His Highness the Duke (9 page)

Read His Highness the Duke Online

Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Supernatural, #Shapeshifter, #Arranged Marriage, #space ship, #Dragon Lords 5, #dragon shifter

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Michelle M. Pillow

but stopped mid-action. Instead, he came toward her. ―The activities of last night were

not as I intended.‖

She was about to answer, but the crystal around his neck began to glow and she

forgot what she was going to say. Its pulsing light mesmerized her.

Bron followed her gaze down. ―We should finish this before the crystal gets too

impatient and enthralls us both. Come.‖


―I must present you to the council as my wife.‖ Bron picked up her hand in his.

―I can‘t be your wife. I told you I was not here to marry.‖ Aeron again looked at

his crystal. It was so pretty. She wanted to touch it.

―Considering what was done here, I think it is a little late for that,‖ he said. ―You

are my wife. The rest of the morning is merely a formality. ‖

―No, you don‘t understand. I came here to talk to someone about the ore mines.‖

She pulled her hand from his. The physical contact only made it hard to think. ―I can‘t

be married.‖

―There will be time for that after we finish the ceremony and go home.‖

―Home?‖ she repeated. ―My home is on a spaceship orbiting a military base.‖

―Your home is in my castle.‖

―This is not acceptable. I need time to think. Everything is rushing around in my

head and—‖

―Come to the presentation with me. Finish the ceremony. Then, afterwards, I

promise we will discuss the ore, your home, anything that you wish.‖ He sighed.

―Please, I ask you, do this. After last night... Please, help me finish the ceremony. It is a

matter of my family‘s honor.‖

He seemed so earnest that all she could do was nod her head in agreement. ―All

right. We‘ll do the ceremony and figure this mess out later.‖

The tension in his arms lessened. ―Thank you, my lady.‖

* * * * *


His Highness The Duke

Bron couldn‘t help but notice the glazed look in Aeron‘s eyes. Her will, as well as

her attention, was captured by his crystal. He understood because he too felt the pull. It

convinced him all the more that she was meant to be his wife. Even now he wanted to

touch her, to pull her back into the tent, into the bed, into his arms.

He led her to the platform where the councilmen stood around royalty. The king

and queen were both in regal purple and wore their crowns. They were seated in the

center of the platform on thrones.

Bron paused, turning to her. ―What is your family name? Your people?‖

―Ah, oh, Aeron Grey. My people are,‖ she hesitated.

When she didn‘t finish, he took her arm in his. To his aunt and uncle, he said,

―Queen Mede, King Llyr, may I present Lady Aeron Grey.‖

―You must be eager,‖ the king said, laughing. ―You are the first to arrive.‖

The queen began speaking in the Qurilixian tongue to her husband. Bron hid his

smile. When she finished, the king looked properly chastised, though hardly sorry for

his teasing. Queen Mede was a rare Qurilixian-born woman, but that was not how she

came to be married to the king. Their match was fated just as everyone else‘s was.

―Proceed,‖ the queen ordered.

Bron bowed, took the crystal from his neck and handed it to Aeron. She stared at

it, rubbing the glowing stone. ―Break it.‖

―But,‖ she whispered, ―it is so pretty.‖

―Smash it,‖ Bron insisted.

She frowned at him and curled her fingers around the stone. ―I don‘t want to. I

want to keep it. It‘s pretty.‖

―High Duke?‖ the queen asked.

―One moment,‖ he said. The crowd that gathered to watch began to chuckle and

whisper amongst themselves. He grabbed Aeron‘s wrist and hissed into her ear. ―What

are you doing? We are in public. Smash the crystal!‖

―No!‖ she protested, trying to get her wrist free. ―Let go. I want to keep it.‖


Michelle M. Pillow

―God‘s Bones! Smash the crystal, Aeron.‖ Bron swore, well aware that those

around them could probably tune in to every word. Glancing up, he saw the shift of

yellow in the council‘s eyes. Yes, they were definitely listening in.

Bron squeezed the tendons in her wrist forcing her to loosen her hold. Shaking

her hand, he made her drop the crystal. Aeron gasped in protest and moved to pick it

up from the red earth with her free hand. He pulled her captured hand higher, stopping

her. Aeron‘s eyes met his as she was forced to stand tall. He expected her to fight him.

Instead, she smiled. The look momentarily took him off guard.

Aeron took advantage of his stunned state. Lifting on her toes, she grabbed his

face with her free hand and kissed him. The crowd laughed and cheered, calling out

provocative suggestions to the couple. Bron detected the faint smell of liquor on his

people and knew they were still rowdy from the night before. And Aeron was giving

them a show.

He was about to pull her away when her tongue touched his lips. He realized

this was the first time they‘d really kissed. A low moan left him. He felt the crystal

pulse at his feet, as if it cocooned them in its power. His hand loosened on her wrist.

Her fingers wound into his hair, pulling him closer.

―Lord Bron.‖ The queen‘s voice came from outside the fog of his pleasure so he

ignored it. ―High Duke!‖

Aeron‘s kiss deepened. Her mouth slid against his, instinctively finding a sweet

rhythm with his mouth. Her body slid next to his suggestively.

A hand bit into his arm and shook him hard. ―Bron, control yourself, son.‖ Bron

jerked his mouth from his wife. The king glared at him. In their shared language, he

said, ―Make her finish it. Now.‖

Aeron‘s mouth moved along his neck and jaw, trying to entice him back to her

kiss. Bron fought her spell. He kicked the crystal toward her foot. It hit the side of her

slipper. Taking her arms, he lifted her and dropped her foot lightly on the crystal. It

shattered like glass.


His Highness The Duke

The laughing crowd cheered, some of them making sounds of disappointment

that the show was over. Bron ignored them.

―Bron?‖ Aeron looked down at her foot and then to him. Confusion filtered

through her gaze. Her eyes began to clear of the crystal‘s influence. She swayed weakly

and he had to hold on to her to keep her upright.

The Queen announced, as was customary, ―Welcome to the family of Draig,

Lady Aeron. I hope you will enjoy your new home.‖

The marriage was complete.

―Follow me,‖ the king snapped to his nephew.

Bron had no choice but to follow his uncle from the platform into the

surrounding forest. When they were away from prying ears, Bron said, ―My king, I can


―I know what you have done,‖ the king said.

―King?‖ Aeron repeated, her words mumbled. ―I needed to speak to the king. It‘s


King Llyr frowned. Leaning over he plucked a green plant with a yellow center

from the forest floor.

―I must speak to you, king,‖ Aeron continued to mumble, her words slurred and

unsure. Bron pulled her next to him.

The king walked to her, lifted the plant between two fingers and he rubbed them

beneath her nose, crushing the little buds.

―I…‖ Aeron blinked as she inhaled the plant. Instantly, she passed out.

―Get yourself under control,‖ the king ordered now that Aeron was quiet.

―Do not look at me like that, son. I know what you have done and I suspect the

council knows as well. You took her last night. That is why she responded to the crystal

the way she did,‖ said the king. Bron lifted his chin, careful to keep a hold on Aeron as

she slumped against him. ―I won‘t have our family name soiled by an unhappy

marriage. There are those who wish to see our line ended. After my sons, you are my

heir. I will not grant the Var the pleasure of seeing our family name tarnished.‖


Michelle M. Pillow

―Yes, my king.‖ Bron answered, ashamed that the man knew his secret.

―Take her away from here before she awakens,‖ King Llyr ordered. ―I do not

know how she will react now that the crystal is broken. The effects might linger for

hours or days or even years. A man can well handle a doting wife, but not one who

follows him around like a lovesick solarflower after the sun. The traditions are in place

for a reason. Get her to your home and make this right with the gods. Or, better yet,

take her to the north cabin. There is no reason why you must return home so quickly.

Your brothers can manage without you. Whatever duties arise in your absence will be

secondary to this problem.‖

―Yes, my king.‖ What else could he say?

The king sighed. ―I may be king but I am still your uncle and the only father you

have left in this life. I understand the temptation of our brides and you were made to

wait a long time for yours. Such will be taken into account when considering your

honor. Go. Take her. Figure this out. I will tell your brothers you are well and will

return home in your own time. The fewer who discover this lapse in judgment the

better. The groom will bring your mount from the stables and meet you near the

twisted tree where you boys used to practice throwing knives.‖

―Yes,‖ Bron whispered. He lifted his unconscious bride in his arms and moved to

take her through the forest.


His Highness The Duke

Chapter Six

If the rocking didn‘t stop she was going to be sick. Why didn‘t the pilot use the

atmospheric stabilizers? Aeron moaned, blinking heavily. Bright light invaded her lids,

blinding her to her surroundings. The rocking continued, a steady back and forth, back

and forth, back and…

―Blast the stars,‖ she moaned, jerking up as nausea rose in her throat.

Consciousness came as she was sliding off the back of a giant horned beast. Rough

terrain passed by her vision. Her arms flailed, but she didn‘t find anything to hold on

to. A startled scream escaped her lips. Nothing made sense.

A hand grabbed hold of her waist to keep her steady, jerking her upright. She

gave a shorter, softer shout of surprise. A voice soothed, ―Easy.‖

It took her brain all of two seconds to place Bron‘s voice. It took her body exactly

two seconds after that to react to it. Desire shot through her like an electrical shock. She

became aware of his hand on the side of her gown. The material offered little protection

from his heat. Her sleep-hazed mind refused to focus and concentrate.

The rocking wasn‘t a ship, but a giant beast of a creature they rode on. Bron sat

behind her, his chest near her arm. His spread thighs gripped the beast as her legs fell to

one side. The wide back of the animal made it easy to regain her balance. Bron pulled

her hip and she slid next to spread legs.

Awareness shot through her like a comet and it took her a long moment before

she could speak. ―What‘s happening?‖

As if to answer, the animal hissed its long tongue. Aeron jumped back, pressing

tight into Bron‘s chest. She drew her legs up in a defensive gesture. His grip tightened

on her, steadying her once more.

―What is this thing?‖

―It‘s called a ceffyl. It‘s harmless,‖ he assured her. ―My brother, Alek, breeds

them. This one is completely domesticated.‖

The creature hissed again. It was perhaps the ugliest thing she had ever seen.


Michelle M. Pillow

―I‘ll take your word for it,‖ she said, not able to fully relax. ―Make it stop.‖

Bron reached around her for the center horn. He gave it a gentle tug. The beast

stopped moving. Aeron pushed off its back. Bron‘s hand slipped from her waist. Her

unsteady feet landed on the ground and she stumbled before catching herself.

They were on a wide red-gray path. Mountain peaks grew in the distance,

creating a spectacular view. Their jagged tops reached toward the sky like the tops of

hand-carved spears. The higher the peak, the grayer they became until there was no red

tint left in the earth at all. The air felt thin as she took a deep breath and then another.

She couldn‘t tell if it was the elevation or the memory of Bron‘s hand on her waist that

made her so weak. Regardless, at least the rocking had stopped.

―Hey, easy,‖ Bron said, dismounting. His hand gently touched the small of her

back as she leaned over. The ground swam beneath her and she closed her eyes tight.

―Try to slow your breathing.‖

―Where… am… I?‖ she gasped.

―We‘re about a day‘s ride from the palace,‖ Bron answered. ―We‘ll be at the

north hunting cabin soon. Everything you need will be provided for you there.‖

―No, that‘s…‖ She frowned, trying to piece together the events of the last day.

She‘d spent the night alone in a tent. She remembered walking through a fog. It was

impressions more than solid memories—Bron‘s eyes and lips, a glowing stone, the

sound of laughter, and dizziness, so much dizziness. What was she now doing in the

mountains? She should be by the festival grounds, or on the ship heading away from

this planet.

―This is all wrong. I‘m not supposed to be here.‖ She looked at his confused

expression, stepping away from him. ―I need to speak to the king. I need to get back to

the Galaxy Brides‘ ship—oh, no, the ship! I missed the ship.‖

Aeron looked at the sky, but only saw the narrow streaks of clouds in the green

tinted heavens. Undoubtedly her sister had gotten back on the luxury craft without her.

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