evaluate the presence, source, or both, of GI bleeding.

Reference value: No evidence of focal

R3dionuclide-labeled red blood cells are injected intravenously, followed by


intermirtent imaging studies of the abdomen and pelvis for up to 24 hrs.

GI cytologic studies

Purpose: To identify benign or malignant growth from tissue biopsy of the



Reference value: No evidence of abnormal

GI tract.

cells or infecrious organisms.

Tissue specimens are obtained during an endoscopic examination.

Paracenresis and perironeal fluid analysis

Purpose: To help delineate the cause of ascites or suspected bowel perforation

(abdominal paracentesis, abdominal rap)

along with evaluating the effects of blunt abdominal trauma.

Reference value: Clear, odorless, pale yellow.

The peritoneal cavity is accessed with eirher a long thin needle or a trocar and

stylet With the patient under local anesthesia. Peritoneal fluid IS collected

and examined.

Peritoneal tissue biopsy can also be performed during [his procedure for

cytologic studies required for the differential diagnosis of tuberculOSIS,

fungal infection, and metastatic carcinoma.

Roentgenography of the abdomen (abdominal

Purpose: To provide information about rumors, swelling of the mucosa,

flat plate)

abscess farmarion, fluid in the intestinal lumen, intestinal obstruction, and

Reference value: No abnormalities visualcalcifications in the GI tract.


Plain x-ray is taken of the abdomen.

Sigmoidoscopy and anoscopy

Purpose: Sigmoidoscopy is used as a screening tool for colon cancer and to

Reference value: No tissue abnormalities are

investigate rhe cause of rectal bleeding or monitor inflammatory bowel

visualized in the sigmoid colon, rectum, or

disease. Anoscopy is used to investigate bleeding, pain, discomfort, or


prolapse in the anus.

Upper GI series and small bowel series (small

Purpose: Detects disorders of strucrure or function of the esophagus, stomach

bowel follow-through)

and duodenum, and jejunum and ileum (the latter two are for the small

Reference value: No structural or functional

bowel series).

abnormalities are found.

Imaging studies of all these areas are performed while the patient drinks a

barium solution. Passage of the barium through these structures can range

from 30 mins ro 6 hrs.

·Text or abbreviations in parentheses signify synonyms (0 rhe tesr names.

Source: Data from LM Malarkey, .ME McMorrow (eds). Nurse's Manual of Laboratory Tests and Diagnosric Procedures. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2000;432-468.


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