His Hired Mistress: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

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PR fixer Jamie helps her clients protect their public reputations and she is very good at what she does. However, now a handsome Billionaire named Nathan Sparks has hired her to help build his celebrity image.

A job that would normally be very easy for a woman like Jamie but this one comes with some complications.

As Nathan and Jamie spend time together, they soon find the chemistry that brews between them is too strong to deny.

Only thing is, Nathan is a married and so that would make Jamie not just his mistress but his “hired mistress”....

Is this a relationship that is destined to end in tears?




Copyright Notice

Lena Skye
His Hired Mistress  © 2015, Lena Skye

This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.







    Jamie sat amongst her friends and sighed, it was what she needed. On one hand, she loved her job but sometimes it was a nuisance. How could a woman have a social life when she was busy putting out fires for others? That’s what her life consisted of; she rarely complained but sometimes she just needed a break.

It was a beautiful day in Dallas, so when she saw that she had some spare time on her schedule, she called her three friends to see if they could meet up at one of her favorite restaurants. Rise No. 1 couldn’t be beat, in her opinion. Everything on the menu was absolutely delicious and they specialized in one of her favorite foods, soufflés. It was always sheer perfection! It felt intimate and chic; the French country decor featured real antiques, a forest of stick trees, and a semi-circle kitchen theater where you could watch soufflés being made. There was nothing like it. It felt upscale and homey at the same time.

At the table with her were Nadia, Tara, and Camilla. They were all successful women in their own right, so Jamie was in very good company. Currently, Camilla was bragging about her new beau. Some things would never change.

Camilla rested her manicured hand on her chest and stated, “I don’t think that I can ever go back to dating black men. You ladies can have them.”

Jamie shook her head, “Oh my goodness, you can’t be serious. So now that you’ve finally dated a white man, you’re writing off your own race?”

Nadia laughed, “That’s okay, you can leave them all for me. It’s gonna be a tough job but someone has to do it. I think I’m up for the task.”

“You’re such a slut,” Jamie laughed at her friend, “But you already know that you can’t bring a black man home. Your daddy will probably kill you.”

Nadia frowned, “I’m a grown woman and my daddy will have to get over it. I can’t help it; I like what I like.”

“You say that now but when he has that rifle in a man’s face, you’ll change your tune,” Jamie said.

“Actually, I introduced Brian to my parents last week. They really liked him,” Nadia said.

“That’s because Brian’s ass is half white and he looks more white than black. Try bringing a Tyrone home and that will be different,” Camilla said.

Nadia rolled her grey eyes and sighed. Her parents were from Iran and it was true, they were strict, but they gave her the freedom to become the woman she wanted to be. It was the only reason she was able to be a reporter. They loosened the reins on her; she was almost thirty, and self-sufficient. At this point, they just wanted her to be married and give them some grandchildren.

“I’m not having this mundane conversation with you. I really don’t understand what your problem is, Camilla. You like white guys, good for you. Tell us more about that.”

Jamie looked at Tara from across the table as they gave each other knowing glances. Tara remained quiet during the conversation as she did with most conversations about race. She was a sunny blonde with blue eyes and she modelled for a living. She was currently a playmate, so she knew what battles to fight and this wasn’t one of them.

“Anyway,” Camilla continued, “Jeff is so nice! I can’t believe that I shied away from dating outside of my race for so long. Especially since so many white men seem to like me. I finally went for it when he asked me out on set. He was one of the photographers.”

“What’s his name?” Tara asked.

“Jeff Foster,” Camilla said.

Tara’s eyebrow went up but she just gave a simple, “He’s a great photographer.”

Camilla put both hands on the table dramatically, “I know, right?! I loved doing makeup on the set because he makes my work look so good. The man knows his stuff. After our date, I think I’m staying on this side of the fence. White is the new black, you know.”

Everyone at the table looked at Camilla as if she’d lost her mind and maybe she had, but no one said anything. There was no use in rocking the boat or trying to pull Camilla out of her delusions. She was a sweet woman, but she was stubborn and made horrible decisions about love.

Jamie couldn’t judge her too harshly. She dipped her spoon into her smoked salmon soufflé and moaned with pleasure as it romanced her taste buds. Something that good shouldn’t have been under four hundred calories, but it was, and for that, she was grateful.

As her mind returned to the topic at hand, she consider her love life, which didn’t have the kind of track record that should be emulated. Jamie had a string of meaningless relationships throughout her life but then when she finally found love, it got snatched from her. Her now ex-fiancé got arrested for fraud. She still remembered the day she got the call from him. He’d been arrested at his office and wanted her to come bail him out. She did, but once she found out that he did everything that he was charged with, she cut Brandon out of her life forever.

He still tried to call but it’s been over two years since the last time she spoke to him and she wanted to keep it that way. She almost let a criminal in her life. He was a damned thief and he was going to have access to all of her funds. They decided to not get a pre-nup. She was crazy in love and was determined to never fall into that trap again.

Her life behind the scenes was high profile. Her PR firm took over the scene and everyone who was anyone needed her in their corner. Her roots were in Texas but she had to travel constantly.

But, there were some days she missed being in loving relationship but she honestly didn’t have time to cultivate one anymore. At this point, she went on the occasional date, and consulted her toy drawer when she needed some satisfaction.

Camilla pulled Jamie from her thoughts, “You’re black Jamie, so I know you understand me.”

“I don’t know anything about that life,” Jamie laughed.


Jamie’s down time with her friends was over. Now, she had to visit a new client. He hadn’t signed with her yet, but he would. When clients came to her, it was rare that they didn’t sign. She was the best of the best.

She sat in the back of the black SUV and checked her makeup in her mirror. Her smooth, dark chocolate skin looked like it was glowing. It was part natural and part bronzer. She smiled into the mirror to get a good look at her pearly white teeth. Her nude tinted lip gloss made her full lips look divine and she loved it. She looked natural and polished. Her heart beat a little fast, the way that it always did when she met a potential client, but it didn’t worry her too much. As soon as she got into the thick of things, she would be just fine.

“All right Ms. Chandler, we’re here. Would you like me to open the door for you now?” Perry asked. He was her driver and had been for over a year now. She liked him because he was efficient and always around when he was supposed to be.

Jamie looked at her black and silver Rolex watch with the diamond bezel and figured it was time to head in. “Yes, that would be great.”

Perry got out of the SUV, straightened his suit, and opened the door for her. Jamie grabbed his extended hand and let him assist her. He reached in, grabbed her belongings and walked her to the door of the Spark Publishing house.

“I’ll be here when you return.”

She smiled at him, “You always are.”

Her black patent leather Valentino pumps with the stud detail on the back made her feel dangerous. She wore a custom blue dress from Princess Jasmine. She couldn’t get enough of the woman’s clothes. She created clean lines that looked amazing on Jamie’s slender frame.

She walked into the huge building and before she could reach the kiosk a woman, who wore her hair in an efficient bun, and obviously didn’t believe in makeup, greeted her.

“Jamie Chandler?” the woman asked.


“Hello, I’m Marcy Vega, one of Mr. Spark’s personal assistants. I can escort you directly to his office; he’s ready and waiting for you.”

“Great, I’ll follow your lead.”

They exchanged pleasantries as she took her to the twentieth floor of the forty-five-story building. The bottom twenty floors were for the publishing company and the rest were luxury condos for the rich. It was pretty damned smart in Jamie’s opinion for Sparks to do it that way. The entrance for the residential portion of the building was on the opposite side.

“Right this way,” Marcy said as she led her past a long row of offices. It was obviously the floor executives were on because the only people that were out on this floor looked like secretaries.

The colors were warm and inviting and so was the furniture. In the middle of the floor was a lounge area with plush deep orange seats that practically begged for you to drape your body over them. Then they reached huge black double doors. Marcy pulled them open and stepped inside. She didn’t look back at Jamie because she knew she would follow.

“Mr. Spark, Jamie Chandler is here to see you.”

“Thank you, Marcy,” Nathan said as he stood.

He wasn’t sitting behind his obnoxiously huge desk on a platform by the window. Instead, he was sitting on a red couch that put the ones in the lobby to shame. Everything in his office reeked of passion. His black, red and white decor did something to her senses. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to work, have a drink or take a nap. It was sexy and classy, just like him.

Marcy gave a quick nod and excused herself from the room.

“It’s nice to meet you Ms. Chandler,” Nathan said as closed the huge distance between them and shook her hand.

She smiled politely, “You can call me Jamie. It’s nice to meet you as well. I look forward to working with you.”

“Great! You can come over to the table and have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?”

“Water would be great.” She smiled.

Nathan looked at her a little longer than necessary and walked her towards the table. She let out a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding. He was a gorgeous man. He was at least six feet and his blue tailored suit fit him to perfection. He had wavy hair that stopped at the nape of his neck and a well-maintained hipster beard. She hated those beards but it looked so good on him. However, none of it mattered because he was about to be a client and he was married. Even if either of those things weren’t in play, it still didn’t matter because she didn’t have time for man. However, it didn’t mean that she couldn’t look.

She took a seat, placed a folder in front of him, and waited for him to join her with the water. He walked over to a sleek black cabinet and opened one of the doors. It was a mini fridge. He pulled out two Voss waters and joined her.

After he sat across from her, she was in all business mode. “I’m glad that you’re thinking about signing with my firm. I would love to hear what you have in mind and then we can see if we’re a fit for one another,” Jamie informed him.

“As you know, I’m doing quite well for myself. My publishing house is booming and so is my real estate and other business ventures,” he said after he cleared his throat.

“I’m aware. I saw that you just opened a chain of bridal boutiques. That’s interesting,” Jamie replied.

He laughed, “You did your homework, most people don’t know those are mine. Hell, most people don’t know that most of my businesses are my own.”

“You seem to be a very behind-the-scenes kind of man. You probably own a tenth of Texas.”

He laughed, “That’s a little bit of an exaggeration, but I’m working towards that.”

“So what do you need me for? You seem to do a wonderful job on your own. Is there a fire that you need me to put out?” Jamie asked.

He shook his head, “Nothing like that. I have a lot, but I plan on getting a lot more. I want your help as I expand my empire. I’ve made a ton of money but now I want visibility. I don’t just want any kind; I want the public to actually like me. I figured I would hire you to help me in that area. Are you up for the task?”

“Absolutely. I have a five hundred thousand a month retainer and I expect a commitment of at least three months,” she said without flinching.

“Done. I’ll pay all of it upfront, that way I won’t have to worry about it.”

Jamie almost coughed up a lung. Her retainer was only one hundred thousand but she started really high just to give herself some bargaining room.
Shit, could I have asked for more,
she thought to herself. Then she began to think of the way that her bank account. She wasn’t broke by any stretch of the imagination but she just made five times her regular rate for one client. Maybe he would introduce her to some of his friends!

“That sounds wonderful,” she replied calmly.



“I don’t know what to do,” the six-foot-eight man said as he cried into his hands.

Jamie did her best not to laugh at him, but it was quite the picture. Marco Miller, the bad boy basketball player and ladies’ man was crying like a bitch on his living room couch. He had the whole ugly cry going and it was ruining his beautiful face. His light skin was red and splotchy from his tears and she thought she saw some snot about to drip from his nose. Marco wiped the area between his lip and nose with the back of his hand and sniffed.
, Jamie thought. This is the life that she signed up for, so she had to do her job.

“It’s okay,” she assured him. “It’s not your place to know what to do. That’s why I’m here, that’s why you hired me, so don’t worry. I’ve got this.”

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