His Hired Mistress: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (4 page)

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“Wow, you chose a fine time to want to take this avenue. I wish you told me earlier, I could have started our plan later. You have to tell me things like this beforehand!” Jamie said in frustration. “Now I have to think of a way to spin this. We’ve been showing how happy the two of you are and now you’re about to leave her?” Jamie shook her head, “You men are something else. I should have charged you extra.”

Nathan looked at her with amusement in his eyes, “Very few people talk to me like that.”

“It’s not in my job description to be nice, it’s my job to get things done. Your money doesn’t make me your doormat. You pay me to be upfront and honest and that’s what I’m going to do. When we’re alone, I’m going to be one hundred percent honest with you but I will always have your back publically.”

“Sounds like my marriage,” Nathan mumbled.

“Well, this is kind of like a marriage, except you don’t get any of the sexy perks,” Jamie grinned.

Damn! Am I flirting with him again? It’s so hard not to. He’s so damned hot and if he keeps looking at me that way, I’m going to have heart palpitations. It has to be a sin to look that delicious and sexy.

“That sounds like my marriage too,” Nathan laughed lightly.

“Seriously?” Jamie asked. “Never mind... That’s none of my business... But seriously? You aren’t getting any from your wife? If I was her, I would attack you at least once a day.”

Nathan laughed, “I wished that I had someone in my bed like that but no, she has no interest in me that way. It gets really tough sometimes, but I try to make it through.”

“Uh oh, am I going to have to deal with a cheating scandal? Are you screwing around on your wife?” Jamie asked.

Nathan shook his head quickly, “No, I mean... I’ve thought about it but believe it or not, it’s been pretty easy keeping it in my pants... until I met you.”

Jamie stared at him in disbelief. Did he really make that admission? What in the hell was she supposed to do with that? What was she supposed to say? Why did he keep looking at her like that? His innocent glances became something else.

“Okay, I’m sorry. I don’t want to give you the wrong impression. I will take everything that you’ve said into consideration and I will come up with another plan of action. We’re still in the beginning stages so we should be able to change the public’s focus.” Jamie stood up. “I’ll be in contact with you on Tuesday. If there are any details that you want to add, feel free to call me on Monday.”

Nathan followed suit and got to his feet. Jamie needed to get him out of her home as soon as possible before she did something that she would regret. Her body was firing off all kinds of signals. It was betraying her, she could only think of having him in her bed, in her kitchen, in the hallway, hell, everywhere.

“I guess that’s my clue to leave,” Nathan said.

Jamie gave a slight nod, “It’s pretty late and I need to get some rest.”

Nathan nodded, “I understand.”

Jamie led him to the door, and that’s when she felt it: his hand on her arm, pulling her back against him. She turned and stared into his face, and his beautiful eyes. Inside of them was a storm of emotion. There was longing in them and a hint of desperation.

“I’m so sorry to do this, to push the envelope like this. If you want me to leave, just say the word and I’m out of here. But I had to know, I needed to know if you felt the same thing as me. I’ve wanted you since you stepped foot into my office.” He took a step closer.

Jamie couldn’t think straight, not when he was so close. Here he was, in her house, professing his... not his love, but his interest in her. The ball was in her court. She could tell him to leave or she could seize the moment and get what she’d been wanting since she met him. The opportunity was just too tempting to pass up.

“One time only,” Jamie said before she closed the small gap between them and pressed her lips to his.

He responded instantly by wrapping his arm around her back and pulling her against him. She could feel him swell between them. They walked backwards towards the huge leather couch. He fell back onto the couch and pulled her on top of him. She straddled his lap, her dress bunched around her hips. Her chocolate thighs were exposed, and he couldn’t keep his hands off of them. His hands caressed her legs as if he were trying to commit her body to memory.

Jamie threw caution to wind. If she overthought it, then she wouldn’t do it. She needed to do it. He was so real beneath her; it was what she craved. How could something that felt so right be wrong?
He’s someone’s husband!
She leaned in and kissed him harder in an effort to silence her thoughts. His tongue traced her lips sensuously and she could only focus on the sensations that he was bringing to her body.

He pushed her back away from him and focused on the zipper in front of her dress. The sound of him lowering it could be heard as if it were amplified.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as his eyes hungrily fed upon her skin. Her perky barely-C cups looks scrumptious inside of the black bra embroidered with black and silver lace.

Jamie smiled slightly as his hands felt her up. She released herself fully to the warm feelings that were washing over her. He pulled her dress from her shoulders and off of her arms, reached behind her, and unclasped her bra. She was exposed to him from the waist up. She arched her back pushing her breast towards his face. He grasped them in his big hands and squeezed them together. He then went in for the kill and pulled one of the nipples into his mouth. She inhaled quickly as his tongue expertly circled her hardened nipple.

“Yes, that feels sooooo good,” she moaned as she pressed herself against his hardening dick.

She wanted him inside of her.
She reached between them and unbuckled his pants.

“Not wasting any time huh?” Nathan asked.

“My time is valuable.”

“Believe me, I know,” Nathan said with a grin.

He grabbed her hips and motioned for her to stand. She stood and they both ridded themselves of the clothes that they were wearing. Jamie tried not to stare too hard at the nine inches of thick hard flesh that was between them. Her pussy pulsated in fear and excitement. It had been far too long since she’d gotten some and he was going to invade her with his huge dick.

“Lay down,” he told her, need thick in his voice.

She took a deep breath and laid across the couch. Now was the time that she could go back. She could tell him to stop and they could end things before they went too far. She fought about it in her head.
Screw it, I’m going all the way.

He lay between her open and inviting legs and pressed his lips against hers once more. Their bodies seemed to melt against each other and become one. Slowly their kissing became more passionate. Nathan slid his tongue into Jamie’s mouth as he pushed his dick inside of her.

“Oooooooooh,” she gasped as she broke free from his kiss. He inched inside of her, stretching her.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Don’t you dare stop,” she replied.

Nathan found her lips again, kissed, deep and long, slowly easing into her completely. He was so big and hard. She clenched around him and tried to relax to make his way easier. It was sad but her past partners hadn’t been as large as him. He just felt so damned good.

He withdrew from her and plunged deep inside of her.

“Fuck!” they both cried out in unison.

“More, give it to me…. fuck me,” Jamie said. “You feel so good. Fuck me hard,” she panted, “Make me cum all over your dick.”

He mimicked his earlier motion again inside of her warmth but he pressed in harder, making her take all of him. He repeated it over and over again. His strokes felt like he was lighting a fire inside of her. Her pussy pulsed around him, she was ready to cum... She was so close… So fucking close. Then his dick began to vibrate… over and over again...almost as if it was battery operated. She looked down and saw that it looked like one of the toys in her drawer.

“What the hell?!” she said quickly as she pushed him off of her.

Her eyes flew open and she immediately looked to her left to see that it was her phone vibrating. The light from the sun assaulted her eyes, “Oh my god,” she groaned as she awoke from her slumber. “What is wrong with me?”

She looked at her phone and saw that it was her grandfather. She quickly answered, “Grandad is everything okay?”

“Yeah, I’m calling to tell you, if you haven’t left the house yet, then you’re late,” he said.

“Oh! I’m so sorry. I fell asleep on my couch, I was really out of it! I’m going to get dressed and be on my way. I promise I won’t take long.”

“Good because I’m hungry,” he said before he hung up.

Jamie shook her head and laughed as she headed to the shower. God knew that she sure needed one. Her body was humming with need.
I could’ve dreamt about anybody. It’s not because I want him. Okay, maybe I want him but so what! It doesn’t matter. He’s married and he’s off limits. It doesn’t matter how sexy he is. I just wish that my body would get the memo.


Jamie arrived at her grandfather’s house and he was already standing outside waiting for her. That was just like him, he was so impatient but that’s where she got it from. She rolled down her window, “Good morning Papa.”

“Mhmmm,” he said with a hint of a smile in his brown eyes accentuated with crow’s feet.

“Come on, don’t be bad,” Jamie giggled. “Get in and let’s eat.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” he tugged at the door and slid inside of her Mercedes.

“Wow, you’re driving? I thought that you would have had Perry to drive us,” Jamie’s grandfather said with a really bad English accent.

“You think you’re funny huh?” Jamie said, “No, I try my best to give him Sunday’s off unless it’s really important. I thought that today it would be just me and you.”

Her granddad whose first name was James waved his hand dismissively, “You’re so bourgeoisie, I don’t know where you got that from.”

“Oh please Papa! We were poor but you always taught me to never settle. I got it from you and you know it.”

“That may be true,” he grinned. “You’re doing a really good job. So tell me more about this big client that you just landed. You said something about it briefly but we didn’t get a chance to talk. You’re too busy for your old granddad now.”

“See, you play too much. I try to call you at least once a day. You’re the one that’s too busy for me. Every time I call you...you’re out somewhere or you have company. You’re just too mannish for me now. You think you’re grown.”

“I am grown and I’ve been grown for a long time. I just try to keep myself busy, it keeps me young,” he laughed. “The ladies can’t get enough of me.”

“Yeah I bet. You just make sure to wrap it up.”

“Wrap it up?” he asked.

“Use protection... Condoms.”

“Ah I see. Girl, these women aren’t trying to have sex. They’re too tired. They just want you to take ’em out and show ’em a good time and that’s what I do. Well, actually my date last week did want to have sex and I’m a gentleman so I gave her what she wanted,” he said thoughtfully.

“Ew! I don’t want to know that. Oh my god, you had sex with Ms. Morrison! That sweet little lady that we met at the movies a month ago?”

Her grandfather beamed with pride, “I did… twice.”








Jamie clung to her huge cup of coffee for dear life. It was the only thing that was going to get her through the day. Letting go of her bed was exceptionally difficult, not even the thrill of the day was enough to get her out of bed and that was rare. She ran her fingers through her hair and took a careful sip of her black, dark roast coffee.

She had to get her life together before her meeting with Nathan. She needed to be on top of her game with him. Maybe she needed a vacation, but currently that would out of the question. She had a company to run and unfortunately she couldn’t do that while on an island. After her meeting with Nathan, she had to fly out to her LA office for one of her music clients. The asshole said a bunch of bullshit to TMZ about being black in America and about how the white man was keeping him down. The fool was a multimillionaire and his fan base was mainly white. Now they had to do some serious damage control. He wanted her to fly out first thing in the morning but he had to wait. So she advised him to lock himself in his house and to not come out until she got there. The idiot needed a timeout anyway.

What was it going to take for artist to figure out that they weren’t Kanye West? Kanye could act obscene and get away with it. That’s because he expected the backlash and was no longer dependent on the system. The man could do whatever the hell he wanted! But when you’re a young artist that’s trying to make it, pissing off your fan base probably isn’t a good idea. Geno was definitely no Kanye West and the white man hadn’t held him down at all. In fact, the white man catapulted his spoiled, pretty boy ass straight to the top of the charts. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and now he had a china cabinet full of platinum. What a fool.

Jamie inhaled deeply and refused to give Geno anymore of her mental energy until she boarded the plane to go see him. He would have to wait, and if he had one more incident, she was going to drop him. She already didn’t want to take him on as a client but Ryan the head of the office in LA swore that he could handle it, so she approved it, against her better judgement. Now she had to deal with the little fuck up herself!

Whoosaa, don’t think about him right now. He’s not worth it. Just breathe, inhale and exhale. Good, that’s better. He’s not worth it, don’t let his lack of thinking get to you. Just charge him extra, put him back in the public’s good graces, and move on with your life.

“Jamie, Mr. Sparks is here,” her assistant said through the speaker.

“Just Mr. Sparks? His wife isn’t here?”

“No, he’s here alone.”

“Hmm, okay, send him in.”

Jamie took another sip of her scalding hot coffee and prayed that it kicked in soon. It was her third cup of the morning and she still wasn’t feeling it. However, her nerves were terrible. All she could think about was her dream as he made his way to her office. She shook her head and tried not to think about the way that he felt inside of her. Well, the way that she thought he would feel. It would have been a lot easier if his wife were with him, but now he was going to be in her space alone. She would have to suck it up and get on with it.

Nathan walked into Jamie’s office and for a moment Jamie stood there frozen. Why did he have to be so damned beautiful? He wasn’t in a t-shirt and jeans like he was in her dream but he was wearing a tailored black suit, a textured black vest, and a blue tie. He looked downright presidential. Her breath caught momentarily. He was sex on a stick. What woman wouldn’t want hit him over the head with a club and drag him to her cave? Wait, did men do that to the women or did the women do that to the men?

“Good morning Jamie,” Nathan said with a smile. “I know that I’m a bit early.”

Jamie closed the gap between them and shook his hand, “It’s okay, I’ve been ready for quite some time. Where’s Stephanie?”

“Stephanie’s running late. She really wants to be here but she’s being held up. Hopefully she’ll arrive soon, she knows how much I hate it when she’s not on time.” He shrugged casually, “But she still does whatever she pleases. I guess that’s the cost of marriage.”

Jamie laughed lightly, “That price doesn’t seem too steep. We all have to deal with someone’s shit. I’m sure that she’s paying a price as well.”

“Ah, she is. Everyone doesn’t want to be married to an OCD workaholic. If she had her way, we would vacation as much as George Bush Junior. However, that’s not my reality. I try not to micromanage but I need to make sure that things are running smoothly and there is a lot to oversee.”

“Indeed. I find it hard to keep my hands off of certain parts of my business as well. I’ve become a lot better at it, but I still have to peek in every now and then. When you stop looking that’s when people slack off,” Jamie said as she wagged her finger to emphasize her point.

Nathan was mesmerized by Jamie’s beauty. She was like a young Naomi Campbell, so damned smart but had some grit to her. The curves on her slender frame were accentuated by the royal blue pencil skirt she wore and orange silk blouse. It was an interesting choice of colors, but it worked on her. Her skin looked like it was glowing. Her dark skin with its red undertones did something to him. He wanted to reach out to touch her cheeks, they were so smooth and flawless. Every time she smiled, it lit up her face. She got his heart pumping when he saw her and it was unexpected.

He loved his wife, he did. She stuck with him from when he was only making a modest income and she believed in him when he was on a mission to be rich. He didn’t have philanthropic dreams when he thought about money. He wanted money and he wanted to lord it over others. However, the further he got up the food chain, the more he wanted to help, never harm. Unfortunately, his wife didn’t change. They seemed to grow further and further apart the more money they got. She was so annoyed when he opened a different charity, she usually only wanted to know how it was going to make them more money. As if they didn’t have enough money already. She seemed pretty happy with going to the soup kitchen the previous week but that was only because she knew that cameras were going to swarm them when they exited the building. However, just like she dealt with him, he had to deal with her, it was only fair. That’s what marriage was about anyway, right? Loving each other through the changes and the bad stuff. Unfortunately there was a lot of bad stuff. Hopefully, now that she was finally starting to get the fame that she craved, she would become a better person.

“Come, you can have a seat on the couch,” Jamie said. “It’s not as fancy or as big as the one in your office, but I think it’s sufficient.”

Nathan laughed, “It’s not as big, but it’s just as fancy. You have taste. I have to say that I’m impressed. Your office has a very masculine feel to it.” He looked around the office and wasn’t sure why he was surprised.

Most women wouldn’t have an office like the one she did, but Jamie wasn’t most women. She was different. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but she was sexy as hell and still very feminine, and there was edginess to her that he couldn’t get enough of. The passion inside of her and her accept no bullshit personality was a turn on. The man that got to be with her was very lucky.

The walls in her office were painted a grey suede and showcased the tasteful art on the walls that were accentuated by track lighting. All seating options were leather with the exception of the two chairs that sat across from the couch. He took a seat on the leather couch and she joined him.

“Would you like any coffee?” she asked.

Nathan shook his head, “No, I’m fine, thank you. I’m going to give Stephanie a call to see where she is.”

Jamie watched him in silence as he pulled out his iPhone. It was just the regular latest phone, nothing fancy or special about it, not even a phone case.

He placed the phone on the table after putting it on speaker and unbuttoned his suit jacket.

Stephanie picked up on the second ring, “Hey.”

“Hey Steph, Jamie and I are here and we’re wondering if you have a time estimate.”

Stephanie sighed, “I’m so sorry. It looks like I’m not going to be able to make it. My hair appointment is taking much longer than expected because I needed to touch up my color. Can you please reschedule? I really want to be there.”

Jamie tried to fight an eye roll. The bitch was late to a meeting with their publicist because she had a hair appointment. Did she know how busy she was? Did she know that she couldn’t afford to have her time wasted? Of course not! Stephanie struck her as the type that only cared about herself. A fucking hair appointment. In an effort to hide her face Jamie forced a pleasant smile.

Nathan shook his head and laughed, “I think I’m perfectly capable of having a meeting with her on my own. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted.”

“So you can’t wait until I’m available?” she snapped. “You have to have this meeting without me?”

Nathan’s eyebrow raised but didn’t show any other signs of stress. Instead he coolly replied, “I’m already here and Jamie is waiting. Her time is valuable and I don’t want to waste it.”

“Wow. Whatever. Keep me posted.” she said.

“Will do.”

He hung up without saying bye and smiled at Jamie, “Well it looks like it’s just you and me.”

“She didn’t seem too excited about it,” Jamie observed.

“Well, that’s because she thinks that I was flirting with you the last time I saw you. I just have a flirtatious personality. I do my best to temper it, but it’s all in good fun. I’m like that with all women, I hope that I haven’t crossed a line with you or anything. If anything that I say becomes too much, feel free to slap me down.”

“I will keep that in mind. However, you’ve been nothing but professional in all of our real life communications,” Jamie said.

“Our real life communications?”

Jamie mentally slapped herself. She was being an idiot! She definitely couldn’t tell him that she screwed him in her dreams, that was just creepy and he would probably run out of her office. Flirting and cheating were two different things and a lot of people didn’t cross that line.

“I’m sorry, poor choice of words. I don’t know where my head is,” Jamie laughed. “Of course all of our communication is real. How about we get this meeting started?”

“Sounds good to me,” he said.

“Okay, the public has been responding very well to you and your wife and they want more. The searches for you and her on search engines have skyrocketed; we have their interest. Now it’s time for us to start spoon-feeding them information, because the only real information out there about you is what’s in your bio, and of course, the public wants more than that.”

Nathan nodded his head, “Speaking of backgrounds, what’s yours?”

“You’ve already hired me, isn’t it a little late to ask about that?” Jamie asked.

“I’m not talking about your credentials. I’m talking about where you grew up and what makes you tick.”

“Why are you so interested in that?”

“It’s only fair right? You’re going to be a huge part of my life and I’m sure that you’ll know most of the details, even the bad stuff that I try to hide. How about we even the playing field? I would be a lot more comfortable working with you if you tell me a little about yourself outside of work.”

Jamie squinted her eyes at him. What in the hell was he doing? Earlier she said that he had been a professional, but now he was starting to cross that fine line. Sure, she could have called him on it and set the conversation back on track, but her own curiosity was too much. “Hmmm, okay. I was raise by grandfather. He means everything to me.”

“Can I ask why you were raised by him?” Nathan asked.

“Sure you can ask, but that doesn’t mean that I have to answer. Now tell me something about yourself.”

Nathan smiled slyly. “Okay. Most people don’t know, but I have a very big sweet tooth.”

Jamie shook her head, “That’s not something of equal value. I need something juicier than that.”

“I don’t know if I want to play this game anymore.”

Jamie snickered, “Don’t start something that you can’t finish.”

Nathan looked at her seriously, “I finish everything that I start.”


Jamie sat in the back of the SUV as Perry drove her to the airport. She talked to Camilla on the phone. She didn’t know why she chose her to vent to about her problem, but she did. It seemed like a good idea when she picked up the phone.

“Camilla, I just don’t know. I can’t help but feel like I’m crossing some line. Our meeting today was not all business the way that it should have been.”

Camilla sucked her teeth, “Girl you’re talking like you gave him a BJ in your office. The two of you only chatted, there is no crime in that. Stop overreacting.”

“I don’t think that I’m overreacting,” Jamie pleaded. “I could feel it. There is an undercurrent of attraction that’s there and I may have to refer him somewhere else or let one of my staff handle him.”

“You better not!” Camilla protested. “He’s one of your largest clients. He’s the big leagues! You are a grown woman; you can handle this. Just make sure that you bring an extra pair of panties when you’re going to be around him.”

“What?” Jamie asked.

“Well, from the way that you tell it, he has your kitty slobbering.”

“Oh my god! You’re so disgusting!” Jamie laughed.

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