Hush 2: Slow Burn (10 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

BOOK: Hush 2: Slow Burn
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chapter Fifteen

Breaking Through


I heard his voice again. This time I heard Marie’s too. I heard Luca tell her he loves me. I’m so confused. I don’t know if I am dreaming or if this is all real. I am still fighting to open my heavy lids.

I even try to will my fingers to move each time I feel like a hand is wrapped around mine. I think I may have done it once, but the darkness comes so fast I couldn’t be sure if I pulled it off. I feel so tired, like the weight of the world is resting on my body and my eyelids.

At least, that was how I felt the last few times I could hear voices around me. This time is different, I still feel tired, but some of the weight has been lifted. I don’t hear Luca though. For the first time his voice is missing and that is what has me confused and believing that his voice has just been a dream to begin with.

I can make out Rita, Marie, and Valentina’s voice. I heard a male voice, which I don’t recognize. I laugh because they are joking around and including me in the conversation as if I can answer them. I want to answer them. I try to answer them.

As the tiredness fades a bit more, I try to focus. I start with trying to wiggle my toes. It takes my brain forever to actually feel like I am doing anything. When I think I have finally made the connection to my toes, I try something I think the others will see.

My eyelids still feel too heavy so I try my fingers. I’m so frustrated as I gauge time by the change in topics. My sister and my friends have gone from laughing at stories about their adorable children to gossip about Camille’s divorce to planning a trip to go shopping.

When I hear Pam and Paige enter the conversation, I double my efforts. I want to talk to my friends. I want them to tell me what is going on with me. What happened?

“Shannon, you know I got those tickets you were asking about for that charity concert,” Paige sings, she sounds so close to my ear.

Excitement courses through me. Those tickets were so hard to get hands on. Believe me, I tried more than once. I curse in my head, snapping at my fingers to move.

“What tickets,” Rita asks curiously.

“I got tickets to the charity benefit True Life is doing here in New York,” Paige sings out proudly.

“Are you freaking kidding me,” Rita squeals. “Tell me you can get more tickets. I don’t care where I have to sit.”

Paige giggles. “I got tickets for all of us to go, silly.”

“Oh my God, I love that group, the lead singers are the cutest couple ever,” Marie chirps.

“I know right. I love Kitty’s voice and Rage is fine as hell,” I hear Pam sigh.

“Uri caught me drooling over their last video,” Valentina bursts into laughter. “You should have seen his face. I was sure he was going to hunt the band down.”

“Well, I’m glad I did get enough tickets. I wasn’t sure if everyone liked them, but it’s a great charity and I thought it would be something cool for girls’ night,” Paige replies.

Move… you damn fingers
, I growl in my head. True Life is my favorite band. I have so many questions about the concert. I am so excited.

“Did you see that,” Valentina gasps.

I then feel the weight of something on my right hand that I hope to high heavens I am wiggling. The room is silent except for some shifting around as I force my fingers to keep moving, or, at least, I am trying.

I fight off the wave of sleepiness and keep pushing to move my fingers. I am determined to burst through this darkness that is weighing on me. I grunt my frustration.

“Oh my God, I think she is waking up. Did you hear that,” Rita gasps, “Look, her fingers are moving again.”

“Come on Shannon,” Valentina encourages. “You can do it, Sis. I’m right here waiting. Wake up for me, Honey. Vita misses her Auntie. Come on, Babe. You can do it.”

I want to cry as I hear my big sister coach me to wake up. I can hear in her voice her concern for me. I know I need to open my eyes.

Suddenly, like a wave crashing to shore, memories of flashing lights swamp my brain. I can see the blaring lights just before the SUV plows into the side of the car I was sitting in as I talked to Luca on the phone.

I gasp just as the memory of the impact happens. My eyes pop open and I look around my surroundings frantically. Oh my, God, I served that crash. I thought my life was over when that truck rammed Rita’s car.

My eyes land on Rita and relief fills me to see she is okay. I remember hoping she wasn’t in the way when the car started to flip over. It was one of the last thoughts I had before the darkness turned completely black.

I look around at the other ladies and they are all crying with smiles on their faces. “I’ll get the doctor,” Paige says first, before moving quickly from the room.

I will my lips to move, but my throat is dry and feels like sandpaper. My attempt to speak falls short as I try to swallow and wet my lips. God, my body, hurts.

“Relax, Honey, we’ll get you some water as soon as Paige get someone in here, okay,” Valentina says softly.

I smile at my big sister and nod my head. I am reminded that once upon a time I was the only one that knew this side of her. The sweet loving side. I squeeze her fingers that are in my palm.

I know I don’t have a voice yet, but I still mouth,
I love you.

“I love you too,” Valentina says through a watery smile.




chapter Sixteen

Batter Up


I am so angry right now I could tear someone’s head off their shoulders. So they really think it is a good idea to test me and so soon. A day hasn’t even passed since I have taken over and everything is turning to shit.

“This is nothing,” Uri says as he comes storming into my New York apartment. “They want to test us, we will let them.”

“I don’t have time for this shit,” I growl.

“And I do,” Uri lifts a brow. “We handle this pest and then we will focus on our family.”

“No, this is my mess to clean. They are expecting you to clean up for me. I will handle this on my own. They have targeted my warehouse. It is time that I show I am not just the pretty face in the family. Your British ass needs to go handle your own shit. Thank you,” I say the last words more calmly because I want Uri to know I appreciate him, but this I have to do on my own.

“I’m glad you still have your sense of humor,” Uri says dryly. “Have it your way, but call me if you decide to let the professionals handle things.”

The smirk on Uri’s face tells me he has taken no offense and he is throwing his own jab back. I nod at my cousin before I start barking orders once again. Marcus may have gotten Valentina out of jail, but for some reason, someone higher up won’t let the charges be thrown out just yet.

Bobby, Marcus, and James have been all over it since Bobby and Paige arrived back from California. They were able to clear Black’s wife much faster. I can handle this while Uri takes care of his family.

“Boss,” Charlie grunts as he nods at Uri as they pass each other. Charlie is coming in as Uri leaves out. “We found him.”

“Great, the faster we get this over with the better,” I snarl.

“He wasn’t alone, Boss,” Charlie says pointedly. “A rookie cop was with him.”

“Did you call Kent,” I hiss.

“Yeah, he’s on his way to smooth things over,” Charlie shrugs.

“Make sure he is taken care of and get him whatever he needs to make this go away yesterday,” I growl.

“Sure thing, all over it. The car is downstairs.”

I just nod and head for the door. My blood is already boiling. Too many hours have been wasted on this already. I’ll be making it my business to finish this.

You see, I told you I am paying more attention these days. I noticed when one of the guys that twitched, too much for my liking, throughout the entire meeting yesterday suddenly needed to make a quick exit just as the meeting was called to a close. I didn’t react to it right away, just noted it. However, once I exited the building with Uri and my father almost thirty minutes later, I noticed the same motherfucker on a phone standing outside a car watching us.

As soon as his twitchy ass saw I noticed him he dipped into the car and it tore out. Once again I banked that shit to digest later as I wanted to get back to the hospital. Now, let me fill you in on who that piece of shit is and what I have been pulled away from Shannon’s side for.

Frank Provenza is the son of one of the New Jersey Capos, Carmine Provenza. Frank isn’t shit, never has been shit, and never will be shit, point blank. He’s a fucking junkie and if it weren’t for his dad, I would have killed him a long time ago myself. He is a pain in the fucking ass, back stabbing snitch. I ran his ass out of Chicago a few years back. Right around the time Pam lost the babies.

I was in a foul mood as it was and he decided to show up in my city trying to show his balls in front of everyone. Like I said, a lot of people never thought I would become Don. Just as many people have tried to make sure that that wouldn’t happen, by forcing my temper and my hand.

Frank just happened to take things too far on the wrong night. I broke his wrist just before whispering in his ear, for his ears only. “If I ever see you in my city again, I will break every bone in your body one by one,” I hissed in his ear. I proceeded to tell him what would happen if I saw his ass in Chicago anywhere. Informing him that it would be wise to steer clear of New York any time I’m here.

So when I get a call from someone on my payroll stating that two of my legitimate warehouses are slated to be raided. Not just that, but there is evidence that will be found. Not could be, but would be. My brain starts to work overtime.

Frank once approached my father about using our warehouses down by the docks to transport some heavy drugs he has gotten into. My father told him flat out to get the fuck out of his face. When Frank’s dad, Carmine found out, he himself beat the shit out of Frank.

So I did a little digging since I left the hospital and guess what I found. Frank’s tracks all over shit they have no business next to. The motherfucker wasn’t smart enough to cover a single one of his fucking tracks. From the people he paid off to the information he shared with all the wrong people.

So now I’m going to get my hands a little dirty to send a nice message. Carmine has already sworn he knows nothing of what his son has been up to. That I can believe. Carmine can be a greedy bastard, but he is not stupid. Frank, on the other hand, is just plain stupid without hope.

When we arrive on the outskirts of the city in one of Carmine’s factories, he is standing with a grim look on his face. Much to my surprise he already has Frank tied to a chair. This is when you know you are a fuck up.

No matter what I have done my father wouldn’t just hand me over to anyone. Then again Carmine is the save your own neck kind of guy. I really don’t care. I am here for one thing and one thing only.

I step in front of Frank and squat down in front of him. It looks like his father got the show started for me, as Frank lifts his head slowly to reveal a busted lip and nose. His eyes go wide when he sees me and I smirk at the little piece of shit.

“Hello there,” I snarl with a sinister grin on my lips. My blue eyes lock him into place daring him to flinch. “I want to know why you are steering shit in my yard, Frankie boy.”

He just sits and says nothing. I expected this. A part of me was hoping for this. I stand up straight and remove my coat handing it to Charlie. Charlie takes the coat and hands me my trusty metal bat. Hey, did I tell you I was all city when I was little?

I lick my lips and twirl the bat a few times before slinging it over my shoulders and holding it in place with both hands. I crack my neck to the left and then the right.

“One more chance, Frank my boy,” I smirk.

He lifts his head and glares at me through narrowed eyes. His father grunts and shakes his head. He knows his son is not leaving this place alive. Yet, he is choosing to stick around. That tells me one thing. He knows something. I’ll get to his greasy ass later.

“Stupid,” Carmine mutters under his breath.

Without warning, I drop the bat to my side swiftly and just as quickly swing it at Frank’s left knee cap. I revel in the sound of crunching bone and Frank’s strangled scream. His chest is heaving as his nostrils flare and his face turns bright red.

“Ready to talk now,” I hiss.

He grits his teeth and remains quiet except for the whimpers he is so desperately trying to muffle. I should have ended his life a long time ago. I didn’t out of respect. I snort to myself, the one time I think before acting and this is what I am faced with. I point my bat at him looking down the length of it.

“You should make this easier on yourself. Who are you protecting? They aren’t thinking of you right now so why think about them,” I tilt my head to the side with the question.

“Fuck you, you and your father are always looking down on someone. Now it’s your turn to know how it feels to lose,” Frank spits.

“Wrong answer,” I snarl and swing my bat again, this time connecting with his right shoulder. I can feel it shatter beneath my bat. “I want to know who is helping you, Frankie boy. I want you to tell me what you have to do with the attack on my fiancée. Start talking!”

Frank now sits limply in the chair leaning to the side. He looks like a ragdoll and I haven’t even gotten started yet. He starts to whimper louder and looks over to his father with pleading eyes.

“You disgrace me. I did everything I could for you. You put our family in danger because of your jealousy and greed. I don’t have a son,” Carmine spits.

“My greed,” Frank barks out a humorless, pained laugh. “I learned it by watching you. Only you were too much of a coward to step up and take what you want. They would have backed you. You could have had it all.”

I can’t argue with Frank on Carmine’s own greed, but the rest of Frank’s words are intriguing to me. I lift a brow and look at Carmine, who is seething at this point as he narrows his eyes at his son. The same son he claimed to disown only moments ago.

I turn to Charlie and give him a slight nod. Carmine may not have known what Frank was up to when I called him earlier, but from the looks of things, something changed. And if I am hearing right this is not a new situation. I sigh because, despite all, Carmine has been loyal to my father over the years.

Carmine’s eyes widen as Charlie moves behind him. “Ah, Jesus fuck kid,” Carmine huffs. “I told you I have nothing to do with this. The stupid little shit doesn’t even know who he is working for. I’m not going down for this bullshit, Luca. I have always been loyal, always.”

“First, it’s Don Luca to you. Second, you didn’t even greet me properly when I arrived, which shows me that while you were loyal to my father, that has nothing to do with me,” I snort.

“This is still new. I was focused on the degenerate I created. I was seething that he got himself into this situation. I meant no disrespect, Don Luca. Fuck, do you see this shit,” he snarls his last words to his son. “I can’t fucking believe you got me into this.”

I wave Carmine off. I’ll deal with his ass later. I wield my bat again and this time, I bust his left shin. This time a loud cry rips from Frank’s lips before he starts to sob. I’m impressed, I didn’t think he would last this long.

“He’s right, I can’t give you a name for my contact. I had nothing to do with your fiancée. I just knew she was a target. When I couldn’t get close to her, the job was given to someone else. I was just supposed to get the shipments into your warehouses for the raids,” Frank sobs.

“Fuck, man I don’t know any more than that. This is coming from some guy with money. He has been tossing it around asking for favors, but I never met him. I just know he has a hard on for you, your friends, and your family. I didn’t know the Locatellis were going to become involved. I wouldn’t have done shit if I had known that.

“I get a burner phone delivered to my home when he needs something. When I’m done I send a text and then money is delivered just like the phone,” Frank starts to keen in pain, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Is that it?” I ask dryly.

Frank shakes his head. “I was told that if I ever get caught to deliver a message,” Frank takes a breath. “
This can all be over. Just hand over the whore.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean,” I ask as I narrow my eyes.

Frank shrugs his one good shoulder and cries out from the movement. “I don’t know. He said something about Julissa dies or your women will pay the price.”

I pull my gun from the holster at my back. I’ve had enough of this. I put a hole in Frank’s skull without hesitation. I turn to Carmine and make a split decision that Charlie must see in my eyes because he moves out of the way seconds before I swing my arm toward Carmine and shoot him in between the eyes as well.

“So it begins,” I mutter and turn to walk out of the factory.

My men know what to do. I need to get back to my woman. I have wasted enough time here. When I step out of the factory my phone pings with a message. I roar with anger as I read it, wanting to hurl my phone at something.

, already I have broken my promise to be there for her. Shannon has awoken and I have been here wasting time with bullshit. I am no closer to the real answers I want.
Who the fuck is Julissa?



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