His Heart to Have (Cowboys of Whispering Winds) (9 page)

BOOK: His Heart to Have (Cowboys of Whispering Winds)
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Allie rolled her eyes. “You know what Missy said. All groomsman are to be in attendance also.”

“That girl’s always been a thorn in my side,” he grumbled.

“You love her like a sister and you know it, so stop your griping and come on. We’re already late.”

“Fine, but for the record, I’m not happy about this.”

Together, they walked in the shop but no one was out in front.

, Allie thought. “Hello,” she called out.

“There you are!” Missy exclaimed, running out from the back room in jeans and a button-up blouse. “I thought you’d never get here.” 

“Where is everyone?” Allie asked, looking around at the empty room.

“They’re already in the back.  We’re just waiting for you and Jase now.”  She grabbed her arm and pulled her to the large back stock room, stopping just before the door.

“Hold her hand, Jase, like you’re escorting down the aisle after the wedding tomorrow.”

“I told you she’s a pain,” he whispered for Allie’s ears only.

She giggled, having to agree with him.  Even for Missy, this was strange.  Not that she would complain about Jase touching her.

Seeing their hands joined, Missy clapped her own. “Okay, now we’re ready,” she announced. “Let’s go.”

Jase looked at her, just as lost and confused as she was.  They walked through the door, bombarded with rice and streamers.

“Surprise!” yelled a chorus of people.

“What is this?” Allie asked looking around. The entire back room had been cleared out of dresses and notions. Tables were set with hotplates of foods and all their friends and family were here. Paper bells and doves hung from every corner and bouquets of wildflowers stood as centerpieces on the tables.

Missy beamed at her.  “We decided to change things up and do them unconventionally.  We’re having the rehearsal dinner before the rehearsal and combining it into a celebration of your and Jase’s wedding.”

Allie plastered a smile on her face for the benefit of everyone, but grabbed Missy, purposely pinching her in the process. “Can I talk to you out front,” she hissed.

“No time. Just enjoy it, girl. Everyone’s happy for you and what fun is it to wait an entire season to celebrate. The rehearsal was actually pushed back instead of moved up, so we have several hours to party.” Missy winked at her and left before Allie could say another word.

“What do we do?” she asked Jase under her breath.

He leaned over to her, his warm breath sending shivers through her, his five o’clock shadow he hadn’t time to shave, tickling her cheek. “We act like newlyweds in love,” he whispered before capturing her in a kiss.  All awareness of the friends and family surrounding them faded into a hazy, sublime fog of Jase perfection.  Call it chemistry, call it love- this is where she belonged. No other man’s kisses had or ever would send her into a daze like his.

Raucous cheers and silverware clinking against glasses finally broke their embrace.  “There’s more where that came from,” Jase whispered through labored breathing.

The promise sent flames through her and she broke away before she made a fool of herself.



This wasn’t the first time Missy had pulled a fast one on him, but the first time Allie hadn’t been included with the planning. That much was obvious by the shock on his wife’s face when she realized they were the guests of honor at this impromptu party. Man, he wished he knew what Missy was up to this time. For years, she and Allie had been scheming plans, which always irritated him in the end; but this marriage business was complicated enough without adding Missy’s own ideas into the mix.

At least he got one hell of a kiss from Allie in the deal. With each touch of their lips, the kiss Tkept getting better.  This was the second time they’ve kissed since they left Vegas.  The way she melted into him, responding as though he was the only man in the world- it could do a lot for man’s ego;not to mention other things.  And then there was the quiet moan when they pulled apart, a telling sign she was just as frustrated as he over having to end it.   She loved him- every kiss, every touch they shared convinced him further. 

The celebration was coming to an end.  Charlie and Missy’s rehearsal still had to happen and there would be plenty more celebrating tomorrow after their wedding.  Reluctantly, Jase had to admit this party had turned out very nice.  Cook had prepared an entire meal catered from the kitchen of the Whispering Winds and a simple cake had been baked and decorated with lots of roses and shiny things.  He was pretty sure there was a more accurate bakery term for them, but he was at a loss for it.

“Attention everyone,” Frank Tyndale bellowed out to the guests. He waited for the small crowd to silence before continuing.  Vera stood beside him on one side and on the other, Jase’s mom and dad. “We have one final thing before we break this up. The four of us put our heads together to come up with a gift for the lovebirds.  We wanted it to be something you’ll always remember.   Vera, honey, do you have the envelope?”

Allie’s mom handed Jase a large, legal sized envelope.  “Enjoy your time,” was all she said.

“Go ahead and open it,” someone in their audience cried out.

He looked at Allie who nodded her head indicating he should be the one to reveal its contents. His fingers fumbled with the clasped. This was all becoming overwhelming. Guilt left a hollow pit in his stomach at the deception his marriage to Allie was causing. His friends and family had spent their hard earned money on gifts for them to celebrate a sham marriage. The envelope’s flap was unsecured and he slid a piece of paper out.

Wow.  He slid the paper to Allie and watched her mouth form an “o”.   Their parents had reserved the entire Fourth of July week for them at the Teton Sunset Lodge.   It had the reputation for being the most romantic bed and breakfast at the Tetons and a place Allie had dreamed of staying at for years, but their own obligations at Whispering Winds had prevented it. 

“Thank you mom and dad, Frank and Mrs. Tyndale,” he told them. Torn between gratitude and self-reproach, he was at a loss for words.

“Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Callahan, mom and dad. This is wonderful,” Allie chimed in, verbalizing her own appreciation of their generous gift.

“Jase and you have worked hard at the ranch every holiday since you were young.   It’s time for you to celebrate one without the work involved.   Enjoy your honeymoon,” Vera expressed, stepping forward to hug her daughter, tears in her eyes.

The guests began to leave, many heading straight to the church for Charlie and Missy’s wedding rehearsal.  He looked for Allie but she’d been whisked away by Mrs. Cranston, their former high school principal.   During the entire evening they hadn’t had a moment alone.  He wanted the opportunity to talk to her in private, to whisk her into his arms and kiss those lips until they were swollen.  Who was he kidding?  Just because he wanted that didn’t mean he’d get it. The kiss, when they’d first arrived, was more liberty than he should have taken, for his sake more than hers.   Not having anything else to do, he went to carry their gifts out to his truck. 

“Need some help?” He turned to see Missy beside him at the table.

“Sure. Shouldn’t you be heading to the church?”

“Nah, they’ll wait for me. You can’t have a wedding rehearsal without the bride.” She winked at him and chuckled.

“Are you going to tell me what tonight was all about?” he asked, his curiosity finally getting the better of him. “You know damn well Allie plans to end this marriage after three months is up.”

“This is all I can carry for this round. Let’s make this trip out and I’ll head to the church from there.”

Jase scooped up the pile he’d stacked and carried them out, following Missy. He balanced the stack between his abs and truck in order to reach into his pocket for the keys. Opening the door and repositioning himself, he carefully placed the wrapped packages in the rear cab of his truck.  Missy placed hers in on the other side then walked back near him.

Jase leaned against his truck, arms crossed.  “Spill it.” This time it was a demand.  He’d had his fill of her schemes and as pleasant as tonight had been, he needed to know what she had up her sleeve.

She looked around, to see if anyone was within earshot.  “I know you love her, Jase. What you and Allie share is something so rare and beautiful, not even the greatest love story in history could compare. But you and I both know Allie can be her own worst enemy. She loves you too, but is terrified to open herself to the possibility. Make this a real marriage; make her see your heart has always belonged to her. You owe it to both yourself and her.”

Her words hit him hard. For a few seconds that seemed like hours, he stood there saying nothing. Other than him, Missy knew Allie best. “Thank you, Missy,” he said at long last. “Not just any friend would share the spotlight of her weddings plans like this.”

“Just listen to what I said please. Promise me you won’t let her end this marriage,” Missy pleaded.

“Not if I can help it,” he answered solemnly. Pulling Missy in a sideways hug, they shared a rare bonding moment. “You better get over to the church. Charlie might think you’re standing him up.”

“I’ll see you over there.” She gave his arm a squeeze and ran off.  Jase stared after her, then found himself smiling and shaking his head.  Allie was right; Missy drove him crazy but she was like a sister to him and he’d hurt anyone who tried to bring harm to her.

He went back inside to see almost everyone had left.

“There you are,” Allie said, coming up to him. “Where’ve you been?”

“Missy and I were carrying some gifts out. I’ll grab the last of them and then we can leave.”

“I’ll help. Did you find out what the heck tonight was about?” she questioned.

“All she said was our parents planned most of it.” She hadn’t said that, but it sounded good.  For now, he didn’t wish to divulge the true conversation Missy and he shared.

“Still seems strange though. Do you feel as guilty as I do about these presents?” Allie asked.

“Probably more so. I thought we could set them aside and give them back when this is all over.”

“What about the trip our parents reserved?” She raised the question he’d been pondering.

“That one’s tricky. What do you think about still going and we’ll reimburse their costs when we end this?” Just saying the words left an acrid taste in his mouth.

“I have always wanted to stay there,” she deliberated longingly.

“Then let’s do it. At minimum, we’ll have fun together and we won’t have to worry about leaving at a certain time to get back for work the next day.”

“Do you mean it?” she asked, her excitement growing.

“Of course.” 

The rehearsal was anti-climactic after the surprise wedding party.  Some friends who had moved from Bumblton were back in town for the wedding and after the rehearsal, a small group had went to the Watering Hole.  He and Allie joined them, fielding off jokes about the two of them the whole night.  Now that they were married, it seemed everyone they knew had known for a long time that he loved her and they belonged together.  By the time they got home, it was after midnight.  

“Good night, Jase.”

“Good night, Allie Cat.”

“See you in the morning.”

“The alarm is set for five.”

“Why so early?”

“Work to do before the wedding.”

“Oh right. Dumb question.”

“I’ll try not to wake you.”

“It’s okay. I have things to do as well.”

“Okay. Well good night again.”


He went to the couch, wishing it were longer and more comfortable for sleeping. His legs wouldn’t fit, no matter how he contorted them. After two weeks, he’d come to the conclusion sleeping on the floor would be more comfortable. He unsnapped his shirt, semi folded it and let it fall to the floor before unbuckling his belt and jeans.

“Um, Jase. Could you help me?” Allie came back into the room, her arm twisted behind her back. “The zipper on my dress is stuck.”

Silently, he stepped over to her and she turned her back to him. His finger clutched the tiny silver zipper, jiggling it, attempting to set it free.   It loosened from its snag and he pulled it down the remaining way, exposing Allie’s creamy, flawless skin. His breath quickened and his hand refused to leave her.  Calloused fingers were a stark contrast to her smooth complexion. They trailed up her bare back and he felt the tremor pass through her.  Gliding them along her slim neck, he gathered her silky hair in a fist, easing it up to where the intoxicating smell of jasmine shook his senses.

She leaned back into him with a wanting sigh.  Her breathing became more labored, causing her breasts to gently rise and fall with each intake of breath.  Her exposed back touched his bare chest and jolts of desire jarred him.  His hands slid down her arms, locking around her waist and pulling her tight against him. His chin rested on her head, the pungent scent of her hair still invading his good sense.  He was drunk on her; he wanted her like no other. 

His lips met her ear, nibbling down to her neck.  It would be so easy to take this further, to claim her as his.   Sighs of pleasure continued from her, allowing him to continue tasting.  He couldn’t get enough of her.  

“Go to bed, Allie,” he uttered with every ounce of restraint he could muster under these circumstances. “Please, now, before we do something we’re not ready for.”

His lips remained on her, not heeding his own words. Allie inched forward slowly, recognizing what he was saying, but her own hesitation spoke volumes. He watched as she walked back to the bedroom without a word, silently begging her not to turn around. She paused, began to turn her head then stopped. She understood. She knew if she turned around, there would be no stopping the sensual path they’d just set in motion.



A morning breeze blew through the plain curtains, bringing a chill to Allie.  She snuggled under the quilt, memories of last night making her smile in a dreamy state.   Her dress was strewn across a chair sitting in the corner.  She could still feel his caress as he pulled her zipper down, the stroke of his lips caressing her skin. 

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