His Heart to Have (Cowboys of Whispering Winds) (17 page)

BOOK: His Heart to Have (Cowboys of Whispering Winds)
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She wanted to beg for more while still savoring every moment of this union. Breaking the contact of their lips, he pushed himself up, staring at her; his warm breath tickling her heightened senses. Becoming bold, she ran her hands up and down over his abs and chest, enjoying the play of his muscles at every sharp intake of breath he took. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, massaging them in erotic circles before drawing her hands down the corded muscles of his arms. How she loved his hard, lean body. And it was all hers to draw pleasure from.

In a swift move, he rolled them over so they were lying facing each other on their sides. His hands roamed her body, finding sensitive spots she had hadn’t know existed. She heard herself moan, when he trailed kisses down her neck while continuing to feel her body.

“I can’t wait any longer,” she rasped in shallow breaths. Her body began to writhe, struggling to find a release from the tension.

Her dress was still on, the sweater long discarded.  He sat her up, fumbling to move the fabric over her head then tossed it the floor.  She reached to undo his buckle and remove his pants. All barriers eliminated, he laid her back down, propping himself up over her.

“I love you,” he whispered, pushing back a wisp of her hair before entering her.

His every movement created a piece of Heaven on earth.  Her hips lifted to meet him, her body rapidly losing any semblance of control.  Together they moved in tandem, building a sexual momentum in their frenzied bodies.  When the moment of release came, she gasped in pleasure, grabbing onto Jase. Shortly after her, his body tensed before shuddering with his own relief. He collapsed on her, still inside her most private area. They lay there with labored breathing, awestruck by the magnificence of what they’d created.

In time, he rolled off of her, lying on his back, pulling her to him. One arm bent over his head while the other rested around her shoulder, tracing small circles on her body. Nothing she’d experienced could ever compare to this moment.  The love she had for Jase was amplified by the unabashed intimacy they’d just shared.  If she lived to be one hundred, she’d never forget how loved, cherished and exultant she felt right now.

“I love you” she told him, nestling her head to him.  Contentment.  Joy. Satisfaction. Love. Jase gave her all this and more. 



Perfection.  That was the only word he could think of to adequately describe last night.  Jase laid on his side, propped up on one elbow, staring at his wife, who was his completely, in every way.   He hadn’t fallen asleep since Allie drifted off a few hours ago.  Even their night in Vegas couldn’t compare to what happened between them last night. Being with Allie was worth the wait; worth every year he’d wished for her to be his.  Making love with her had been worth every torturous week, knowing she slept in the next room, alone, on his bed. 

Her skin glowed with the sheen of satisfaction, beckoning to be touched and he slowly caressed the line of her jaw. Eyes framed by long, full lashes flickered. She smiled shyly before rolling and tucking into him, drifting back to sleep. He rested his hand across her chest; the even rise and fall of her breathing lulling him to sleep.

“If you want breakfast, we should get out of bed now.  They stop serving in a half hour.”  The words reached him in trancelike state. 

He mumbled something, not wanting to wake from his dream. They’d rode to the bank of a mountain stream for a picnic. He’d just lowered Allie from her horse and laid her on a bed of soft, green grass. She was moaning his name as he fondled her, selflessly pleasing her, asking nothing in return. Her body yielded to him, as he…

“Jase, did you hear me?” the voice asked. 

Recognition was striking him as his fantasy faded away. Abruptly awake but still hazy, he looked to her. Why dream when he had the real thing here in bed with him?

“Good morning,” he said hazily.

“I was wondering when you’d wake up.”

This was a reversal of roles, he mused. Allie wide awake as he struggled to get his brain fully functioning.

“I was dreaming,” he told her, smiling lazily, pulling her to him.

“We’re not making it to breakfast, are we?” she stated, circling his navel with a finger.

“If you really want to we can.” He nibbled on her neck, eliciting tiny sighs of pleasure from her.

“I think…I think…” She gave up on talking, instead responding to his touch.  

He took the lead in their lovemaking, slowly coaxing her into ripples of pleasure.

“Jase,” she called out, trembling at her climax.

“I love my name under your breath,” he growled lowly.

When she whispered into his ear, “Love me again, Jase,” he came undone.  He rolled them over, putting her on top. 

“Take me to where you need to be,” he commanded. And she listened, rocking on him until they both exhausted of energy, crumbling into the sated aftermath of rhapsody.

“After a night of making love, this was a much better way to wake-up than the empty bed in Vegas.” She flinched and he immediately wished he could take back his words. He hadn’t meant them to come out accusatory; especially not after the beauty of what they’d just shared.

“No more empty beds.” Her eyes darkened with sincerity. 

The simple words she spoke, promised everything he’d ever wanted from her. His mind and body were on overload.

“You were a much better breakfast than anything they could have been served downstairs,” he teased, needing a light-hearted banter.

Allie laughed. “So were you.” Her fingers trailed down his chest, enticing him into action again.

Taking their time, they eventually got out of bed. Looking at his phone, he saw that was already past nine. Jase couldn’t remember a time he’d gotten up this late in the day, but, then, he hadn’t had Allie to tempt him into staying.  Together, they took showers, vowing to make use of the whirlpool tub later that day.

When his stomach growled, he reluctantly admitted they would have to leave their room for food. His appetite was letting him know that after their workout this morning, and last night, his body needed nourishment.

“There’s a little deli between here and town. We can grab some food there and either come back here or do something in town,” he suggested, while she dried her hair with one of the over-sized, luxury towels.

“A trail ride is out since I know how you feel about horses that aren’t ours.” Her lips pursed in concentration, thinking of what to do.  He knew the plans he wanted for those lips and they didn’t include leaving the room.   Tonight.  They had an entire lifetime of tonight’s ahead of them.

“If that’s what you want, we can,” he offered, though she was right.  To him, it was like driving someone else’s vehicle.  It just didn’t feel right, but if that’s what Allie wanted to do, he would.   He knew there were some beautiful trails around.  A few times, he’d trailered his favorite mare and brought it here for a long day ride.

“I thought we could go to the Preserve.  It’s been several years since I went and it’s beautiful.   Missy and I tried going last time we came up, but there was no available parking.”

She laid down the towel and reached for the hairbrush.  Jase grabbed it first, sweeping it through her soft, silk and sultry hair that he loved. Allie picked up the rubber ponytail holder, and he unwillingly let her hair go. To hide her hair in a ponytail, where he couldn’t see it cascading down her, was a shame, though he’d be remiss if he didn’t admit to finding her just as alluring regardless of her hairstyle.   She was inherently beautiful and nothing would change that.

“If you hope to get a parking spot, we should leave now since we still have to stop for food. Should we get it to go and eat on the way instead of taking the time to sit down?” If they didn’t leave the room soon, he’d be pulling her back to the bed. Or maybe that tub.

“Eat on the go. It’ close to ten already and the spaces fill up quickly.”

The deli was empty of other customers, hopefully due to being in between breakfast and lunch hours and not from a reputation of poor quality. This cowboy needed some hearty food in him and preferably something edible. A double bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on toasted sourdough bread was listed as today’s breakfast special. He ordered two of those and two cups of coffee.  Once they’d decided where to go, they left the bed and breakfast in a hurry. As an afterthought, he grabbed a couple bottles of water from the cooler beside the register for later. 

Workers at the deli made friendly conversation with Allie and him, and then other customers who trickled in while their orders were bring prepared. The couple behind them was on vacation from Pennsylvania and mentioned loving this area so much they were thinking of making a winter trip for their anniversary.  Allie piped up, telling them about Whispering Winds and whipped out a business card, handing it to them. 

The wife gladly took the card, sticking it in her wallet.  Jase grinned at Allie’s subtle tenacity. Her parents may think her flighty at times, but she had a true love for Whispering Winds and watching it become successful.  Even if it took a while for them to realize the value she added, he’d always known and was damn proud of her.

Driving with one hand, he ate his breakfast with the other.  The grub was good, but he shoved it down quickly so his free hand could go back to touching Allie. A hand resting on her thigh or draped across her shoulder; he didn’t care as long as they made contact. He pulled into the reserve and found the only spot that was left. Jase took it, parking between two compact cars that made his truck look even larger.  The late morning and early afternoon was spent leisurely exploring and taking the easier trails.  One day they’d come back for more, but, today, they saved their energy for later.

The rest of their week at the Tetons was spent largely outdoors and playing tourist during the day and hidden in their room from early evening until morning.  On the third day, they finally made it to breakfast, because Allie didn’t want to be a rude. 

“Mrs. Teagan is a professional colleague, as well as our host and friend. It would be poor manners not to indulge in her breakfast,” she contended. 

“Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.” His fingers roamed through her hair, begging him to pull her close.

“Maybe.” She allowed him a deep and thorough kiss before insisting they go downstairs.

“Lovely for the newlyweds to join us for breakfast,” Mrs. Teagan greeted them from the hallway. She winked at Allie, who only blushed before returning a wink.

Jase almost snorted, recalling Allie’s use of the term ‘professional colleague’.  The old lady reminded him of a meddling grandma.  Insinuations of what caused Allie and him to miss breakfast made him uncomfortable.  His sex life was his and Allie’s business alone. Had he not seen her interacting with other guests, he might think poorly of her as a host but she’d had perfect decorum with everyone else.  It hadn’t taken long to realize Allie and Mrs. Teagan had a closer bond than he had thought and so he granted leeway for the breech of familiarity. 

“There is still plenty of food left in the dining room. I was just going to gather some more biscuits.”  She held up an empty wicker basket as if to validate her actions.  “There is a man in there you might enjoy conversing with. He’s a talkative sort and here alone, scouting out business opportunities.  There’s also a family with two young children.”  She had the good grace not to elaborate, but by her wrinkled nose, Jase gathered she wasn’t too fond of the family.

In the center of the dining room sat a long rectangular table.  A large man with a ruddy face sat at one end and on the other end appeared to be a mother, father and their two daughters. In the middle of the table was a platter of thick slices of buttered French toast, for those with a sweet tooth, and for the ones wanting something savory there were biscuits, gravy, and fried potatoes with ham slices. A bowl of assorted fresh fruits was also available.  Jase helped himself to a little of everything, filling his plate.

“Where do you hail from,” the lone man on the other side of the table asked, while pouring syrup on his French toast. Jase assumed he was the man Mrs. Teagan said would be a good conversationalist.

“A little southeast of here, on Whispering Winds, a ranch outside of Bumblton.” Allie answered for them since he’d just taken a bite of ham.

“I’ve not heard of that.  What is it near?” 

Allie continued leading the conversation, telling the other guests about their small area of the great state they lived in.  The man hung to her every word, leaning forward with his elbows on the table, intrigued.

“Intriguing,” the interested man remarked. “I’ve recently come into some unexpected money and came west to explore the possibility of following a dream to own a ranch.”

“It is hard work no matter what type of ranching you go into, but it has its perks and rewards.” Jase wanted to be honest with the man and tell him it took more than money to start a ranch, but he wasn’t go to crush the man’s dreams.  Besides, the man seemed to have the grit and intelligence it would take if he did go that route.

The mom of the family scowled at him. “Must not be a very good business if you can’t afford to take your wife on a honeymoon any further away.” She sniffed, sticking her nose in the air. Her husband elbowed her and gave a disproving look.

Jase felt his blood boiling.  The lady reminded him of Missy’s sister-in-law Twila, from New York, with her condescending attitude. His hand rubbed his knee under the table, trying to calm himself before speaking.  Knowing his quirks, Allie reached under the table and took his hand.  “Why leave the state when everything we could want is right here? People such as yourself come from thousands of miles to experience this land.  We’re blessed to enjoy it every day ma’am, and I couldn’t think of a better place to celebrate our love.”

His words came out smooth without the harshness he felt, an accomplishment he was proud of considering how her words incensed him. The lady cast her eyes to the table, looking properly chastised.

“Please excuse my wife’s words,” the man beside her said with a reddened face. “We truly do love this area and find it breathtakingly beautiful. I can understand why you would be content to vacation right near home.”

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