His Hired Mistress: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (6 page)

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What in the world was happening? He was telling her his personal business and she had no clue how to respond to it. “I’m glad the two of you are keeping me on board. Hopefully with time I can prove to Mrs. Sparks that I’m worth the time and money.”

“See,” Nathan smiled, “That’s what makes you so amazing. You still found a way to keep it diplomatic. You’re perfect.” He slapped his hands on his thighs for emphasis. “You’re absolutely perfect. You’re beautiful, sexy and smart as hell. You’re the kind of woman that any man would be lucky to have.”

Jamie nodded slightly, “Thank you, that means a lot.”

“So does anyone have you?” Nathan asked.

Inside Jamie was telling him the truth, but her pride wouldn’t let her, “Yes, someone does. I’m dating someone.” That wasn’t technically a lie, she did go on a date not too long ago. She had no intention of ever seeing him again, but that wasn’t any of Nathan’s business.

Nathan looked disappointed, “I don’t know why I’m upset by that. I’m married. Although I’m married, I have to admit that I understand why my wife is so worried. She saw me look at you and she knew.”

Jamie stood to feet, “Stop. Just stop right there. This is crossing the line. This kind of conversation isn’t appropriate.” Her voice wasn’t confident, it didn’t have that same level of confidence that it exuded. His eyes were like lasers all over her body. She wanted to straddle him, she wanted to straddle him the way that she did in her dream.

Nathan ignored her, “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, it doesn’t mean that I have to answer.”

“There you go,” Nathan said.


“That sassy mouth.”

“I’m a fully grown woman. I don’t have a sassy mouth. A sassy mouth is something that a teenage girl has. I simply speak my mind,” Jamie explained with a hand on her non-existent hip.”

“I stand corrected. I just need to know if you’re attracted to me.”

Jamie scoffed and laughed, “Absolutely not. What would give you that idea?”

Stop lying Jamie! Of course you’re attracted to him. Look at him, he’s sitting here on your couch practically begging for your time and attention. You’re being so mean to him. But I need to get him out of my office. He needs to go before things go too far. Once I cross that line there is no turning back.

Nathan was a little hurt by her response. He shouldn’t have asked in the first place, but his curiosity got the better of him. The question drove him absolutely mad and now he had the answer. He’d embarrassed himself enough for the evening and it was time for him to leave so that he could salvage what was left of his dignity. “Very well then. I’m so sorry to have bothered you. I hope you forgive me. I’ll be leaving now.”

“Good,” Jamie clenched her teeth together to prevent herself from begging him to stay. He needed to get out of her office as soon as humanly possible.

Nathan walked towards the door and gave himself one last look at her before he left. What was that in her face? Was it regret? She was struggling to keep her resolve which meant that she was lying. She did want him. He hadn’t imagined anything; she felt the attraction just as much as he did. He wasn’t going to let his one opportunity go to waste. It was all or nothing. He turned around and walked towards her, on a mission.

Jamie stood frozen in place when she Nathan turned around with a steely resolve in his eyes. His intentions were clear when he walked towards her. It was happening, it was going to happen. He stepped into her personal space, put his hand behind her neck and pulled her in for a firm kiss.

She moaned against his lips. It was everything she thought it would be and so much more. Her arms immediately wrapped around shoulders and she deepened the passionate kiss. He brought all of the desires that lay dormant for years to the surface. There was no stopping them. Soon they were completely naked and she was bent over her desk, practically begging him to fill her. Her class, morals, and decorum went completely out of the window. The only thing that she could think about was him.

She ached to feel him inside of her. She pushed back against him but he moved back. Her whole body filled with lust and longing, she felt as though she was going to burst when she felt him slowly push himself and inch deep into her.

She gasped as his thick sheathed cock invaded her, “Yeeeeeeeees,” she hissed.

He pushed further into her, he felt so big. She took deep breaths as he pushed himself as far as her pussy would allow in one thrust.

“More, more,” she moaned, “Please give me more.” She was no longer denying her passion. She was on the edge and her body buzzed with need. The consequences of what they were doing would have to wait until later. Right now, she wanted him... only him.

Nathan looked down at his dick sinking deeper and deeper inside of Jamie and felt a huge rush of adrenaline, suddenly he had the urge to completely pound her. He wanted to be gentle at first but his instincts were taking over. She seemed to be in the same mood as he was in, so he let his inner animal take over and he began thrusting in and out.

“Shiiiittt, yessss... fucckkk... meee… just like thaaaattt,” she squealed. Her face was screwed up and her center felt such earth shattering pleasure, she was sure that she was about to cum on the spot. She looked over her shoulder and saw him there, fucking her hard from back. He was giving it to her the way that only black men thought that they could. For some reason black men thought that they were the only race with big dicks that could tear up pussy. Nathan proved them all wrong.

She pushed back into him with every thrust forward and he groaned, smacking her ass lightly. She fucked him back in a way that his wife never did,
. Jamie’s passion matched his own. He held her hips and pulled her onto his dick over and over. They were both lost in the undeniable pleasure that they were giving each other, exchanging groans and moans, sighs and curses.

Jamie could feel him swelling and he continued to pound her g-spot, she felt a sharp jolt of pleasure shoot through her legs and her knees buckled, “Oh fuck!” she cried as surge after surge of pleasure flooded her body.

Nathan felt her pussy grip his shaft even tighter and after another thrust he filled up the latex barrier between them with spurt after spurt of his liquid heat.

He pulled out of her, turned her around to face him and kissed her, “I’ve wanted to do this from the moment that I first saw you.”

She laughed with nervous exhaustion, “Join the club.”





Jamie’s stomach did somersaults as she watched Nathan work yet another camera while she sat in the greenroom. This time they were at a local talk show and he was working the crowd. The women in the audience couldn’t get enough of him and once again, neither could the host. This time the women could look at him without feeling bad because Stephanie was on vacation.

When Jamie found out that Stephanie was going on vacation, she almost had a heart attack. What person goes on a mini vacay in the middle of a media frenzy? Now that she knew exactly how Stephanie truly felt about her, she no longer had to worry about thinking negative thoughts. Now, she still felt guilty about what happened between her and Nathan. He was married and she crossed the line, but she had to be honest with herself, she loved every minute that he was inside of her. She wished that he was inside of her at that moment.

It had only been a couple of days since they had that wonderful night in her office and she hadn’t seen him since he bent her over the desk. She was only able to touch base with him for a couple of minutes before his appearance. Now, seeing him face to face, brought back all of the feelings that he coaxed from her a couple of nights before.

After the interview ended, he returned and suddenly the room that felt so large before, felt extremely small.

“Good morning,” Nathan smiled at her.

She rose to her feet. “You were amazing. You worked that crowd something serious. However, when were you going to tell me about the new gyms that you planned on opening?”

He grinned sheepishly, “Yeah, we definitely need to talk about that. It’s one of many things that I’m planning. Actually the gyms are the smallest of my endeavors. You’re going to be in for a ride and that’s why I need my image to be absolutely perfect.”

“You sure know how to cut my work out for me. I should charge you extra. Please have your people send over the details so that we can roll out everything perfectly. That way I can spin things properly to ensure that your launch goes smoothly.”

He nodded. “I appreciate that. Thank you for being so flexible. I truly appreciate it.”

“Just doing my job.”

Before either of them could speak there was a knock on the door and a man poked his head in.

“Mr. Sparks, we have a meeting in a half hour and I want to ensure that you’re on time,” the young, blonde haired man said.

“Thank you Kevin. I’m on my way out now,” Nathan said before he turned to Jamie. “Thank you for being here. I’ll make sure to have my people send that information over. Happy Friday, have a wonderful weekend.” Nathan walked over to Jamie, gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and headed out of the door.

What in the hell just happened? He’s acting like we didn’t just screw on my desk a couple of days ago.

Jamie sighed deeply, maybe that was all that he wanted and now that he got it, he was over it. The thought of it stung a little but she was slightly relieved that things weren’t awkward between them. She was a grown woman who made the decision to sleep with him. If he could act normal after what happened, then so could she.


Jamie was exhausted. She’d just finished running two miles on her treadmill. She felt like she’d run ten. There was a point in time where she could run five and not feel the way that she currently did. The disappointment that she was wallowing in dissipated when she was tired. She blended a green smoothie and drank it heroically. People complained about green smoothies but they weren’t so bad. She didn’t have to mask the taste with a bunch of sweet fruit either. Adding all of that crap to smoothies only loaded them with sugar. She was about to go over some work until she passed out in her bed for evening. So sleeping after eating or drinking crap wasn’t an option for her.

Her phone buzzed on the counter, causing her to groan. Who in the hell was it now? Could a woman workout and work in peace? She picked up the phone and saw it was Nathan. She took a deep breath to prevent herself from overreacting and over-thinking.

“Hello, Mr. Sparks,” she said as casually as she possibly could.

“Good evening. I’m sorry to call you so late, but I wanted to talk about what happened between us the other night if you don’t mind.”

Her heartbeat raced. “Why? I figured that you would have wanted to talk earlier about it. Why do you want to talk about it now? I saw you this morning and you didn’t say a thing.”

“Well, earlier was all about business and this is my private life. I want to try to keep my private life separate from my public life.”

Jamie laughed lightly, “So you’re doing this whole media campaign and you want to keep the two parts of your life separate? Good luck with that.”

For five long seconds neither of them said anything. Jamie wasn’t sure if she upset him or not. Either way, she didn’t care; he needed to know what he was getting himself into.

“Can I come see you?” he asked.

It wasn’t in the same tone that he normally “asked” everything in. He wasn’t masking a command as a question this time. He almost seemed humble, but it didn’t matter.

“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s a Friday night and it’s inappropriate. What we did can never happen again,” she told him.

“Do you regret what happened between us?” he asked.

She chose her words carefully, “I don’t regret what happened between us and that’s because I can’t take it back. However, it all ceases to matter. It cannot and will not happen again.”

“So that’s what you truly want?” he questioned.

“Yes, that’s what I really want,” she lied. “We had our fun and now it’s time for us to move on.”

“See, I would like to think that I know you pretty well already. I don’t believe you now, just like I didn’t believe you a couple of nights ago.”

“Look, I know that you’re used to everyone falling at your feet, but I’m not one of those women. We screwed and it’s done. Now move on. I’ll see you at our next meeting.” Her breathing became labored. Yes, he was right, but who in the hell did he think he was? She was a grown-ass woman that made her own decisions and she wasn’t ruled by what was between her legs.

“You don’t have to wait until later, you can see me tonight if you want. Look outside of your window.”

“Oh God,” she whispered before she walked over to her window. She spotted him, leaning on a luxury town car that wouldn’t get a lot of attention. He waved up to her.”

“Are you insane? Go away or get your ass in here right now before someone sees you. What is wrong with you?” she hissed.

“I think that I’ll take option number two. Let me in please.”

Jamie hung up the phone when she saw him heading towards her door. It was about to be a long night.

An hour later they were on her couch, enjoying wine and great conversation. It felt so good to enjoy the company of a man that was intellectually her equal. He was the kind of man that most women wanted but few could handle.

Eventually, she just had to say something, “Did you come here just for sex? I was serious about what I said. You’re married and I just can’t allow myself to be sucked into something like this.”

Nathan looked at her and she was beautiful. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, she wore shorts and tank but she looked like a billion dollars. She was so damned critical of his intentions and he couldn’t blame her. Everything within him was telling him to leave her alone. She was the kind of woman that deserved to have a man that she didn’t have to share but something about her was so magnetic and mesmerizing.

When his wife took an impromptu vacation, the only person he could think about was Jamie and how he wanted to be with her. He missed her presence and he’d just met her. Why did she have to cross his path so late in life? If he’d met her earlier his life would have been so different. She wasn’t just a one off for him, he really liked her and he needed her to know that. She could only know if he shared his truth with her, so he did.

“Honestly, my wife and I are no longer in love,” Nathan told her.

Jamie sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes, “Really, you’re going to pull that bullshit on me? That’s classic and textbook bullshit right there. Come on, you’re better than that Nathan. Don’t try to fill my head and heart with lies just to get what you want. I’m smarter than that. At least respect me enough to tell me the truth.”

“What do you think the truth is?” Nathan asked.

“I think that you saw something you like, you wanted it, and you got it. You also think that lies are going to allow you to keep it. I don’t play that; my granddaddy didn’t raise a fool. I didn’t become this successful by believing bullshit. Now, what we’re doing has been fun, the flirting has been fun, and the sex was really fun, but it’s over. You shouldn’t come back here.”

Nathan ran a hand down his face in frustration, “I’m not lying to you. What I’m saying is true. She and I are no longer in love, it’s a partnership.”

“Does she know that it’s just a partnership or have you failed to let her know about that huge detail?” Jamie asked.

“She and I both know the status of our relationship. Trust me, she knows how it is. She’s interested in money and I’m interested in it too, but I want more.”

“Then why not just leave her? Why drag each other through a loveless marriage? It seems so damned stupid,” Jamie challenged.

“Divorcing is far too expensive for a man in my position. I made all of my fortune after we were married, so I tolerate her. She’s always talking about how she owns half of everything that I’ve ever made. I’m scared of what she may do if I decide to divorce her.”

Jamie’s lips tightened. What did he mean by that? She wanted to pry more but decided to keep her mouth shut. She sipped her wine and sighed, “Every now and then I get myself into some weird-ass situations. I hate that I like you so much and I hate that you’re one of the few men that I’m genuinely attracted to. I hate you.”

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, “It’s a very thin line.”

“You’re telling me.”

“So what’s going on with you? I took a risk coming here on a Friday night. I wasn’t sure if you were going to have company of the male variety. Why were you alone? Are you dating?”

“I’m dating but it’s not going too well... Let me tell you about my last date.”

For the next hour she answered questions about who she was and where she’d come from. They were questions that few men ever asked. She was able to completely open up to him because he remained interested and non-judgemental. It was exactly what her heart needed and she didn’t even know it.

After they talked, he carried her to bed, and made love to her. It was sweet, gentle, and filled with passion.

The following morning Jamie stirred with a smile on her face. Her body felt completely stretched out and the feeling of anxiety that usually greeted her in the morning wasn’t there. She nuzzled into the hard body that was pressed into her back and revelled in the sensation of being held. Then, she remembered just who was holding her.

Once again, she’d slept with a man who had a wife. It was so wrong but it felt so damned good. She didn’t want her morning to end but it had to. She had a meeting in two hours and she needed to get ready.

“Good morning,” Nathan said as he pulled her body closer against him.

He was hardening against her and it turned her on, “Good morning.”

“What are your plans for the day?”

“I have to meet a client today,” she sighed. “In about two hours actually. I need to get up, get dressed, and get prepared. Perry will be here soon.”

“How about you cancel it so that I can show you something?”

“What? Are you crazy? I don’t cancel appointments,” she laughed. “I can’t do that…”

“Why not?” he asked. “You’re the boss. You hardly ever cancel appointments so of course they’ll extend you some grace there. Make it up later or send someone else to meet with them. Trust me, it will be fine.”

Jamie mulled the idea over in her head. She usually never considered blowing off a client but this time was different. She was still floating on the cloud that she and Nathan created. “Ugh, did I mention how much I hate you?” She reached for her phone.

“You did, but I think that you showed me exactly just how much last night,” he grinned.

“Oh hush, I’m about to call now, so be quiet.”

Jamie felt free as she sat on the passenger side of Nathan’s car. She didn’t know where they were going and she didn’t care. She played hooky with a client and it felt great! Actually the client sounded relieved and he was still sleeping. Lazy bastard. Today was about to be a great day. She told herself that she could live in the moment for one day and not overthink every damned thing. She lived a structured and organized life but this time she was going to do something a little reckless.

“What are we doing?” Jamie asked Nathan as he pulled into an airstrip.

“Well, the private jet is gassed up... Are you willing to come to Mexico with me for a little while?”

“Wow, this was unexpected,” she laughed light-heartedly. “Let’s do it!”

The flight only took about two hours. They spent that time talking and getting to know one another more. It was so easy for her to forget that he had a wife.

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