Hush 2: Slow Burn (8 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

BOOK: Hush 2: Slow Burn
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chapter Eleven

Dirty Secrets



“This is bigger than some young girl with a crush, Sam. This is someone that knows too much. And they are not playing fair. They are targeting our women,” I snarl into the phone.

“I am well aware of that, Bobby,” Sam huffs. “Uncle Carlo says he doesn’t know where this is coming from. Thomas is just as stumped on the who, but he believes the why is that Vanessa woman you and Nate were connected to.”

“This doesn’t make sense. Does anyone else know that Nonna was attacked?” I ask in frustration.

“Only Thomas and Earl, but I think it is time to come clean. Nate needs to know,” Sam grumbles.

“Shit, they know. Whoever is behind this knows they are forcing our hand. But what the fuck does Vanessa have to do with any of it?”

“I don’t know, but why now? Why when we are so close to closing this deal? How the hell did they make the connection?” Sam grunts.

“Uri has been in the picture more. His wife has befriended our wives,” I growl. “Doesn’t take rocket science.”

“Listen, I know you are frustrated, but think. Yes, Valentina has befriended our wives and yes Uri is around the family a little more than we should have allowed right now, but think Bobby.

“The Blacks haven’t been in contact with us in public. That mission was compromised, but not deep enough to reach our doorstep. Just theirs. This feels too personal. To go far enough to get our Uncles’ attention, this is someone that knows they can gain from this.

“It is also someone that has to be sure of themselves because you don’t make moves like this without calculating the risk. Who would go up against Uri? Who would knowingly poke our sleeping family? Fuck, who wants the attention of the Blacks? You have to be one cocky son of a bitch,” Sam muses out loud.

“Shit, this is not what we need right now. We have worked too hard for this. I hate that we are still paying for the sins of others,” I hiss into the phone.

“I don’t see it that way. We are who we are. We wouldn’t have anything if it weren’t for our beginnings. You see things Dad’s way, but even he knows the truth. We need them as much as they need us,” Sam sighs. “Listen, this isn’t helping. I’ll talk to Nate in the morning. It’s time.”

“Good luck, he is going to be pissed,” I chuckle humorlessly.

“Goodnight Brother,” Sam yawns.

“Goodnight little Brother,” I yawn back. “Kiss the family for me.”

I end the call and stare off into nothingness. A million thoughts plague my mind. This is deeper than any of us understand, but we have to get ahead of it.

“So when are you going to tell me what is really going on,” Paige’s voice startles me out of my thoughts.

“What do you mean?” I ask nonchalantly.

“Bobby Mairettie, don’t even,” she snorts. “You know I can see right through you when you are lying. You are doing that finger thing.”

“What finger thing,” I ask and press my index finger to my lips.

I wince the moment I touch my lips. I know I just gave myself away.
. I sigh and rub my forehead. The things Paige still doesn’t know about my life and my family could cost me everything. I may already be losing my best friend and bodyguard with this mess.

I won’t lose my wife. Although, for some reason I think this is what whoever is behind this has intended.
, this has been my worst nightmare since I started law school. I have always known my family’s hidden skeletons would jump out at me. Sure they have remained buried for a few generations, but now is the time they were going to reveal themselves and right at my feet.

“Bobby, you are scaring me,” Paige says with concern in her eyes and voice.

“It’s nothing, Baby,” I sigh. “Let’s go to bed.”

I stand and move across the study of the condo my family has kept here in LA for business. When I reach my wife, I wrap my arms around her. She is tense in my arms and at first, I think she is going to go into her defensive mode. Instead, she cups my face and stands on her toes to kiss my lips.

I take advantage and deepen the kiss. I need this right now. I need to feel my wife in my arms, but she pulls away much too quickly. Lacing her fingers through mine, Paige leads me to the master bedroom. When we make it over to the bed, she gives me a little shove to sit at the foot of the bed.

I reach for her waist drawing her between my legs. Paige steadies herself with her hands on my shoulders, effectively preventing me from pulling her into my lap. I lift a brow as I look into her eyes.

“I know something is going on. I would think you know me better by now. So maybe I need to remind you of who your wife is,” Paige says with a sly smirk on her lips.

My brow arches higher as my eyes search her face. I should have known she wouldn’t give up so easy. I open my mouth to speak, but Paige knows exactly how to shut me up.

She wiggles free of my hands and drops her silk nightgown to the floor. Paige moves back between my legs and drops into a squat. Placing her hands on my thighs, she looks up at me and licks her lips.

My cock is rock hard and begging to be released into her mouth. Paige tilts her head and winks at me. I am more than curious as to what my wife is up to.

Her soft little hands run up and down my thighs causing my cock to jump. “Baby,” she licks her lips again. “How long have I been at the firm? Do you think I don’t know there is a reason only two of you decided to work at the firm? I know Sam has a law degree. I have also handled many contracts for him before you and I ever became more than co-workers.

“I know more than you give me credit for. I may not ask questions, but I know. So I’ll ask you again, when will you trust me? When are you going to tell me what is really going on?” Paige purrs as she releases the tie on my sleep pants and tugs them down.

I lift my hips to allow her to rid me of the garments. My eyes lock on her breasts that are still damn sexy even after four children have used her body for their nourishment. I wouldn’t mind popping one in my mouth right now, but I am going to let her have her way for now. I am processing her words.

I’ve never thought about how closely Paige has worked with Sam. Any good lawyer, while not invading the confidentiality of their client, would raise a brow at some of the things Sam asks for. Paige is right she is no fool. My father has trusted her with a lot. I used to question how closely he has allowed her.

If I didn’t know better, I would think he was grooming her just like he had my brothers and me. I shake that thought off. There is no way he could have known I’d marry Paige. My father is just as against all of this as I am.

I know it is a necessary evil, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t annoy me. Paige’s lips wrapped around my cock draws my thoughts from the issues at hand. I groan as she lets her tongue glide down my length as her warm mouth sucks tightly around my shaft.

“Paige,” I hiss.

“Hmm,” she hums on my cock. I can see the smile on her lips.

“Shit,” I growl as she swirls her tongue.

My cock pops from her lips and jerks, covered in saliva. Paige wastes no time straddling my lap and sinking down on my hard length. She places her hands on my shoulders and looks me in my eyes.

“We’re a team, Babe. Talk to me,” Paige purrs.

I grunt at her words and the feel of her hot, wet heat covering me. I’ll never have enough of her, never be close enough. I cup her ass tightly in my palms.

“God, you feel good. You fit inside me perfectly, Bobby. This is how it should be in everything.”

How does this woman expect me to form a coherent sentence when she is riding me like this? When she starts to grind her hips, I lose it. I flip her onto her back and move her into the middle of the bed. I move down her body to settle between her legs and start to feast on her sweet pussy.

Paige’s fingers push into my hair and start to pull. My names take residence on her lips as she starts to call out in that way that drives me insane. I place my right hand on her belly and it quivers under my touch. All I can think of his how much I love this woman and how badly I want to place another baby in her womb. She promised in time we could try one more time.

It took some coaxing. After two sets of twins, Paige didn’t even want to get near me until she couldn’t hold out any longer. It was amusing to see her try for the whole day after the doctor gave her the all clear. I woke to my wife riding my cock like a pro that night.

The memory causes me to growl into her soak and wet pussy. She gushes all over my face and I lap every drop up. I chuckle because she thought she was taking control here.
Not this time, Baby.

I climb up her body and capture her lips with her taste still on my lips. Paige moans into my mouth and I take that moment to sink back into her waiting folds. Paige bucks off the bed and comes all over me once again. I smile in satisfaction.

I roll my hips and show her what she was doing to me when she was grinding on my cock. My smile broadens as I watch her eyes roll back. Damn, this woman is sexy. I reach beneath her to grab a hand full of her ass.

“Yes,” Paige cries out.

“You like that,” I say in her ear.

“Yes,” she purrs. “I love it. You feel so good.”

“So now I am going to ask you. Do you think I don’t know you? Do you think I don’t know what to do to your body to make it sing for me? Have you not learned that while you own my heart, mind, body, and soul, I own you just the same?” I hiss in her ear.

I still my hips and pin her to the bed with a glare. Paige’s mouth opens, but words don’t come. She pouts and runs her arms up my back. “I just want to be there for you,” she says softly. “Let me, please.”

I dip my head and cover her mouth with mine. I slowly resume my thrusts. Paige moans in my mouth and cups the back of my head. I don’t even know why I fight with this woman. In the end, she always gets what she wants, but this time, I’m not giving in so easily.

I break the kiss and move to suck on her neck. “Faster, Bobby, please,” Paige calls out. I give her what she is asking for and we are both grunting, roaring, and screaming our release.

I roll onto my back, pulling my wife into the nook of my arm. I kiss the top of her head and start to drift off. It has been a long day and there is still much to be done.

“I already know you are a member of the Locatelli family,” I hear my wife say sleepily, snapping my eyes back open.

I look down at her, but she is asleep as if she hadn’t spoken the words. A part of me wants to pretend she didn’t, but I know better. The little minx is always full of surprises.

So I guess one bus has been avoided, now ninety-nine to go. It all comes with being a part of the largest crime family in both the United States and Italy.



chapter Twelve



New York

“Let me get this right,” I glare into Sam’s eyes. “All this time you all have been keeping this from me.”

I look to my father. His jaw is set as he just watches my reaction. It is clear that he knows all of this. For the millionth time, I am finding out something that I should have known a long, long time ago.

I have always known that my dad and uncle hid things from me. I have also known that this happens more so when it comes to James Mairettie. But this, this is not what I expected in the least.

So many things are falling into place now. The reason Sam has always been so hush, hush about the deals he has going with Uri. His connection to the Blacks. Sam is the one Mairettie that doesn’t have a detail like his other siblings. He has used his own guys for years. I questioned it a few times, but my father always brushed it off.

“Nate, you have to understand this is deeper than us and I have done all I can to keep the two worlds separate for everyone’s sake. That’s my job,” Sam sighs.

“Son, we are telling you now because a lot of things are changing. If you are going to truly take over then it is time you know it all,” my father finally says.

“So all this time I have been thinking we are nothing like Donati,” I growl. “When in fact…not only am I protecting a crime family, but I am a part of one. Is that what you are telling me?”

“If that is how you want to look at it. Or you can see that you have been protecting family, period.”

I narrow my eyes at the men sitting before me. I could light into all of them right now. So many thoughts are running through my head at this moment. However, one is evident.

“We’ll deal with the deceit later,” I say pointedly to my father and uncle. “Right now, I need you to tell me how deep this really runs and how this could be connecting us, Donati, and the Blacks. I need to know everything if we are going to do this right and look at all the players.”

“Everything you hear today will change everything you know. Keep in mind, we are not asking you to get your hands dirty in our past or in where our future is going. Your job will remain as it has been,” My father starts.

“It is essential that you remain neutral to the truth. When we squash this threat you can forget most of what you learn today,” Uncle Earl says.

“I’m sure,” I snort.

“Keep an open mind, Nate,” Sam sighs. “It is not as bad as you think.”


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