Heroes, Rogues, & Lovers: Testosterone and Behavior (64 page)

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Authors: James McBride Dabbs,Mary Godwin Dabbs

Tags: #test

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Recent research has linked specific brain areas to male sexual behavior, identifying places where brain activation is correlated with increasing testosterone levels among men viewing sexually explicit films; see S. Stoleru et al., "Neuroanatomical Correlates of Visually Evoked Sexual Arousal in Human Males,"
Archives of Sexual Behavior
, Vol. 28 (1999), pp. 121.
18. Samuel Yochelson and Stanton E. Samenow,
The Criminal Personality
(New York: J. Aronson, 1976).
19. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Locksley Hall."
20. James M. Dabbs, Jr., "Age and Seasonal Variation in Serum Testosterone Concentration among Men,"
Chronobiology International
, Vol. 7 (1990), pp. 245249.
21. Richard J. Levine, "Season Variation in Human Semen Quality," in
Temperature and Environmental Effects on the Testis
, ed. A. W. Zorgniotti (New York: Plenum Press, 1991), pp. 8996. Also, Leonidas Politoff, Martin Birkhauser, Alfonso Almendral, and Alain Zorn, "New Data Confirming a Circannual Rhythm in Spermatogenesis,"
Fertility and Sterility
, Vol. 52, 1989, pp. 486489.
22. Walter Randall, "A Statistical Analysis of the Annual Pattern in Births in the USA, 1967 to 1976,"
Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research
, Vol. 18 (1987), pp. 179191.
23. The information on rattlesnakes and copperheads comes from Dr. Gordon Shuett at Arizona State University. See Gordon W. Shuett, H. J. Harlow, J. D. Rose, E. A. Van Kirk, and W. J. Murdoch, "Annual Cycle of Plasma Testosterone in Male Copperheads, Agkistrodon contortrix (Serpentes, Viperidae): Relationship to Spermatogenesis, Mating, and Agonistic Behavior,"
General and Comparative Endocrinology
, Vol. 105 (1997), pp. 417424. See also Natalie Angier, "Pit Viper's Life: Bizarre, Gallant, and Venomous,"
New York Times
, October 15, 1991, pp.B5 ff.
24. For a wide-ranging discussion of how light affects people, see John N. Ott,
Health and Light: The Effects of Natural and Artificial Light on Man and Other Living Things
(Old Greenwich, CT: Devin-Adair, 1973).
25. J. Richard Udry and Naomi M. Morris, "The Distribution of Events in the Human Menstrual Cycle,"
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility
, Vol. 51 (1977), pp. 419425.
26. Jared Diamond, "The Accidental Conqueror,"
, December 1991, pp. 7176. See also Jared Diamond,
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
(New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1999), pp. 157175.
27. "The Better Sex," host Dan Rather,
48 Hours
(New York: NBC News, 20 July 1994).

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