Shadowrun: Spells & Chrome

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Edited by John Helfers

©2010 The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shadowrun: Spells & Chrome, Shadowrun and the Topps logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of the Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions LLC. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which it is published.

Published by Catalyst Game Labs,

an imprint of InMediaRes Productions, LLC

PMB 202 • 303 91st Ave NE • E502 • Lake Stevens, WA 98258

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By John Helfers

Welcome to what is hopefully the first of many new anthologies of original
short fiction. Before I talk about what a delight it was to edit this collection (it was) or tantalize those of you still reading this introduction with glowing hints of the wonderful stories you’ll find inside (they are), I have a brief confession to make, and here seems to be the right place and time to do it, so here goes:

Until recently, I have had a love/hate relationship with the role-playing game of Shadowrun.

Having been a gamer since dinosaurs walked the earth (can anyone say
D&D Expert Rules Boxed Set
?), I’ve wandered in and out of dozens of RPGs, enjoying some, shaking my head at others. I was first introduced to
Second Edition back in college, when the Internet had barely progressed past the gleam in hundreds of computer engineers’ eyes, and the technology bonanza we possess today was also unknown (I wrote my term papers on a Macintosh Classic, with ye olde 9-inch monochrome display).

Since I was also a rapacious fantasy and science fiction reader, I thought a game that combined these elements would be totally cool. And certain things were, like the setting; a depressing, post-punk future Seattle, where magic and science mixed, mashed, and moshed together. Can’t miss, right?

But the mechanics of the game, oh, the mechanics. Having never been really mathematically-gifted in the first place, the
Second Edition
rules made me seriously consider switching my major from English to statistics, or at least sneak a higher-math class into my curriculum to try and get a handle on what was going on in a typical game session. As I recall, the low point was reached when it took our group an entire evening to play one
of combat. (As I said, this was Second Edition).

I drifted away from
after than, but a part of me always pined for what might have been, and any time anyone brought up the game, my reply would always be a combination of longing and annoyance: “yeah,
the setting,
the rules.”

Of course, all popular games evolve (or else they become less popular, and go into the great circular file), and
was no different. I was pleased to see that the Third Edition addressed a lot of my issues with the rules, and Fourth Edition marked a quantum step forward for the RPG itself. Bigger. Darker. Meaner. With more cool characters, cool tech and even more cool magic. All of which makes it more fun to play, naturally.

But enough of my shameless plugging for the
RPG. This introduction is supposed to be about original
fiction. Fortunately, my experience with that aspect of SR has been extremely positive. It occurred when my good friend Jean Rabe called me a few years ago and said she had been offered a chance to write a
novel, but her other commitments were making it problematic to accept doing the book. She then asked if I would like to co-write the book with her. After a microsecond, I said yes, resulting in
, the fifth book in the final six-book series from Roc Books.

Writing with Jean was tremendous fun, and what was more fun was diving head-first into the Sixth World and being able to do what
wanted to do in the world without having to worry about whether I had a large enough dice pool to accomplish it. The book itself was a true collaboration, with everything from the plot to the characters to each chapter written and reviewed by both of us, and so seamless that when I pick up the published version now, I can’t tell where her writing stops and mine starts, or vice versa.

More than likely it was that book that brought me to the attention of Catalyst Game Labs (well, that, and I also edit fiction for them for the
website BattleCorps) to edit this anthology, which has been my second wonderful experience working with
. I’d like to thank all of the contributing authors, for handing in superlative stories under an incredibly tight deadline, and also incorporating the cool, new elements of the Fourth Edition game world as well. Featuring new tech like Augmented Reality, which seamlessly melds reality and the Matrix into a new paradigm; to new characters like the Technomancer, who can enter the Matrix
a commlink; and new locales for shadowrunning, such as the nasty, lethal, Third World metropolis of Lagos, in darkest Africa; every story was a delight to read, and every author here a delight to work with.

I hope you’ll agree as you plunge into the following sixteen stories that cover the entire gamut of what the Sixth World has to offer. From a tale that has our not-quite-heroic character playing both sides against—himself, to a story that goes into the heart of darkness that is Lagos, and the choices made just trying to survive in the soul-crushing city, to an exotic excursion beneath the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii to confront a dark entity in the blue depths. We’ve even included a blast from the past, a classic
story by one of the masters of
, Michael A. Stackpole. Bottom line, there’s enough guns, spells and cyberware to satisfy the biggest fan.

I hope you enjoy these all-new stories that explore the gloom of the dark, seamy world that is—and always will be—

Trade Secrets

By Jason M. Hardy

Renowned as a womanizer on par with Don Juan and Casanova, Jason M. Hardy is alleged to have coded his seduction secrets in his works of fiction. If read properly, books like
The Scorpion Jar
Drops of Corruption
, and
The Last Charge
could help you avoid ever being lonely again. A similar code has been found in his short stories published on and other places, but sadly, those works were found to conceal nothing more than casserole recipes.

Information was being transmitted by a hundred PANs, and all of it was fake.

At least, that’s what Vitriol figured. Broadcasting your real identity—or whatever passed for the actual identity of the people here who didn’t have anything that could be called a real name—was like showing up to a masquerade in a t-shirt and jeans. It displayed a tacky lack of imagination.

Visually, the room was a mishmash. Not only did everyone have their own distinct AR augmentation, but many of them were showing off by altering the club’s AR overlay. The Clean Heart sported Roman bath décor that was almost entirely virtual—any poor sap without augmented vision would see nothing more than a big, concrete-walled room with a plywood bar over in one corner and benches that looked like they were made from broken chalkboards. With augmented vision, though, the full glory of an ancient bath came to view. Steam rose from a pile of heated rocks across from the bar, benches made of light-colored granite were scattered here and there, and a bartender in a fluffy white robe slid back and forth and served drinks in glasses that sweated condensation.

But here and there, the theme altered. Around Agares, the steam drifting through the room turned to smoke rising above the hellfire that circled his feet. After every step that MidKnight took, black poppies grew, bloomed, and died in the footprints he left behind. And the corner of the room where Blood Sister sat didn’t look like a Roman bath at all, but rather like the shadowy corner of a medieval cathedral.

Vitriol thought most of it was pointless. It’s not as if their alteration of the AR overlay did them any good. They weren’t breaking into any forbidden nodes, they weren’t accessing secret information, they were just playing around with a graphics program to show they could. Vitriol didn’t bother with any of that nonsense. Sure, he’d disguised his PAN, but all he did was erase it, so anyone who looked for identifier tags on him would see a void, like trying to look into a black hole. He was there, his tags weren’t. Effective, subtle, and not work intensive. Vitriol, unlike a lot of hackers, never felt like putting much time or effort into showing off. Blood Sister was pretty much his opposite, always walking around with her own private show like a goddamned performance artist. She was annoying as hell—but she was also one of the best, which was why she got away with it.

Vitriol wandered around the room like a man without a plan. Other people were playing the room like a piano, going from person to person in a particular order dictated by music only they could hear. It looked like a lot of work, the way they did things. All these coded conversations, subtle insinuations, sly gestures. All so much bullshit. Get in, do what you need to do, get out. That’s how you deal with systems, and that’s how Vitriol planned to handle this gathering. The way he figured it, the less time he spent playing everyone else’s game, the less likely he was to be played.

He knew that he was about the only one in the room who looked impatient. Most of the people at these sphinx parties spent a lot of effort to look cool and unhurried, like they didn’t need to be there, which was even more bullshit because if they didn’t need to be there, then why were they there? For fun? Sphinx parties weren’t fun. Everyone was too busy trying to find out what everyone else knew to actually enjoy themselves.

That was the trick of sphinx parties. No one knew how the invitations came out, but you didn’t get one—or so the story went—unless you had some juicy piece of info that most people didn’t know, but lots of people could use. So everyone here was hungry, everyone wanted what everyone else had, but they weren’t about to show it. They kept their faces cool and impassive, and kept the real meat of the evening, the information everyone wanted, electronically coded and out of sight.

Vitriol didn’t want to play their game. He wanted to do what he came to do, say what he came to say, and get the hell out. He’d be direct, blunt, straightforward. At a place like this, that was enough to make him a legend. Or at least notorious.

He started walking toward Blood Sister, pressing through the group of people that was always around her without actually being near her. They’d look at the architecture of her AR overlay, they’d admire the textures and the shadows and the way she managed to incorporate the light sources around her into the lighting of her overlay, but they’d keep their distance from the woman herself. With her black cowl and face that was blank, chalky white except for a pair of dark eyes that continually wept blood, Blood Sister had a way of discouraging contact.

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