His Virtual Bride (16 page)

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Authors: Dee Brice

Tags: #Futuristic, #Sci-fi, #Romance

BOOK: His Virtual Bride
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"Not today," she echoed, swiping his testicles with her tongue, inhaling that musky scent that tested her self-control. But she was determined to drive him to the brink of sanity. With a throaty growl, she licked the length of one penis, its salty tip and then sucked it into her mouth.

"Kee-ly." His voice rasped. She gently bit, her smile so wide she couldn't help it. He moaned and eased his hands over her shoulders.

"Careful," she warned, the word muffled by his shaft.

His hands sliding to her elbows, he lifted her straight up. Laughing, he flipped her onto her back. "Little witch. Tell me why you're torturing me. Not that I'm not enjoying it. Not that I'll complain if you want to torture me more. After you tell me what you want to know."

She jutted her chin. "My next lover's going to be short and puny."

"Nuh-uh. I'm your first, last, and only lover." He kissed her chin, her lips and the tip of her nose.

She jutted her chin again. "Just once I'd like to have you at my mercy."

"Lady, I've been at your mercy since the second I saw you."

She felt a blush heat her entire body. Pleasure or anger, she couldn't tell. "Did you use that line on your precious Paris?"

"Jove, no! Not because she's unattractive--don't get your bloomers in a twist. Paris made a pass at me because she couldn't get Connor. When she stopped making passes, we became friends. And how come you don't remember squat about our lives before Mars, but you remember Paris?"

"Friends? With benefits?"

"No. Even before I found out what she did to me--to you--I knew we'd never be more than friends."

"What she did to me?"

"Tell you later. Maybe. After you tell me why you're tormenting me."

Keely huffed. "I want to know how you got Paris' face."

Geoff laughed. "I should've remembered your flypaper mind for trivia." He pressed her cheek to his chest, stroked her hair behind her ear and toyed with the lobe.

"You should also remember how tenacious I am."


"Tell me." She grabbed his balls and squeezed gently.

Geoff moved her hand, snuggling Keely closer. "Once you disappeared… When
The Honey
was stolen, I needed to get off Earth before someone had me arrested. I felt as if I'd wished on a lucky star because--just when I most needed to get outta Dodge--Pushin arrived to save me. Then he told me we had to go to Jupiter before we flew to Mars. I was so relieved to get away safely, I didn't even think it strange that a Marsian would voluntarily visit Jupiter. Or that the Jovian government would allow a Marsian on its home world."

Feeling stupid all over again, he fell silent.

Keely snaked her hand free, slid it to his cock and squeezed. Hard enough to get him talking again.

"Anyway, your friend Jo one-two-seven came to me. He reminded me there was no secret passage or magic carpet between the Marsian spaceport and the palace. Since Pushin didn't know if news of my criminal status had reached Mars, Jo suggested I don a disguise."

"To look like Paris?" Keely snorted. Turning her face into Geoff's chest, she laughed so hard, her tears streamed down his ribs.

"Yeah, as Paris. When she saw me, she laughed as hard as you're laughing now."

"Did…did you have her body, too? Did they parade you down the gangway in your birthday suit?"

"Jove, no! Since you and I were off-planet more than on, you probably didn't notice that Marsiennes now wear clothes. In public anyway."

Keely hummed, then lapped his nipple.

"Guess story time is over, huh?"

"Not just yet. I'm going to tell you a story. About how a spaceship loved her pilot commander so much she ran away."

"Heard that one," Geoff said, moving away so he and Keely could stroke and tease each other's bodies.

"Oh yeah? How does the story end?"

"Happily-ever-after, of course."

"Of course. But…" Easing from his arms, she straddled his hips. "First, I want to see you in all your glory. Four arms holding me. Four legs holding me, too. Two beautiful cocks in me." When he remained silent, she poked his belly. "Is there something special I need to do to make that happen?"

"Yeah." Wrapping one hand around her neck, he pulled her face to his. He kissed her, whispered in her ear. When he finished, he gently pushed her upright. "Think you can do that?"

"Of course I can. Where do you want me to start?"

"French is nice."

Keely cocked her head, again giving him the impression she heard a voice he couldn't hear. She grinned. "Just teasing."

"Begin wherever you want."

"Hmmm." Leaning forward until her nipples grazed his chest, she whispered, "Fuck me" in perfect Jovian.

As if she'd flipped a switch in his mind, his single cock made room for its twin. One set of hands played with her breasts, the second set rubbed her back, then cupped her buttocks.

"Think you can take my friends inside you? Together?"

"Dunno. Let's try."

"Jove, you're tight!"

"Goddess, you're big. Both of you."

One set of legs wrapped around her waist. The second set spread wider.

"Can you ride me, honey?"

She eased up his cocks. Her eyes on his, her bottom lip caught in her teeth, she slid down. She groaned and her eyes glazed.

"Ride? Oh, yeah." She began again, her voice low and sultry. Jovian, Venusian, Plutonian, she worked her way through the Milky Way. Somewhere in the middle of her third climax, she switched to the hundred or more languages of Earth.

"Love me," she begged in English, her voice high and wild, her eyes dark with passion. Her juices soaked his cocks and balls.

"Forever," he promised and lost control.


As if she'd experienced every one of Keely's climaxes, Venus stretched. "Another very happy woman."

Jove shifted his engorged cocks to a more comfortable position. "And a very lucky man. I don't suppose you'd--"

"What have you two meddlers done to my queen?" Mars roared.

"Nothing she didn't deserve," Venus said, heat in her voice.

"Nothing compared to what we could have done," Jove amended, his voice more reasonable than the Goddess'.

"Like what?" Glaring at Venus, then Jove, Mars went on. "Your blasted spaceship got her body. Your blasted Flight Commander got himself the perfect ladylove. What did Paris get? Nothing!"

Venus nibbled delicately on her bottom lip. "I suppose I could find your Marsienne a lover."

"She'd eat your namby-pamby Venusian for breakfast."

Jove cleared his throat. "Perhaps one of my Jovian warriors would satisfy, er, please her. We Jovians have certain advantages--"

"No! Find her a lover who doesn't remind her of your blasted turncoat, Geoff."

"Or what?" Venus challenged.

Mars rumbled,  "War," then withdrew.

Jove chuckled.

"What's so funny about war?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I was just thinking about those Sednan twins Paris had in her bed."

"Too young," Venus said immediately. Tapping with one perfect nail, she mused aloud, "Perhaps a more mature Sednan."

"Or two mature Sednans. So long as they have stamina," Jove countered.

"Hmmm. Perhaps a mix of mature and young. Younger." Venus sighed wistfully.

"Perhaps we can discuss this later."

The Goddess slanted Jove a sultry look. "Perhaps we can." Allowing a smile to curve her lips, she reached across the miles that separated them. "Much, much later."

About the Author

Dee believes she was born with a pen in one hand and a writing pad in the other. Determined not to work in an office, this wannabe actress never learned to type well. She still composes with pen and pad, then transcribes her manuscripts onto her computer. Sometimes Dee and her dictation program are best friends; more  often they are mortal enemies

Dee lives in northern California with her inspiration, best friend, and husband. She loves to read and, of course, write. Passion's Four Towers, her first published novel,, was nominated for a Psyche Award in 2008. His Virtual Assassin finaled in Passionate Ink's 2008 Passionate Plume contest.

When asked about her two recent contracts with eXtasy Books Dee said, "I'm so very glad that Ryan and Carna (Saving Ryan's Privates) and Dominic and Ariadne (Chosen) have found such a wonderful home." And Dee's equally pleased to have a series--Sensuous Seasoning--with eXtasy Books. And Dee's especially excited to bring her Virtual Seductions series to eXtasy Books. Look for the next installment May 1, 2011, when Paris gets her very own mate in Her Virtual Consort.

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