Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilizatio (44 page)

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Authors: David Standish

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BOOK: Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilizatio
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Casanova, Jacques
Cellular Cosmogony, The
(Teed and Morrow)
Centrifugal force, hollow earth and
Chapman, Walter
Charles II (king of England)
Chicago, nineteenth-century population in
Chicago Medical Times
Children’s books, hollow earth themes in
Christian Philosopher, The
Christians, hollow earth beliefs of
Cincinnati Enquirer
Civil War
Clark, P.
Clarke, René
Classics Comics, version of Verne’s
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Clemm, Mrs. Maria
Clemm, Virginia
Cleveland, nineteenth-century population in
Clinton, George
Coates, Phyllis
Cobb, Mrs. Charles
Cold War paranoia, hollow earth ideas and
Coleridge, Samuel
Columbus, Christopher
Coming of the Saucers, The
(Palmer and Arnold)
Coming Race, The
Commager, Henry Steele
Communism, hollow earth stories and threat of
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A
Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds
Cook, Alan
Cook, James
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooperative communities
Cope, Edward Drinker
Copernican theories
Galileo’s confirmation of
Koreshan cosmogony and
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Cowie, Alexander
Coxey’s Army
Crenshaw, Dennis
Curiosa Americana
Cushing, Peter
Czolgosz, Leon
Dahl, Arlene
Damkohler, Gustav
Koreshanity and
Daniels, Mary Everts
Dante, Alighieri
Dark Trees to the Wind
Darwin, Charles
Daughter of the Dawn, The
Davis, John
Davy, Humphrey
DeCamp, L. Sprague
Decorator and Furnisher
Dee, John
De Long, George Washington
De Magnete
DeMille, James
DeMorgan, John
De Plancy, Jacques Collin
Descartes, René
“Descent into the Maelstrom, A” (Poe)
Desert of Ice, The
de Tarde, Gabriel
Detroit, nineteenth-century population in
Deville, Sainte-Claire
Dickerson, Mahlon
in hollow earth novels
in Verne’s
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz
cover illustration for
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Dumas, Alexandre (
Dumas, Alexandre (
Dumas, Jean-Baptiste Andre
Earth Sciences History
Ebelman, Jacques-Joseph
Edinburgh Review
Edison, Thomas
Education, for women
Edward III (king of England)
Egyptians, hollow earth beliefs held by
Eights, James
Elements of Natural History
Elizabeth I (queen of England)
Ellsworth, Solomon, Jr.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Willis George
England, Norman conquest of
English at the North Pole, The
( Verne)
Eriksson, Leif
Erik the Red
Estero (Florida)
Koreshan community in
Koreshan leadership depicted in
eyeless humanoid depicted
subterranean pilgrim depicted
Euler, Leonhard
(Baudelaire’s translation of Poe)
Faber, Gustav
Fabulous Kingdom, A: The Exploration of the Arctic
(Officer and Page)
Fairman, Henry Clay
Fanning, Edmund
Fawcett, Edward Douglas
Feminist science fiction
Feminist utopias
Ferdinand (Austrian archduke), assassination of
Fezandie, Clement
Fiedler, Leslie
Field and Stream
Figuier, Louis
Fine, Howard D.
Five Thousand Miles Underground, or The
Mystery of the Centre of the Earth
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Flaming Sword
Flammarion, Camille
Flying saucers, addition of, to Shaver stories
Fogarty, Robert S.
Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de
Fort Myers Press
Forty Years with the Damned; or, Life Inside the Earth
Franklin, Sir John
Frazetta, Frank, Dian the Beautiful illustration by
From Earth’s Center, A Polar Gateway Message
Fry, B. St. J.
Fulton, Robert
Galileo, Galilei
Gardner, Marshall
Garfield, James
Garis, Howard (pseud. Roy Rockwood; Victor Appleton)
Gellibrand, Henry
Geological Society of London
Geology, Verne’s
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Georgia Female College
Germanic peoples, hollow earth beliefs held by
Gernsback, Hugo
Gilbert, William
Gilded Age
Glass, Francis
Goddess of Atvatabar, The
bockhockids depicted
lillipoutum depicted
Living Battery depicted
Lyone, goddess of Atvatabar depicted
Lyone’s Aerial Yacht depicted
map of hollow earth from
Sacred Locomotive depicted
Godwin, Jocelyn
Gorton, George W.
Gould, Stephen Jay
Grant, Ulysses S.
Gratia, Victoria (Annie Ordway)
Graves, Charles A.
Gravity theories
Great Red Dragon, The, or The Flaming Devil of the Orient
Great United States Exploring Expedition of 1838–1842, The
Greece, hollow earth beliefs in
Greenwich Observatory
Griffin, Duane
Grigsby, Alcanoan O. (pseud. Jack Adams)
Griswold, Rufus
Guiding Star
Guinness, Alec
Gulliver’s Travels
Haldeman, Colonel W. N.
Hale, Mrs. Thankful H.
Halley, Edmond
hollow earth theory of
observations on magnetism by
portrait of, at age
Halley’s comet
Harben, Will N.
Harmony Society
Harper’s Weekly
Harrison, John
Harwood, Guy C.
Hawkins, Benjamin Waterhouse
Hawthorne, Julian
Hawthorne, Nathaniel

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