His Highness the Duke (22 page)

Read His Highness the Duke Online

Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Supernatural, #Shapeshifter, #Arranged Marriage, #space ship, #Dragon Lords 5, #dragon shifter

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skirt was now dirty from her time on the ground. Thinking of it, she smiled to herself

and glanced to Bron. He looked at her and winked. Her smile deepened.

Bron nodded forward as they came over an incline. She turned her attention to

see what he indicated. Her smile froze on her face. Surrounded by steep mountains,

narrow passes, and rocky crags dotted with lush plant life, a castle home stood out

against the elements like a timeless fortress. She heard Bron speak, but it was hard to

hear what he said as her heartbeat resounded loudly in her ears. This was it. Her new



The word caused her to shiver. An innate fear unfurled inside her. She looked up

at the sky for a sign of any anomaly. Part of her expected a blast of fire to rain down on

them. The sound of Bron‘s voice drew her attention back to the stone fortress before her.

It didn‘t matter how strong the castle was. One blast from space could destroy

everything. Or, more likely, in the case of the Tyoe, a full scale attack on the planet.

The castle was nestled in the valley, a mere front for the homes hidden within the

mountain‘s base, according to Bron. The earth was red with streaks of grey through the

stone. Bron steered his ceffyl toward the large rectangular structure of the stables. The

animal opened its mouth, hissing as its long tongue slithered from between its lips.

―Many blessings, my lord,‖ an older man said as they neared.

―Thank you, Cenek,‖ Bron answered. ―May I introduce to you my wife, Lady

Aeron. My lady, this is one of our top ceffyl trainers, Cenek.‖

―My lady.‖ The man nodded. He had a gruff face, but with the ghost of a smile

that seemed to radiate from him even when it did not physically show. Aeron didn‘t

answer. She couldn‘t. Her throat was tight with trepidation.


Michelle M. Pillow

―Have my brothers arrived?‖ Bron asked, as he moved to help Aeron off her


―Lord Mirek is here with his bride,‖ Cenek pulled both ceffyls‘ horns at once,

sending them toward the stables as he stayed behind. ―It is unfortunate.‖

―Mirek brought home a bride?‖ Bron seemed surprised by the news.

―Yes.‖ Cenek nodded. ―She is alive. Physicians have been to see her and more

have been sent for. She is in isolation.‖

―Isolation?‖ Aeron asked, concerned. The thought drew her from her worried

thoughts. ―Is she contagious?‖

―Alien disease, I think, my lady,‖ Cenek answered. ―The rest is for Lord Mirek to


Cenek followed the ceffyls into the stables.

―Biological attack?‖ Aeron asked when they were alone. It would be a way to

wipe out a planet‘s population while barely lifting a finger. At her words, Cenek paused

briefly near the stables, but did not turn around.

―We will speak with Mirek.‖ Bron offered Aeron his arm as he led her toward

the front entrance to the castle. Unlike the palace, there were no guards waiting to greet

them at the entryway. ―If there was a reason to be concerned, he would have sent word.

I am sure the isolation is merely a precaution.‖

―It‘s quiet here.‖ Aeron observed, looking around. At the palace there had been

soldiers practicing in the field. The sound of their fighting could be heard mingling with

the distant laughter and talk of the villagers in the valley. ―Do others live in the castle?‖

―Just the family. Servants sometimes sleep here if it is late and they do not wish

to go home. There is a community near the mines and more families spread throughout

the forest,‖ Bron said. ―As you can see from Cenek, we are not as formal as the palace.

We prefer things to be simpler. Everyone knows their work and does it. They come and

go as they please. In several months‘ time, we‘ll have a mining festival. This entire yard

will be alive with celebration.‖


His Highness The Duke

Though a series of iron gates had been built to block the entryway from attack,

they were now retracted into the stone walls. No one stopped them from entering as

they made their way inside. At first the entryway was dim, but as Bron led her forward

a soft light began to glow from long strips in the wall.

―Daylight?‖ she asked, though it appeared to be the wrong color.

―Yes, filtered,‖ he answered.

Suddenly, the hallway split into five directions. Bron paused and pointed

straight ahead. ―The center hall will lead you to all the common rooms. Starting on the

right, it is in order of birth. I am the oldest, so our hall is first. Then Alek, Mirek, and

Vladan. Once you are inside, there are more hallways to learn and,‖ he pointed over his

head, ―some above and below us as well. Try to stay on the main level until you know

your way around. But, if you get lost, just close your eyes and think of me. I will find

you or guide you back.‖ He glanced upward. ―Actually, now that we are married, we

will be expected to move into the tower rooms. They were my parents‘ and we haven‘t

used them since they passed.‖

―It‘s a maze?‖ Aeron stopped and eyed each path. They looked identical.

―It was designed this way to confuse intruders. If you go down a path and are

not able to open a door once we scan you into the main system, you are heading down a

dead end and should turn around. The outer halls spiral outward in an endless pattern

to trap intruders. Should the interior sensors go down, any attackers would be

dispersed into the sides of the mountain until they can be found and dealt with.‖

Aeron was about to ask more, but footsteps stopped her. She turned toward the

entrance. Instantly, she stepped closer to Bron and took his arm. Several very large men

loomed before them, carrying long planks of industrial grade plastic and unmarked


―My lord,‖ a few of them said, seeing Bron, but they did not stop in their task. It

took her a moment to remember which hall was which, but she realized they moved

toward Mirek‘s home.


Michelle M. Pillow

―That is industrial grade sheeting,‖ Aeron said. ―Do you think it‘s safe here?

Your brother‘s bride must be really sick. No one was ill on the Galaxy Brides‘ ship. They

would not have brought her on world if she had been.‖

―I did not think Mirek found a bride from the ship. Perhaps it is someone from

his ambassadorial missions?‖ Bron asked more than answered. ―There was a visiting

bride not on the Galaxy Brides‘ ship, Lady Clara of Redding.‖ Bron urged her to follow

the workers. ―Come. We will find out.‖

Bron held her hand to his arm. The hall twisted and turned, but they stayed on a

steady course. Coming to a door with intricate patterns carved into the frame, Bron led

her inside. The workers were already setting up their supplies at the far end of the


Mirek‘s living quarters were lavish, all smoothed stone walls and floors with

thick rugs and wooden furniture. Like the palace, it was a home within the larger castle

home. The oversized décor fit nicely into the spacious abode. A banner of a dragon

standard hung on the wall. It‘s predominant placement gave away its importance.

Seeing a man who looked very much like Bron and Alek, she knew Mirek was

home. Bron went to his brother. Mirek had the same medium brown hair that seemed to

run in the family, but his eyes were a bright green. He looked tired, but it did not show

in his movements as he gestured toward the room being renovated in his home. Office

furniture was being moved out and the plastic sheeting moved in.

Couches were set in a square around a low table wrapped around a fire pit. A

worker bumped past her and mumbled an apology. Since Bron was in deep

conversation with his brother, she made her way to the couches to get out of the

workers‘ way. Absently brushing at her skirt, she tried to get rid of the dirt stain. It

really was a shame the blue was ruined. If she was lucky, they would have some kind of

laser cleaner that could fix the material.

The workers had set some supplies on a couple of the couches. Aeron made her

way past a large plastic crate. Glancing inside it as she passed, she froze in horror.


His Highness The Duke

―Riona,‖ she whispered. Aeron took a hesitant step back. Her sister was locked

inside the box. Riona‘s eyes were closed and it looked like she slept in forced stasis. Red

patches of blisters created strange patterns on her flesh. Around those bumps the flesh

was pale, too pale for Riona. The auburn length of her hair had been pulled and twisted

on the top of her head into a very neat, very un-Riona-like bun. Aeron touched the cool

transparent barrier blocking her sister from her. She tapped the industrial plastic, and

whispered, ―Riona?‖ Her sister didn‘t move. Aeron hit it harder with the flat of her

palm. ―Riona, wake up.‖

Almost as soon as she‘d slapped the human crate, two men were on top of her

pulling her back.

―Don‘t,‖ Bron said.

―What do you think you are doing to my wife?‖ Mirek demanded. He stood near

Riona‘s head, his arms spread as if to protect the sleeping woman.

―Me? What are you doing with my sister? She‘s supposed to be out gallivanting

the star systems.‖ Aeron turned, frowning with worry. ―How did…? What did you do

to her?‖

―She is ill,‖ Bron tried to explain.

―No. She was fine on the ship. She was healthy. We all had the scans. We…‖

Aeron swatted at Bron‘s hands, making him let her go. ―We need to get her to a medical


―Riona is your sister?‖ Mirek asked, not as angry as before. He seemed doubtful.

―What did you do to her?‖ Aeron pushed past Mirek and leaned over her sister,

seeing if she breathed. A tube stuck out of her side, filled with yellow liquid. A fine

powder coated her skin. It was what made her look so pale. ―Take her out of stasis.

Wake her up. I want to talk to her.‖

―I can‘t. She won‘t wake up,‖ Mirek answered. ―The stasis is to keep her


Somewhere in the back of her mind, Aeron knew she was being mean, but she

couldn‘t help it. This was her sister. Riona was only on this planet because of her. ―You


Michelle M. Pillow

can‘t be her husband. Husbands are supposed to protect wives on this planet. This can‘t

be happening. Ri would never get married, would you?‖ Aeron stroked the box,

wishing she could make it go away. None of this was right. A tear slid down her cheek

to splash on the barrier. This time her words were for her sister, as she whispered,

―What did you do? Ri, this is all wrong. You don‘t belong here.‖

―We are not sure what happened, but the physicians believe she had an allergic

reaction to some plant life in the forest. She is stable, but for now it is best if she

breathes filtered air. That is why we had her transferred to a stasis pod. I called in

several favors to have one delivered here.‖ Mirek looked at his brother. He sounded

insistent, and a little defensive. ―The builders are constructing a room for her. She will

be moved just as soon as it is allowed. I have sent for more doctors and a new medic

unit, but the medical booths are not working. I—‖

―I know you are doing everything you can,‖ Bron interrupted. He touched

Aeron‘s arm. ―Everything will be done for her. I swear it to you, Aeron.‖

―I will not leave her,‖ Mirek said. ―She will have every care taken.‖

Aeron gave him a dubious look. She didn‘t know him. The only thing he had in

his favor was that he was related to Bron. She did, however, know her sister. There was

no way Riona would be tricked into staying on this planet. Her sister was too smart for


―We will move her to my room. She can stay with me,‖ Aeron said. ―I will look

after her.‖

―She must be with her husband,‖ Bron disagreed.

―She needs a sterile room. This one is already being built,‖ Mirek said. ―I will

take care of my wife.‖

Aeron glanced at him, thinking that he hadn‘t done a good job of it so far. Bron

touched her again and she felt his surety, his calm. She slowly nodded. ―Fine. But I will

be here often to check on her. I want to read the medical reports so far. And I want to

know exactly what happened. And I want to be here whenever she is examined. And I


His Highness The Duke

want life sign monitors in my room. And if you so much as touch her without her

consent, I‘ll—‖

Bron physically grabbed his wife and pulled her to his chest. He pressed her face

hard into his tunic, cutting off her demands. Stroking her hair, he said very loudly,

―Lady Aeron is worried about Lady Riona. They are sisters.‖

The sound of the workers murmuring in understanding caused Aeron to realize

they were being listened to.

―Everything you ask will be done,‖ Mirek said. If they had been talking about

anyone else, Aeron might have felt sorry for the man.

Aeron opened her mouth, but Bron still had her pressed close. He broke in before

she could speak, ―You have both of our words. Your sister will have every comfort


When Bron said it, she felt assured. Slowly, she nodded in agreement. ―Fine.‖

―Come,‖ Bron insisted. ―There is nothing to be done while the men work. Mirek,

we will come back first thing in the morning to visit.‖

―You may visit her anytime,‖ Mirek said. ―I have nothing to hide. I will program

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