His Virtual Bride (15 page)

Read His Virtual Bride Online

Authors: Dee Brice

Tags: #Futuristic, #Sci-fi, #Romance

BOOK: His Virtual Bride
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His kiss silenced her.

With a sigh of surrender, she savored the gentle caress of his soft moist lips on hers. His tongue teasing the corners even when she opened her mouth to take his tongue inside. The tingle and need coursing through her as he kissed and laved her ears, her neck, her lips. When he stood, afraid he intended to leave her behind, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist.

"Hang on," he demanded through a chuckle.

"Like a leech," she said, tightening her arms and legs.

Sitting on the edge of his bunk, he eased her chokehold around his neck. "Not the most romantic image, but it has possibilities."

"Like what?"

The challenge in her voice became a moan as he laved her nipples through her flight suit. Seemingly of its own accord, the light fabric slid off her shoulders, down her arms. His fingertips felt like gossamer in a zephyr as they skimmed the tops of her breasts. His mouth followed his fingers, sucking one nipple into it.

"I…see…what you…mean. Suck harder. Please."

Lifting his head, he grinned. "You like that, huh?"

"You know I do."

"Bet I know something you'll like even better."

"You talk a good game, Flight Commander, but--"

With one fluid movement he pinned her beneath him on the wide bunk. "I'm going to ravish you, Keely, in a most pleasant way."

"You've already enraptured me, Geoff. If that's what you mean by

His teeth and dimples flashed. "Good." Reaching over her head, he pulled a pair of long silky-looking cords from the wall. "These, if you remember, are far softer than rope-cuffs," he explained, tying first one and the other cord around her wrists. "I won't risk damaging your delicate skin."

Knowing he would never deliberately hurt her, Keely said, "Kinky." But a little doubt as to his intentions fluttered in her belly. So did a powerful wave of helplessness combined with heat.
Goddess, if he so much as looks at me, I'll come

"Don't fight, Keely. The cords will tighten if you fight."

"You know this from personal experience?" Was she only teasing, she wondered? Or was she truly jealous? She…
The Honey
never spied on him on the rare occasions he brought women aboard. But that didn't mean he hadn't tied other women to his bed. Ravished them in
a most pleasant way
. Jove blast him!

"Nope. I know this because my predecessor told me when I took command of you." He waggled his eyebrows. "
The Honey
, I mean." He sat back on his heels and raked her body with feral eyes. "Now I intend to take command of

"Promises, prom--"

His hands grasped her flight suit where it pooled at her waist. She felt it rasp down her back, but resist. A powerful tug yanked it over her buttocks. His hands belying the lust in his eyes, he slowly slid the fabric down her legs. Tossing the suit to the floor, he examined her from head to foot.

And laughed.

She thrust out her chin. Since she was staring at the ceiling, he couldn't see her outraged expression. Lowering her chin, she glared at him and opened her mouth, intending to scald him with her contempt.

"You little vixen." Holding up her left foot, he wiggled her big toe.

For some unfathomable reason, she relaxed completely.

"You had a pedicure and got a toe ring. Just for me."

Tempted to say, "No, just for Paris," she bit her tongue. Geoff's gentle pulling on her toes, massaging between them, made her lethargic. And yet she wanted his hands on other parts of her body. More intimate parts.

"Look at me," he commanded, his voice low and gravely. Seductive. As if his voice alone could bring her to fulfillment. Which, Goddess save her, it almost did.

Her eyelids felt weighted closed, but she prevailed. Looking at him, her gaze followed his. Over his now naked, barrel-like chest to his flat, muscled belly. Down his belly to…
Sweet Goddess
! To two enormous erections jutting from the nest of dark curls surrounding them.

"Do they… Do I disgust you?"

Her gaze flew to his face. His eyes were wary, but his chin firmed, as if her words could destroy him.

"If I could touch you…" She swallowed the huge lump in her throat, fought back the tears stinging her eyes and the loving ache around her heart. "Nothing--absolutely nothing about you disgusts me."

She felt his held breath ease from his lungs. They were so connected to each other, his muscles, his breath, his soul seemed like her own.

"Does this… Do they come out often?"

Relief eased his tense shoulders. Deviltry sparkled in his eyes. "Not often. In fact, this is the first time." Embarrassment heated his craggy cheeks and he looked down. His cocks waved, deepening his flush. "I didn't want them to appear this soon. I wanted to…"

"Ravish me?" she suggested teasingly, aching to touch him, to take away any lingering doubts he might have about her accepting him like this.

"Yeah. First with one and then with the other. But--Jonathan Jacob Jones! You made me so hard, so fast! Just looking at you, seeing how your nipples pucker and your breasts swell. Your scent telling me you want me. Your eyes darkening, glazing like they do when you come--even though I haven't touched you."

"So, as usual, this--they--are all my fault."

He raked his hair. With a sheepish grin, he laughed. "Yeah. All your fault, you naughty little vixen." Stretching out at her side, his body barely touching hers, he added, "I have to punish you, Keely."

"In a most pleasant way, I hope."

* * * *

Geoff said nothing. Giving in to the temptation that had tortured him far too long, he caressed her hair. Her eyebrows and lashes. Her rounded cheeks and the curve of her jaw. Like a blind man, he discovered the shape of her ears, her throat's slender length and the strength in her arms still tied above her head.

"I'll untie you."

"Please don't. I like feeling at your mercy. Helpless against anything you will do to me. Wanting no responsibility for what you make me feel. Aching, needing, wanting everything. Anything."

He cupped her breast. It swelled. Her nipple pearled against his palm. Her breath, a pant, soughed along his cheek. Her lips curved in a slight, satisfied smile. Her lambent gaze fastened on his face, she whispered, "Anything, Geoff."

He kissed her, his lips demanding. His fingers pinched her nipples, uncaring if he hurt her.

"Yessss," she moaned. "Like that. Harder if you want. Yess. Yesss! Sweet Goddess!"

With a feral growl, he plunged his tongue into her spasming cunt. Her hips bucked. She screamed his name, then groaned, "Don't stop. Please, Geoff, keep… Goddess. I. Can't. Take. More. More. I want more."

"I'll give you more," he vowed, plunging one cock into her hot, wet, pulsing channel, the second into her tight ass.

She wailed "Yessss!" as her muscles milked him and his cocks erupted in her.

Howling "Keely" he collapsed against her.

Sometime later, he realized he was crushing her. Freeing her wrists, easing to his back, he kept her cradled in his arms and stroked damp tendrils off her face. Now able to talk, he muttered, "This happened too fast."

She hummed like a purring cat. "Not for me, but…I'll let you make it up to me."

"When I can. Since you've milked me dry, you may have quite a long wait. For both of me," he amended, the cock in her cunt twitching.

"Wanna bet?" She straddled him, grinning wickedly down at him, wiggling on his shaft.

"Goddess, you feel good."

"I like this position. Now I'm in charge and can do anything I want."

Before he could move, she had his hands tied above his head. As she sank on his full erection, he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Her cunt muscles clenched and she gasped.

"Oh my, Just Geoff. You seem to have made a quick and full recovery. Both of you." Reaching behind her, squeezing his balls gently, she added, "All of you."

He chuckled. "Too bad you tied my hands. If I could squeeze your breast together, we could play rain wiper."

She pressed her breasts together for him and cocked a red-gold brow. "Will I like it? This rain wiper game?"

"Lean down a little and we'll find out."

"Promise you won't bite."

"Only if you don't beg me. If you beg, all promises are off."

"As if," she scoffed, bending over him until her nipples brushed his lips.

In quick succession he lapped each rigid peak. His own brow cocked, he said, "Like it?" He could feel she did. Her sweet little cunt practically begged, it clenched his shaft so tightly.

"Too soon to tell. Do it again."

He did, lapping at her until she bounced up and down on his cock and her breathy moans became little mews of pleasure. They grew louder until she wailed, "Bite me!"

Easily freeing his hands with his second set, he pushed her nipples together and bit.

"Good God-dess!"

She screamed words he'd never dreamed she would say again. Words that took him over the edge of insanity and into heaven.

"Love me!" she pleaded, her eyes glazed.

"Gladly," he panted and did.

* * * *

Feeling as limp as overcooked tomatoes, Keely sighed against Geoff's chest. Listening to the steady thump of his heartbeat, she savored his hands skimming over her back and buttocks. His hands… Well it felt as if he had four of them to massage and soothe her with. She felt as if he had two sets of legs as well. One set wrapped around her waist, the other lightly sliding up and down her calves, the silky hair on his making her want to giggle.

"If I wasn't too weak to move, I'd peek at you. See if what I'm feeling is real."

His hands stilled. His heartbeat quickened, seeming to pound harder against her ear. "Maybe you
look," he said, sounding cautious.

"Okay," she agreed cheerfully, raising her head just enough to kiss his flat nipple. Blowing on the rigid little peak, she added, "But you'll have to give me a boost."

Patting her bottom, he simultaneously grasped her arms, easing her to a sitting position. His arms--all four of them--slid to his sides. As if awaiting her revulsion, he closed his eyes.

If he'd kept them open, he might have seen the wonder she felt widening hers. The awe and love in them. As it was, he felt her fingers trace each arm in turn, bend each at the elbow as if seeking differences in their muscle tone or shape. He heard her sigh and squeezed his eyes shut tighter.

"Beautiful," she murmured, running those questing hands down his hips, over all four thighs and calves. Pulling four big toes like he'd pulled her two. "Geoff, you're beautiful."

He flung one arm over his eyes, tried to roll to his side. She shoved his shoulders, her slight weight holding him down.

"Look at me," she commanded.

He shook his head.

Muttering under her breath, she sat on his stomach. "Jove!" She bounced lightly on his belly. "Blasted!" Another bounce made him grunt. "Man!" The third bounce jabbed both her elbows into him and popped open his eyes.

"Now that I have your attention, I'll tell you again. You're beautiful."

All at once, she frowned and tilted her head as if listening to someone he couldn't hear. Her sea foam green eyes shone with unshed tears when she looked at him again, but her voice was steady.

"I have it from the very best authority we know--
--that you have given me the most precious gift in any galaxy. Because you love me--Shut up and listen! I don't have much time left to know this, but I know for a fact that it's true. A Jovian man only shows this…duality to the woman he loves. Will love all his life. I
it's never happened to you before and will never happen with any other woman.

"You may like me only a little, Geoff, but you
me, Just Geoff. With everything in you." Tears brimmed, seeped over her lower lashes to glide down her cheeks. She smiled. "You'll show me you love me in just this way every time we make love. For the rest of our lives."

She chewed her lower lip, adding softly, "I love you, Geoff. Both
The Honey
and I love you. She won't remember me once the Admiralty decommissions her, but I
. I'll remember every day of my life."

"Will you remember
The Honey
?" Knowing he would always remember his ship, he realized Keely had even greater reasons to remember her.

"Only as the ship you love. The ship that brought us home from Mars. I won't remember the years and years she loved you. Or that she asked Kendra to have Connor make her a body. Or that she ran away to force you to come after her." She broke off suddenly and gasped.

"What?" Geoff demanded as he grasped Keely's shoulders.

"She--I love you."

Attuned to
The Honey
's every nuance, Geoff felt his own muscles tense. He felt as if his entire body had gathered to make an enormous jump, the landing point unknown and unknowable. But he trusted his ship. She would keep them all safe.

"Make me a promise, Geoff," Keely pleaded, pressing against him and wrapping her arms around him.

"Anything, Keely."

"That you'll share your memories of her with me."

"You got it, Keely. Honey."


Almost Home


Starting at Geoff's toes, Keely kissed her way up his legs. She rested her head on his thigh and stated at his testicles and flaccid penis. When he tried to play Adam with a five-frond fig leaf, Keely caught his hand, tucking it under his buttock.

"Nuh-uh. You're not going to block my view."

Geoff chuckled, managing to sound embarrassed. "Don't know what's so fascinating about my cock. You've seen it before."

"Sure have." She blew on his balls and saw his cock twitch. "Just like you've seen my…"

"Pussy?" he suggested, making her snort derisively.

"Someday you can explain to me how that part of a woman's anatomy got that name."

"Not today." His voice shook. Not much, but a little. And his cock got a little thicker, a little longer.

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