Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilizatio (45 page)

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Authors: David Standish

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BOOK: Hollow Earth: The Long and Curious History of Imagining Strange Lands, Fantastical Creatures, Advanced Civilizatio
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Hearne, Samuel
Heinlein, Robert
Henry IV (king of France)
Hetzel, Pierre-Jules
Hicks, Peter
Histoires extraordinaires
(Baudelaire’s translation of Poe)
Histoires grotesques et sérieuses
(Baudelaire’s translation of Poe)
History and Biographical Cyclopedia of Butler County Ohio
History of Clinton County Ohio, The
Hitler, Adolph
Koreshanity and
Hodder, William Reginald
Holberg, Baron Ludvig
Hollow Earth, The
Hollow Earth, The
cover of
Hollow earth ideas/themes
Euler’s connection to
in fiction
flying saucers and
Halley’s theories and
on Internet
long history behind
in movies
mutation of, with changing times
Hollow Earth Insider, The
Hollow Earth Insider, The
Hollow earth novels
Hollow Globe, The; or The World’s Agitator and Reconciler
Hollow science
Hooke, Robert
Howe, Henry
Howells, William Dean
Hudson, Henry
Hudson’s Bay Company
Hunter College
Hutton, James
Huygens, Christian
Ignes fatui
Illumination of Koresh, The
Incas, hollow earth beliefs held by
Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth
cover depicted
Indian mythology (ancient), hollow earth beliefs in
Ingenious Pursuits
Interior World, A Romance Illustrating a New Hypothesis of Terrestrial Organization &c
Internet, hollow earth topics on
Inventio Fortunatae
“I Remember Lemuria!” (Shaver)
Amazing Stories
Irving, Washington
Isaac Laquédem
Isaacs, Philip
Isogonic lines
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Frank D.
Jackson, James Dutton
Japan, hollow earth beliefs in
Jardine, Lisa
Jefferson, Thomas
Jentsch, Richard
Johnson, Richard M.
Journey from Prince of Wales Fort in Hudson’s Bay to the Northern Ocean
Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground
Journey to the Center of the Earth, A
Journey to the Center of the Earth, A
( Verne),
Classics Comics edition of
deluxe edition of
French precursors to
title page from 1874 American deluxe edition of
Journey to the Earth’s Interior, A; or, Have the
Poles Really Been Discovered?
Jules Verne
Jurassic Park
Kennedy, John Pendleton
Kilian, Victor
Kircher, Athanasius
illustration by, showing global patterns of ocean circulation
illustration by, showing pockets of interior fire
Koreshan communities
children in costumes, depicted
walkways and plantings in Estero, Florida depicted
leaders depicted, at Estero
Koreshan cosmogony, from 1880s edition of the
Flaming Sword
Koreshan Historic Site
Cyrus Teed and
Hitler and
Koreshan Story, The
Koreshan Unity: Communistic and Co-operative Gathering of the People
(Jackson and Daniels)
Koreshan Unity Foundation
Koreshan Unity in Florida, The
(Mackle, Jr.)
Koresh (Cyrus Teed)
(von Humboldt)
La dame aux camélias
Lamekis, ou les voyages extraodinaires d’un egyptien dans la terre interieure
Land of Nison, The
Land of Terror
Land of the Central Sun, The
( Winthrop)
Land of the Changing Sun, The
Lands Beyond
(DeCamp and Ley)
Lane, Mary Bradley
Last Days of Pompeii, The
Last Lemurian, The: A Westralian Romance
La terre avant le déluge
Leave It to Beaver
Lee, Ann
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Le monde avant la creation del’homme
L’Enfant, Pierre
Les Aventures d’Arthur Gordon Pym
(Baudelaire’s translation of Poe)
Les fleurs du mal
Leslie, Sir John
Letters to a Princess of Germany
Levin, Harry
Le voyage au centre de la terre
(de Plancy)
Lewis and Clark expedition
Ley, Willy
Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, The
Life of George Washington, in Latin Prose, A
Lincoln, Abraham
Lippershey, Hans
Literary Life
Lloyd, John Uri
Lockwood, Ingersoll
Lockwood, Mary Ann
Lolita, Editha
Lomas, George
London Royal Institution
London’s Great Exhibition of 1851,
Loneliest Continent, The
Longitude Prize
Looking Backward
Lost World, The
Lottman, Herbert R.
Loud, Mrs. St. Leon
Louisiana Purchase
Lowe, Mary P. (pseud. Jack Adams)
Lupoff, Richard A.
Lyell, Sir Charles
Mackenzie, Alexander
Mackle, Elliott, Jr.
Madison, James
Magazin d’education et de récréation
Magnetism, Halley’s interest in
Manifest Destiny
Man in the White Suit, The
Mantell, Gideon
Maps, by Gerardus Mercator
Mariner’s Chronicle, The
Marshall, Archibald
Marshall, John
Marvel Tales
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
Mason, James
Mather, Cotton
Mather, Increase
Mayans, hollow earth beliefs held by
McBride, James
McClure, Doug
McClurg, A. C., Publishers
McCoy, Max
McKesson, Charles
McKinley, William
Melville, Herman
Mercator, Gerardus
Middle Earth, of Tolkein
Miller, Perry
Miller, William Amos
Mills, Mrs. Mary C.
Milne-Edwards, Henri
Milton, John
Mizora: A Prophecy
Mole People, The
Monroe, Marilyn
Montesquieu (Charles-Louis de Secondat)
Montez, Lola
Moore, M. Louise
More, Thomas
Mormon Church
Morrell, Benjamin
Morris, William
Morrow, Ulysses Grant

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