Virginia Henley

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Praise for the romances of
New York Times
Bestselling Author Virginia Henley
“Possessing all the sensuality and glitter of a more traditional romance but enriched by the plot’s complexity and the heroine’s genuine growth, this captivating tale will leave readers amply satisfied.”—
Publishers Weekly
“Heart-stopping excitement, breathless tension, and tender romance.” —
“A gently suspenseful tale ... filled with satisfying historical detail and actual characters from this intriguing period.”

“Henley brings a time and place to life with extraordinary characters, rich historical details, and a romance that sets the pages on fire.”—
Romantic Times
(Top Pick)
“Delightful, torrid.”—
Midwest Book Review
“Rich historical detail depicting life on the battlefields and vivid descriptions of the social conditions of England in the early 1800s abound, as do the passionate love scenes and steamy fantasies Henley fans have come to expect.”

“Virginia Henley is a genius. Her plots are always unique, refreshing, and exciting. From the moment her protagonists step on stage, her readers are in awe.
is another gem in her literary tiara.”—
More praise for Virginia Henley
“Virginia Henley writes the kind of book you simply can’t stop reading.”—Bertrice Small
“A brilliant author whom we come to rely on for the best in romantic fiction.”—
“Henley deftly intertwines political machinations and passion in this lusty historical romance.”—
Publishers Weekly
Affaire de Coeur
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Copyright © Virginia Henley, 2004
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eISBN : 978-1-101-49811-8

To my editor, Laura Cifelli,
who shares my passion for history
Chapter One
he hesitated only long enough to turn her back, then, with impatient fingers, she drew off her velvet cloak and dropped it onto the padded couch. She lifted her skirts, untied the tapes of her voluminous petticoats, stepped out of them and threw them atop the cloak. Then she unfastened her costly gown, baring her back all the way down to her saucy curved bottom.
Catherine Seton Spencer was cursed with impulsiveness. Desire often rose up in her so passionately that she banished all caution and gave in to an irresistible urge. She and her companion had stolen away from the Queen’s Court by way of the river, and the bustling London streets filled her with reckless excitement. The gaily painted signs of the various establishments, offering everything from horoscopes to rooms rented by the hour, were designed to lure patrons inside.
Her companion, who had been eager and overbold, now cautioned, “You may regret this whim. Then you will blame me.”
“’Tis not a whim! You dared me and I cannot resist a challenge.”
“You’ve never done this before. There’ll be pain and blood.”
“The first prick is bound to be painful. I’m no coward! Let’s get it over with.”
When the man stroked the small of her naked back, she glanced down at what he held in his other hand. “It looks alarmingly long.” Fear added to the thrill. “How much time will it take?”
“Only about twenty minutes. Hold still while I get it in.”
Lady Catherine closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. Once she got past the pain of the initial thrust, the corners of her mouth lifted in a smile, and when he was finished, she gave a shout of triumphant laughter.
She dressed quickly and the couple quit the establishment without a backward glance. “Don’t you dare tell the gentlemen I got a tattoo, Bella, or I’ll pull your ear inside out! If my name is bantered about the Court, my reputation will be sullied.”
Lady Arbella Stuart laughed. “Don’t you think meeting gentlemen for a secret rendezvous will sully our reputations?”
“Who will know, pray? We are wearing our vizards and we only agreed to let them escort us to the play.”
“It’s to be staged in the yard of the Bull and Bear. Naturally our escorts will have reserved a private room upstairs so we may watch from the window.”
“Bella, you’ve done this before!” Catherine accused. She was surprised and more than a little envious. She didn’t like anyone to steal a march on her in the skillful game of husband hunting.
As they made their way along Thames Street, Arbella, brimming with worldly knowledge, pointed to a tall building. “That’s a famous brothel frequented by the courtiers.”
“Ohhh, I’m curious as a cat! I’d give my eyeteeth to see what goes on in there.”
“What a shocking thing to say!”
“I frequently have thoughts that would shock the devil himself. I want to know what men enjoy women doing to them.”
“But they are ...
” Arbella whispered the wicked word. “Gentlemen wouldn’t want a lady doing those things to them.”
“Would they not?” Catherine let go a peal of laughter. “Wherever did you get such quaint notions? I doubt they came from your grandmother, the infamous Countess of Shrewsbury. She’s had four husbands and must have been lusty both in and out of bed!”
“Cat Spencer, that’s a wicked thing to say! My grandmother, Bess, is an old lady and a veritable
regarding my morals. I was glad to escape from Derbyshire and come to Court.”
“I warrant Bess knows all the tricks females can get up to with the opposite sex. Speaking of which, here come our escorts, panting at the thought of having us to themselves for the afternoon.” She smiled beneath her mask. “Let’s keep them at a cool distance.”

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