His Highness the Duke (19 page)

Read His Highness the Duke Online

Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Supernatural, #Shapeshifter, #Arranged Marriage, #space ship, #Dragon Lords 5, #dragon shifter

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that you dine in the guest chambers and work on producing some heirs the queen can


―Just the queen?‖ Bron quirked a brow.

―Perhaps I may be moved by generosity if children were produced in the family

line,‖ Llyr said, keeping his face blank. To a stranger the man would appear hard, but to

family they all knew better.


His Highness The Duke

―Yes,‖ Bron mused. ―Like the secret supply of miniature swords, shields, armor,

and spears you ordered commissioned after last year‘s ceremony when it was decided

your sons would attend?‖

The king looked surprised.

―The blacksmith you hired works near my home. The royal insignia gave you

away.‖ Bron grinned. ―Though ordering eighty-eight pairs? Do your sons know of your

plans for a large family?‖

―I do not know what you‘re talking about.‖ The king pretended to rearrange

papers on his desk. ―Besides, it is only twenty-two grandsons per son. Half that when

you count you boys. Not so excessive especially when you take into account the

hundreds of childbearing years.‖

―Your secret is safe with me, your majesty.‖ Bron laughed. ―Though you must let

me be there when you inform the new princesses they will be having twenty-two

children… if only to help you escape the angry female mob that ensues.‖


Michelle M. Pillow

Chapter Eleven

―Do you like children?‖

Aeron blinked her tired eyes open. She hadn‘t heard Bron enter the bathing

room. She followed her first instinct to cover her chest with her arms. Since he had

already seen her without clothes, it seemed like a foolish gesture. Still, she didn‘t move

them to reveal her naked body in the bathwater.

The room was crafted out of the red stone of the mountain. The large tub had

been carved into the stone floor with steps that led down into its depths. Natural spring

water bubbled up from below only to be circulated and filtered so that the bathwater

was always hot and clean. The bubbling pressure against her lower back felt too nice

and she‘d been reluctant to get out, even as her cheeks had turned bright red and sweat

adhered her bangs to her forehead. Servants had brought a tray of food and her full

stomach combined with heat made her sleepy.

There was the normal primitive toilet and sink, as was to be expected on such a

simplistic world, and a vanity counter that curved around the circular walls with a long

mirror over it. Beneath the countertop were numerous cabinets, some with drying

linens and others with toiletries. With a turn of a knob, the outside light directed

throughout holes in the ceiling would dim and brighten.

―Do I like…?‖ she repeated slowly, trying to focus her thoughts. Bron looked

handsome. His chest was naked and he was working on unfastening his pants. He

appeared completely unconcerned by the fact she watched him undress.

―Like children,‖ he said.

―I don‘t know any children.‖ Aeron‘s hands relaxed some as her elbows slid back

into the bathwater. She still hid herself from him. ―What did the king say? Have the

Tyoe made contact?‖

―The king has ordered me take care of the matter. No, the Tyoe have not made

contact.‖ Bron moved to the bath. His eyes moved down to where her hands hid her

breasts from view. ―Do you want children?‖


His Highness The Duke

―I never considered it.‖ It was the truth. Well, until the queen had mentioned

family to her earlier, she hadn‘t really stopped to consider it. With her condition, it was

not like she would be around to watch those children grow into later adulthood. Could

she really do something like that to a child? She remembered all too well being without

her parents, her people. It hadn‘t been a factor on her home world because parents

would have children, who in turn would have children at the appropriate time and the

cycle of life evened itself out. Now that she‘d started her own biological clock, she

didn‘t know what to think. Would they inherit her traits, or Bron‘s? Either way, she

didn‘t have hundreds of years to be there for them. Perhaps her family line should die

with her and Riona. What did she know about motherhood? She could barely fathom

staying on world as a wife. Regardless, she was too tired to think about it at the

moment. There was a more pressing matter. ―So the king, he is taking the threat


Bron stepped into the bath and slowly lowered his body in the center of the tub.

She moved her legs to allow him access while staying next to the edge.

―Of course he is taking the threat on our people serious,‖ Bron stated.

―What will we do?‖ Aeron hurriedly continued the conversation before he could

switch it again.


―You said the king put us in charge of the matter. What are we going to do first?‖

―Us?‖ Bron shook his head. ―No, he put me in charge of the matter. I will deal

with it.‖

Aeron‘s hands dropped completely as she forgot to hide herself. She frowned at

him. Coldly, she answered, ―I see.‖

―Good.‖ He began to reach for her. The man actually had the audacity to try and

smile at her.

Aeron pulled back. ―There is only room for one in here.‖ Standing, she stepped

out of the bath. ―I‘ll leave you alone.‖

―But…‖ He stood in the bath. She witnessed the full length of his erection.


Michelle M. Pillow

Aeron forced a dispassionate glance down his body. Wryly, she answered, ―I‘m

sure you can deal with it.‖ She walked out of the bathroom, naked and wet, and really

not caring. Oh, but she was mad! Her hands shook with the force of it. The insufferable

man was lucky she didn‘t try to drown that smug look off his face. If he wanted to act

all high-handed, then he could do it on his own. She wasn‘t going to spend the rest of

her short life being dismissed and treated like a servant.

She turned to look at the bathroom, half tempted to storm back in there and start

throwing things at him. A shiver ran along her spine, spreading over her arms and legs.

She should have grabbed one of the drying linens, but it was too late to go back and get

one. Ignoring the kitchen, she went toward a narrow door hidden in the corner. It led to

a bedroom, which she had explored earlier after the queen left her alone. The fur-

covered bed was large and round with a pile of pillows in the center. A chill again

worked over her damp flesh. Without thought, she whipped back the fur covers and

crawled into bed. Grabbing a couple pillows, she tucked them around her body and

under her head. The instant warmth invaded her body and she sighed in comfort,

forcing herself to relax. Anger would do her no good. She needed to be rested and

rational. The curtains overhead were drawn so the room was dim. She closed her eyes.

The king was informed. Her mission was done. For the moment, she felt like she could

finally rest.

* * * * *

Bron stared down at his erection in disbelief. She had left him to deal with it on

his own. Such a thing wasn‘t unheard of. He could well handle his own physical needs.

By all that was sacred, he‘d taken care of such needs his entire adult life. That wasn‘t the

point. He was married now.

Sex was the one thing they seemed to do well together. It was the one thing they

had always silently agreed on. How could she walk away from that? It was the one

thread between them that gave him hope of a future, of a marriage, of a life. What


His Highness The Duke

happened? She had looked at him as if she didn‘t want him. She had left him to handle

it himself.

Bron absently grabbed his arousal as he sat in the bath. He pumped it a few

times, but the passion he‘d felt moments before now made the gesture empty and

disinteresting. Not bothering to finish, he dropped his hand and leaned against the edge

of the hot bath. The churning water didn‘t feel as good as it should have. He watched

the door, willing her to come back to him. She didn‘t.

If she lost her passion for him, then what would they have left?

Perhaps he should not have mentioned children.

Bron closed his eyes unable to concentrate. His body was tight with unreleased

desire. With an irritated growl, he took himself in hand and began stroking. The angry

tugs were hardly what he‘d call pleasurable, more functional. His release came more as

a relief of pressure than anything else. Then, grabbing liquid soap, he began lathering

his skin.

Sacred stars, what did Aeron want from him? He couldn‘t understand her. She

wanted to warn the king about the alien threat. He did that. She wanted the Tyoe

situation dealt with. He was dealing with it. So why the sudden chilliness toward him?

Bron scrubbed his body harder. Talons grew from his nail beds in his frustration

and he scratched himself. Small trickles of blood ran down his forearm into the water.

So much for a relaxing afternoon with his wife. Ignoring the wound, he kept scrubbing.

If the gods were still punishing him for the wedding night, they were doing a very fine

job of it. Being married to Aeron was torture, almost as torturous as the idea of not

having her at all.

―Accursed woman,‖ he hissed under his breath. ―What is it you want from me?‖

* * * * *

Aeron yawned, stretching her hands over her head. She looked up at the ceiling,

automatically trying to discern how late in the evening it was. Her body was relaxed

and her mind sleep-hazed, but the constant daylight on the planet made it hard to tell


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night from day. The light seemed less forceful than when she‘d gone to bed, but she‘d

been so irritated with Bron she hadn‘t really been concentrating on the light and time.

Blinking, she was almost disappointed to see he wasn‘t in the bed next to her.

Ok, so she had dismissed him rather quickly. Well, he
been acting like an

overbearing suctionite.

Throwing the covers off her body, she felt the chill of the room‘s air. It wasn‘t

uncomfortable, just cooler than the warm cocoon of blankets she‘d been enjoying. She

tried to run her fingers through her hair, but the locks had dried into a tangled mess as

she slept. With her vision adjusted to the darkened room, she looked around, able to see

more clearly than before. A chair sat in the corner next to a narrow, wood-carved table.

On the table were a neatly stacked pile of clothes. She went to them, looking for

something to wear.

The queen had been most generous in her offer to give Aeron clothing. The richly

made pile of dresses was almost daunting. Deep reds and royal blues mingled with pale

creams and light grays. The gray was the most serviceable choice with less decoration

along the hems, but the blue was too irresistible. She pulled the tunic gown over her

head, instantly feeling like a princess. Or, rather, like a duchess. That is what the queen

called her earlier, right? Lady Aeron, the High Duchess of Draig, wife to the Duke.

―More like wife to an arrogant, overbearing pain in my…‖ Her words became

distracted as she stroked the sleeve of the gown. The material was so soft. She‘d never

worn anything quite like it. The skirts were slender compared to the other gown she‘d

been given. Perhaps it was the lack of under dress, or the elegant cut of the material. It

didn‘t matter. She couldn‘t quit twisting her waist back and forth to watch the skirt

swish and mold against her legs.

She again touched her hair, feeling the mess with no way of seeing it for herself.

She tried to comb her fingers through it.

―Did you not hear me?‖ the queen asked from the doorway. ―Oh, lovely, you

found the gowns. I trust they fit?‖

Aeron nodded. ―Yes, thank you.‖


His Highness The Duke

―That one is an interesting choice for travel,‖ the queen said. ―I would have

thought the gray. Ah, well, they are now yours to do with as you please. I‘ve brought

Mirox to satchel the remainder of the gowns. I‘ll wait until you‘re ready and then I‘ll

take you to meet the duke by the stables. He is in the communications tower and will

join you as soon as he is finished.‖

―We‘re leaving?‖ Aeron swallowed. So soon? She had thought she‘d get at least

one day without having to traipse all over the countryside. ―Where are we going now?‖

―Bron didn‘t tell you?‖ The queen eyed Aeron‘s hair. ―Oh, my, let‘s take care of

that for you, shall we?‖

―Tell me what?‖

―You must have been sleeping. You looked very tired when we spoke earlier.‖

The queen picked up a comb on a shadowed dresser and came forward. She made a

motion commanding Aeron to turn. ―You leave for your home. I would welcome you to

stay here longer of course, but now is not a good time. The new marriages must settle.

You understand, don‘t you?‖

Aeron nodded. Did the queen mean her marriage to Bron? Was it clear to the

queen that Aeron was unsettled?

―We must have you back. Perhaps the coronation dinner? I am sure the princes

and princesses would love to meet you. They are,‖ the queen paused in her work,

―indisposed of at the moment.‖

―I understand,‖ Aeron said politely, though she really didn‘t have the faintest

clue as to what was happening with the Draig princes and princesses. She doubted

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